How people's negative opinion of Trump is based on false information

Holy Shit Batman! 132 distortions of the truth from the broad sweep of the media, and over 17,000 distortions and out right lies from Trump in roughly the same period.

Full retractions from the media but from Trump I can't recall any retractions of his LIES & DISTORTIONS!

I try to imagine the level of mental retardation of a person who would fall for the 17,000 lies hoax.
I can not.
I try to imagine the level of mental retardation of a person who would fall for the 17,000 lies hoax.
I can not.
Well, per your own description of diminished mental competence, that you can't believe Trump is a pathological liar of great magnitude, I can't help you and I am sure as Hell not going to sympathize. But as it turns out I was wrong about the 17,000 false or misleading error.

As of last April 3, 51/2 weeks ago, Trump hit his 18,000th false or misleading claim. Hey lad, who claimed he was going to build a 30 ft tall concrete wall and then claimed Mexico was going to pay for it? Sure, Trump is some fucking Truth teller and you believe everything that comes out of his lying mouth.

To educate your dumb ass a tad, read this WAPO article about Trumps false and misleading claims.
~~ ~~
Holy Shit Batman! 132 distortions of the truth from the broad sweep of the media, and over 17,000 distortions and out right lies from Trump in roughly the same period.

Full retractions from the media but from Trump I can't recall any retractions of his LIES & DISTORTIONS!

I try to imagine the level of mental retardation of a person who would fall for the 17,000 lies hoax.
I can not.
I try to imagine the level of mental retardation of a person who would fall for the 17,000 lies hoax.
I can not.
Well, per your own description of diminished mental competence, that you can't believe Trump is a pathological liar of great magnitude, I can't help you and I am sure as Hell not going to sympathize. But as it turns out I was wrong about the 17,000 false or misleading error.

As of last April 3, 51/2 weeks ago, Trump hit his 18,000th false or misleading claim. Hey lad, who claimed he was going to build a 30 ft tall concrete wall and then claimed Mexico was going to pay for it? Sure, Trump is some fucking Truth teller and you believe everything that comes out of his lying mouth.

To educate your dumb ass a tad, read this WAPO article about Trumps false and misleading claims.
~~ ~~

I laugh at WaPo
Most people's opinions of Trump are based on false information, period.

The VAST majority of Trump supporters seem to be basing their opinion entirely on false information as well. I have yet to actually meet a person who supports Trump and does so based on accurate information.

And lets not even get into the majority of threads here...

Cool opportunity thanks man, does it have to be in person or will simple terms work for you?
Holy Shit Batman! 132 distortions of the truth from the broad sweep of the media, and over 17,000 distortions and out right lies from Trump in roughly the same period.

Full retractions from the media but from Trump I can't recall any retractions of his LIES & DISTORTIONS!

I try to imagine the level of mental retardation of a person who would fall for the 17,000 lies hoax.
I can not.
I try to imagine the level of mental retardation of a person who would fall for the 17,000 lies hoax.
I can not.
Well, per your own description of diminished mental competence, that you can't believe Trump is a pathological liar of great magnitude, I can't help you and I am sure as Hell not going to sympathize. But as it turns out I was wrong about the 17,000 false or misleading error.

As of last April 3, 51/2 weeks ago, Trump hit his 18,000th false or misleading claim. Hey lad, who claimed he was going to build a 30 ft tall concrete wall and then claimed Mexico was going to pay for it? Sure, Trump is some fucking Truth teller and you believe everything that comes out of his lying mouth.

To educate your dumb ass a tad, read this WAPO article about Trumps false and misleading claims.
~~ ~~

I laugh at WaPo
I laugh at WaPo
Sure you do coward! You'd have to confront truth and the truth is poison for you and your Ship Of Fools!
Holy Shit Batman! 132 distortions of the truth from the broad sweep of the media, and over 17,000 distortions and out right lies from Trump in roughly the same period.

Full retractions from the media but from Trump I can't recall any retractions of his LIES & DISTORTIONS!

I try to imagine the level of mental retardation of a person who would fall for the 17,000 lies hoax.
I can not.
I try to imagine the level of mental retardation of a person who would fall for the 17,000 lies hoax.
I can not.
Well, per your own description of diminished mental competence, that you can't believe Trump is a pathological liar of great magnitude, I can't help you and I am sure as Hell not going to sympathize. But as it turns out I was wrong about the 17,000 false or misleading error.

As of last April 3, 51/2 weeks ago, Trump hit his 18,000th false or misleading claim. Hey lad, who claimed he was going to build a 30 ft tall concrete wall and then claimed Mexico was going to pay for it? Sure, Trump is some fucking Truth teller and you believe everything that comes out of his lying mouth.

To educate your dumb ass a tad, read this WAPO article about Trumps false and misleading claims.
~~ ~~

I laugh at WaPo
I laugh at WaPo
Sure you do coward! You'd have to confront truth and the truth is poison for you and your Ship Of Fools!

Old navy vet
Does that mean that you used to sell clothes at the mall?
Most people's opinions of Trump are based on false information, period.

The VAST majority of Trump supporters seem to be basing their opinion entirely on false information as well. I have yet to actually meet a person who supports Trump and does so based on accurate information.

And lets not even get into the majority of threads here...

Cool opportunity thanks man, does it have to be in person or will simple terms work for you?
Well I WAS referring to people in person. Can't claim I actually 'know' anyone here.

To be clear, I am not saying that there are no Trump supporters that support him because of his policies or his actions. I am making the claim that the vast majority of people make base there opinion of Trump on utterly false information though. The media has a real hard time reporting anything accurately anymore be it CNN or FOX. It is getting more difficult by the day to actually find accurate information on the administration itself.
Sharyl Attkisson a former CBS reporter shows how the political opinion of President Trump is so erroneously held due to errors in influencing the public's opinion. She cites 132 specific examples of wrong information being presented and hence formatting negative opinions of President Trump.
Now some of you might disagree with the specific examples but when you do you are not being honest.

LOL. This is the best post I've seen today! Believe what some right wing hack writes but not my own eyes and ears. Too funny!
Trump flouts his ignorance and incompetence in full view of the nation on a daily basis. THIS is why there is a negative opinion of him, except amongst his sycophantic true believers.

Lemmings like you hate Trump because you are told to.

The last original thought you had...wait, you have probably never had an original thought, nevermind.

Judging from the lack of substance in your reply, all you have are your kneejerk right wing tropes, so carry on.
I have no respect for Trump. Hate takes too much effort. He's incompetent and corrupt. I don't need anyone in the media
to tell me this. I've been watching it since the late 80's. But now, his incompetence has gotten a lot of people killed. It isn't
funny or amusing anymore.

Your original response had no substance besides "Orange Man Bad".

This current response is more of the same, it hits the usual programmed TDS talking points.


Again, no substance. Just the same right wing drivel. In my original post, I stated that that Trump flouts his incompetence on a daily basis. His behavior and words are why there is a negative opinion of him. Not some media conspiracy. I don't hate him. I just have no respect for him. And yes, Trump Defense Syndrome is quite prevalent amongst his supporters. So far, it has proved resistant to the drug combination of reason and common sense. :)

Yes, you hate, him, because hate is all you have, and that is what your masters want you to do.

You stated an opinion, and like most SJW losers, your self centered little mind equates that with "fact".

You are a useless lemming, a pimple on the ass of humanity, who will do the world a favor when they are 6 feet under it.
Irony...the only god that will never let you down.

I don't hate Trump because of anything anyone has told me. I don't even hate Trump. He is what he is. I hate the useless sycophants that ignore or excuse his abhorrent behavior.

Abhorrent? You better get someone who was not a Coastie to look that up for you. We all know you don't have the requisite IQ or you would have joined the Navy.
The left keep repeating a lie until they fooled enough people, then they fabricate the next lie and so on. That's why the left is loathed and despised.
Holy Shit Batman! 132 distortions of the truth from the broad sweep of the media, and over 17,000 distortions and out right lies from Trump in roughly the same period.

Full retractions from the media but from Trump I can't recall any retractions of his LIES & DISTORTIONS!

I try to imagine the level of mental retardation of a person who would fall for the 17,000 lies hoax.
I can not.
I try to imagine the level of mental retardation of a person who would fall for the 17,000 lies hoax.
I can not.
Well, per your own description of diminished mental competence, that you can't believe Trump is a pathological liar of great magnitude, I can't help you and I am sure as Hell not going to sympathize. But as it turns out I was wrong about the 17,000 false or misleading error.

As of last April 3, 51/2 weeks ago, Trump hit his 18,000th false or misleading claim. Hey lad, who claimed he was going to build a 30 ft tall concrete wall and then claimed Mexico was going to pay for it? Sure, Trump is some fucking Truth teller and you believe everything that comes out of his lying mouth.

To educate your dumb ass a tad, read this WAPO article about Trumps false and misleading claims.
~~ ~~

I laugh at WaPo
I laugh at WaPo
Sure you do coward! You'd have to confront truth and the truth is poison for you and your Ship Of Fools!

Old navy vet
Does that mean that you used to sell clothes at the mall?
Old navy vet
Does that mean that you used to sell clothes at the mall?
No, you stupid unclever fuck! It means helping support the 1st & 3rd Marines and 1st ARVN with gunfire support on call in 1966 and again in 1967 for 15 months in South East Asia so more of those Marines and ARVN could get home to their families ALIVE. That's has nothing to do with retail sales you fucking smart ass, and it's clear there are still people like your selfish ass still walking and breathing...wasting air!

That was years before you knew what to do with your li'll Willy, huh! Ever hear of military service to one's Nation, ass wipe? Just plain fuck you and your pathetic self centered ass!
Sharyl Attkisson a former CBS reporter shows how the political opinion of President Trump is so erroneously held due to errors in influencing the public's opinion. She cites 132 specific examples of wrong information being presented and hence formatting negative opinions of President Trump.
Now some of you might disagree with the specific examples but when you do you are not being honest.

She cites 132 'mistakes' - which looking at the first 20 or so appear to be legitimate mistakes. And in almost every circumstance I checked, the media offered corrections to their mistakes.

But my negative opinion of Donald Trump is not because of 'mistakes' by the media- it is because of what Trump has said and done- the lies he has told, his bullying and consistent attempts to take credit for what he has not done(Veterans Choice) and avoid responsibility for what he should have done(blaming Obama for not having tests for this virus).

Legitimate media will make mistakes- and will correct them. Donald Trump never issues any corrections for his 'mistakes' And that is the difference.
Sharyl Attkisson a former CBS reporter shows how the political opinion of President Trump is so erroneously held due to errors in influencing the public's opinion. She cites 132 specific examples of wrong information being presented and hence formatting negative opinions of President Trump.
Now some of you might disagree with the specific examples but when you do you are not being honest.

LOL. This is the best post I've seen today! Believe what some right wing hack writes but not my own eyes and ears. Too funny!
Trump flouts his ignorance and incompetence in full view of the nation on a daily basis. THIS is why there is a negative opinion of him, except amongst his sycophantic true believers.
The title should read "How some people's negative opinions of Trump are based on false information".
For many people, their view of this President is based on other information.

I have to agree because I hated Trump back in the 1980's and my opinion has never changed...
Oh I'm not a fan of Trump personally. He is a loud mouth, braggart, boisterous, i.e. typical Queens Nouveau riche person. I guess you've not been around people like that though because for all his faults, Trump gets things done. He loves his family. Loves his country and totally respects law enforcement and military. He is though a typical successful boss... sometimes an A-hole, many times disliked BUT he gets' things done! I am 100% confident he would NEVER say or do the following anti-American, Anti-capitalist statements or actions that Obama did. Trump is NOT politically correct and that is so refreshing!
Sharyl Attkisson a former CBS reporter shows how the political opinion of President Trump is so erroneously held due to errors in influencing the public's opinion. She cites 132 specific examples of wrong information being presented and hence formatting negative opinions of President Trump.
Now some of you might disagree with the specific examples but when you do you are not being honest.

She cites 132 'mistakes' - which looking at the first 20 or so appear to be legitimate mistakes. And in almost every circumstance I checked, the media offered corrections to their mistakes.

But my negative opinion of Donald Trump is not because of 'mistakes' by the media- it is because of what Trump has said and done- the lies he has told, his bullying and consistent attempts to take credit for what he has not done(Veterans Choice) and avoid responsibility for what he should have done(blaming Obama for not having tests for this virus).

Legitimate media will make mistakes- and will correct them. Donald Trump never issues any corrections for his 'mistakes' And that is the difference.
You know the MSM is doing what any political loser does... attempts to destroy the winner. I'm sure because you small mindedness about Trump's human weakness, (after all you believed Obama was a god...because Obama said so!) you don't comprehend this following:
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump. While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative, coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.
Now do you think that 80% of negative news was because it existed, or was it manipulated by the MSM to influence consumers as payback for their 96% donations to the loser? If you can't see like the rest of us that see the correlation, then you are one of those people that aren't using common sense. Aren't objective. And definitely don't use FACTS for your opinions!
Starting 60 years ago when I was in journalism classes at a Big Ten school and Students for a Democratic Society (of which I was on the fringe) also made up some of my journalism classes. At this time SDS, were anarchists. Ready to destroy America. Well guess what.
Some of my journalism classmates that are now editors/producers of news were also part of SDS. NOT all mind you some. But enough to influence others that the USA was the bad guy in the world. That we started wars. Destroyed the earth. All the negatives they could come up with ...the USA's fault!
So now along comes Trump. The antithesis of political correctness! A loud. Boisterous. Braggart from Queens NY. I take it you never knew anyone like him as I've had bosses and I've lived in NY and knew people especially like him from Queens.
But they all had several things in common. They loved America. Loved their families. Respected law enforcement. And distrusted politicians! That's Trump. So the MSM can't stand those characteristics, i.e. loving America, loving families respecting law enforcement.
Holy Shit Batman! 132 distortions of the truth from the broad sweep of the media, and over 17,000 distortions and out right lies from Trump in roughly the same period.

Full retractions from the media but from Trump I can't recall any retractions of his LIES & DISTORTIONS!

I try to imagine the level of mental retardation of a person who would fall for the 17,000 lies hoax.
I can not.
I try to imagine the level of mental retardation of a person who would fall for the 17,000 lies hoax.
I can not.
Well, per your own description of diminished mental competence, that you can't believe Trump is a pathological liar of great magnitude, I can't help you and I am sure as Hell not going to sympathize. But as it turns out I was wrong about the 17,000 false or misleading error.

As of last April 3, 51/2 weeks ago, Trump hit his 18,000th false or misleading claim. Hey lad, who claimed he was going to build a 30 ft tall concrete wall and then claimed Mexico was going to pay for it? Sure, Trump is some fucking Truth teller and you believe everything that comes out of his lying mouth.

To educate your dumb ass a tad, read this WAPO article about Trumps false and misleading claims.
~~ ~~
And the Washington Post like YOU HAVE fabricated that 18,000 figure because YOU count EVERY time it is used and make it sound like 18,000 distinct examples. Perfect example how the MSM blows out of proportion and then uses the proportion as FACTS.
There never have been 18,000 DISTINCT LIES. Now Trump has repeated so called lies but has not TOLD 18,000 distinct LIES.
It's like saying Obama lied when he said according to Google search 1,190,000 results: "Obama says there were 46 million uninsured"
That was a total lie because:
A) He counted 10,000,000 illegals as part of the 46 million.

B) He counted 14,000,000 Americans who were totally eligible for Medicaid...but didn't enroll!
MIT economist and Obamacare architect Jonathan Gruber(who said it was the stupidity of the voter that passed ACA!!!) estimates that nearly 9 million new Medicaid enrollees were already eligible.

C) 18 million Americans making over $50k and under age 34 didn't enroll in employer health insurance because the didn't want it!
31% of Americans without health insurance live in households
making $50k or more, and 38% are between 18-34 years old

So 10 million + 14 million +18 million equals 42 million that aren't eligible, are covered by Medicaid or don't want health insurance...
LEAVING or less than 8 million NOT 46 million the lie Obama told according to above results 1,190,000 times!
Sharyl Attkisson a former CBS reporter shows how the political opinion of President Trump is so erroneously held due to errors in influencing the public's opinion. She cites 132 specific examples of wrong information being presented and hence formatting negative opinions of President Trump.
Now some of you might disagree with the specific examples but when you do you are not being honest.

She cites 132 'mistakes' - which looking at the first 20 or so appear to be legitimate mistakes. And in almost every circumstance I checked, the media offered corrections to their mistakes.

But my negative opinion of Donald Trump is not because of 'mistakes' by the media- it is because of what Trump has said and done- the lies he has told, his bullying and consistent attempts to take credit for what he has not done(Veterans Choice) and avoid responsibility for what he should have done(blaming Obama for not having tests for this virus).

Legitimate media will make mistakes- and will correct them. Donald Trump never issues any corrections for his 'mistakes' And that is the difference.
You know the MSM is doing what any political loser does... attempts to destroy the winner. I'm sure because you small mindedness about Trump's human weakness, (after all you believed Obama was a god...because Obama said so!) you don't comprehend this following:
In 2016, a study by the Center for Public Integrity showed that 96% of campaign donations by journalists went to Hillary Clinton, compared to just 3.5% which went to Trump. While coverage of President Obama included 59% favorable content among the 10 news outlets compared to 41% negative, coverage of President Trump has included a whopping 80% of reporting that is negative in tone, with just 20% that is positive.
Now do you think that 80% of negative news was because it existed, or was it manipulated by the MSM to influence consumers as payback for their 96% donations to the loser? If you can't see like the rest of us that see the correlation, then you are one of those people that aren't using common sense. Aren't objective. And definitely don't use FACTS for your opinions!
Starting 60 years ago when I was in journalism classes at a Big Ten school and Students for a Democratic Society (of which I was on the fringe) also made up some of my journalism classes. At this time SDS, were anarchists. Ready to destroy America. Well guess what.
Some of my journalism classmates that are now editors/producers of news were also part of SDS. NOT all mind you some. But enough to influence others that the USA was the bad guy in the world. That we started wars. Destroyed the earth. All the negatives they could come up with ...the USA's fault!
So now along comes Trump. The antithesis of political correctness! A loud. Boisterous. Braggart from Queens NY. I take it you never knew anyone like him as I've had bosses and I've lived in NY and knew people especially like him from Queens.
But they all had several things in common. They loved America. Loved their families. Respected law enforcement. And distrusted politicians! That's Trump. So the MSM can't stand those characteristics, i.e. loving America, loving families respecting law enforcement.
LOL- I think it is so cute that you don't think Trump is a politician.

And I love how you think Trump 'loves families'- after all he has started 3 families- you know after having affairs and divorcing the first two wives, and then cheating on his third wife with a porn star- and then paying her off.

Is that a particular 'Queens value' that you adore?

Matter of fact-lets talk about Stormy Daniels and Karen McDougal- and the 'fake news'

Remember Stormy Daniels? The porn star that claimed she had an affair with Donald Trump while he was married? She was trying to interest media in the story when Trump had his attorney pay her $130,000 to keep her quiet- so voters wouldn't know about his affair.
Remember how Trump denied knowing anything about the payments in April? And then May admitted that he did know about the payments- and reimbursed Cohen?

Now speaking of 'fake news'- Karen McDougal is particularly interesting. Remember Karen McDougal- the Playboy Playmate that also alleged an affair with Donald Trump?
Trump never paid her off- he only discussed paying her off with his attorney. But instead- Trump had his pocket media- the publisher of the National Enquirer have admitted that they paid McDougal for her story- specifically to prevent voters from seeing her allegations- at the direction of the Trump campaign.

Yes- thats right- Trump literally had his pocket media prevent a story about one of his affairs from the voters. Not sure if that would be called "Fake News" or whether to call that "Just Trump being Trump".
Sharyl Attkisson a former CBS reporter shows how the political opinion of President Trump is so erroneously held due to errors in influencing the public's opinion. She cites 132 specific examples of wrong information being presented and hence formatting negative opinions of President Trump.
Now some of you might disagree with the specific examples but when you do you are not being honest.
Yep, and she even missed some in her list.

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