How presidenial by Trump: He takes responsibility for Obamas foreign relation nightmare

Wyatt earp

Diamond Member
Apr 21, 2012
A breath of fresh air......

Trump faults Obama for Middle East ‘mess,’ says he’s now responsible

President Trump said Wednesday he’s now responsible for addressing the Syria crisis and other pressing international concerns but also blamed the Obama administration for the turmoil around the world.

"I have to just say that the world is a mess. I inherited a mess," he said.

Trump, at a White House press conference, said then-President Barack Obama had a “great opportunity” to solve the situation in Syria, a country being destroyed in a six-year-old civil war.

Now with President Bashar Assad accused of another chemical attack Tuesday that killed dozens of civilians, Trump criticized Obama for taking no action after Assad earlier crossed that “red line” by using chemical weapons in 2013.
Trump will now punish Assad for using chemical weapons by helping to keep him in power and then staying out of his business at Putin's request.
So Trump whining that his screwup was all Obama's fault is taking responsibility?

Trump-snowflake logic is not like our mere earth logic.
So Trump whining that his screwup was all Obama's fault is taking responsibility?

Trump-snowflake logic is not like our mere earth logic.

What exactly was Trump's screw up in the ME? This should be enlightening
Obama and Susan Rice SAID he has NO chemical weapons!

Guess they lied to Shit Stain!

Yeah, isn't it amazing how rice and obummer were so wrong.
That's not an answer, stop wasting people's time with your nonsense

Even Canada knows trump is a wimp. They just raised tariffs on US milk imports. In response, "I'll force other countries to make good trade deals!" Trump has done ... nothing. And he'll do nothing, and everyone knows it.

It's always been his history in negotiations. If he's faced with someone of equal power, he caves. He's only a "tough guy" when his opponent has no power. Bullying, he can do. Negotiating, he can't.
That's not an answer, stop wasting people's time with your nonsense

Even Canada knows trump is a wimp. They just raised tariffs on US milk imports. In response, "I'll force other countries to make good trade deals!" Trump has done ... nothing. And he'll do nothing, and everyone knows it.

It's always been his history in negotiations. If he's faced with someone of equal power, he caves. He's only a "tough guy" when his opponent has no power. Bullying, he can do. Negotiating, he can't. go away
That's not an answer, stop wasting people's time with your nonsense

Even Canada knows trump is a wimp. They just raised tariffs on US milk imports. In response, "I'll force other countries to make good trade deals!" Trump has done ... nothing. And he'll do nothing, and everyone knows it.

It's always been his history in negotiations. If he's faced with someone of equal power, he caves. He's only a "tough guy" when his opponent has no power. Bullying, he can do. Negotiating, he can't.
All he has done so far is sign EO's that will be reversed within four years. The rest is just the usual trump bluster; all bark and no bite.
That's not an answer, stop wasting people's time with your nonsense

Even Canada knows trump is a wimp. They just raised tariffs on US milk imports. In response, "I'll force other countries to make good trade deals!" Trump has done ... nothing. And he'll do nothing, and everyone knows it.

It's always been his history in negotiations. If he's faced with someone of equal power, he caves. He's only a "tough guy" when his opponent has no power. Bullying, he can do. Negotiating, he can't. go away
Brilliant response, cottage cheese thighs. Now for your reward, go gobble up another box of bon bons and wash them down with that never-ending supply of RWNJ Kool-Aid that you drink 24/7.

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