How Should You Behave at a Political Rally?

That's funny. You have a dude who is an authoritarian leftist who is a fascist attacking Trump supporters for being in their own space ... and ... actually that's pretty much it, Benito

Who is that? Name please.

whoever is ordering the goose stepping sycophants at Trump rallies to attack

Who? Got. Name? I can name the guy whose directing the Trimp supporters. Why can't you do the same for the protesters.
DNC is backing the protesters.

What happened to you? Serious question.
I got smart and got out of the Democrat party in 1964. Never regretted leaving the asylum for imbeciles .
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That's funny. You have a dude who is an authoritarian leftist who is a fascist attacking Trump supporters for being in their own space ... and ... actually that's pretty much it, Benito

Who is that? Name please.

whoever is ordering the goose stepping sycophants at Trump rallies to attack

Who? Got. Name? I can name the guy whose directing the Trimp supporters. Why can't you do the same for the protesters.

So if right wingers were protesting, and you couldn't name the exact person behind it, you'd let it go.

Yeah, let's go with that, you stupid bitch

Protesting? Sure. Why not?

Acting violently? Nope. I'd want the people responsible held accountable. That includes the actual combatants....AND anyone who is directing them to do so.

Since the only violent acts by protesters took place on Friday...we don't yet know if they are being led by anyone. So...they can only arrest the actual perps. If we find that they took orders from someone, we will want that person held accountable. Yes?

We do know, however, who is directing the Trump supporters to be violent. That person needs to be held accountable. No?

And...please don't call people who are smarter than you stupid. It is unbecoming.

you say this, yet you support the leftists attacking Trump, which shows again you're a L-I-A-R
Who is that? Name please.

whoever is ordering the goose stepping sycophants at Trump rallies to attack

Who? Got. Name? I can name the guy whose directing the Trimp supporters. Why can't you do the same for the protesters.
DNC is backing the protesters.

What happened to you? Serious question.
I got smart and got out of the Democrat party in 1964. Never regretted leaving the asylum for imbeciles .

I've never been in the Democratic Party. I must be a genius. I was born in 1964. That makes you an old dummy. All this time I thought there was time for you to solve your issues. Not so much. You've managed to reach your golden years without acquiring wisdom or common sense. Congrats.
Who is that? Name please.

whoever is ordering the goose stepping sycophants at Trump rallies to attack

Who? Got. Name? I can name the guy whose directing the Trimp supporters. Why can't you do the same for the protesters.

So if right wingers were protesting, and you couldn't name the exact person behind it, you'd let it go.

Yeah, let's go with that, you stupid bitch

Protesting? Sure. Why not?

Acting violently? Nope. I'd want the people responsible held accountable. That includes the actual combatants....AND anyone who is directing them to do so.

Since the only violent acts by protesters took place on Friday...we don't yet know if they are being led by anyone. So...they can only arrest the actual perps. If we find that they took orders from someone, we will want that person held accountable. Yes?

We do know, however, who is directing the Trump supporters to be violent. That person needs to be held accountable. No?

And...please don't call people who are smarter than you stupid. It is unbecoming.

you say this, yet you support the leftists attacking Trump, which shows again you're a L-I-A-R

I've not supported a single person attacking anyone. That is you making shit up. You do that a lot.
Who is that? Name please.

whoever is ordering the goose stepping sycophants at Trump rallies to attack

Who? Got. Name? I can name the guy whose directing the Trimp supporters. Why can't you do the same for the protesters.

So if right wingers were protesting, and you couldn't name the exact person behind it, you'd let it go.

Yeah, let's go with that, you stupid bitch

Protesting? Sure. Why not?

Acting violently? Nope. I'd want the people responsible held accountable. That includes the actual combatants....AND anyone who is directing them to do so.

Since the only violent acts by protesters took place on Friday...we don't yet know if they are being led by anyone. So...they can only arrest the actual perps. If we find that they took orders from someone, we will want that person held accountable. Yes?

We do know, however, who is directing the Trump supporters to be violent. That person needs to be held accountable. No?

And...please don't call people who are smarter than you stupid. It is unbecoming.

you say this, yet you support the leftists attacking Trump, which shows again you're a L-I-A-R're a (stupid) L-I-A-R.... Fixed it for ya.
whoever is ordering the goose stepping sycophants at Trump rallies to attack

Who? Got. Name? I can name the guy whose directing the Trimp supporters. Why can't you do the same for the protesters.

So if right wingers were protesting, and you couldn't name the exact person behind it, you'd let it go.

Yeah, let's go with that, you stupid bitch

Protesting? Sure. Why not?

Acting violently? Nope. I'd want the people responsible held accountable. That includes the actual combatants....AND anyone who is directing them to do so.

Since the only violent acts by protesters took place on Friday...we don't yet know if they are being led by anyone. So...they can only arrest the actual perps. If we find that they took orders from someone, we will want that person held accountable. Yes?

We do know, however, who is directing the Trump supporters to be violent. That person needs to be held accountable. No?

And...please don't call people who are smarter than you stupid. It is unbecoming.

you say this, yet you support the leftists attacking Trump, which shows again you're a L-I-A-R

I've not supported a single person attacking anyone. That is you making shit up. You do that a lot.

You've yet to do otherwise
Who? Got. Name? I can name the guy whose directing the Trimp supporters. Why can't you do the same for the protesters.

So if right wingers were protesting, and you couldn't name the exact person behind it, you'd let it go.

Yeah, let's go with that, you stupid bitch

Protesting? Sure. Why not?

Acting violently? Nope. I'd want the people responsible held accountable. That includes the actual combatants....AND anyone who is directing them to do so.

Since the only violent acts by protesters took place on Friday...we don't yet know if they are being led by anyone. So...they can only arrest the actual perps. If we find that they took orders from someone, we will want that person held accountable. Yes?

We do know, however, who is directing the Trump supporters to be violent. That person needs to be held accountable. No?

And...please don't call people who are smarter than you stupid. It is unbecoming.

you say this, yet you support the leftists attacking Trump, which shows again you're a L-I-A-R

I've not supported a single person attacking anyone. That is you making shit up. You do that a lot.

You've yet to do otherwise

Of course I have. In clear terms. Many times. You insist on ignoring those posts. It's a thing with you. Really boring, to be honest.
The way things are going you need conceal carry................
Most states CC laws don't allow for CC at political events.

Which apparently makes some of the Trumpsters so nervous they just have to hit somebody.
Hit a liberal............sounds like poetic justice.

If you're mentally unstable. And mentally unstable people should not have guns, right?

Successfully screwing with the limited mind of sheep.

The BLM purposely provoked them.......If a few get their asses beaten up............I don't care..........We don't attack their rallies...........This is their main domain.............As they intimidate any who oppose them. Well I'm not intimidated..................Tearing up signs and verbal assault are CRIMES..............perhaps you will get your head out of your ass and realize that one day.

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