How the left wrecked Andrew Klavan...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Andrew Klavan is one of my favorite commentators on the culture and politics...this column is a reason why...he explains the left and it's destruction of the liberalism they claim they promote....

Klavan On The Culture How the Left Hijacks Liberalism

What has happened instead is that leftists have hijacked the language and concerns of liberalism and used them to disguise their completely illiberal and oppressive agenda. Liberals believe that all persons are equal before God and the law — so leftists declare that that equality can only be achieved by giving some people special treatment, thus destroying the equality and giving government the power to decide who wins and who loses. Liberals believe in free speech — so leftists declare that free speech hinders free speech, and therefore the First Amendment must be rewritten to give government the power to decide which speech should be free
Liberals believe in free action as long as it does not impinge on your neighbor’s freedom — so leftists contrive to argue that every action from driving your car to following your religious principles somehow impinges on your neighbor and therefore government must be given the power to control virtually everything. With their willing accomplices in our rotten and corrupt corporate media, leftists have managed to make these absurd arguments the face of “liberalism,” and to cast true liberals — i.e. conservatives — in the role of anti-liberal villains.

he explains the left and their false claims of liberalism wonderfully...

Reed the whole is a good read...
Another article by t Left attacking Liberalism. The things it states about Bill Clinton is the reason I voted for him.

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