How the media coordinated the failed assassination of Donald Trump


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

How the media coordinated the failed assassination of

Donald Trump

It takes a particular kind of soulless degenerate to get on cable news the day after Trump is shot and treat the billionaire and his supporters as the real threat, but apparently MSNBC and CNN are well stocked with such people.
15 Jul 2024 ~~ By Auron MacIntyre

Two months ago, I predicted that the media were laying the groundwork for justifying the assassination of Donald Trump after the New Republic published an entire issue depicting the former president as Adolf Hitler. I wish I could claim some supernatural gift of foresight, but it was not the first time I had made this prediction, and I was not alone, as several other pundits, including Tucker Carlson, had also seen the writing on the wall.
The attempted assassination of the leading presidential candidate on Saturday was shocking, but in many ways it felt inevitable. The American media have been steadily intensifying their anti-Trump rhetoric for years, whipping their audience into a murderous frenzy. The disgusting freaks who constitute the regime press are not concerned or outraged at the attempt to murder Trump; they are simply disappointed that the instrument of their vengeance was a bad shot.
The media have always portrayed Republican candidates as dangerous to some degree, but from the moment Trump announced his candidacy in 2015, he inspired a particularly rabid form of vitriol from the press. The real-estate tycoon spoke to a forgotten constituency: working- and middle-class Americans in areas like the Rust Belt. These were old and obsolete Americans, the kind of voters who embarrass even the GOP, and the ruling class had slated them for replacement. These obsolete Americans were supposed to quietly fade away, slowly dying deaths of despair, until Trump gave them a voice.
This was Trump’s unforgivable sin, and from the moment of his improbable victory, the press set out to destroy this rogue president.
Cable news media and assorted Democratic politicians had been throwing around the label of fascist for a few years, but the truly alarming escalation came when Joe Biden began to employ the language in 2022. The president first tested the language at a fundraiser in August of that year before using it in his infamous “blood red” speech in front of Independence Hall. During the speech, Biden claimed that Trump and his supporters “represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic,” while warning that “equality and democracy are under assault.”
Biden’s X account is full of similar language, with one post reading, “Donald Trump is a genuine threat to this nation. He's a threat to our freedom. He's a threat to our democracy. He's literally a threat to everything America stands for.”
Declaring your political opponent a threat to the nation and everything it stands for is already a “will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?” kind of moment, but things have only escalated from there. At some point leftists started sneaking “existential threat” into their rhetoric. For anyone unfamiliar, existential threat is not a light turn of phrase. It means something that will end your existence if you do not stop it. It is something that one needs to stop with any and every means available — including violence.
Donald Trump reacted to the attempted shooting with stunning composure. After being hit with a bullet, the former president did not freeze up or scurry away, but immediately jumped to his feet and pumped his fist yelling “Fight!” to his supporters. The iconic photo of his defiant pose will go down in history. Progressives have quickly realized that a nearly martyred Trump is an optical disaster for them, but instead of backing away from their rhetoric, the media have escalated it.
In saner times, a former president and leading candidate narrowly avoiding death with steely courage would be celebrated by a reunified country, but we do not live in those times. It takes a particular kind of soulless degenerate to get on cable news the day after Trump is shot and treat the billionaire and his supporters as the real threat, but apparently MSNBC and CNN are well stocked with such people. Celebrities like George Takei have immediately returned to using violence-inspiring rhetoric like “existential threat to democracy” without missing a beat.

Last night Joe Biden called for a more civil tone in political rhetoric. Just last week he said “We need to put a bullseye on Donald Trump.”
Democrat Neo-Marxists are genuinely disappointed that the instrument of their vengeance was a bad shot.-
He was not a “bad shot”. If Trump had not moved his head just as the shot was made the bullet would have entered his head.
Democrat Neo-Marxists managed to groom one shooter, and they will not stop until they groom another.
They thought they had this when they assigned the Z team of DEI hires as his security who seem to know less about security and protection then then the average American.
Secure the high ground, not my job, get bigger men to surround Trump, no must have tiny women, for equality don’t you know.
Stay frosty and stop listening to the usual suspects that talk about wanting to "lower the temperature ". These people do not have the country's or your best interests in mind - those people are working for someone else, not real Americans.

How the media coordinated the failed assassination of

Donald Trump

It takes a particular kind of soulless degenerate to get on cable news the day after Trump is shot and treat the billionaire and his supporters as the real threat, but apparently MSNBC and CNN are well stocked with such people.
15 Jul 2024 ~~ By Auron MacIntyre

Two months ago, I predicted that the media were laying the groundwork for justifying the assassination of Donald Trump after the New Republic published an entire issue depicting the former president as Adolf Hitler. I wish I could claim some supernatural gift of foresight, but it was not the first time I had made this prediction, and I was not alone, as several other pundits, including Tucker Carlson, had also seen the writing on the wall.
The attempted assassination of the leading presidential candidate on Saturday was shocking, but in many ways it felt inevitable. The American media have been steadily intensifying their anti-Trump rhetoric for years, whipping their audience into a murderous frenzy. The disgusting freaks who constitute the regime press are not concerned or outraged at the attempt to murder Trump; they are simply disappointed that the instrument of their vengeance was a bad shot.
The media have always portrayed Republican candidates as dangerous to some degree, but from the moment Trump announced his candidacy in 2015, he inspired a particularly rabid form of vitriol from the press. The real-estate tycoon spoke to a forgotten constituency: working- and middle-class Americans in areas like the Rust Belt. These were old and obsolete Americans, the kind of voters who embarrass even the GOP, and the ruling class had slated them for replacement. These obsolete Americans were supposed to quietly fade away, slowly dying deaths of despair, until Trump gave them a voice.
This was Trump’s unforgivable sin, and from the moment of his improbable victory, the press set out to destroy this rogue president.
Cable news media and assorted Democratic politicians had been throwing around the label of fascist for a few years, but the truly alarming escalation came when Joe Biden began to employ the language in 2022. The president first tested the language at a fundraiser in August of that year before using it in his infamous “blood red” speech in front of Independence Hall. During the speech, Biden claimed that Trump and his supporters “represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic,” while warning that “equality and democracy are under assault.”
Biden’s X account is full of similar language, with one post reading, “Donald Trump is a genuine threat to this nation. He's a threat to our freedom. He's a threat to our democracy. He's literally a threat to everything America stands for.”
Declaring your political opponent a threat to the nation and everything it stands for is already a “will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?” kind of moment, but things have only escalated from there. At some point leftists started sneaking “existential threat” into their rhetoric. For anyone unfamiliar, existential threat is not a light turn of phrase. It means something that will end your existence if you do not stop it. It is something that one needs to stop with any and every means available — including violence.
Donald Trump reacted to the attempted shooting with stunning composure. After being hit with a bullet, the former president did not freeze up or scurry away, but immediately jumped to his feet and pumped his fist yelling “Fight!” to his supporters. The iconic photo of his defiant pose will go down in history. Progressives have quickly realized that a nearly martyred Trump is an optical disaster for them, but instead of backing away from their rhetoric, the media have escalated it.
In saner times, a former president and leading candidate narrowly avoiding death with steely courage would be celebrated by a reunified country, but we do not live in those times. It takes a particular kind of soulless degenerate to get on cable news the day after Trump is shot and treat the billionaire and his supporters as the real threat, but apparently MSNBC and CNN are well stocked with such people. Celebrities like George Takei have immediately returned to using violence-inspiring rhetoric like “existential threat to democracy” without missing a beat.

Last night Joe Biden called for a more civil tone in political rhetoric. Just last week he said “We need to put a bullseye on Donald Trump.”
Democrat Neo-Marxists are genuinely disappointed that the instrument of their vengeance was a bad shot.-
He was not a “bad shot”. If Trump had not moved his head just as the shot was made the bullet would have entered his head.
Democrat Neo-Marxists managed to groom one shooter, and they will not stop until they groom another.
They thought they had this when they assigned the Z team of DEI hires as his security who seem to know less about security and protection then then the average American.
Secure the high ground, not my job, get bigger men to surround Trump, no must have tiny women, for equality don’t you know.
Stay frosty and stop listening to the usual suspects that talk about wanting to "lower the temperature ". These people do not have the country's or your best interests in mind - those people are working for someone else, not real Americans.
Which..didn't happen. Congrats. You continue to be part of the very problem that contributed to what happened on Saturday. :rolleyes:
Meanwhile, shooter kid was still a conservtive Republican, radicalized by a right wing gun cult.

It's fascinating, watching the Trump cult get so screamingly hostile towards reality.

Their convention will be rough for the speakers. If they don't lie outright and go along with the fake Trump cult narrative, it could go very bad for them. Violently bad for them, given how violent the Trump cult is.

How the media coordinated the failed assassination of

Donald Trump

It takes a particular kind of soulless degenerate to get on cable news the day after Trump is shot and treat the billionaire and his supporters as the real threat, but apparently MSNBC and CNN are well stocked with such people.
15 Jul 2024 ~~ By Auron MacIntyre

Two months ago, I predicted that the media were laying the groundwork for justifying the assassination of Donald Trump after the New Republic published an entire issue depicting the former president as Adolf Hitler. I wish I could claim some supernatural gift of foresight, but it was not the first time I had made this prediction, and I was not alone, as several other pundits, including Tucker Carlson, had also seen the writing on the wall.
The attempted assassination of the leading presidential candidate on Saturday was shocking, but in many ways it felt inevitable. The American media have been steadily intensifying their anti-Trump rhetoric for years, whipping their audience into a murderous frenzy. The disgusting freaks who constitute the regime press are not concerned or outraged at the attempt to murder Trump; they are simply disappointed that the instrument of their vengeance was a bad shot.
The media have always portrayed Republican candidates as dangerous to some degree, but from the moment Trump announced his candidacy in 2015, he inspired a particularly rabid form of vitriol from the press. The real-estate tycoon spoke to a forgotten constituency: working- and middle-class Americans in areas like the Rust Belt. These were old and obsolete Americans, the kind of voters who embarrass even the GOP, and the ruling class had slated them for replacement. These obsolete Americans were supposed to quietly fade away, slowly dying deaths of despair, until Trump gave them a voice.
This was Trump’s unforgivable sin, and from the moment of his improbable victory, the press set out to destroy this rogue president.
Cable news media and assorted Democratic politicians had been throwing around the label of fascist for a few years, but the truly alarming escalation came when Joe Biden began to employ the language in 2022. The president first tested the language at a fundraiser in August of that year before using it in his infamous “blood red” speech in front of Independence Hall. During the speech, Biden claimed that Trump and his supporters “represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic,” while warning that “equality and democracy are under assault.”
Biden’s X account is full of similar language, with one post reading, “Donald Trump is a genuine threat to this nation. He's a threat to our freedom. He's a threat to our democracy. He's literally a threat to everything America stands for.”
Declaring your political opponent a threat to the nation and everything it stands for is already a “will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?” kind of moment, but things have only escalated from there. At some point leftists started sneaking “existential threat” into their rhetoric. For anyone unfamiliar, existential threat is not a light turn of phrase. It means something that will end your existence if you do not stop it. It is something that one needs to stop with any and every means available — including violence.
Donald Trump reacted to the attempted shooting with stunning composure. After being hit with a bullet, the former president did not freeze up or scurry away, but immediately jumped to his feet and pumped his fist yelling “Fight!” to his supporters. The iconic photo of his defiant pose will go down in history. Progressives have quickly realized that a nearly martyred Trump is an optical disaster for them, but instead of backing away from their rhetoric, the media have escalated it.
In saner times, a former president and leading candidate narrowly avoiding death with steely courage would be celebrated by a reunified country, but we do not live in those times. It takes a particular kind of soulless degenerate to get on cable news the day after Trump is shot and treat the billionaire and his supporters as the real threat, but apparently MSNBC and CNN are well stocked with such people. Celebrities like George Takei have immediately returned to using violence-inspiring rhetoric like “existential threat to democracy” without missing a beat.

Last night Joe Biden called for a more civil tone in political rhetoric. Just last week he said “We need to put a bullseye on Donald Trump.”
Democrat Neo-Marxists are genuinely disappointed that the instrument of their vengeance was a bad shot.-
He was not a “bad shot”. If Trump had not moved his head just as the shot was made the bullet would have entered his head.
Democrat Neo-Marxists managed to groom one shooter, and they will not stop until they groom another.
They thought they had this when they assigned the Z team of DEI hires as his security who seem to know less about security and protection then then the average American.
Secure the high ground, not my job, get bigger men to surround Trump, no must have tiny women, for equality don’t you know.
Stay frosty and stop listening to the usual suspects that talk about wanting to "lower the temperature ". These people do not have the country's or your best interests in mind - those people are working for someone else, not real Americans.

The old "not real Americans" lie. All "real Americans" think alike, vote alike and only want white people in office.

you ever going to give us that long list of RW violence you keep talking about??
I keep doing it. Conservatives never want to respond. I'll do it again, so you can personally run from it.

Ideology behind 18 fatal political attacks identified by Reuters since the Capitol riot
Right wing - 13
Not partisan - 4
Left wing - 1
That's just in the past few years. I can show studies going back much farther, which will show the same kind of ratio. If you're serious, I will do that. But if you're going to shriek conspiracies about a biased media, I won't bother.

And here are the magic words ...

"Oklahoma City"

<mic drop>

Your conservative pals murdered 168 there, many of them children. And no conservative here will even acknowledge it happened. That demonstrates how dishonest conservatives are on this topic. The left-wing body count isn't even visible compared to the mountain of dead from conservative violence.
here are some facts the corporate controlled media will never talk about sense it proves beyond a shadow of doubt the SS agents committed treason over the weekend same as they did on nov 22nd 1963.

Geeze, I wonder if the tables were turned, and that it was Biden - not Trump - faced a possible Assassination? Do you think the media would have been any different?

(Before you go off on me, I don't endorse that Biden should be killed)
As much as I hate his policies, I wouldn't wish any death upon anyone.
Geeze, I wonder if the tables were turned, and that it was Biden - not Trump - faced a possible Assassination? Do you think the media would have been any different?
Well, no. The media would have still been blaming liberals and demanding censorship of liberals for telling the simple truth.

Where have you been for the past decade?
Geeze, I wonder if the tables were turned, and that it was Biden - not Trump - faced a possible Assassination? Do you think the media would have been any different?

(Before you go off on me, I don't endorse that Biden should be killed)
As much as I hate his policies, I wouldn't wish any death upon anyone.
If the tables were turned, Nora O'Donnell, CBS anchor, would not have asked if Biden shared the blame for the attack as she did last evening on her broadcast. Politically biased msm.
Meanwhile, shooter kid was still a conservtive Republican, radicalized by a right wing gun cult.

It's fascinating, watching the Trump cult get so screamingly hostile towards reality.

Their convention will be rough for the speakers. If they don't lie outright and go along with the fake Trump cult narrative, it could go very bad for them. Violently bad for them, given how violent the Trump cult is.

The shooter was radicalized by people like you:
Hitler was a lot less genocidal and antisemitic than Trump
you ever going to give us that long list of RW violence you keep talking about??
One thing is pretty certain. IF Trump had died on that stage, the media scum there would have been attacked and they'd have deserved it. That message needs to be spread at volume. No more overlooking their role in this evil. If he gets killed as a result of their lies, there will be hell to pay. They are actively working to take this nation down from within and they need to know they will not escape the consequences if they succeed.
Well, no. The media would have still been blaming liberals and demanding censorship of liberals for telling the simple truth.

Where have you been for the past decade?
There would be riots followed by arson and murders of innocent people similar to 2020. Democrat Neo-Marxists would go ape.

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