How the "revenge voters" won--and the vote for "love of country" lost.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
Well, I must admit I was in total shock as to what happened on Tuesday night--and depressed a couple of days after. But several things have occurred to me--as to how the "revenge voters" won and how the "love of country" voters lost.

How the revenge voters won:

1. I know a couple of people--the (99 weeker's of unemployment) who have told me that they are much better off than when they were working for their pay. Getting unemployment checks--food stamps--being able to take their kids to the doctor for a total fee of $3.00 per visit--that really don't want to lose that. They are in fact enjoying this new taxpayer funded life--and really could care less about heading back to work. One them actually told me that they can miss 3 months of a house payment and then qualify for almost a 0% interest refi of their mortgage? I don't know if that's true or not--but they seem to be fairly certain of it--so they have purposefully not paid their home mortgage for the last 3 months. There are MILLIONS of these people that voted on Tuesday.

2. It's apparent that the other "revenge voters"--comes from General Motors and Crysler who (in the end put Obama over the top in Ohio.) The union auto workers--because their jobs were saved by taxpayer dollars came out in force in Ohio to vote for Obama. Another "buy your vote policy of the democrat party." Now be certain that myself will never buy any car manufactured from General motors or Crysler again--because I am now taking my "revenge." Buy Ford motors--they didn't get a bailout--they didn't need one. I am a small business person and I sure didn't get a government bailout.

NOW WHAT THE REPUBLICANS DID WRONG: How the 'love of country voters" lost.

1. During the primary season all candidates-because of the Tea Party--went balls to the wall against Hispanics in this country. Threatening to deport illegals--even ones that have settled into our society for decades. They were going to break down the doors drag them out and send them back. Romney even stated that during the primary season--and Rick Perry lost his bid for the nomination because he stated we needed to have "heart" when it came to Hispanics in this country. Of course Romney after winning the primary moved to the center and called for "self-deportation."

2. Then they moved into birth control contraceptives speak--with Newt Gingrich's announcement that Catholic institutions should not be forced (through Obamacare) to pay for something that is against their religious beliefs. Then we have Rush Limbaugh calling a woman a "slut"--and that's all we heard about for the next several weeks--and the "WAR ON WOMEN" campaign started. To add to this blunder--we had a couple of very old white senators--who made absurd comments about women who are raped. One stated that their bodies can shut down and they won't get pregnant and another who stated that if they do get pregnant from rape it was "Gods Will." So we have old white men telling women how things work when women get raped--LOL Of course both of these senators LOST their bid for reelection--and they deserved to lose.

Until the Republican party can get it together and stop focusing on gay marriage--birth control contraceptives--abortion--and focus on issues that are critical to this countries survival--they will continue to lose elections until they no longer exist. They also need to take a much softer stance toward Hispanics in this country--whom have settled into our society and lived here for decades. They must remember that G.W. Bush won the Hispanic vote during both of his terms--and the right wing of the republican party--has chased them to the other side of the isle.

This is how the worst President with the worst economic record in this nations history got reelected in this country. Barack Obama for another 4 MISERABLE years is what we get.
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Well, I must admit I was in total shock as to what happened on Tuesday night--and depressed a couple of days after. But several things have occurred to me--as to how the "revenge voters" won and how the "love of country" voters lost.

How the revenge voters won:

1. I know a couple of people--the (99 weeker's of unemployment) who have told me that they are much better off than when they were working for their pay. Getting unemployment checks--food stamps--being able to take their kids to the doctor for a total fee of $3.00 per visit--that really don't want to lose that. They are in fact enjoying this new taxpayer funded life--and really could care less about heading back to work. One them actually told me that they can miss 3 months of a house payment and then qualify for almost a 0% interest refi of their mortgage? I don't know if that's true or not--but they seem to be fairly certain of it--so they have purposefully not paid their home mortgage for the last 3 months. There are MILLIONS of these people that voted on Tuesday.

2. It's apparent that the other "revenge voters"--comes from General Motors and Crysler who (in the end put Obama over the top in Ohio.) The union auto workers--because their jobs were saved by taxpayer dollars came out in force in Ohio to vote for Obama. Another "buy your vote policy of the democrat party." Now be certain that myself will never buy any car manufactured from General motors or Crysler again--because I am now taking my "revenge." Buy Ford motors--they didn't get a bailout--they didn't need one. I am a small business person and I sure didn't get a government bailout.

NOW WHAT THE REPUBLICANS DID WRONG: How the 'love of country voters" lost.

1. During the primary season all candidates-because of the Tea Party--went balls to the wall against Hispanics in this country. Threatening to deport illegals--even ones that have settled into our society for decades. They were going to break down the doors drag them out and send them back. Romney even stated that during the primary season--and Rick Perry lost his bid for the nomination because he stated we needed to have "heart" when it came to Hispanics in this country. Of course Romney after winning the primary moved to the center and called for "self-deportation."

2. Then they moved into birth control contraceptives speak--with Newt Gingrich's announcement that Catholic institutions should not be forced (through Obamacare) to pay for something that is against their religious beliefs. Then we have Rush Limbaugh calling a woman a "slut"--and that's all we heard about for the next several weeks--and the "WAR ON WOMEN" campaign started. To add to this blunder--we had a couple of very old white senators--who made absurd comments about women who are raped. One stated that their bodies can shut down and they won't get pregnant and another who stated that if they do get pregnant from rape it was "Gods Will." So we have old white men telling women how things work when women get raped--LOL Of course both of these senators LOST their bid for reelection--and they deserved to lose.

Until the Republican party can get it together and stop focusing on gay marriage--birth control contraceptives--abortion--and focus on issues that are critical to this countries survival--they will continue to lose elections until they no longer exist. They also need to take a much softer stance toward Hispanics in this country--whom have settled into our society and lived here for decades. They must remember that G.W. Bush won the Hispanic vote during both of his terms--and the right wing of the republican party--has chased them to the other side of the isle.

This is how the worst President with the worst economic record in this nations history got reelected in this country. Barack Obama for another 4 MISERABLE years is what we get.

Republicans didn't focus on it. The media and the Leftist demagoguery did.

Now, if you are saying that Republicans should abandon social issues while Democrats continue to run 100% on social issues, I would say you really don't get it.
I am not sure I agree. It seems to me that we have to focus on the moral issues because the degeneration of the culture is one of our biggest challenges.

But we need to pursuade people to change their lives outside of the government. We can't use government to force change in their lives, because it wont happen.
Well, I must admit I was in total shock as to what happened on Tuesday night--and depressed a couple of days after. But several things have occurred to me--as to how the "revenge voters" won and how the "love of country" voters lost.

How the revenge voters won:

1. I know a couple of people--the (99 weeker's of unemployment) who have told me that they are much better off than when they were working for their pay. Getting unemployment checks--food stamps--being able to take their kids to the doctor for a total fee of $3.00 per visit--that really don't want to lose that. They are in fact enjoying this new taxpayer funded life--and really could care less about heading back to work. One them actually told me that they can miss 3 months of a house payment and then qualify for almost a 0% interest refi of their mortgage? I don't know if that's true or not--but they seem to be fairly certain of it--so they have purposefully not paid their home mortgage for the last 3 months. There are MILLIONS of these people that voted on Tuesday.

2. It's apparent that the other "revenge voters"--comes from General Motors and Crysler who (in the end put Obama over the top in Ohio.) The union auto workers--because their jobs were saved by taxpayer dollars came out in force in Ohio to vote for Obama. Another "buy your vote policy of the democrat party." Now be certain that myself will never buy any car manufactured from General motors or Crysler again--because I am now taking my "revenge." Buy Ford motors--they didn't get a bailout--they didn't need one. I am a small business person and I sure didn't get a government bailout.

NOW WHAT THE REPUBLICANS DID WRONG: How the 'love of country voters" lost.

1. During the primary season all candidates-because of the Tea Party--went balls to the wall against Hispanics in this country. Threatening to deport illegals--even ones that have settled into our society for decades. They were going to break down the doors drag them out and send them back. Romney even stated that during the primary season--and Rick Perry lost his bid for the nomination because he stated we needed to have "heart" when it came to Hispanics in this country. Of course Romney after winning the primary moved to the center and called for "self-deportation."

2. Then they moved into birth control contraceptives speak--with Newt Gingrich's announcement that Catholic institutions should not be forced (through Obamacare) to pay for something that is against their religious beliefs. Then we have Rush Limbaugh calling a woman a "slut"--and that's all we heard about for the next several weeks--and the "WAR ON WOMEN" campaign started. To add to this blunder--we had a couple of very old white senators--who made absurd comments about women who are raped. One stated that their bodies can shut down and they won't get pregnant and another who stated that if they do get pregnant from rape it was "Gods Will." So we have old white men telling women how things work when women get raped--LOL Of course both of these senators LOST their bid for reelection--and they deserved to lose.

Until the Republican party can get it together and stop focusing on gay marriage--birth control contraceptives--abortion--and focus on issues that are critical to this countries survival--they will continue to lose elections until they no longer exist. They also need to take a much softer stance toward Hispanics in this country--whom have settled into our society and lived here for decades. They must remember that G.W. Bush won the Hispanic vote during both of his terms--and the right wing of the republican party--has chased them to the other side of the isle.

This is how the worst President with the worst economic record in this nations history got reelected in this country. Barack Obama for another 4 MISERABLE years is what we get.

First of all, nobody wants to deport Hispanics, we want to deport illegals who just happen to be of all races and ethnicities the same as Americans. I do not believe in rewarding law breakers and that's what "amnesty for illegals" amounts to, rewarding those who broke the law while slapping the faces of those who were stupid enough to follow our laws to get here and worse those who didn't break our laws when they were denied entry and stayed out even when they had family here they would like to visit.

I don't care about the rest of your post but tell the truth about the illegals...don't try to gloss over it and cry about how people who broke into our country are being treated unfairly. If someone broke into your home and you didn't find them for 10 years, do you think they have a right to stay in your home????

Calling an illegal alien and undocumented immigrant is like calling a house burglar and uninvited guest.
I am not sure I agree. It seems to me that we have to focus on the moral issues because the degeneration of the culture is one of our biggest challenges.

But we need to pursuade people to change their lives outside of the government. We can't use government to force change in their lives, because it wont happen.

I concur. Morality is the sounding board backbone of our nation. We must not surrender our moral equilibrium in appeasement of practitioners of certain behaviors.
First of all, nobody wants to deport Hispanics, we want to deport illegals who just happen to be of all races and ethnicities the same as Americans. I do not believe in rewarding law breakers and that's what "amnesty for illegals" amounts to, rewarding those who broke the law while slapping the faces of those who were stupid enough to follow our laws to get here and worse those who didn't break our laws when they were denied entry and stayed out even when they had family here they would like to visit.

I don't care about the rest of your post but tell the truth about the illegals...don't try to gloss over it and cry about how people who broke into our country are being treated unfairly. If someone broke into your home and you didn't find them for 10 years, do you think they have a right to stay in your home????

Calling an illegal alien and undocumented immigrant is like calling a house burglar and uninvited guest.

^^^ Good one!
Heck, if neanderthal clueless rappers think its good for the country..........It Must Be !!! LOL
Well, I must admit I was in total shock as to what happened on Tuesday night--and depressed a couple of days after. But several things have occurred to me--as to how the "revenge voters" won and how the "love of country" voters lost.

How the revenge voters won:

1. I know a couple of people--the (99 weeker's of unemployment) who have told me that they are much better off than when they were working for their pay. Getting unemployment checks--food stamps--being able to take their kids to the doctor for a total fee of $3.00 per visit--that really don't want to lose that. They are in fact enjoying this new taxpayer funded life--and really could care less about heading back to work. One them actually told me that they can miss 3 months of a house payment and then qualify for almost a 0% interest refi of their mortgage? I don't know if that's true or not--but they seem to be fairly certain of it--so they have purposefully not paid their home mortgage for the last 3 months. There are MILLIONS of these people that voted on Tuesday.

2. It's apparent that the other "revenge voters"--comes from General Motors and Crysler who (in the end put Obama over the top in Ohio.) The union auto workers--because their jobs were saved by taxpayer dollars came out in force in Ohio to vote for Obama. Another "buy your vote policy of the democrat party." Now be certain that myself will never buy any car manufactured from General motors or Crysler again--because I am now taking my "revenge." Buy Ford motors--they didn't get a bailout--they didn't need one. I am a small business person and I sure didn't get a government bailout.

NOW WHAT THE REPUBLICANS DID WRONG: How the 'love of country voters" lost.

1. During the primary season all candidates-because of the Tea Party--went balls to the wall against Hispanics in this country. Threatening to deport illegals--even ones that have settled into our society for decades. They were going to break down the doors drag them out and send them back. Romney even stated that during the primary season--and Rick Perry lost his bid for the nomination because he stated we needed to have "heart" when it came to Hispanics in this country. Of course Romney after winning the primary moved to the center and called for "self-deportation."

2. Then they moved into birth control contraceptives speak--with Newt Gingrich's announcement that Catholic institutions should not be forced (through Obamacare) to pay for something that is against their religious beliefs. Then we have Rush Limbaugh calling a woman a "slut"--and that's all we heard about for the next several weeks--and the "WAR ON WOMEN" campaign started. To add to this blunder--we had a couple of very old white senators--who made absurd comments about women who are raped. One stated that their bodies can shut down and they won't get pregnant and another who stated that if they do get pregnant from rape it was "Gods Will." So we have old white men telling women how things work when women get raped--LOL Of course both of these senators LOST their bid for reelection--and they deserved to lose.

Until the Republican party can get it together and stop focusing on gay marriage--birth control contraceptives--abortion--and focus on issues that are critical to this countries survival--they will continue to lose elections until they no longer exist. They also need to take a much softer stance toward Hispanics in this country--whom have settled into our society and lived here for decades. They must remember that G.W. Bush won the Hispanic vote during both of his terms--and the right wing of the republican party--has chased them to the other side of the isle.

This is how the worst President with the worst economic record in this nations history got reelected in this country. Barack Obama for another 4 MISERABLE years is what we get.

Count Me as an EX lover of country. I don't love a country of Takers and moochers.. I reserve the right to be more like michelle obama and be ashamed of my country for at least 45 years!
Well, I must admit I was in total shock as to what happened on Tuesday night--and depressed a couple of days after. But several things have occurred to me--as to how the "revenge voters" won and how the "love of country" voters lost.

How the revenge voters won:

1. I know a couple of people--the (99 weeker's of unemployment) who have told me that they are much better off than when they were working for their pay. Getting unemployment checks--food stamps--being able to take their kids to the doctor for a total fee of $3.00 per visit--that really don't want to lose that. They are in fact enjoying this new taxpayer funded life--and really could care less about heading back to work. One them actually told me that they can miss 3 months of a house payment and then qualify for almost a 0% interest refi of their mortgage? I don't know if that's true or not--but they seem to be fairly certain of it--so they have purposefully not paid their home mortgage for the last 3 months. There are MILLIONS of these people that voted on Tuesday.

2. It's apparent that the other "revenge voters"--comes from General Motors and Crysler who (in the end put Obama over the top in Ohio.) The union auto workers--because their jobs were saved by taxpayer dollars came out in force in Ohio to vote for Obama. Another "buy your vote policy of the democrat party." Now be certain that myself will never buy any car manufactured from General motors or Crysler again--because I am now taking my "revenge." Buy Ford motors--they didn't get a bailout--they didn't need one. I am a small business person and I sure didn't get a government bailout.

NOW WHAT THE REPUBLICANS DID WRONG: How the 'love of country voters" lost.

1. During the primary season all candidates-because of the Tea Party--went balls to the wall against Hispanics in this country. Threatening to deport illegals--even ones that have settled into our society for decades. They were going to break down the doors drag them out and send them back. Romney even stated that during the primary season--and Rick Perry lost his bid for the nomination because he stated we needed to have "heart" when it came to Hispanics in this country. Of course Romney after winning the primary moved to the center and called for "self-deportation."

2. Then they moved into birth control contraceptives speak--with Newt Gingrich's announcement that Catholic institutions should not be forced (through Obamacare) to pay for something that is against their religious beliefs. Then we have Rush Limbaugh calling a woman a "slut"--and that's all we heard about for the next several weeks--and the "WAR ON WOMEN" campaign started. To add to this blunder--we had a couple of very old white senators--who made absurd comments about women who are raped. One stated that their bodies can shut down and they won't get pregnant and another who stated that if they do get pregnant from rape it was "Gods Will." So we have old white men telling women how things work when women get raped--LOL Of course both of these senators LOST their bid for reelection--and they deserved to lose.

Until the Republican party can get it together and stop focusing on gay marriage--birth control contraceptives--abortion--and focus on issues that are critical to this countries survival--they will continue to lose elections until they no longer exist. They also need to take a much softer stance toward Hispanics in this country--whom have settled into our society and lived here for decades. They must remember that G.W. Bush won the Hispanic vote during both of his terms--and the right wing of the republican party--has chased them to the other side of the isle.

This is how the worst President with the worst economic record in this nations history got reelected in this country. Barack Obama for another 4 MISERABLE years is what we get.

Count Me as an EX lover of country. I don't love a country of Takers and moochers.. I reserve the right to be more like michelle obama and be ashamed of my country for at least 45 years!

I understand the sense of deep frustration, even disillusionment over the election result. However, I will always love America. I am not even ashamed of America. People have always easily been mislead by faulty ideology.
Other "revenge" voters:

Teachers/Cops/Firemen: You know, the "other" government employees aside from the military, who sacrifice and take low pay and do a crucial thing for society. Yep. They and their families got tired of GOP mayors and governors trashing their work, calling them parasites and disrespecting their service. They and their families (probably about 5-7% of the total population) got tired of that shit.

Low wage full time employees: They got sick of being called the 47% who dont matter. They got sick of the arrogant attitude that, if you dont pay federal income tax, you are a 2nd class citizen. They work 40 hours a week too. And they have taken hard pay cuts, all while probably watching upper level management get raises, not take a cut, or a combination of the two.

You right wingers can blame the hispanics, blacks, women, gays, whatever.......but you forget the massive number of people you pissed off big time with your far right arrogant attitude towards the blue collar workers.....union AND non-union. Being angry makes one do irrational things. Maybe voting for Obama, or not voting against him, is irrational. But when you spend 4 years pissing on those who once supported you, well, they get angry and do irrational shit.

NEVER IN MY WILDEST DREAM did I think in 2010 I would ever not vote for the 2012 GOP ticket, or at the least vote against Obama. I did. I sat it out, for the reasons above. So did my family and many friends.
Count Me as an EX lover of country. I don't love a country of Takers and moochers.. I reserve the right to be more like michelle obama and be ashamed of my country for at least 45 years!

If Romney had March of 2013 we'd still be a country of "takers and moochers". BTW, you are a "taker", as you benefit from many govt services, even if it isn't a direct paycheck to you.

Stay classy San Diego.
Well, I must admit I was in total shock as to what happened on Tuesday night--and depressed a couple of days after. But several things have occurred to me--as to how the "revenge voters" won and how the "love of country" voters lost.

How the revenge voters won:

1. I know a couple of people--the (99 weeker's of unemployment) who have told me that they are much better off than when they were working for their pay. Getting unemployment checks--food stamps--being able to take their kids to the doctor for a total fee of $3.00 per visit--that really don't want to lose that. They are in fact enjoying this new taxpayer funded life--and really could care less about heading back to work. One them actually told me that they can miss 3 months of a house payment and then qualify for almost a 0% interest refi of their mortgage? I don't know if that's true or not--but they seem to be fairly certain of it--so they have purposefully not paid their home mortgage for the last 3 months. There are MILLIONS of these people that voted on Tuesday.

2. It's apparent that the other "revenge voters"--comes from General Motors and Crysler who (in the end put Obama over the top in Ohio.) The union auto workers--because their jobs were saved by taxpayer dollars came out in force in Ohio to vote for Obama. Another "buy your vote policy of the democrat party." Now be certain that myself will never buy any car manufactured from General motors or Crysler again--because I am now taking my "revenge." Buy Ford motors--they didn't get a bailout--they didn't need one. I am a small business person and I sure didn't get a government bailout.

NOW WHAT THE REPUBLICANS DID WRONG: How the 'love of country voters" lost.

1. During the primary season all candidates-because of the Tea Party--went balls to the wall against Hispanics in this country. Threatening to deport illegals--even ones that have settled into our society for decades. They were going to break down the doors drag them out and send them back. Romney even stated that during the primary season--and Rick Perry lost his bid for the nomination because he stated we needed to have "heart" when it came to Hispanics in this country. Of course Romney after winning the primary moved to the center and called for "self-deportation."

2. Then they moved into birth control contraceptives speak--with Newt Gingrich's announcement that Catholic institutions should not be forced (through Obamacare) to pay for something that is against their religious beliefs. Then we have Rush Limbaugh calling a woman a "slut"--and that's all we heard about for the next several weeks--and the "WAR ON WOMEN" campaign started. To add to this blunder--we had a couple of very old white senators--who made absurd comments about women who are raped. One stated that their bodies can shut down and they won't get pregnant and another who stated that if they do get pregnant from rape it was "Gods Will." So we have old white men telling women how things work when women get raped--LOL Of course both of these senators LOST their bid for reelection--and they deserved to lose.

Until the Republican party can get it together and stop focusing on gay marriage--birth control contraceptives--abortion--and focus on issues that are critical to this countries survival--they will continue to lose elections until they no longer exist. They also need to take a much softer stance toward Hispanics in this country--whom have settled into our society and lived here for decades. They must remember that G.W. Bush won the Hispanic vote during both of his terms--and the right wing of the republican party--has chased them to the other side of the isle.

This is how the worst President with the worst economic record in this nations history got reelected in this country. Barack Obama for another 4 MISERABLE years is what we get.

Count Me as an EX lover of country. I don't love a country of Takers and moochers.. I reserve the right to be more like michelle obama and be ashamed of my country for at least 45 years!

I understand the sense of deep frustration, even disillusionment over the election result. However, I will always love America. I am not even ashamed of America. People have always easily been mislead by faulty ideology.

I am ashamed of America and they path they've chosen. In a few short years you won't even recognize what it took 300 years to build. It will be ashes. and there will be garbage scattered everywhere.
I am ashamed of America and they path they've chosen. In a few short years you won't even recognize what it took 300 years to build. It will be ashes. and there will be garbage scattered everywhere.

Then we need to start doing what we can to spit ourselves out of the system so when the system collapses, we can be in a position to restore the republic then. Because if the marxists or the nazis have the infrastructure then, we are in serious trouble.
Count Me as an EX lover of country. I don't love a country of Takers and moochers.. I reserve the right to be more like michelle obama and be ashamed of my country for at least 45 years!

I understand the sense of deep frustration, even disillusionment over the election result. However, I will always love America. I am not even ashamed of America. People have always easily been mislead by faulty ideology.

I am ashamed of America and they path they've chosen. In a few short years you won't even recognize what it took 300 years to build. It will be ashes. and there will be garbage scattered everywhere.

Have you been to New York City lately? It was the dirtiest city I've ever visited, and that was 28 years ago. You can't blame that on Obama. If I was given a choice of living in a spacious Apartment in New York or a tiny Apartment in Tokyo, I'd chose Tokyo. Even crowded, it's much cleaner the New York. And their cabs? White lace on the seats, spotless. I often wonder what a Japanese cabby would think after a ride in a New York cab.
<scritch scritch scrich ...>

<scritch scritch scritch ...>

<scritch scritch scritch ...>

Hey, what's that noise? It seems to be coming from all over.

Oh, I see. It's all those folks out scraping off their R&R bumper stickers. Fortunately for them, tears work well as a softening agent.
Other "revenge" voters:

Teachers/Cops/Firemen: You know, the "other" government employees aside from the military, who sacrifice and take low pay and do a crucial thing for society. Yep. They and their families got tired of GOP mayors and governors trashing their work, calling them parasites and disrespecting their service. They and their families (probably about 5-7% of the total population) got tired of that shit.

Low wage full time employees: They got sick of being called the 47% who dont matter. They got sick of the arrogant attitude that, if you dont pay federal income tax, you are a 2nd class citizen. They work 40 hours a week too. And they have taken hard pay cuts, all while probably watching upper level management get raises, not take a cut, or a combination of the two.

You right wingers can blame the hispanics, blacks, women, gays, whatever.......but you forget the massive number of people you pissed off big time with your far right arrogant attitude towards the blue collar workers.....union AND non-union. Being angry makes one do irrational things. Maybe voting for Obama, or not voting against him, is irrational. But when you spend 4 years pissing on those who once supported you, well, they get angry and do irrational shit.

NEVER IN MY WILDEST DREAM did I think in 2010 I would ever not vote for the 2012 GOP ticket, or at the least vote against Obama. I did. I sat it out, for the reasons above. So did my family and many friends.

You're right government workers--and those jobs that were "saved" by taxpayers stimulus dollars that was intended to create "million's of new private sector jobs ended up extending government workers jobs (until the money ran out)--while the private sector was losing millions of jobs. Agreed the 47% remark didn't help--but it was taken out of context--because Romney was talking about his tax plan saying the 47% of the working class who paid no federal income tax wouldn't be interested in his tax plan--but it was played very well by the democrat party and the main stream media.
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Count Me as an EX lover of country. I don't love a country of Takers and moochers.. I reserve the right to be more like michelle obama and be ashamed of my country for at least 45 years!

I understand the sense of deep frustration, even disillusionment over the election result. However, I will always love America. I am not even ashamed of America. People have always easily been mislead by faulty ideology.

I am ashamed of America and they path they've chosen. In a few short years you won't even recognize what it took 300 years to build. It will be ashes. and there will be garbage scattered everywhere.

Irregardless of any "America To Come" I will defend the corner of her most relevant to me and mine, should such a need on the horizon rise. I was as well unhappy with the election result yet the status quo remains. Cups of coffee remain available at the local quickie stop; Ritz crackers still line shelves awaiting purchase, and the sky is as ever cieling above us. If the time for any action has arrived, I think it is the time for falling back; for redefining the borders of our own backyards and for worrying most about who lives within them. Morally, I will never compromise to the ideology of the party line espoused by the so called "winners" and that is sufficient personal victory for now.

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