How the US Shattered the Middle East (and Why)

Who says the US has shattered the Middle East?
Glad you asked:


How the U.S. Shattered the Middle East

"Maj. Danny Sjursen is a retired U.S. Army officer and former history instructor at West Point. He served tours with reconnaissance units in Iraq and Afghanistan..."

The major believes War is a Racket

"Let us take an ever-so-brief tour of Washington’s two-decade history of utterly rupturing Greater Mideast nation-states and splintering an already fractious region. Here goes, from West to East, in an admittedly noncomprehensive list.

"U.S. airstrikes and regime change policy in Libya has unleashed an ongoing civil war, divided the country between at least two warlords, and enabled arms and militiamen to cross the southern border and destabilize West Africa.

"Which means that Niger, Libya, Cameroon, Mali, Chad and Nigeria have seen their shared territory around Lake Chad become a disputed region, contested by a newly empowered array of Islamists.

"That, of course, led the U.S. military to plop a few thousand troops in these countries.

"That deployment is unlikely to end well."

However, that may well depend on your definition of the word "well."

"The whole absurd mess boils down to a treacherous math problem of sorts.

"By my simple accounting, a region from Nigeria to Afghanistan that once counted about 22 state entities has—since the onset of the U.S. 'terror wars'—broken into some 37 autonomous, sometimes hardly governed, zones.

"According to the 'experts,' that should mean total disaster and increased danger to the homeland.

"Yet it’s largely U.S. military policy and intervention itself that’s caused this fracture.

"So isn’t it high time to quit the American combat missions?

"Not according to the mainstream policymakers and pundits.

"For them, the war must (always) go on!

Counterproductivity seems the essence of U.S. military policy in Uncle Sam’s never-ending, post-9/11 wars.

"Call me crazy, or wildly conspiratorial, but after serving in two hopelessly absurd wars and studying the full scope of American military action, it seems that maybe that was the idea all along.

The Hussein, who you adore, started/supported those wars in Libya and Syria. He is the one that called for regime change when they never attacked us.
The Hussein, who you adore, started/supported those wars in Libya and Syria. He is the one that called for regime change when they never attacked us.
I never voted for or supported Obama, either Clinton or Bush, and I certainly don't support your "Chosen One" whose drones are currently killing civilians at a greater rate than his predecessor.

What drones and where?
What drones and where?

Under Donald Trump, drone strikes far exceed Obama's numbers

Of course. That's what we elected him to do.
Of course. That's what we elected him to do.
I thought you elected him to end US wars of aggression?

Under Donald Trump, drone strikes far exceed Obama's numbers

"When it comes to President Obama’s drone wars, President Trump has:

A. Ended them

B. Continued them

C. Escalated them

You’re forgiven for not knowing the answer. It’s C. This administration has not only surpassed the previous one’s drone strike volume overseas, it has made the drone wars even more secretive, if that’s possible."

Another Trump Lie?
Looks like everything is going as planned. The next major event over there may be a Damascus trash heap.
Not to worry...

We're most of the way to Eretz Yisrael, already...


Muslim-Arabs already have their slice of the former Roman and Turkish province of Palestine...

Their slice is called "Jordan"...

As (what little is left of) the West Bank and Gaza continue to shrink, it won't be long now, until the old League of Nations partition plan of 1922 becomes reality.

The Arabs have shot themselves in the foot time and again and again...

The Palestinian-Arabs should have come to terms with Israel while they could; until the 1967-1973 time frame...

But... given that the Muslims attacked (or were mustering on the borders to attack) Israel three times... 1948... 1967... 1973...

Well... three strikes and you're out...

If there was a snowball's chance in hell that a deal could still be pulled off, the idiot Palestinians' Intifadas 1 and 2 finished that off...

Now, there's nothing more to do but sit back and watch Israel complete its finalizing of the 1922 partition...

Oh, and, by the way, America did not lend substantive support to Israel until after the 1967 War, and that was largely to offset Soviet supply of the Arabs...

But it was the Israelis themselves who kicked Muslim-Arab ass time and again, held back only by the prospect of American disapproval and a drying-up of supplies...

America didn't tear-apart the Middle East...

Those Arab camel- and goat-buggerers managed most of that on their own...

It's just more convenient to blame America than it is to look long and hard and honestly in the mirror for the true cause of their problems.

“The West Bank”, otherwise known as Judea.

Good. Let the Jews have a nation and they can all go there. Muslims have dozens of other counties all to themselves.

People lose their land when they lose wars. Why are these Muslims exempt from this rule that has been around since apes learned to use clubs?
People lose their land when they lose wars. Why are these Muslims exempt from this rule that has been around since apes learned to use clubs?
What's changed since 1945 when it comes to "winning" a war of aggression?

Israel is the original terrorist state.

Good and I support it. What are you going to do about it? I as an American support Israel and I hope they eradicate Hamas and Hezbollah. I welcome your thoughts.
Good and I support it. What are you going to do about it? I as an American support Israel and I hope they eradicate Hamas and Hezbollah. I welcome your thoughts.
I'm supporting those who are ending apartheid in Palestine.

Why do you think Jews have the right to steal the land and water of their non-Jewish neighbors in Palestine?
The propaganda here in the US as compared to actual truth over there is mind boggling. It makes pravda look like complete and absolute truth.
Not to worry...

We're most of the way to Eretz Yisrael, already...


But it ends at the limits of the 1922 vision...

Muslim-Arabs already have their slice of the former Roman and Turkish province of Palestine...

Their slice is called "Jordan"...

As (what little is left of) the West Bank and Gaza continue to shrink, it won't be long now, until the old League of Nations partition plan of 1922 becomes reality.

The Arabs have shot themselves in the foot time and again and again...

The Palestinian-Arabs should have come to terms with Israel while they still could; until the 1967-1973 time frame...

But... given that the Muslims attacked (or were mustering on the borders to attack) Israel three times... 1948... 1967... 1973...

Well... three strikes and you're out...

If there was a snowball's chance in hell that a deal could still be pulled off, the idiot Palestinians' Intifadas 1 and 2 finished that off...

"The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity." - accepted nowadays as a truism.

Now, there's nothing more to do but sit back and watch Israel complete its finalizing of the 1922 partition...

Oh, and, by the way, America did not lend substantive support to Israel until after the 1967 War, and that was largely to offset Soviet supply of the Arabs...

But it was the Israelis themselves who kicked Muslim-Arab ass time and again, held back only by the prospect of American disapproval and a drying-up of supplies...

America didn't tear-apart the Middle East...

Those Arab camel- and goat-buggerers managed most of that on their own...

It's just more convenient to blame America than it is to look long and hard and honestly in the mirror for the true cause of their problems.
What impresses you most about the Jews of Israel, their greed or their racism?

We rule the world. Thank you for the dedication posts. You’re my puppet and bitch, Georgie.
We rule the world. Thank you for the dedication posts. You’re my puppet and bitch, Georgie.
It's safe to say that the United States causes more terror in the world and more death of innocent civilians than every Islamist terror group in existence. Trying to explain this to a Trump loyalist is like trying to teach a monkey Algebra.
Is that why Turkey is begging the US to protect their Syrian refugees when they kick them out and send them to North East Syria?
Not to worry...

We're most of the way to Eretz Yisrael, already...


But it ends at the limits of the 1922 vision...

Muslim-Arabs already have their slice of the former Roman and Turkish province of Palestine...

Their slice is called "Jordan"...

As (what little is left of) the West Bank and Gaza continue to shrink, it won't be long now, until the old League of Nations partition plan of 1922 becomes reality.

The Arabs have shot themselves in the foot time and again and again...

The Palestinian-Arabs should have come to terms with Israel while they still could; until the 1967-1973 time frame...

But... given that the Muslims attacked (or were mustering on the borders to attack) Israel three times... 1948... 1967... 1973...

Well... three strikes and you're out...

If there was a snowball's chance in hell that a deal could still be pulled off, the idiot Palestinians' Intifadas 1 and 2 finished that off...

"The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity." - accepted nowadays as a truism.

Now, there's nothing more to do but sit back and watch Israel complete its finalizing of the 1922 partition...

Oh, and, by the way, America did not lend substantive support to Israel until after the 1967 War, and that was largely to offset Soviet supply of the Arabs...

But it was the Israelis themselves who kicked Muslim-Arab ass time and again, held back only by the prospect of American disapproval and a drying-up of supplies...

America didn't tear-apart the Middle East...

Those Arab camel- and goat-buggerers managed most of that on their own...

It's just more convenient to blame America than it is to look long and hard and honestly in the mirror for the true cause of their problems.
What impresses you most about the Jews of Israel, their greed or their racism?

We rule the world. Thank you for the dedication posts. You’re my puppet and bitch, Georgie.
We rule the world. Thank you for the dedication posts. You’re my puppet and bitch, Georgie.

Thats been happening for a couple of centuries.
“The West Bank”, otherwise known as Judea.

Good. Let the Jews have a nation and they can all go there. Muslims have dozens of other counties all to themselves.

People lose their land when they lose wars. Why are these Muslims exempt from this rule that has been around since apes learned to use clubs?
People lose their land when they lose wars. Why are these Muslims exempt from this rule that has been around since apes learned to use clubs?
What's changed since 1945 when it comes to "winning" a war of aggression?

Israel is the original terrorist state.

Good and I support it. What are you going to do about it? I as an American support Israel and I hope they eradicate Hamas and Hezbollah. I welcome your thoughts.
Good and I support it. What are you going to do about it? I as an American support Israel and I hope they eradicate Hamas and Hezbollah. I welcome your thoughts.
I'm supporting those who are ending apartheid in Palestine.

Why do you think Jews have the right to steal the land and water of their non-Jewish neighbors in Palestine?

I support this.

Not to worry...

We're most of the way to Eretz Yisrael, already...


But it ends at the limits of the 1922 vision...

Muslim-Arabs already have their slice of the former Roman and Turkish province of Palestine...

Their slice is called "Jordan"...

As (what little is left of) the West Bank and Gaza continue to shrink, it won't be long now, until the old League of Nations partition plan of 1922 becomes reality.

The Arabs have shot themselves in the foot time and again and again...

The Palestinian-Arabs should have come to terms with Israel while they still could; until the 1967-1973 time frame...

But... given that the Muslims attacked (or were mustering on the borders to attack) Israel three times... 1948... 1967... 1973...

Well... three strikes and you're out...

If there was a snowball's chance in hell that a deal could still be pulled off, the idiot Palestinians' Intifadas 1 and 2 finished that off...

"The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity." - accepted nowadays as a truism.

Now, there's nothing more to do but sit back and watch Israel complete its finalizing of the 1922 partition...

Oh, and, by the way, America did not lend substantive support to Israel until after the 1967 War, and that was largely to offset Soviet supply of the Arabs...

But it was the Israelis themselves who kicked Muslim-Arab ass time and again, held back only by the prospect of American disapproval and a drying-up of supplies...

America didn't tear-apart the Middle East...

Those Arab camel- and goat-buggerers managed most of that on their own...

It's just more convenient to blame America than it is to look long and hard and honestly in the mirror for the true cause of their problems.
What impresses you most about the Jews of Israel, their greed or their racism?

We rule the world. Thank you for the dedication posts. You’re my puppet and bitch, Georgie.
We rule the world. Thank you for the dedication posts. You’re my puppet and bitch, Georgie.

I never voted for or supported Obama, either Clinton or Bush, and I certainly don't support your "Chosen One" whose drones are currently killing civilians at a greater rate than his predecessor.

What drones and where?
What drones and where?

Under Donald Trump, drone strikes far exceed Obama's numbers
Excellent... fewer Islamic Militant scum using-up the oxygen...
Excellent... fewer Islamic Militant scum using-up the oxygen...
While the heroic, racist Jews continue doing what they do best

What kind of scum target children with drone strikes?
Kosher scum.

Curious, when are you going to grab a gun and help them?
Curious, when are you going to grab a gun and help them?
Gun Pussy Logic
Excellent... fewer Islamic Militant scum using-up the oxygen...
Excellent... fewer Islamic Militant scum using-up the oxygen...
While the heroic, racist Jews continue doing what they do best

What kind of scum target children with drone strikes?
Kosher scum.

Curious, when are you going to grab a gun and help them?
Curious, when are you going to grab a gun and help them?
Gun Pussy Logic
So in other words you’re a big fat pussy and won’t do anything to help the “women and children” being “victimized” by Israel.
Not to worry...

We're most of the way to Eretz Yisrael, already...


But it ends at the limits of the 1922 vision...

Muslim-Arabs already have their slice of the former Roman and Turkish province of Palestine...

Their slice is called "Jordan"...

As (what little is left of) the West Bank and Gaza continue to shrink, it won't be long now, until the old League of Nations partition plan of 1922 becomes reality.

The Arabs have shot themselves in the foot time and again and again...

The Palestinian-Arabs should have come to terms with Israel while they still could; until the 1967-1973 time frame...

But... given that the Muslims attacked (or were mustering on the borders to attack) Israel three times... 1948... 1967... 1973...

Well... three strikes and you're out...

If there was a snowball's chance in hell that a deal could still be pulled off, the idiot Palestinians' Intifadas 1 and 2 finished that off...

"The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity." - accepted nowadays as a truism.

Now, there's nothing more to do but sit back and watch Israel complete its finalizing of the 1922 partition...

Oh, and, by the way, America did not lend substantive support to Israel until after the 1967 War, and that was largely to offset Soviet supply of the Arabs...

But it was the Israelis themselves who kicked Muslim-Arab ass time and again, held back only by the prospect of American disapproval and a drying-up of supplies...

America didn't tear-apart the Middle East...

Those Arab camel- and goat-buggerers managed most of that on their own...

It's just more convenient to blame America than it is to look long and hard and honestly in the mirror for the true cause of their problems.
What impresses you most about the Jews of Israel, their greed or their racism?

We rule the world. Thank you for the dedication posts. You’re my puppet and bitch, Georgie.
We rule the world. Thank you for the dedication posts. You’re my puppet and bitch, Georgie.

Who says the US has shattered the Middle East?
Glad you asked:


How the U.S. Shattered the Middle East

"Maj. Danny Sjursen is a retired U.S. Army officer and former history instructor at West Point. He served tours with reconnaissance units in Iraq and Afghanistan..."

The major believes War is a Racket

"Let us take an ever-so-brief tour of Washington’s two-decade history of utterly rupturing Greater Mideast nation-states and splintering an already fractious region. Here goes, from West to East, in an admittedly noncomprehensive list.

"U.S. airstrikes and regime change policy in Libya has unleashed an ongoing civil war, divided the country between at least two warlords, and enabled arms and militiamen to cross the southern border and destabilize West Africa.

"Which means that Niger, Libya, Cameroon, Mali, Chad and Nigeria have seen their shared territory around Lake Chad become a disputed region, contested by a newly empowered array of Islamists.

"That, of course, led the U.S. military to plop a few thousand troops in these countries.

"That deployment is unlikely to end well."

However, that may well depend on your definition of the word "well."

"The whole absurd mess boils down to a treacherous math problem of sorts.

"By my simple accounting, a region from Nigeria to Afghanistan that once counted about 22 state entities has—since the onset of the U.S. 'terror wars'—broken into some 37 autonomous, sometimes hardly governed, zones.

"According to the 'experts,' that should mean total disaster and increased danger to the homeland.

"Yet it’s largely U.S. military policy and intervention itself that’s caused this fracture.

"So isn’t it high time to quit the American combat missions?

"Not according to the mainstream policymakers and pundits.

"For them, the war must (always) go on!

Counterproductivity seems the essence of U.S. military policy in Uncle Sam’s never-ending, post-9/11 wars.

"Call me crazy, or wildly conspiratorial, but after serving in two hopelessly absurd wars and studying the full scope of American military action, it seems that maybe that was the idea all along.
After the Defeat of The Globalist Leftist Socialist Dictator called The AntiChrist by The 2nd Coming of The True Christ, that will be The Map of The Middle East.

Evil will be allowed to reign on Earth for a few years prior to that. This is called The Great Tribulation. It will be a time of turmoil and torment like no one has ever seen because God abandons man for a short period of time, and gives him over to his own Evil Desires and allows Evil to rule The Earth.

After The AntiChrist and False Prophet and their armies are destroyed by The Return of Christ, The Messiah will make Jerusalem His capital, and rule from there and Israel's borders will return to the boundaries set by The Abrahamic Covenant as shown in the map you provided.

Palestine will not exist. And all those who oppose God and Israel will no longer exist either.

Thank you.

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Georgie, are you sad you don't have long to live? Enjoy the book.
I won't miss hasbara

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