How the Trump era is changing the federal bureaucracy

Will the Trump Haters and Never Trumpers give the president credit for this accomplishment?

  • Sure they will - when Hades freezes over.

    Votes: 4 100.0%
  • See the first response.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I’m confident we’ll be seeing more of the leftist sheep abandoning the ideology they’ve been taught. The progress President Trump has been making is having an impact.
I’m already seeing it with people at work. :)
I’m confident we’ll be seeing more of the leftist sheep abandoning the ideology they’ve been taught. The progress President Trump has been making is having an impact.
I’m already seeing it with people at work.

Once the economy goes bad, (as it inevitably will), those people will turn on Trump and so will his supporters.
here are no Mexican rapists?

You know very well what he meant...

They point out famous people born in Kenya.

Obama wasn't one of them, and Trump was a racist for claiming he was..

Other than that, I'm done with you.
/-----/ I know what you meant, Mexicans illegally entering our country are pure as the wind driven snow and should be welcome because they are potential democRAT voters.
What Donald Trump has said about Mexico and vice versa - CNNPolitics
-- "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. ... They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people," Trump said in his announcement speech. June 2015.
Donald Trump to deliver highly anticipated immigration speech following Mexico visit
-- "I am personally offended by the mainstream media's attempt to distort my comments (AND THIS INCLUDES YOU , JOE) regarding Mexico and its great people," Trump said in the days after his announcement speech. "I have many successful business relationships with Mexican companies and employ and am close friends with many Mexican people. I also have tremendous respect for the leaders of Mexico, who, frankly, are much smarter and tougher than our politicians here in the United States." June 2015.
-- "Some are good and some are rapists and some are killers. We don't even know what we're getting," Trump said in an interview, further clarifying his initial remarks. June 2015.

And how is claiming someone born in Kenya makes them a racists? The Hillary campaign started the Birther movement but you voted for her.

So saying I'm done with you means you can't produce one shred of evidence that Trump is a racist.
I know what you meant, Mexicans illegally entering our country are pure as the wind driven snow and should be welcome because they are potential democRAT voters.

Again, singling out one groups is... racist.

Sorry to break that to you, but as i said, I'm done with your need for attention.

And how is claiming someone born in Kenya makes them a racists? The Hillary campaign started the Birther movement but you voted for her.

Hillary did nothing of the sort. and, yes, falsely claiming he was born in Kenya and thereby illegetimate is racist as shit.
I know what you meant, Mexicans illegally entering our country are pure as the wind driven snow and should be welcome because they are potential democRAT voters.

Again, singling out one groups is... racist.

Sorry to break that to you, but as i said, I'm done with your need for attention.

And how is claiming someone born in Kenya makes them a racists? The Hillary campaign started the Birther movement but you voted for her.

Hillary did nothing of the sort. and, yes, falsely claiming he was born in Kenya and thereby illegetimate is racist as shit.
/----/ That is idiotic. Saying Obozo was born in Kenya is racist but saying he was born in Hawaii isn't ? BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA And Hildabeast's campaign started the rumor. Deal with it.

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