How the FBI Could Derail Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Run

So tell us, why did you pay money to post that here on this free web site? And why did Ben Afflek have Hillary's e-mail and President Obama did not?

Obama saw Hillary on a daily basis. Why would he need her personal e-mail?
Because Obama did not see Hillary on a daily basis, you are not very intelligent, or you are in serious denial. In fact would she even have a blackberry to send e-mails to across the hall?

Is she in the White house there stupid? Your IQ is a negative number, you might even be as dumb as your hero Hillary.

PS. Next fool.
So tell us, why did you pay money to post that here on this free web site? And why did Ben Afflek have Hillary's e-mail and President Obama did not?

Obama saw Hillary on a daily basis. Why would he need her personal e-mail?
Because Obama did not see Hillary on a daily basis, you are not very intelligent, or you are in serious denial. In fact would she even have a blackberry to send e-mails to across the hall?

Is she in the White house there stupid? Your IQ is a negative number, you might even be as dumb as your hero Hillary.

PS. Next fool.

So he calls her on the phone when she's not around. His people call her people.

You guys are really grasping at straws when your best argument is 'Ben Affleck".
Bassman is Crusader Frank's sock, (to make Frankie seem more moderate) don't cha think? j/k

So tell us, why did you pay money to post that here on this free web site? And why did Ben Afflek have Hillary's e-mail and President Obama did not?

Obama saw Hillary on a daily basis. Why would he need her personal e-mail?
Because Obama did not see Hillary on a daily basis, you are not very intelligent, or you are in serious denial. In fact would she even have a blackberry to send e-mails to across the hall?
Is she in the White house there stupid? Your IQ is a negative number, you might even be as dumb as your hero Hillary.

PS. Next fool.

it's so funny when sub-literates like you call your betters 'stupid".

Huge Problem = The FBI can have thousands of pieces of evidence purporting the Hildabeast has committed criminal acts. But, It must get a federal prosecutor to either convene a grand jury or go before a federal judge. That's decision is left to Obama latest AG. Will she or won't she? And when?
Huge Problem = The FBI can have thousands of pieces of evidence purporting the Hildabeast has committed criminal acts. But, It must get a federal prosecutor to either convene a grand jury or go before a federal judge. That's decision is left to Obama latest AG. Will she or won't she? And when?

Again, given that these are technical violations and not criminal ones, no one is going to prosecute because "she didn't use the right kind of server".

Not to worry, there are more things you can get Hillary on. I heard she pulled on of those tags off a couch cushion that read 'Do no remove under penalty of law" tags.


I also heard she recorded a baseball game without the express written consent of the commissioner of Major League Baseball.
Huge Problem = The FBI can have thousands of pieces of evidence purporting the Hildabeast has committed criminal acts. But, It must get a federal prosecutor to either convene a grand jury or go before a federal judge. That's decision is left to Obama latest AG. Will she or won't she? And when?

depends on how much obama hates the clintons. I think we will see an indictment.

depends on how much obama hates the clintons. I think we will see an indictment.

Yes, Obama will totally risk everything he worked for being undone because he hates theClintons' supposedly.

Why Conservatives will always lose. They assume the rest of the world is as petty and stupid at they are.
Hillary and the political elite live by a different set of laws than the rest of us peons.

Very true. The rest of us would have NO VALID REASON to have this kind of data or information to start with. but since she does, the question becomes, did she really handle it in a legal way.

You guys have yet to prove she didn't.

More equivocation, people go to jail for technical violations of the law all the time, especially when it comes to national security.

Name one.

Fuck off, you've already proven facts don't matter to you, it's already been proven there were hundreds of sensitive and classified documents on her unauthorized, unsecured system, the law states it doesn't matter if it was done intentionally or through neglect, it's still a violation. I'm done.

Duly noted you weren't man enough to admit you made a blanket statement that people have been thrown in jail for technical violations and can't find a single case of this happening.

Actually, you really haven't proven anything, other than even the government isn't even sure what is actually classified, as they have classified hundreds of these e-mails AFTER the fact.

There was no disclosure in this case, so I guess you could call it a technical violation.

Abraham Lesnik, 62, of Los Angeles, pleaded guilty last week to a single felony count of unauthorized possession of classified information, which he took home from his job at a Boeing facility in El Segundo, Calif.

Secrets Case Called a Puzzle - The New York Sun

Translator Pleads Guilty to Taking Documents

Translator Pleads Guilty to Taking Documents
Huge Problem = The FBI can have thousands of pieces of evidence purporting the Hildabeast has committed criminal acts. But, It must get a federal prosecutor to either convene a grand jury or go before a federal judge. That's decision is left to Obama latest AG. Will she or won't she? And when?

depends on how much obama hates the clintons. I think we will see an indictment.

Here's what I believe will happen.

Obama will wait until January and order the Attorney General to appoint a federal prosecutor to convene a grand jury to look into allegations of criminal activity by Hillary. Not just while SoS but about the Clinton Foundation in general.

This will create such an uproar that Hillary's campaign will implode and poor old Uncle Joe will have no other choice but to step forward as the Democrat candidate.

Hillary won't go to jail. Hell, she won't even go to trial. But her chances for President will go down the drain and she'll have a severe heart attack over it.

There was no disclosure in this case, so I guess you could call it a technical violation.

Abraham Lesnik, 62, of Los Angeles, pleaded guilty last week to a single felony count of unauthorized possession of classified information, which he took home from his job at a Boeing facility in El Segundo, Calif.

Secrets Case Called a Puzzle - The New York Sun

Translator Pleads Guilty to Taking Documents

Translator Pleads Guilty to Taking Documents

So you were at this for a WHOLE DAY, and this was the best you could come up with. Okay- quick takedown.

Okay. Your first case was Abraham Lesnik, a nutcase who worked for Boeing who took classified documents home with him. The reason why the FBI was looking at him at all was that it was suspected he was actually spying for Israel.

When they found out he was just some schlub who brought his work home with him, they didn't want to show they had wasted their time and tried to charge him with bullshit. The Judge saw right through it and gave him probation.

Josh Gerstein: Lesnik Gets Probation

So first case- No jail time for a technical violation, and the only reason why there was an investigation at all was because something more serious was suspected.

Your second case was equally weak. In the midst of the Panic over the "War on An Emotional State", we got all afraid that some of the few guys we could find who could speak Arabic might be playing for the other team.

So big whoop, you found a case where America totally violated the rights of Muslims. That's nothing to be proud of.

Mehalba had been hired as an Arabic translator by Titan Systems Corp., a San Diego-based defense contractor, in September 2002 and began working at the Guantanamo Bay facility in January 2003. As part of his work there, Mehalba was granted an interim security clearance and given access to classified documents.

He was arrested at Boston's Logan International Airport in September 2003 after returning from a family visit in Egypt.

Assistant U.S. Atty. Michael D. Ricciuti, chief of the anti-terrorism unit in Boston's FBI office, told the court Monday that Mehalba had denied he was carrying "government-related material," but was found with computer discs containing 725 government documents. The prosecutor said more than half were marked "secret."

So again, this is a LOT more serious on it's face than not having a proper server. They guy walked out of a SECURE Facility and brought documents to a foreign country.

And they only went after him because- again- they suspected espinoge. When they found all he had done was mishandled documents, they let him plead guilty and let him go.

So, dude, you have two pretty weak cases where they didn't go to prison for what they were accused of, and you think that's good enough to go after a former First Lady, Senator/Secretary of State because she had a server in her bathroom.

Yup, you are going to sell that to a jury said no prosecutor, ever.
Here's what I believe will happen.

Obama will wait until January and order the Attorney General to appoint a federal prosecutor to convene a grand jury to look into allegations of criminal activity by Hillary. Not just while SoS but about the Clinton Foundation in general.

This will create such an uproar that Hillary's campaign will implode and poor old Uncle Joe will have no other choice but to step forward as the Democrat candidate.

Hillary won't go to jail. Hell, she won't even go to trial. But her chances for President will go down the drain and she'll have a severe heart attack over it.

Again- yes, Obama is going to risk everything he worked for for the last 8 years in a fit of pique because the Clintons were mean to him once.

Maybe you should stop sharing your wank fantasies on the internet, dude, it isn't pretty.
So tell us, why did you pay money to post that here on this free web site? And why did Ben Afflek have Hillary's e-mail and President Obama did not?

Obama saw Hillary on a daily basis. Why would he need her personal e-mail?
Because Obama did not see Hillary on a daily basis, you are not very intelligent, or you are in serious denial. In fact would she even have a blackberry to send e-mails to across the hall?

Is she in the White house there stupid? Your IQ is a negative number, you might even be as dumb as your hero Hillary.

PS. Next fool.

So he calls her on the phone when she's not around. His people call her people.

You guys are really grasping at straws when your best argument is 'Ben Affleck".
Everything you say is babble, you live in some odd world where you believe that the secretary of state is really the Presidents secretary and is always in the White House. This is just your stupidity shining thru,
I've been up here watching the R's for year after year peddling these endless lists of multitudinous sins committed by the Clintons and hearing their breathless incantations of imminent prosecution, probable incarceration and even hellfire and I've known since day one it was all smoke and mirrors and wishful thinking and the politicization of hate. Jesus you American taxpayers have a lot of patience. You've been footing the bill for this do nothing party of "no" for so long you must think that's just the way it is. Christ I thought you guys fought a revolution over taxation without representation. Well these bums haven't represented anybody but the Republican Party for a long long time. When the hell you gonna wake up and smell the rats gnawing at your innards and slurping the cream off the top?
*One man standing ovation*

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Why are Republicans so focused on "derailing" Hillarys presidential run?

Why don't they just try to beat her on the issues?
they can't let the voters decide, because Mrs Clinton could win, if it were up to the voters...

so they use my and your tax dollars to run the GOP/RNC negative presidential campaign instead of the party's advertising and marketing funds...

I truly hope America wakes up and everyone sees what the Repubs have done and are doing with our tax funds and kicks every one of the SOB's out of office come next election.
I think it's clear to see that America is wide awake. That's why they don't have any traction.

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How the FBI Could Derail Hillary Clinton’s Presidential Run So Mrs. Clinton, you swore under oath that you never sent a classified e-mail, and that you turned over all e-mails. The FBI will decide this, they would be done already, but everyday they get more that was not there yesterday....................
Hey asshole. Until the fucking FBI does take hillary down, please stfu about it. Fucking broken record boys who cried wolf.

Is the Obama's birth certificate thing settled with you yet?
The FBI director is appointed by the president and the director is responsible to the presidential appointed Attorney General. There hasn't been an independent "justice system" since Nixon was president and you almost gotta laugh that the so-called "4th estate" media allowed JFK to appoint his own freaking brother to cover his ass. Times haven't changed. Democrat presidents cover their asses and the liberal media covers the asses of the asses.
She had classified information on her server, FACT.
The server and its network were not certified for classified information, FACT.
The server was kept in areas not approved for storage of classified material, FACT.
She allowed people not authorized access to the server,

Now read the damn law and see how it squares with these FACTS.
18 U.S. Code § 793 - Gathering, transmitting or losing defense information

You can keep say no, no, no and you will still be wrong.
Actually, now that I read the law that you have presented, I'm left wondering what it is you think HRC did that was outside of that law. Perhaps you can highlight for me the relevant section of the law that you think she violated.

Primarily sections (e) & (f).

If you think she didn't have emails on her server that were born classified, read this article.
But the details included in those "Classified" stamps — which include a string of dates, letters and numbers describing the nature of the classification — appear to undermine this account, a Reuters examination of the emails and the relevant regulations has found.

The new stamps indicate that some of Clinton's emails from her time as the nation's most senior diplomat are filled with a type of information the U.S. government and the department's own regulations automatically deems classified from the get-go — regardless of whether it is already marked that way or not.

In the small fraction of emails made public so far, Reuters has found at least 30 email threads from 2009, representing scores of individual emails, that include what the State Department's own "Classified" stamps now identify as so-called 'foreign government information.' The U.S. government defines this as any information, written or spoken, provided in confidence to U.S. officials by their foreign counterparts.

Exclusive: Dozens of Clinton emails were classified from the start, U.S. rules suggest

In the small fraction of emails made public so far, Reuters has found at least 30 email threads from 2009, representing scores of individual emails, that include what the State Department's own "Classified" stamps now identify as so-called 'foreign government information.' The U.S. government defines this as any information, written or spoken, provided in confidence to U.S. officials by their foreign counterparts.

So the next question is, does having foreign correspondence violate the law that is being discussed. I would say no, the law being discussed relates to US defense information.

Short answer, yes. Like the email exchange she had on the Benghazi attack with the Egyptian Foreign Minister on 9/12/11.

I've given you all the facts you need, so I'm done.
You call the New York Post and unnamed sources "facts".:lmao:

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There was no disclosure in this case, so I guess you could call it a technical violation.

Abraham Lesnik, 62, of Los Angeles, pleaded guilty last week to a single felony count of unauthorized possession of classified information, which he took home from his job at a Boeing facility in El Segundo, Calif.

Secrets Case Called a Puzzle - The New York Sun

Translator Pleads Guilty to Taking Documents

Translator Pleads Guilty to Taking Documents

So you were at this for a WHOLE DAY, and this was the best you could come up with. Okay- quick takedown.

Okay. Your first case was Abraham Lesnik, a nutcase who worked for Boeing who took classified documents home with him. The reason why the FBI was looking at him at all was that it was suspected he was actually spying for Israel.

When they found out he was just some schlub who brought his work home with him, they didn't want to show they had wasted their time and tried to charge him with bullshit. The Judge saw right through it and gave him probation.

Josh Gerstein: Lesnik Gets Probation

So first case- No jail time for a technical violation, and the only reason why there was an investigation at all was because something more serious was suspected.

Your second case was equally weak. In the midst of the Panic over the "War on An Emotional State", we got all afraid that some of the few guys we could find who could speak Arabic might be playing for the other team.

So big whoop, you found a case where America totally violated the rights of Muslims. That's nothing to be proud of.

Mehalba had been hired as an Arabic translator by Titan Systems Corp., a San Diego-based defense contractor, in September 2002 and began working at the Guantanamo Bay facility in January 2003. As part of his work there, Mehalba was granted an interim security clearance and given access to classified documents.

He was arrested at Boston's Logan International Airport in September 2003 after returning from a family visit in Egypt.

Assistant U.S. Atty. Michael D. Ricciuti, chief of the anti-terrorism unit in Boston's FBI office, told the court Monday that Mehalba had denied he was carrying "government-related material," but was found with computer discs containing 725 government documents. The prosecutor said more than half were marked "secret."

So again, this is a LOT more serious on it's face than not having a proper server. They guy walked out of a SECURE Facility and brought documents to a foreign country.

And they only went after him because- again- they suspected espinoge. When they found all he had done was mishandled documents, they let him plead guilty and let him go.

So, dude, you have two pretty weak cases where they didn't go to prison for what they were accused of, and you think that's good enough to go after a former First Lady, Senator/Secretary of State because she had a server in her bathroom.

Yup, you are going to sell that to a jury said no prosecutor, ever.

Former first lady means shit, wow she was married to a guy that got elected, but her being a senator and SOS, means she has had more exposure to classified material than the average worker and should have known fucking better. She received the same briefings on what was required to be sent over secure networks everyone else in the dept did. She willfully ignored the same requirements she forced an ambassador out for. The bitch has no excuses.

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