How the US Shattered the Middle East (and Why)

Except you did. Consistently vilifying Israel. As far as your ad Hominems, Herr Lesh, I take them as badges of honor.

Except I didn't. Stop lying you Zionist scum. Taking issue with the actions of the Israeli government or illegal settlers in the West Bank is not attacking Jews writ large or even "vilifying Israel".

Interesting that you walked back your "wishing all Jews dead " to vilifying Israel" though
Not to worry...

We're most of the way to Eretz Yisrael, already...


But it ends at the limits of the 1922 vision...

Muslim-Arabs already have their slice of the former Roman and Turkish province of Palestine...

Their slice is called "Jordan"...

As (what little is left of) the West Bank and Gaza continue to shrink, it won't be long now, until the old League of Nations partition plan of 1922 becomes reality.

The Arabs have shot themselves in the foot time and again and again...

The Palestinian-Arabs should have come to terms with Israel while they still could; until the 1967-1973 time frame...

But... given that the Muslims attacked (or were mustering on the borders to attack) Israel three times... 1948... 1967... 1973...

Well... three strikes and you're out...

If there was a snowball's chance in hell that a deal could still be pulled off, the idiot Palestinians' Intifadas 1 and 2 finished that off...

"The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity." - accepted nowadays as a truism.

Now, there's nothing more to do but sit back and watch Israel complete its finalizing of the 1922 partition...

Oh, and, by the way, America did not lend substantive support to Israel until after the 1967 War, and that was largely to offset Soviet supply of the Arabs...

But it was the Israelis themselves who kicked Muslim-Arab ass time and again, held back only by the prospect of American disapproval and a drying-up of supplies...

America didn't tear-apart the Middle East...

Those Arab camel- and goat-buggerers managed most of that on their own...

It's just more convenient to blame America than it is to look long and hard and honestly in the mirror for the true cause of their problems.
What impresses you most about the Jews of Israel, their greed or their racism?

We rule the world. Thank you for the dedication posts. You’re my puppet and bitch, Georgie.
We rule the world. Thank you for the dedication posts. You’re my puppet and bitch, Georgie.

View attachment 277767

Bow before your king.

They didn't bow to the messiah who rode in on an ass but they will bow to the next one that claims the ac.
Looks like everything is going as planned. The next major event over there may be a Damascus trash heap.
How did that plan work out in 2006?

The Lebanon-Israel War of 2006: Global Effects and its Aftermath | Small Wars Journal

Georgie you lost little man.
Georgie is probably a little old Palestinian grandma twittering from some $hithole in Gaza... a patron saint of Lost Causes.

That, or an Islamic terrorist sleeper-cell member, honing its propaganda skills... juvenile and amateurish though they may be.

His silly, simpering, whining palaver about the US destroying the Middle East is good for comic relief, but is grotesquely misaligned with reality.
His silly, simpering, whining palaver about the US destroying the Middle East is good for comic relief, but is grotesquely misaligned with reality.
Can't spot any evidence of the US destroying the Middle East, Bibi?
Have you been snoozing through the last 18 years which, based on the sophomoric tripe you regularly post, seems likely?
That might explain your amateurish attempts at comic relief when attempting to opine on issues as significant as US war crimes:

MAGA, yet?
Too much winning maybe??
A Vote for the Democrats Would Be a Vote for War Crimes
...Bow before your king.
Better than bowing before your Imam, I'm sure.

But, seriously, folks... is there a psychiatrist in the house? :cuckoo:
Better than bowing before your Imam, I'm sure.

But, seriously, folks... is there a psychiatrist in the house

Did you SQUEAL like a little piggy?

What would always happen to israel when they would rebel and look to be ruled over?
What impresses you most about the Jews of Israel, their greed or their racism?

We rule the world. Thank you for the dedication posts. You’re my puppet and bitch, Georgie.
We rule the world. Thank you for the dedication posts. You’re my puppet and bitch, Georgie.

View attachment 277767

Bow before your king.

They didn't bow to the messiah who rode in on an ass but they will bow to the next one that claims the ac.
They didn't bow to the messiah who rode in on an ass but they will bow to the next one that claims the ac
Magical thinking is NOT thinking.

When Magical Thinking On Israel Meets Reality
We rule the world. Thank you for the dedication posts. You’re my puppet and bitch, Georgie.
We rule the world. Thank you for the dedication posts. You’re my puppet and bitch, Georgie.

View attachment 277767

Bow before your king.

They didn't bow to the messiah who rode in on an ass but they will bow to the next one that claims the ac.
They didn't bow to the messiah who rode in on an ass but they will bow to the next one that claims the ac
Magical thinking is NOT thinking.

When Magical Thinking On Israel Meets Reality

Thats not magical thinking. Its reality.
Who says the US has shattered the Middle East?
Glad you asked:


How the U.S. Shattered the Middle East

"Maj. Danny Sjursen is a retired U.S. Army officer and former history instructor at West Point. He served tours with reconnaissance units in Iraq and Afghanistan..."

The major believes War is a Racket

"Let us take an ever-so-brief tour of Washington’s two-decade history of utterly rupturing Greater Mideast nation-states and splintering an already fractious region. Here goes, from West to East, in an admittedly noncomprehensive list.

"U.S. airstrikes and regime change policy in Libya has unleashed an ongoing civil war, divided the country between at least two warlords, and enabled arms and militiamen to cross the southern border and destabilize West Africa.

"Which means that Niger, Libya, Cameroon, Mali, Chad and Nigeria have seen their shared territory around Lake Chad become a disputed region, contested by a newly empowered array of Islamists.

"That, of course, led the U.S. military to plop a few thousand troops in these countries.

"That deployment is unlikely to end well."

However, that may well depend on your definition of the word "well."

"The whole absurd mess boils down to a treacherous math problem of sorts.

"By my simple accounting, a region from Nigeria to Afghanistan that once counted about 22 state entities has—since the onset of the U.S. 'terror wars'—broken into some 37 autonomous, sometimes hardly governed, zones.

"According to the 'experts,' that should mean total disaster and increased danger to the homeland.

"Yet it’s largely U.S. military policy and intervention itself that’s caused this fracture.

"So isn’t it high time to quit the American combat missions?

"Not according to the mainstream policymakers and pundits.

"For them, the war must (always) go on!

Counterproductivity seems the essence of U.S. military policy in Uncle Sam’s never-ending, post-9/11 wars.

"Call me crazy, or wildly conspiratorial, but after serving in two hopelessly absurd wars and studying the full scope of American military action, it seems that maybe that was the idea all along.
If we have to be there, send the illegals out with an empty gun and tell them there are food stamps on the other side of the sand dune.
...Bow before your king.
Better than bowing before your Imam, I'm sure.

But, seriously, folks... is there a psychiatrist in the house? :cuckoo:
Better than bowing before your Imam, I'm sure.

But, seriously, folks... is there a psychiatrist in the house

Did you SQUEAL like a little piggy?

What would always happen to israel when they would rebel and look to be ruled over?
What would always happen to israel when they would rebel and look to be ruled over?

Colosseum 'built with loot from sack of Jerusalem temple'
Who says the US has shattered the Middle East?
Glad you asked:


How the U.S. Shattered the Middle East

"Maj. Danny Sjursen is a retired U.S. Army officer and former history instructor at West Point. He served tours with reconnaissance units in Iraq and Afghanistan..."

The major believes War is a Racket

"Let us take an ever-so-brief tour of Washington’s two-decade history of utterly rupturing Greater Mideast nation-states and splintering an already fractious region. Here goes, from West to East, in an admittedly noncomprehensive list.

"U.S. airstrikes and regime change policy in Libya has unleashed an ongoing civil war, divided the country between at least two warlords, and enabled arms and militiamen to cross the southern border and destabilize West Africa.

"Which means that Niger, Libya, Cameroon, Mali, Chad and Nigeria have seen their shared territory around Lake Chad become a disputed region, contested by a newly empowered array of Islamists.

"That, of course, led the U.S. military to plop a few thousand troops in these countries.

"That deployment is unlikely to end well."

However, that may well depend on your definition of the word "well."

"The whole absurd mess boils down to a treacherous math problem of sorts.

"By my simple accounting, a region from Nigeria to Afghanistan that once counted about 22 state entities has—since the onset of the U.S. 'terror wars'—broken into some 37 autonomous, sometimes hardly governed, zones.

"According to the 'experts,' that should mean total disaster and increased danger to the homeland.

"Yet it’s largely U.S. military policy and intervention itself that’s caused this fracture.

"So isn’t it high time to quit the American combat missions?

"Not according to the mainstream policymakers and pundits.

"For them, the war must (always) go on!

Counterproductivity seems the essence of U.S. military policy in Uncle Sam’s never-ending, post-9/11 wars.

"Call me crazy, or wildly conspiratorial, but after serving in two hopelessly absurd wars and studying the full scope of American military action, it seems that maybe that was the idea all along.
If we have to be there, send the illegals out with an empty gun and tell them there are food stamps on the other side of the sand dune.
If we have to be there, send the illegals out with an empty gun and tell them there are food stamps on the other side of the sand dune.

Here's your leader.
Who says the US has shattered the Middle East?
Glad you asked:


How the U.S. Shattered the Middle East

"Maj. Danny Sjursen is a retired U.S. Army officer and former history instructor at West Point. He served tours with reconnaissance units in Iraq and Afghanistan..."

The major believes War is a Racket

"Let us take an ever-so-brief tour of Washington’s two-decade history of utterly rupturing Greater Mideast nation-states and splintering an already fractious region. Here goes, from West to East, in an admittedly noncomprehensive list.

"U.S. airstrikes and regime change policy in Libya has unleashed an ongoing civil war, divided the country between at least two warlords, and enabled arms and militiamen to cross the southern border and destabilize West Africa.

"Which means that Niger, Libya, Cameroon, Mali, Chad and Nigeria have seen their shared territory around Lake Chad become a disputed region, contested by a newly empowered array of Islamists.

"That, of course, led the U.S. military to plop a few thousand troops in these countries.

"That deployment is unlikely to end well."

However, that may well depend on your definition of the word "well."

"The whole absurd mess boils down to a treacherous math problem of sorts.

"By my simple accounting, a region from Nigeria to Afghanistan that once counted about 22 state entities has—since the onset of the U.S. 'terror wars'—broken into some 37 autonomous, sometimes hardly governed, zones.

"According to the 'experts,' that should mean total disaster and increased danger to the homeland.

"Yet it’s largely U.S. military policy and intervention itself that’s caused this fracture.

"So isn’t it high time to quit the American combat missions?

"Not according to the mainstream policymakers and pundits.

"For them, the war must (always) go on!

Counterproductivity seems the essence of U.S. military policy in Uncle Sam’s never-ending, post-9/11 wars.

"Call me crazy, or wildly conspiratorial, but after serving in two hopelessly absurd wars and studying the full scope of American military action, it seems that maybe that was the idea all along.
If we have to be there, send the illegals out with an empty gun and tell them there are food stamps on the other side of the sand dune.
If we have to be there, send the illegals out with an empty gun and tell them there are food stamps on the other side of the sand dune.

Here's your leader.
Look out! His hat just sent a dozen libbers to the "safe room"!

They didn't bow to the messiah who rode in on an ass but they will bow to the next one that claims the ac.
They didn't bow to the messiah who rode in on an ass but they will bow to the next one that claims the ac
Magical thinking is NOT thinking.

When Magical Thinking On Israel Meets Reality

Thats not magical thinking. Its reality.
Thats not magical thinking. Its reality.
Is Greater Israel a part of your reality?
How about apartheid?

"Such magical thinking reflects a return to the dream of a Greater Israel — without dealing with the reality of overseeing the lives of two to three million Palestinians. 'I would never give citizenship to the masses of the Arab population in Judea and Samaria,' Yoav Kisch, a Likud member of the Knesset who is advocating an autonomy plan, told The New York Times."

When Magical Thinking On Israel Meets Reality

They didn't bow to the messiah who rode in on an ass but they will bow to the next one that claims the ac.
They didn't bow to the messiah who rode in on an ass but they will bow to the next one that claims the ac
Magical thinking is NOT thinking.

When Magical Thinking On Israel Meets Reality

Thats not magical thinking. Its reality.
Thats not magical thinking. Its reality.
Is Greater Israel a part of your reality?
How about apartheid?

"Such magical thinking reflects a return to the dream of a Greater Israel — without dealing with the reality of overseeing the lives of two to three million Palestinians. 'I would never give citizenship to the masses of the Arab population in Judea and Samaria,' Yoav Kisch, a Likud member of the Knesset who is advocating an autonomy plan, told The New York Times."

When Magical Thinking On Israel Meets Reality
Forget that-how about OUR southern border? Kinda more important isn't it?
Except you did. Consistently vilifying Israel. As far as your ad Hominems, Herr Lesh, I take them as badges of honor.

Except I didn't. Stop lying you Zionist scum. Taking issue with the actions of the Israeli government or illegal settlers in the West Bank is not attacking Jews writ large or even "vilifying Israel".

Interesting that you walked back your "wishing all Jews dead " to vilifying Israel" though

Georgie wants all Jews dead. You just want to vilify the people of Israel aka Jews. Israel is a Democracy and the people vote for their government. If you were intelligent you would know that.
Who says the US has shattered the Middle East?
Glad you asked:


How the U.S. Shattered the Middle East

"Maj. Danny Sjursen is a retired U.S. Army officer and former history instructor at West Point. He served tours with reconnaissance units in Iraq and Afghanistan..."

The major believes War is a Racket

"Let us take an ever-so-brief tour of Washington’s two-decade history of utterly rupturing Greater Mideast nation-states and splintering an already fractious region. Here goes, from West to East, in an admittedly noncomprehensive list.

"U.S. airstrikes and regime change policy in Libya has unleashed an ongoing civil war, divided the country between at least two warlords, and enabled arms and militiamen to cross the southern border and destabilize West Africa.

"Which means that Niger, Libya, Cameroon, Mali, Chad and Nigeria have seen their shared territory around Lake Chad become a disputed region, contested by a newly empowered array of Islamists.

"That, of course, led the U.S. military to plop a few thousand troops in these countries.

"That deployment is unlikely to end well."

However, that may well depend on your definition of the word "well."

"The whole absurd mess boils down to a treacherous math problem of sorts.

"By my simple accounting, a region from Nigeria to Afghanistan that once counted about 22 state entities has—since the onset of the U.S. 'terror wars'—broken into some 37 autonomous, sometimes hardly governed, zones.

"According to the 'experts,' that should mean total disaster and increased danger to the homeland.

"Yet it’s largely U.S. military policy and intervention itself that’s caused this fracture.

"So isn’t it high time to quit the American combat missions?

"Not according to the mainstream policymakers and pundits.

"For them, the war must (always) go on!

Counterproductivity seems the essence of U.S. military policy in Uncle Sam’s never-ending, post-9/11 wars.

"Call me crazy, or wildly conspiratorial, but after serving in two hopelessly absurd wars and studying the full scope of American military action, it seems that maybe that was the idea all along.
If we have to be there, send the illegals out with an empty gun and tell them there are food stamps on the other side of the sand dune.
If we have to be there, send the illegals out with an empty gun and tell them there are food stamps on the other side of the sand dune.

Here's your leader.
Look out! His hat just sent a dozen libbers to the "safe room"!
Look out! His hat just sent a dozen libbers to the "safe room"!

Liberals know Trump is nothing but a rich punk with a twitter account.
Looks like everything is going as planned. The next major event over there may be a Damascus trash heap.
How did that plan work out in 2006?

The Lebanon-Israel War of 2006: Global Effects and its Aftermath | Small Wars Journal

Georgie you lost little man.
Georgie is probably a little old Palestinian grandma twittering from some $hithole in Gaza... a patron saint of Lost Causes.

That, or an Islamic terrorist sleeper-cell member, honing its propaganda skills... juvenile and amateurish though they may be.

His silly, simpering, whining palaver about the US destroying the Middle East is good for comic relief, but is grotesquely misaligned with reality.
His silly, simpering, whining palaver about the US destroying the Middle East is good for comic relief, but is grotesquely misaligned with reality.
Can't spot any evidence of the US destroying the Middle East, Bibi?
Have you been snoozing through the last 18 years which, based on the sophomoric tripe you regularly post, seems likely?
That might explain your amateurish attempts at comic relief when attempting to opine on issues as significant as US war crimes:

MAGA, yet?
Too much winning maybe??
A Vote for the Democrats Would Be a Vote for War Crimes

Pictures of 2015 Syria. Thanks for posting Georgie the Islamist.
We rule the world. Thank you for the dedication posts. You’re my puppet and bitch, Georgie.
We rule the world. Thank you for the dedication posts. You’re my puppet and bitch, Georgie.

View attachment 277767

Bow before your king.

They didn't bow to the messiah who rode in on an ass but they will bow to the next one that claims the ac.
They didn't bow to the messiah who rode in on an ass but they will bow to the next one that claims the ac
Magical thinking is NOT thinking.

When Magical Thinking On Israel Meets Reality

Georgie, why are you embarrassed to admit you’re a Muslim?
Who says the US has shattered the Middle East?
Glad you asked:


How the U.S. Shattered the Middle East

"Maj. Danny Sjursen is a retired U.S. Army officer and former history instructor at West Point. He served tours with reconnaissance units in Iraq and Afghanistan..."

The major believes War is a Racket

"Let us take an ever-so-brief tour of Washington’s two-decade history of utterly rupturing Greater Mideast nation-states and splintering an already fractious region. Here goes, from West to East, in an admittedly noncomprehensive list.

"U.S. airstrikes and regime change policy in Libya has unleashed an ongoing civil war, divided the country between at least two warlords, and enabled arms and militiamen to cross the southern border and destabilize West Africa.

"Which means that Niger, Libya, Cameroon, Mali, Chad and Nigeria have seen their shared territory around Lake Chad become a disputed region, contested by a newly empowered array of Islamists.

"That, of course, led the U.S. military to plop a few thousand troops in these countries.

"That deployment is unlikely to end well."

However, that may well depend on your definition of the word "well."

"The whole absurd mess boils down to a treacherous math problem of sorts.

"By my simple accounting, a region from Nigeria to Afghanistan that once counted about 22 state entities has—since the onset of the U.S. 'terror wars'—broken into some 37 autonomous, sometimes hardly governed, zones.

"According to the 'experts,' that should mean total disaster and increased danger to the homeland.

"Yet it’s largely U.S. military policy and intervention itself that’s caused this fracture.

"So isn’t it high time to quit the American combat missions?

"Not according to the mainstream policymakers and pundits.

"For them, the war must (always) go on!

Counterproductivity seems the essence of U.S. military policy in Uncle Sam’s never-ending, post-9/11 wars.

"Call me crazy, or wildly conspiratorial, but after serving in two hopelessly absurd wars and studying the full scope of American military action, it seems that maybe that was the idea all along.
If we have to be there, send the illegals out with an empty gun and tell them there are food stamps on the other side of the sand dune.
If we have to be there, send the illegals out with an empty gun and tell them there are food stamps on the other side of the sand dune.

Here's your leader.

He was elected. Leaders in countries run by your religion are not. Poor uneducated Georgie.
Who says the US has shattered the Middle East?
Glad you asked:


How the U.S. Shattered the Middle East

"Maj. Danny Sjursen is a retired U.S. Army officer and former history instructor at West Point. He served tours with reconnaissance units in Iraq and Afghanistan..."

The major believes War is a Racket

"Let us take an ever-so-brief tour of Washington’s two-decade history of utterly rupturing Greater Mideast nation-states and splintering an already fractious region. Here goes, from West to East, in an admittedly noncomprehensive list.

"U.S. airstrikes and regime change policy in Libya has unleashed an ongoing civil war, divided the country between at least two warlords, and enabled arms and militiamen to cross the southern border and destabilize West Africa.

"Which means that Niger, Libya, Cameroon, Mali, Chad and Nigeria have seen their shared territory around Lake Chad become a disputed region, contested by a newly empowered array of Islamists.

"That, of course, led the U.S. military to plop a few thousand troops in these countries.

"That deployment is unlikely to end well."

However, that may well depend on your definition of the word "well."

"The whole absurd mess boils down to a treacherous math problem of sorts.

"By my simple accounting, a region from Nigeria to Afghanistan that once counted about 22 state entities has—since the onset of the U.S. 'terror wars'—broken into some 37 autonomous, sometimes hardly governed, zones.

"According to the 'experts,' that should mean total disaster and increased danger to the homeland.

"Yet it’s largely U.S. military policy and intervention itself that’s caused this fracture.

"So isn’t it high time to quit the American combat missions?

"Not according to the mainstream policymakers and pundits.

"For them, the war must (always) go on!

Counterproductivity seems the essence of U.S. military policy in Uncle Sam’s never-ending, post-9/11 wars.

"Call me crazy, or wildly conspiratorial, but after serving in two hopelessly absurd wars and studying the full scope of American military action, it seems that maybe that was the idea all along.
If we have to be there, send the illegals out with an empty gun and tell them there are food stamps on the other side of the sand dune.
If we have to be there, send the illegals out with an empty gun and tell them there are food stamps on the other side of the sand dune.

Here's your leader.
Look out! His hat just sent a dozen libbers to the "safe room"!
Look out! His hat just sent a dozen libbers to the "safe room"!

Liberals know Trump is nothing but a rich punk with a twitter account.

This idiot used the deranged Kathy Griffin as his example. Doubles down on his stupidity. Georgie is still abashed that he is a Muslim. So sad.
Georgie wants all Jews dead. You just want to vilify the people of Israel aka Jews. Israel is a Democracy and the people vote for their government. If you were intelligent you would know that.

Taking issue with the policies of the STATE of Israel isn't vilifying anyone, you lying ****

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