How Religious Freedom Became A Rightwing Assault On The Rule Of Law

You fool, you don't know anything about my faith or my private life. I don't follow the rapture ready, Armageddon nonsense of the uneducated Christians, but you are welcome to your beliefs.

You are a pretender, nothing more. You've revealed your beliefs and they in no way match what Episcopalians believe. Your personal life? I'm sure it's as sad and ugly as the personality you exhibit here.
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The fact that you see 2-4 year old children as sexual beings is no less relevant than your bringing up gay marriage.
I think what I said was that they are aware of GENDER Are you so fucking stupid that you do no understad the difference between sexuality and gender identity? I brought up same sex marriage as an example of how some religious have weaponized religion and use it as a means to controll others. That is what this thread is about. Deal with it.
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1. Most of #1 I agree with, except this:
The individual believer has often been the target of oppression for thinking or speaking unorthodox thoughts, for assembling with and recruiting others, and for changing their religious affiliation. Typically, the aggressors have been large religious groups and governments. Freedom from such oppression is the meaning that we generally use on this web site to refer to any of the four terms: religious freedom, religious liberty, freedom of worship and freedom to worship.
A. If you keep your religious beliefs private (personal) there are no repercussions.
OK, so you're saying that religious people may also be victims. I get that. But it does not change the fact that they may also victimize others and they do
2. I disagree with #2 (religious freedom is the freedom to discriminate and denigrate, to hate, to oppress, and to deny service to...)
Real religions do not denigrate, hate, oppress, or discriminate against anyone else. You need to put up linked examples instead of unproven allegations.
Good grief. No I do not need to put up links to document that . It is as plain as day. Google Christian Dominionism
B. Catholic birth control is a private decision, not a legal one.
C. The Catholic church calls LBGTQ behavior a "sin".
So then they should not use birth control or engage in homosexuality. But they should also leave others alone. Christians have made both legal issues
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OK, so you're saying that religious people may also be victims. I get that. But it does not change the fact that they may also victimize others and they do
Some groups will never accept homosexuals. You have no reason to protest that. Why can't they dislike you? That does not mean they will discriminate against you. We have laws, just barely, that protect you as much as myself.
3. Religious freedom to discriminate is a personal decision. Like if you had a religion, or NOTA group that ate shit. I would choose not to associate with them, and to exclude them as much as possible.
It is not just a personal decision when it infriges on the rights of others
Tolerance, diversity, religious freedom, free speech, and equality have two entirely different meanings for the leftists.
They get them, but differing opinions need to be silenced and shut down. Not going to happen, so deal with it.

The fucking OP posts a link that lies about the R v W decision, then extrapolates.
There is no where in the Constitution that makes abortion a Federal authority, therefore it is a STATE responsibility, period.
Some groups will never accept homosexuals. You have no reason to protest that. Why can't they dislike you? That does not mean they will discriminate against you. We have laws, just barely, that protect you as much as myself.
Not accepting them and disliking them is one thing. They do have that right. But do not pretend that some activly work to deny them rights. That is what I am talking about
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How Religious Freedom Became A Rightwing Assault On The Rule Of Law​

On Pleeeaze:
  • Democrats don't believe in religion.
  • Democrats don't believe in freedom.
  • Democrats believe in the freedom only to worship them.
  • The only assault on the rule of law has come from democrats attacking cities, lives, oprressing free speech on social media, working with the government to suppress criticism of Joe, banning those who don't think like them, attacking the Electoral College, the Supreme Court, the Constitution, and now the very American way of life.
On Pleeeaze:
  • Democrats don't believe in religion.
  • Democrats don't believe in freedom.
  • Democrats believe in the freedom only to worship them.
  • The only assault on the rule of law has come from democrats attacking cities, lives, oprressing free speech on social media, working with the government to suppress criticism of Joe, banning those who don't think like them, attacking the Electoral College, the Supreme Court, the Constitution, and now the very American way of life.
Holy shit! You are demented! Tell us how the Orange Ogre respects the rule of law.
On Pleeeaze:
  • Democrats don't believe in religion.
  • Democrats don't believe in freedom.
  • Democrats believe in the freedom only to worship them.
  • The only assault on the rule of law has come from democrats attacking cities, lives, oprressing free speech on social media, working with the government to suppress criticism of Joe, banning those who don't think like them, attacking the Electoral College, the Supreme Court, the Constitution, and now the very American way of life.

One of the most Christian presidents we have had at least in most of our lifetimes was Jimmy Carter.

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