How some in another country views our politics. Breath of fresh air.

American hating left?
Is that your argument? Seriously.
You have a much simpler ideology than was first demonstrated.
I know its to much to ask you to explain yourself without the "talking" points you
get from the right wing talkers.
Thanks for the laugh of the day.

You seem to think so but apparently you are very one sided. The article makes a clear statement about American politics.

A Canadian s View On Our Disrespect Of President Obama s Presidency The Fifth Column
I know many will not take the time to read it because of their blatant political biased . So be it.

"Four days before President Obama’s inauguration, before he officially took charge of the American government, Rush Limbaugh boasted publicly that he hoped the president would fail. Of course, when the president fails the country flounders. Wishing harm upon your country in order to further your own narrow political views is selfish, sinister and a tad treasonous as well."

Very typical statement of what has been happening in this country for to long.
"The man is being challenged unfairly, characterized with vulgarity and treated with the kind of deep disrespect to which no previous president was subjected. It’s like the day after electing the first black man to be president, thereby electrifying the world with hope and joy, Americans sobered up and decided the bad old days were better."

Your red x's are great arguments! We're all so very impressed! LOL! You're mischaracterizing the nature of Limbaugh's observation, aren't you. You don't know what you're talking about, do you?

The OP implies something about the nature of Limbaugh's statement that is utterly false. As for the larger point of the OP, I'm already bored. The problems America faces today cannot be resolved by playing footsy with the American-hating, America-destroying left. The latter must be defeated, and besides you lost me with the red x.
obama has been at war with the American people since the day he took office. His failure is American success. He deserves the same level of respect as Kim Jong Un.
Canadians blathering about the U.S. ?

What happens in Cananda if they don't like their man ? I believe (and I could be wrong) they can get rid of him on the spot (or nearly).

He clearly does not understand what it means to be locked into 4 years of Bozo the Clown (that could be Bush or Obama) with the real prospect of an additional 4 year.

I think we'd be more prone to focus on issues if we could fire the jerks on short notice.
Canadians blathering about the U.S. ?

What happens in Cananda if they don't like their man ? I believe (and I could be wrong) they can get rid of him on the spot (or nearly).

He clearly does not understand what it means to be locked into 4 years of Bozo the Clown (that could be Bush or Obama) with the real prospect of an additional 4 year.

I think we'd be more prone to focus on issues if we could fire the jerks on short notice.
My respect for the office of the presidency is exactly why I have no respect for the current office holder.
Ignorant, brainwashed, loudmouth, racist, ugly American hater dupes and their greedy idiot Pub heroes are the world's laughingstock and horror. The rest of our media, who care only about controversy and ratings, also suq.
Ignorant, brainwashed, loudmouth, racist, ugly American hater dupes and their greedy idiot Pub heroes are the world's laughingstock and horror. The rest of our media, who care only about controversy and ratings, also suq.
Why even john "give me more whiskey/smoke" boehner has the same idea.
you might have you head in the sand but most of us don't.

Let me get this straight. You think it's scandalous that some in the opposition party might not want the president to succeed in taking the country in the opposite direction from where they want to go? And you quote a talking head on the radio as proof of this "scandal"?
American hating left?
Is that your argument? Seriously.
You have a much simpler ideology than was first demonstrated.
I know its to much to ask you to explain yourself without the "talking" points you
get from the right wing talkers.
Thanks for the laugh of the day.

You seem to think so but apparently you are very one sided. The article makes a clear statement about American politics.

A Canadian s View On Our Disrespect Of President Obama s Presidency The Fifth Column
I know many will not take the time to read it because of their blatant political biased . So be it.

"Four days before President Obama’s inauguration, before he officially took charge of the American government, Rush Limbaugh boasted publicly that he hoped the president would fail. Of course, when the president fails the country flounders. Wishing harm upon your country in order to further your own narrow political views is selfish, sinister and a tad treasonous as well."

Very typical statement of what has been happening in this country for to long.
"The man is being challenged unfairly, characterized with vulgarity and treated with the kind of deep disrespect to which no previous president was subjected. It’s like the day after electing the first black man to be president, thereby electrifying the world with hope and joy, Americans sobered up and decided the bad old days were better."

Your red x's are great arguments! We're all so very impressed! LOL! You're mischaracterizing the nature of Limbaugh's observation, aren't you. You don't know what you're talking about, do you?

The OP implies something about the nature of Limbaugh's statement that is utterly false. As for the larger point of the OP, I'm already bored. The problems America faces today cannot be resolved by playing footsy with the American-hating, America-destroying left. The latter must be defeated, and besides you lost me with the red x.


Now, like the OP, this really is a joke. . . .

A man walks into a bar and bellys up.

Moments later, just when the man is about to order, a duck walks into the bar, picks up a chair, smashes it over the man's head and quacks.

Moments later, a monkey walks into the bar, grabs the duck and drop kicks him through the glass window and into the street. The duck shacks it off, flies back into the bar through the broken window, grabs the monkey by his tail, and throws him out the window.

The man struggles to his feet, grabs the duck and throws him across the room. The duck hits the wall head first and is knocked out cold. The man then staggers to the bar and orders a shot of whiskey.

Flabbergasted, the bartender exclaims, "What in the world was that all about?"

"Don't know, exactly" says the man. "But every time someone tells a man walks into a bar joke that duck shows up."

Minutes later the duck comes to.

"Hey, duck," says the bartender. "What in the world was that all about?"

"Don't know, exactly" says the duck. "But every time someone tells a man walks into a bar joke, I suddenly find myself walking into a bar somewhere in the world behind that man right there. I got better things to do with my time. I figured if I killed the man the nightmare would end."

"So what's the deal with that monkey?" asks the bartender.

"Don't know," says the duck. "That's the first time that lunatic walked into the bar behind me."

Moments later, the monkey walks back into the bar and glares at the duck.

"So what's your story?" the bartender asks.

Says the monkey, "That duck dropped a load on my head as he flew over, landed and walked into this bar.

That one's an original, by the way, composed up by yours truly. Now that's a real knee-slapper!
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