How Old Do You The Earth Is?

because by now someone would be waving flags saying they have proven God doesn't exist.....

That a dumber response than usual. People already wave flags saying they've proven God isn't real. There are threads on this very board about it. You just prove my point with your continual posting of flip answers that don't really answer anything.

which obviously proves my point.....if they wave flags when they don't have evidence why don't you think they would do it if they actually did?.....

You're just playing with words. "Waving flags" is a euphemism for proving their point. But that's neither here nor there, because I'm not saying God doesn't exist, I'm saying evolution is the way God executed creation. The only "intelligent design" involved is the basic principles of nature set down at the Big Bang(Let there be light.).
you don't even try to defend your claims
do you have any evidence a single celled organism has ever evolved into a multicelled organism?.....

all muticelled organism originate from a single cell, there is no such organism that evolved differently and supports the uniformity of the evolutionary ladder.

nothing supports the evolutionary ladder......

You may not believe the conclusions drawn, but to say nothing supports the evolutionary ladder is just an outright LIE. At what point does that stop being getting your jollies and becomes SIN!
you don't even try to defend your claims
do you have any evidence a single celled organism has ever evolved into a multicelled organism?.....

all muticelled organism originate from a single cell, there is no such organism that evolved differently and supports the uniformity of the evolutionary ladder.

nothing supports the evolutionary ladder......
Diverse fields of science support evolution. That clashes with your YEC'ist views but your arguments are only relevant when discussed among your extremist clones.
you don't even try to defend your claims
do you have any evidence a single celled organism has ever evolved into a multicelled organism?.....

all muticelled organism originate from a single cell, there is no such organism that evolved differently and supports the uniformity of the evolutionary ladder.

You are inferring that a natural reproduction cycle is evolution. that is just wrong, and this is a very bad argument and shows one that don't fully grasp the problem of a single celled organism evolving in to a multicellular organism. Multicellular organisms are produced by gametes from two parents with Differing Dna.There is a union formed by the gametes then the natural cycle of reproduction begins.

Asexual reproduction only one parent is responsible for the reproduction of offspring.The offspring are identical to the parent. So in this natural cycle how is this considered evolution when the offspring can only be what the one parent is ? So how can single celled organisms evolve in to multicellular organisms ? it's not possible, this is a fact,it takes faith to believe it could have ever happened.
"Waving flags" is a euphemism for proving their point.
???? flags is a euphemism for clamoring for has nothing at all to do with whether they can prove anything......

Once you've twisted meaning into tortured knots, who can say what anything means, but that's your REAL purpose here , isn't it?
you don't even try to defend your claims
do you have any evidence a single celled organism has ever evolved into a multicelled organism?.....

all muticelled organism originate from a single cell, there is no such organism that evolved differently and supports the uniformity of the evolutionary ladder.

You are inferring that a natural reproduction cycle is evolution. that is just wrong, and this is a very bad argument and shows one that don't fully grasp the problem of a single celled organism evolving in to a multicellular organism. Multicellular organisms are produced by gametes from two parents with Differing Dna.There is a union formed by the gametes then the natural cycle of reproduction begins.

Asexual reproduction only one parent is responsible for the reproduction of offspring.The offspring are identical to the parent. So in this natural cycle how is this considered evolution when the offspring can only be what the one parent is ? So how can single celled organisms evolve in to multicellular organisms ? it's not possible, this is a fact,it takes faith to believe it could have ever happened.

Multi-celled organisms started as communities of cells that eventually specialized. It isn't really that mysterious and quite possible that previously asexual cells became specialized as gametes, no faith involved, just deductive reasoning using the brain God gave us.
you don't even try to defend your claims
do you have any evidence a single celled organism has ever evolved into a multicelled organism?.....

all muticelled organism originate from a single cell, there is no such organism that evolved differently and supports the uniformity of the evolutionary ladder.

You are inferring that a natural reproduction cycle is evolution. that is just wrong, and this is a very bad argument and shows one that don't fully grasp the problem of a single celled organism evolving in to a multicellular organism. Multicellular organisms are produced by gametes from two parents with Differing Dna.There is a union formed by the gametes then the natural cycle of reproduction begins.

Asexual reproduction only one parent is responsible for the reproduction of offspring.The offspring are identical to the parent. So in this natural cycle how is this considered evolution when the offspring can only be what the one parent is ? So how can single celled organisms evolve in to multicellular organisms ? it's not possible, this is a fact,it takes faith to believe it could have ever happened.

Multi-celled organisms started as communities of cells that eventually specialized. It isn't really that mysterious and quite possible that previously asexual cells became specialized as gametes, no faith involved, just deductive reasoning using the brain God gave us.

It's in the coding. A single celled organism only has the Dna coding for a single celled organism. Single celled offspring are identical to the single parent. You have relied on faulty reasoning to respond to the question of where is the evidence for a single celled organism evolving in to a multicellular organism.
you don't even try to defend your claims
do you have any evidence a single celled organism has ever evolved into a multicelled organism?.....

all muticelled organism originate from a single cell, there is no such organism that evolved differently and supports the uniformity of the evolutionary ladder.

You are inferring that a natural reproduction cycle is evolution. that is just wrong, and this is a very bad argument and shows one that don't fully grasp the problem of a single celled organism evolving in to a multicellular organism. Multicellular organisms are produced by gametes from two parents with Differing Dna.There is a union formed by the gametes then the natural cycle of reproduction begins.

Asexual reproduction only one parent is responsible for the reproduction of offspring.The offspring are identical to the parent. So in this natural cycle how is this considered evolution when the offspring can only be what the one parent is ? So how can single celled organisms evolve in to multicellular organisms ? it's not possible, this is a fact,it takes faith to believe it could have ever happened.

Multi-celled organisms started as communities of cells that eventually specialized. It isn't really that mysterious and quite possible that previously asexual cells became specialized as gametes, no faith involved, just deductive reasoning using the brain God gave us.

It's in the coding. A single celled organism only has the Dna coding for a single celled organism. Single celled offspring are identical to the single parent. You have relied on faulty reasoning to respond to the question of where is the evidence for a single celled organism evolving in to a multicellular organism.

There are single-celled organisms that under certain environmental conditions form colonies that cooperate. The various cells of the colony specialize their functions. You can see this process in action today and it is part of the DNA of these single-celled organisms. It is a small step from these part-time colonies to full-time multi-celled organisms.
Adapted from Wikipedia entry on slime molds:

As long as food is abundant, the slime molds exist as single-celled organisms. When food is in short supply, many of these single-celled organisms will congregate and start moving as a single body. In this state they are sensitive to airborne chemicals and can detect food sources. They can readily change the shape and function of parts and may form stalks that produce fruiting bodies, releasing countless spores, light enough to be carried on the wind or hitch a ride on passing animals.
you don't even try to defend your claims
do you have any evidence a single celled organism has ever evolved into a multicelled organism?.....

all muticelled organism originate from a single cell, there is no such organism that evolved differently and supports the uniformity of the evolutionary ladder.

You are inferring that a natural reproduction cycle is evolution. that is just wrong, and this is a very bad argument and shows one that don't fully grasp the problem of a single celled organism evolving in to a multicellular organism. Multicellular organisms are produced by gametes from two parents with Differing Dna.There is a union formed by the gametes then the natural cycle of reproduction begins.

Asexual reproduction only one parent is responsible for the reproduction of offspring.The offspring are identical to the parent. So in this natural cycle how is this considered evolution when the offspring can only be what the one parent is ? So how can single celled organisms evolve in to multicellular organisms ? it's not possible, this is a fact,it takes faith to believe it could have ever happened.

Multi-celled organisms started as communities of cells that eventually specialized. It isn't really that mysterious and quite possible that previously asexual cells became specialized as gametes, no faith involved, just deductive reasoning using the brain God gave us.

It's in the coding. A single celled organism only has the Dna coding for a single celled organism. Single celled offspring are identical to the single parent. You have relied on faulty reasoning to respond to the question of where is the evidence for a single celled organism evolving in to a multicellular organism.


Yc: ... where is the evidence for a single celled organism evolving in to a multicellular organism.

this has been been discussed before -

if you observe the above diagram, the division never creates two (separate) cells but divides "within" the single cell, never becoming multicellular as you imply - what you are referring to as a "multicelluar" organism does not exist.

"Waving flags" is a euphemism for proving their point.
???? flags is a euphemism for clamoring for has nothing at all to do with whether they can prove anything......

Once you've twisted meaning into tortured knots, who can say what anything means, but that's your REAL purpose here , isn't it?
apparently my current task is to explain "waving the flag" to you......
you don't even try to defend your claims
do you have any evidence a single celled organism has ever evolved into a multicelled organism?.....

all muticelled organism originate from a single cell, there is no such organism that evolved differently and supports the uniformity of the evolutionary ladder.

You are inferring that a natural reproduction cycle is evolution. that is just wrong, and this is a very bad argument and shows one that don't fully grasp the problem of a single celled organism evolving in to a multicellular organism. Multicellular organisms are produced by gametes from two parents with Differing Dna.There is a union formed by the gametes then the natural cycle of reproduction begins.

Asexual reproduction only one parent is responsible for the reproduction of offspring.The offspring are identical to the parent. So in this natural cycle how is this considered evolution when the offspring can only be what the one parent is ? So how can single celled organisms evolve in to multicellular organisms ? it's not possible, this is a fact,it takes faith to believe it could have ever happened.

Multi-celled organisms started as communities of cells that eventually specialized. It isn't really that mysterious and quite possible that previously asexual cells became specialized as gametes, no faith involved, just deductive reasoning using the brain God gave us.
document the final step in your path to multicellularness.....
you don't even try to defend your claims
do you have any evidence a single celled organism has ever evolved into a multicelled organism?.....

all muticelled organism originate from a single cell, there is no such organism that evolved differently and supports the uniformity of the evolutionary ladder.

You are inferring that a natural reproduction cycle is evolution. that is just wrong, and this is a very bad argument and shows one that don't fully grasp the problem of a single celled organism evolving in to a multicellular organism. Multicellular organisms are produced by gametes from two parents with Differing Dna.There is a union formed by the gametes then the natural cycle of reproduction begins.

Asexual reproduction only one parent is responsible for the reproduction of offspring.The offspring are identical to the parent. So in this natural cycle how is this considered evolution when the offspring can only be what the one parent is ? So how can single celled organisms evolve in to multicellular organisms ? it's not possible, this is a fact,it takes faith to believe it could have ever happened.

Multi-celled organisms started as communities of cells that eventually specialized. It isn't really that mysterious and quite possible that previously asexual cells became specialized as gametes, no faith involved, just deductive reasoning using the brain God gave us.

It's in the coding. A single celled organism only has the Dna coding for a single celled organism. Single celled offspring are identical to the single parent. You have relied on faulty reasoning to respond to the question of where is the evidence for a single celled organism evolving in to a multicellular organism.

There are single-celled organisms that under certain environmental conditions form colonies that cooperate. The various cells of the colony specialize their functions. You can see this process in action today and it is part of the DNA of these single-celled organisms. It is a small step from these part-time colonies to full-time multi-celled organisms.
or, its simply the nature of colonized single celled fail to demonstrate the transition of one to the other....
you don't even try to defend your claims
do you have any evidence a single celled organism has ever evolved into a multicelled organism?.....

all muticelled organism originate from a single cell, there is no such organism that evolved differently and supports the uniformity of the evolutionary ladder.

You are inferring that a natural reproduction cycle is evolution. that is just wrong, and this is a very bad argument and shows one that don't fully grasp the problem of a single celled organism evolving in to a multicellular organism. Multicellular organisms are produced by gametes from two parents with Differing Dna.There is a union formed by the gametes then the natural cycle of reproduction begins.

Asexual reproduction only one parent is responsible for the reproduction of offspring.The offspring are identical to the parent. So in this natural cycle how is this considered evolution when the offspring can only be what the one parent is ? So how can single celled organisms evolve in to multicellular organisms ? it's not possible, this is a fact,it takes faith to believe it could have ever happened.

Multi-celled organisms started as communities of cells that eventually specialized. It isn't really that mysterious and quite possible that previously asexual cells became specialized as gametes, no faith involved, just deductive reasoning using the brain God gave us.

It's in the coding. A single celled organism only has the Dna coding for a single celled organism. Single celled offspring are identical to the single parent. You have relied on faulty reasoning to respond to the question of where is the evidence for a single celled organism evolving in to a multicellular organism.


Yc: ... where is the evidence for a single celled organism evolving in to a multicellular organism.

this has been been discussed before -

if you observe the above diagram, the division never creates two (separate) cells but divides "within" the single cell, never becoming multicellular as you imply - what you are referring to as a "multicelluar" organism does not exist.

the zygote and blastocyst are both the same evolution has occurred.....
Even with God, He said he FORMED Adam BEFORE he was born...before He breathed life in to, if one were to take the religious aspect of life, it does not conflict with the scientific aspect, in my humble opinion.:)

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