How the FBI Could Derail Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Run

Why are Republicans so focused on "derailing" Hillarys presidential run?

Why don't they just try to beat her on the issues?
Because they can't.

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totally wrong, when both sides are given equal time, the consevative viewpoint always wins. Why? because it is based on facts and logical thinking whereas the liberal viewpoint is based on feeeeeeeelings and fantasy.
But lets have a debate between clinton and trump, a real debate where the real issues are addressed and the history of each person is brought out.

He wil destroy her.
I personally welcome that debate.

Honestly, I've had the suspicion that T-Rump may be a Democrat operative sent by the Clintons. Remember, he DID call Bill Clinton first BEFORE he decided to run. That is a well documented fact.

So yeah, I welcome that debate.

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Me too. I hope we get to see it. But I really think that the dem plan is that around January Obama will authorize the AG to indict hillary, then Biden will jump in to save the dem party, and then lose to Trump in the general.

What you need to understand is that the dem power brokers hate the clintons as much as the conservatives hate them.
You are living in fantasy land.

The "Dem power brokers" are all lined up behind Clinton. They can't wait for her to become the first female POTUS.

Where is your PROOF that they hate her?

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You are wrong. Biden is waiting in the wings. No one in either party wants to return the white house to the corrupt lying clintons. When 65% of americans use the word "liar" as the first descriptive of her, you must know that the dem power brokers are scared shitless of running her.
How the FBI Could Derail Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Run So Mrs. Clinton, you swore under oath that you never sent a classified e-mail, and that you turned over all e-mails. The FBI will decide this, they would be done already, but everyday they get more that was not there yesterday....................
How's that shilling against Hillary Clinton paying these days? I've been watching your posting history. Anti-Hillary thread...Anti-Hillary thread...Anti-Hillary thread................silence for a few days.......rinse and repeat.

Because they are very scared of Hillary....TERRIFIED!

Correct. the good ole boy dems are very scared of the hildebeast.

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