How pathetically politically correct we have become.

I don’t care what color the coach is. Mike Tomlin is black and probably is the second best coach in the NFL.
I am just saying that you do know the game. So much that you can tell that the current coach is not doing the job as it should be done to bring the team up to success you are sure the team is capable of.

You know the game, and want to apply for the job, go for it !!!
I'm old and still a little confused. I do agree with this, you want the job then go for it. Just don't expect to be treated as superior because of what you look like. Competency should be the only determining factor.
I'm old and still a little confused. I do agree with this, you want the job then go for it. Just don't expect to be treated as superior because of what you look like. Competency should be the only determining factor.
That is what I said. Talent and skill. Competency.
If it does not work out, they get fired.

Why do you think black people are too stupid to get an ID?
Why do you insist that Black people cannot get IDs ?

Most vote for Democrats. Maybe that is what you are so upset about.

They voted for Democrats and got a Democratic President in the White House.
Why do you insist that Black people cannot get IDs ?

Most vote for Democrats. Maybe that is what you are so upset about.

They voted for Democrats and got a Democratic President in the White House.
I'm not insisting that black people cannot get IDs, idiot. You are.

When you characterize the simple act of requiring an ID to vote as "voter suppression" aimed at black people, the inescapable conclusion is that you think they are too stupid to procure one.
If you want to project an opinion, let me do the same. It may also indicate that only 3 black coaches out of all that applied were deemed qualified. No racism there.
I did not "project" an opinion. I stated a fact. That out of 32 NFL teams there are 3 Black head coaches.

As far as the 3 Black head coaches that are currently in position, I do not make any hiring decisions in the NFL, so I cannot determine how qualified they were.

However, since you made the statement that Black head coaches are the beneficiaries of favoritism, I am assuming that you are claiming to be qualified to determine what the required skill set of an NFL coach looks like.
I'm not insisting that black people cannot get IDs, idiot. You are.

When you characterize the simple act of requiring an ID to vote as "voter suppression" aimed at black people, the inescapable conclusion is that you think they are too stupid to procure one.
That is not the only way votes are suppressed to Blacks, seniors, students, etc.

By all means insist that voter ID is the only way, and that Blacks are too stupid a people in general who cannot get ID, for any reasons at all.

And then, by all means imply that I am the one who is calling Blacks or any other people who cannot get IDs for any reason are......"stupid".

Still, all of these people who did get to vote, ID or on ID ( one does not need to show an ID to vote via Mail, as it was done when registering ) did put a Democrat in the White House.
That is not the only way votes are suppressed to Blacks, seniors, students, etc.

By all means insist that voter ID is the only way, and that Blacks are too stupid a people in general who cannot get ID, for any reasons at all.

And then, by all means imply that I am the one who is calling Blacks or any other people who cannot get IDs for any reason are......"stupid".

Still, all of these people who did get to vote, ID or on ID ( one does not need to show an ID to vote via Mail, as it was done when registering ) did put a Democrat in the White House.
You are unintelligent and incapable of reason. instead of addressing the issue as an issue, namely, that all people who vote should have an ID proving they have a legitimate right to vote, you simply rely on the SPIN placed on this issue by your masters in order to create the impression that this simple act is somehow discriminatory.

OF COURSE you are calling blacks stupid when you characterize the notion of voter integrity that is applied to all people as targeting them.

You are simply too stupid to understand the implications of the dogma you vomit forth.
You are unintelligent and incapable of reason. instead of addressing the issue as an issue, namely, that all people who vote should have an ID proving they have a legitimate right to vote, you simply rely on the SPIN placed on this issue by your masters in order to create the impression that this simple act is somehow discriminatory.

OF COURSE you are calling blacks stupid when you characterize the notion of voter integrity that is applied to all people as targeting them.

You are simply too stupid to understand the implications of the dogma you vomit forth.
Yes, all citizens who vote go to the Election office and register to vote. Or when they become citizens are registered to vote, or many other ways. There is always an ID.

What you are actually talking about is people going in person to vote and need to show their IDs.

As a matter of fact, mostly Republicans vote in person, so there should be no issues as they do have IDs, including all the Black people who are Republicans and vote for the Republican candidates.

Yeah, I - Me - Myself - and I. are all stupid.
I did not "project" an opinion. I stated a fact. That out of 32 NFL teams there are 3 Black head coaches.

As far as the 3 Black head coaches that are currently in position, I do not make any hiring decisions in the NFL, so I cannot determine how qualified they were.

However, since you made the statement that Black head coaches are the beneficiaries of favoritism, I am assuming that you are claiming to be qualified to determine what the required skill set of an NFL coach looks like.
That last paragraph is a typical liberal dance. Will you deny that the NFL has been forced by special interests to hire minorities over equally deserving candidates? In other words, if two coaches were equal in all respect but one is black, the black should be given more consideration? Are you on board with reparations too?
That last paragraph is a typical liberal dance. Will you deny that the NFL has been forced by special interests to hire minorities over equally deserving candidates? In other words, if two coaches were equal in all respect but one is black, the black should be given more consideration? Are you on board with reparations too?
LOL! This is not a political issue, and has nothing to do with "reparations".

It is about mathematical facts, and nothing more.

The racial distribution of all coaches in the NFL clearly illustrates that If there is actually a "special interest" group that is "forcing"
all 32 of the unanimously White owners of the NFL to show favoritism towards Black head coaches, as you claim, then they are obviously failing miserably, considering the number of Black coaches that are currently in position.

I've had friends and relatives who have played and coached in the NFL, and most believe that nepotism and cronyism is what determines who gets appointed to most coaching and front office jobs.

Is it your belief that the only 2 Black head coaches currently in position must have been appointed at the expense of a more qualified White candidate?
Nonsense. They earned the position. You simply cannot stand it that Black people can be as talented and skilled as others. But they are and have shown it for centuries.


Obsession is never a good thing.
Understand what you are typing. However, we are in decline. To promote what we have we had to make government huge and interfering. And to do that we had to farm out our massive production. How long do you think China will be subservient? They are flexing their muscles now. And we have no shortage of traitors giving them our technology or letting their agents get it. The rise and fall of nations always occur. And we have had many citizens who helped it along.
LOL! This is not a political issue, and has nothing to do with "reparations".

It is about mathematical facts, and nothing more.

The racial distribution of all coaches in the NFL clearly illustrates that If there is actually a "special interest" group that is "forcing"
all 32 of the unanimously White owners of the NFL to show favoritism towards Black head coaches, as you claim, then they are obviously failing miserably, considering the number of Black coaches that are currently in position.

I've had friends and relatives who have played and coached in the NFL, and most believe that nepotism and cronyism is what determines who gets appointed to most coaching and front office jobs.

Is it your belief that the only 2 Black head coaches currently in position must have been appointed at the expense of a more qualified White candidate?
Don't know, but we both know that pressure is put upon the NFL to hire more black coaches. Can you disagree? I believe I read an article just the other day that the left is now whining that they want more blacks playing hockey. You hear it every day, not enough blacks in this position or this industry or even in the sport of baseball, (damn all of those Hispanics). life ain't fair and you will get nowhere relying on free stuff.
Don't know, but we both know that pressure is put upon the NFL to hire more black coaches. Can you disagree? I believe I read an article just the other day that the left is now whining that they want more blacks playing hockey. You hear it every day, not enough blacks in this position or this industry or even in the sport of baseball, (damn all of those Hispanics). life ain't fair and you will get nowhere relying on free stuff.

I seriously doubt that there will be an influx of Black hockey players clamoring to get into the NHL anytime soon, or even in the distant future, no matter how much "the left" lobbies for it. The same goes for golf, and NASCAR

However, being that close to 70% of the players in the NFL are Black, it is understandable that there would be people wanting to see more Black coaches in the sport.
That being said, the current numbers don't lie.

No matter how much anyone is insisting that more Black coaches be placed, and the growing number of those that see them being placed as marginalizing White coaching candidates, the number appointed has remained consistent for years.

As far as so called "free stuff", I am old enough to recall when the NFL was predominately White, and the Black players that came into the sport in the 50's and 60's, and even the early 70's were definately not chosen because they were the mandated recipients of anything that was "free".
No argument there, blacks CAN be as skilled but that does not mean that all blacks are more talented or skilled than their contemporaries giving them a front-row seat. Hard to prove but you know damn well that superior NFL coaches have been passed over in favor of a black coach simply to appease the out-of-control leftist agenda. When are you going to demand that white players are better represented in the ranks of football and baseball, regardless of ability?
The solution is to go back to the early days of affirmative action where blacks were hired to do absolutely nothing but be black. That way t

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