How the Republicans Can Take Back the Senate in 2014

I know how the GOP can take the Senate in 2014! Let's turn up the Crazy to 11!

Give Alex Jones his own hour on the Fox News Channel. No, wait! THREE hours a day!

Increase whatever radioactive supplement Glenn Beck puts on his cereal.

Get rid of those round protectors they put in front of the microphones for these two demagogues. We need to hear those flecks of foam hitting the mike!

Photoshop images of Saddam Hussein handing Bashar al-Assad a 55 gallon drum of sarin with big photo op grins on their faces. No one will know the idea of Syria's sarin coming from Saddam violates the laws of physics. We live in Wile E. Coyote World now! We need to be Useful Idiots throwing up smoke to conceal the REAL source of Syria's sarin.

Speaking of such things, we must double the number of Manufactured Bullshit factories!

Tell Michelle Bachmann she is way behind on her quota of insane statements in public.

Call for all ragheads, faggots, beaners, and nigras to be rounded up and deported to the bottom of the Pacific.

Blame Obama for 9/11. Hell, it worked for the 2008 crash, right? So why not?

Use Barack Hussein Obama's middle name at every opportunity.

Start openly calling our troops baby killers. Keep reminding people that any day now the Army is going to declare war on us.

Get rid of those embarrassing Support Our Troops yellow ribbon magnetic stickers.

Shift our flag pins to armbands.

OMG, I've got tears in my eyes. Well done!
Here's an idea for the Right. I know this is going to sound like some whacked out commie plot, about sticking to facts?

How about instead of gobbling made up shit, like "death panels" for example, you read any legislation for yourselves and attack what is ACTUALLY wrong with it?

The Democrats would not stand a chance against Truth and Reality and Logic. Their whole edifice would collapse into dust.

I know it takes real work to read a bill and comprehend it, but with some practice you could probably manage it. You might have to grow a few more pounds of brain cells, but believe me, it is well worth it.

When someone on your side makes a claim that sounds so good you have a powerful desire to believe it, that is the time when it is most important to ask for evidence for that claim. Don't just decide it HAS to be true just because you WANT it to be. That right there is precisely what has made the conservative a movement a mere shadow of its former self. We have nothing left now but mimics. Brainless creduloids.

The Right builds strawmen and then proceeds to beat the living shit out of them. Then they celebrate and high five each other. Meanwhile, the Left is deconstructing our country in the real world in real time, by increments.

It is also way past time to admit to yourselves that waterboarding is torture. We sent enemies to hard labor in prison for waterboarding. Our country unequivocally considered it torture until Bush came along. This wiping of your collective memories to put waterboarding and a whole series of totalitarian behaviors into action is positively terrifying.

And last, but most assuredly not least, stop being the fucking party of hate. "At least we don't litter at our flag-laden Hate Rallies, and we would get the trains running on time if it weren't for all these darkies and homos and commies in our way!"

You know what's fucked up? Most of my views align with TRADITIONAL Eisenhower type Republican views. If THAT were the case, hell, I'd BE a Republican. I just can't align with a bunch of whacked paranoid witch hunters that represent the party today.
Here's an idea for the Right. I know this is going to sound like some whacked out commie plot, about sticking to facts?

How about instead of gobbling made up shit, like "death panels" for example, you read any legislation for yourselves and attack what is ACTUALLY wrong with it?

The Democrats would not stand a chance against Truth and Reality and Logic. Their whole edifice would collapse into dust.

I know it takes real work to read a bill and comprehend it, but with some practice you could probably manage it. You might have to grow a few more pounds of brain cells, but believe me, it is well worth it.

When someone on your side makes a claim that sounds so good you have a powerful desire to believe it, that is the time when it is most important to ask for evidence for that claim. Don't just decide it HAS to be true just because you WANT it to be. That right there is precisely what has made the conservative a movement a mere shadow of its former self. We have nothing left now but mimics. Brainless creduloids.

The Right builds strawmen and then proceeds to beat the living shit out of them. Then they celebrate and high five each other. Meanwhile, the Left is deconstructing our country in the real world in real time, by increments.

It is also way past time to admit to yourselves that waterboarding is torture. We sent enemies to hard labor in prison for waterboarding. Our country unequivocally considered it torture until Bush came along. This wiping of your collective memories to put waterboarding and a whole series of totalitarian behaviors into action is positively terrifying.

And last, but most assuredly not least, stop being the fucking party of hate. "At least we don't litter at our flag-laden Hate Rallies, and we would get the trains running on time if it weren't for all these darkies and homos and commies in our way!"

You know what's fucked up? Most of my views align with TRADITIONAL Eisenhower type Republican views. If THAT were the case, hell, I'd BE a Republican. I just can't align with a bunch of whacked paranoid witch hunters that represent the party today.

Christine O'Donnell is not a witch.
Here's an idea for the Right. I know this is going to sound like some whacked out commie plot, about sticking to facts?

How about instead of gobbling made up shit, like "death panels" for example, you read any legislation for yourselves and attack what is ACTUALLY wrong with it?

The Democrats would not stand a chance against Truth and Reality and Logic. Their whole edifice would collapse into dust.

I know it takes real work to read a bill and comprehend it, but with some practice you could probably manage it. You might have to grow a few more pounds of brain cells, but believe me, it is well worth it.

When someone on your side makes a claim that sounds so good you have a powerful desire to believe it, that is the time when it is most important to ask for evidence for that claim. Don't just decide it HAS to be true just because you WANT it to be. That right there is precisely what has made the conservative a movement a mere shadow of its former self. We have nothing left now but mimics. Brainless creduloids.

The Right builds strawmen and then proceeds to beat the living shit out of them. Then they celebrate and high five each other. Meanwhile, the Left is deconstructing our country in the real world in real time, by increments.

It is also way past time to admit to yourselves that waterboarding is torture. We sent enemies to hard labor in prison for waterboarding. Our country unequivocally considered it torture until Bush came along. This wiping of your collective memories to put waterboarding and a whole series of totalitarian behaviors into action is positively terrifying.

And last, but most assuredly not least, stop being the fucking party of hate. "At least we don't litter at our flag-laden Hate Rallies, and we would get the trains running on time if it weren't for all these darkies and homos and commies in our way!"

You know what's fucked up? Most of my views align with TRADITIONAL Eisenhower type Republican views. If THAT were the case, hell, I'd BE a Republican. I just can't align with a bunch of whacked paranoid witch hunters that represent the party today.

Christine O'Donnell is not a witch.

... anymore.
Simple....keep your mouth shut and tell all those rightwing pundits to STFU

Otherwise, the party is doomed

Yea, keep paying motherfuckers to spam forums like this with further-to-the-right-than-Attila the Hun claptrap, and keep Ann Cunter and Sean blabbing - THAT will sure help!

yeah knobby, except its pussy liberals like you that post a topic and then leave....because you get your ass kicked when the facts come in
By Zeke J MillerApril 26, 2013

Oh Lord do I have my fingers crossed!

On paper, the 2014 Senate cycle could hardly be going better for Republicans.

The Democrats are on defense, holding 21 of the 35 seats up for grabs next year. Several stalwart Democrats have announced their retirement, including Montana Senator Max Baucus, who announced Tuesday he would follow Iowa’s Tom Harkin and Michigan’s Carl Levin in not seeking re-election. Those veterans have won a combined 17 terms, and their departures leave tested political and fundraising machines on the table and give the GOP an opening in otherwise untouchable races. The implementation of Obamacare could complicate many others. History is on the Republican side; no sitting president’s party has gained Senate seats in the midterm of a second term. In recent cycles, the loss has averaged more than six seats — enough to give Republicans control.

This is exactly the reasoning followed in the last election cycle. In the end, the Republicans lost nine of the ten seats deemed competitive and lost ground. There is so much money available that I don't think fundraising will be as crucial as in the past. Right now, the future of the Senate hangs on candidate recruiting (including getting through the primaries without fatally wounding the candidate), a little early fundraising, developing the party's infrastructure for the "ground game", and start crafting issues and a message that is marketable to voters. There is time for the Republican Party to do all this, but the clock is ticking and a lot of tides are running in favor of Democrats (a weak but steady recovery is the most obvious). The Republican Party cannot do what has to be done unless it finds a way to achieve at least a cease fire in its internal wars.

But of course, I'm on the other side, so I've probably got it all wrong. I have the mistaken idea that a party that wants to win elections should have winning elections as a first priority, which obviously the current Republican Party does not. So they will again find a way to blow the next election.
Simple....keep your mouth shut and tell all those rightwing pundits to STFU

Otherwise, the party is doomed

Yea, keep paying motherfuckers to spam forums like this with further-to-the-right-than-Attila the Hun claptrap, and keep Ann Cunter and Sean blabbing - THAT will sure help!

yeah knobby, except its pussy liberals like you that post a topic and then leave....because you get your ass kicked when the facts come in

Fuck you motherfucker! Go read your hater hero Ann Coulter's latest bible. You don't know jack shit and certainly know nothing about me. Facts? What do you know about facts?
Here's an idea for the Right. I know this is going to sound like some whacked out commie plot, about sticking to facts?

How about instead of gobbling made up shit, like "death panels" for example, you read any legislation for yourselves and attack what is ACTUALLY wrong with it?

The Democrats would not stand a chance against Truth and Reality and Logic. Their whole edifice would collapse into dust.

I know it takes real work to read a bill and comprehend it, but with some practice you could probably manage it. You might have to grow a few more pounds of brain cells, but believe me, it is well worth it.

When someone on your side makes a claim that sounds so good you have a powerful desire to believe it, that is the time when it is most important to ask for evidence for that claim. Don't just decide it HAS to be true just because you WANT it to be. That right there is precisely what has made the conservative a movement a mere shadow of its former self. We have nothing left now but mimics. Brainless creduloids.

The Right builds strawmen and then proceeds to beat the living shit out of them. Then they celebrate and high five each other. Meanwhile, the Left is deconstructing our country in the real world in real time, by increments.

It is also way past time to admit to yourselves that waterboarding is torture. We sent enemies to hard labor in prison for waterboarding. Our country unequivocally considered it torture until Bush came along. This wiping of your collective memories to put waterboarding and a whole series of totalitarian behaviors into action is positively terrifying.

And last, but most assuredly not least, stop being the fucking party of hate. "At least we don't litter at our flag-laden Hate Rallies, and we would get the trains running on time if it weren't for all these darkies and homos and commies in our way!"

You know what's fucked up? Most of my views align with TRADITIONAL Eisenhower type Republican views. If THAT were the case, hell, I'd BE a Republican. I just can't align with a bunch of whacked paranoid witch hunters that represent the party today.

You and me, both.
Here's an idea for the Right. I know this is going to sound like some whacked out commie plot, about sticking to facts?

How about instead of gobbling made up shit, like "death panels" for example, you read any legislation for yourselves and attack what is ACTUALLY wrong with it?

The Democrats would not stand a chance against Truth and Reality and Logic. Their whole edifice would collapse into dust.

I know it takes real work to read a bill and comprehend it, but with some practice you could probably manage it. You might have to grow a few more pounds of brain cells, but believe me, it is well worth it.

When someone on your side makes a claim that sounds so good you have a powerful desire to believe it, that is the time when it is most important to ask for evidence for that claim. Don't just decide it HAS to be true just because you WANT it to be. That right there is precisely what has made the conservative a movement a mere shadow of its former self. We have nothing left now but mimics. Brainless creduloids.

The Right builds strawmen and then proceeds to beat the living shit out of them. Then they celebrate and high five each other. Meanwhile, the Left is deconstructing our country in the real world in real time, by increments.

It is also way past time to admit to yourselves that waterboarding is torture. We sent enemies to hard labor in prison for waterboarding. Our country unequivocally considered it torture until Bush came along. This wiping of your collective memories to put waterboarding and a whole series of totalitarian behaviors into action is positively terrifying.

And last, but most assuredly not least, stop being the fucking party of hate. "At least we don't litter at our flag-laden Hate Rallies, and we would get the trains running on time if it weren't for all these darkies and homos and commies in our way!"

You know what's fucked up? Most of my views align with TRADITIONAL Eisenhower type Republican views. If THAT were the case, hell, I'd BE a Republican. I just can't align with a bunch of whacked paranoid witch hunters that represent the party today.

You and me, both.

Sad thing is, there probably ARE normal people in the GOP mostly on the grassroots level and maybe a handful in government, but they get drowned out by the "hate wing" section. This will be their sure ticket to extinction if they don't shut those ignorant fucks up. Then, when they are gone, the left will silly-ass it's way to extinction. THEN, maybe America can move on instead of marking time.
You know what's fucked up? Most of my views align with TRADITIONAL Eisenhower type Republican views. If THAT were the case, hell, I'd BE a Republican. I just can't align with a bunch of whacked paranoid witch hunters that represent the party today.

You and me, both.

Sad thing is, there probably ARE normal people in the GOP mostly on the grassroots level and maybe a handful in government, but they get drowned out by the "hate wing" section. This will be their sure ticket to extinction if they don't shut those ignorant fucks up. Then, when they are gone, the left will silly-ass it's way to extinction. THEN, maybe America can move on instead of marking time.

Moderate republicans are forced to adopt conservative dogma or be driven from the party
Yea, keep paying motherfuckers to spam forums like this with further-to-the-right-than-Attila the Hun claptrap, and keep Ann Cunter and Sean blabbing - THAT will sure help!

yeah knobby, except its pussy liberals like you that post a topic and then leave....because you get your ass kicked when the facts come in

Fuck you motherfucker! Go read your hater hero Ann Coulter's latest bible. You don't know jack shit and certainly know nothing about me. Facts? What do you know about facts?

oooooh, fun I'm gonna have some real fun,keep posting your talking points from the huffpo and the dailykook......

You wouldnt know a fact if it bit you in the ass..
Here's an idea for the Right. I know this is going to sound like some whacked out commie plot, about sticking to facts?

How about instead of gobbling made up shit, like "death panels" for example, you read any legislation for yourselves and attack what is ACTUALLY wrong with it?

The Democrats would not stand a chance against Truth and Reality and Logic. Their whole edifice would collapse into dust.

I know it takes real work to read a bill and comprehend it, but with some practice you could probably manage it. You might have to grow a few more pounds of brain cells, but believe me, it is well worth it.

When someone on your side makes a claim that sounds so good you have a powerful desire to believe it, that is the time when it is most important to ask for evidence for that claim. Don't just decide it HAS to be true just because you WANT it to be. That right there is precisely what has made the conservative a movement a mere shadow of its former self. We have nothing left now but mimics. Brainless creduloids.

The Right builds strawmen and then proceeds to beat the living shit out of them. Then they celebrate and high five each other. Meanwhile, the Left is deconstructing our country in the real world in real time, by increments.

It is also way past time to admit to yourselves that waterboarding is torture. We sent enemies to hard labor in prison for waterboarding. Our country unequivocally considered it torture until Bush came along. This wiping of your collective memories to put waterboarding and a whole series of totalitarian behaviors into action is positively terrifying.

And last, but most assuredly not least, stop being the fucking party of hate. "At least we don't litter at our flag-laden Hate Rallies, and we would get the trains running on time if it weren't for all these darkies and homos and commies in our way!"

You know what's fucked up? Most of my views align with TRADITIONAL Eisenhower type Republican views. If THAT were the case, hell, I'd BE a Republican. I just can't align with a bunch of whacked paranoid witch hunters that represent the party today.

OMG another Eisenhower republican, Oh I am sooooo glad to see this......wo what do you agree with the eisenhower republicans on???? Oh this is gonna be AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!

Apparently there werent any democrats back in the 50s

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