How the US Shattered the Middle East (and Why)

If we have to be there, send the illegals out with an empty gun and tell them there are food stamps on the other side of the sand dune.
If we have to be there, send the illegals out with an empty gun and tell them there are food stamps on the other side of the sand dune.

Here's your leader.
Look out! His hat just sent a dozen libbers to the "safe room"!
Look out! His hat just sent a dozen libbers to the "safe room"!

Liberals know Trump is nothing but a rich punk with a twitter account.
Still better than any democrat
Still better than any democrat

Or Republican.
Or ham samich
Georgie you lost little man.
Georgie is probably a little old Palestinian grandma twittering from some $hithole in Gaza... a patron saint of Lost Causes.

That, or an Islamic terrorist sleeper-cell member, honing its propaganda skills... juvenile and amateurish though they may be.

His silly, simpering, whining palaver about the US destroying the Middle East is good for comic relief, but is grotesquely misaligned with reality.
His silly, simpering, whining palaver about the US destroying the Middle East is good for comic relief, but is grotesquely misaligned with reality.
Can't spot any evidence of the US destroying the Middle East, Bibi?
Have you been snoozing through the last 18 years which, based on the sophomoric tripe you regularly post, seems likely?
That might explain your amateurish attempts at comic relief when attempting to opine on issues as significant as US war crimes:

MAGA, yet?
Too much winning maybe??
A Vote for the Democrats Would Be a Vote for War Crimes
You tell 'em, Abdul... or is it Fatima?

You might actually have stood a chance of selling that fluff to a minority of Americans before 9-11...

Since then?

Not gonna happen.
You tell 'em, Abdul... or is it Fatima?

You might actually have stood a chance of selling that fluff to a minority of Americans before 9-11...

Since then?

Not gonna happen.
Still haven't figured out what caused 911, Donald?

Bin Laden: Palestinian Cause Prompted 9/11
Any religion that promotes what the terrorists have done is no different than the nazis.
In Muslim controlled countries no other religion or belief is tolerated… fact
Georgie you lost little man.
Georgie is probably a little old Palestinian grandma twittering from some $hithole in Gaza... a patron saint of Lost Causes.

That, or an Islamic terrorist sleeper-cell member, honing its propaganda skills... juvenile and amateurish though they may be.

His silly, simpering, whining palaver about the US destroying the Middle East is good for comic relief, but is grotesquely misaligned with reality.
His silly, simpering, whining palaver about the US destroying the Middle East is good for comic relief, but is grotesquely misaligned with reality.
Can't spot any evidence of the US destroying the Middle East, Bibi?
Have you been snoozing through the last 18 years which, based on the sophomoric tripe you regularly post, seems likely?
That might explain your amateurish attempts at comic relief when attempting to opine on issues as significant as US war crimes:

MAGA, yet?
Too much winning maybe??
A Vote for the Democrats Would Be a Vote for War Crimes
You tell 'em, Abdul... or is it Fatima?

You might actually have stood a chance of selling that fluff to a minority of Americans before 9-11...

Since then?

Not gonna happen.
You tell 'em, Abdul... or is it Fatima?

You might actually have stood a chance of selling that fluff to a minority of Americans before 9-11...

Since then?

Not gonna happen.
Still haven't figured out what caused 911, Donald?

Bin Laden: Palestinian Cause Prompted 9/11
Any religion that promotes what the terrorists have done is no different than the nazis.
Any religion that promotes what the terrorists have done is no different than the nazis
No one matches Christian terror:

Report: Christian Extremists In U.S. Military Are ‘National Security Threat’
Georgie is probably a little old Palestinian grandma twittering from some $hithole in Gaza... a patron saint of Lost Causes.

That, or an Islamic terrorist sleeper-cell member, honing its propaganda skills... juvenile and amateurish though they may be.

His silly, simpering, whining palaver about the US destroying the Middle East is good for comic relief, but is grotesquely misaligned with reality.
His silly, simpering, whining palaver about the US destroying the Middle East is good for comic relief, but is grotesquely misaligned with reality.
Can't spot any evidence of the US destroying the Middle East, Bibi?
Have you been snoozing through the last 18 years which, based on the sophomoric tripe you regularly post, seems likely?
That might explain your amateurish attempts at comic relief when attempting to opine on issues as significant as US war crimes:

MAGA, yet?
Too much winning maybe??
A Vote for the Democrats Would Be a Vote for War Crimes
You tell 'em, Abdul... or is it Fatima?

You might actually have stood a chance of selling that fluff to a minority of Americans before 9-11...

Since then?

Not gonna happen.
You tell 'em, Abdul... or is it Fatima?

You might actually have stood a chance of selling that fluff to a minority of Americans before 9-11...

Since then?

Not gonna happen.
Still haven't figured out what caused 911, Donald?

Bin Laden: Palestinian Cause Prompted 9/11
Any religion that promotes what the terrorists have done is no different than the nazis.
Any religion that promotes what the terrorists have done is no different than the nazis
No one matches Christian terror:

Report: Christian Extremists In U.S. Military Are ‘National Security Threat’

20 Commandments of Mohammad the founder of Islam
1. Thou shall Rape, Marry, and Divorce Pre-pubescent Girls. Koran 65:4
2. Thou shall have Sex Slaves and Work Slaves. Koran 4:3, 4:24, 5:89, 33:50, 58:3, 70:30
3. Thou shall Beat Sex Slaves, Work Slaves, and Wives. Koran 4:34
4. Thou shall have 4 Muslim male witnesses to prove rape. Koran 24:13
5. Thou shall Kill those who insult Islam or Mohammed. Koran 33:57
6. Thou shall Crucify and Amputate non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
7. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims to guarantee receiving 72 virgins in heaven. Koran 9:111
8. Thou shall Kill anyone who leaves Islam. Koran 2:217, 4:89
9. Thou shall Behead non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 47:4
10. Thou shall Kill AND be Killed for Islamic Allah. Koran 9:5
11. Thou shall Terrorize non-Muslims. Koran 8:12, 8:60
12. Thou shall Steal and Rob from non-Muslims. Koran Chapter 8 (Booty/Spoils of War)
13. Thou shall Lie to Strengthen Islam. Koran 3:28, 16:106
14. Thou shall Fight non-Muslim even if you don't want to. Koran 2:216
15. Thou shall not take non-Muslims as friends. Koran 5:51
16. Thou shall Call non-Muslims Pigs and Apes. Koran 5:60, 7:166, 16:106
17. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as the vilest creatures deserving no mercy. Koran 98:6
18. Thou shall Treat non-Muslims as sworn enemies. Koran 4:101
19. Thou shall Kill non-Muslims for not converting to Islam. Koran 9:29
20. Thou shall Extort non-Muslims to keep Islam strong. Koran 9:29.
Georgie is probably a little old Palestinian grandma twittering from some $hithole in Gaza... a patron saint of Lost Causes.

That, or an Islamic terrorist sleeper-cell member, honing its propaganda skills... juvenile and amateurish though they may be.

His silly, simpering, whining palaver about the US destroying the Middle East is good for comic relief, but is grotesquely misaligned with reality.
His silly, simpering, whining palaver about the US destroying the Middle East is good for comic relief, but is grotesquely misaligned with reality.
Can't spot any evidence of the US destroying the Middle East, Bibi?
Have you been snoozing through the last 18 years which, based on the sophomoric tripe you regularly post, seems likely?
That might explain your amateurish attempts at comic relief when attempting to opine on issues as significant as US war crimes:

MAGA, yet?
Too much winning maybe??
A Vote for the Democrats Would Be a Vote for War Crimes
You tell 'em, Abdul... or is it Fatima?

You might actually have stood a chance of selling that fluff to a minority of Americans before 9-11...

Since then?

Not gonna happen.
You tell 'em, Abdul... or is it Fatima?

You might actually have stood a chance of selling that fluff to a minority of Americans before 9-11...

Since then?

Not gonna happen.
Still haven't figured out what caused 911, Donald?

Bin Laden: Palestinian Cause Prompted 9/11
Any religion that promotes what the terrorists have done is no different than the nazis.
Any religion that promotes what the terrorists have done is no different than the nazis
No one matches Christian terror:

Report: Christian Extremists In U.S. Military Are ‘National Security Threat’

I exposed Georgie as a Muslim extremist. I am the best.
Who says the US has shattered the Middle East?........

Oh please. As people on both sides of the aisle always say, those people have been fighting and making war forever. Their sectarianism is the real cause of their strife.

But if you want to focus on actions of the West, look at how fake countries were created out of whole cloth. The country today known as Iraq was a region of the Ottoman Empire until the partition of the Ottoman Empire in the 20th century by the British, who then administered the area. And Iran? Iran's history is so chaotic that its almost too hard to follow.

And don't get me started on Palestinians. They are a fiction.There is no Palestine and never was, and we did not create those terrorists.

The poor Kurds have been in their terrible fix long before we came on the scene.

NOPE, sorry, there is no way that America is responsible for their mess.
Who says the US has shattered the Middle East?........

Oh please. As people on both sides of the aisle always say, those people have been fighting and making war forever. Their sectarianism is the real cause of their strife.

But if you want to focus on actions of the West, look at how fake countries were created out of whole cloth. The country today known as Iraq was a region of the Ottoman Empire until the partition of the Ottoman Empire in the 20th century by the British, who then administered the area. And Iran? Iran's history is so chaotic that its almost too hard to follow.

And don't get me started on Palestinians. They are a fiction.There is no Palestine and never was, and we did not create those terrorists.

The poor Kurds have been in their terrible fix long before we came on the scene.

NOPE, sorry, there is no way that America is responsible for their mess.
And don't get me started on Palestinians. They are a fiction.There is no Palestine and never was, and we did not create those terrorists.

"The 1948 Palestinian exodus, also known as the Nakba (Arabic... al-Nakbah, literally 'disaster', 'catastrophe', or 'cataclysm'),[1] occurred when more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs — about half of prewar Palestine's Arab population — fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1948 Palestine war.[2]

"Between 400 and 600 Palestinian villages were sacked during the war, while urban Palestine was almost entirely extinguished."

What makes you think Jews were entitled to steal the homes, businesses, and bank accounts of more than 700,000 non-Jews in PALESTINE?

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia
What makes you think Jews were entitled to steal the homes, businesses, and bank accounts of more than 700,000 non-Jews in PALESTINE?

There never was a Palestine. It is a fiction. Before the Jews went into the West Bank, Jordan controlled that land and there was no Palestine. That land has been Jewish for 2,000 years, ya' dope.
What makes you think Jews were entitled to steal the homes, businesses, and bank accounts of more than 700,000 non-Jews in PALESTINE?

There never was a Palestine. It is a fiction. Before the Jews went into the West Bank, Jordan controlled that land and there was no Palestine. That land has been Jewish for 2,000 years, ya' dope.
There never was a Palestine. It is a fiction. Before the Jews went into the West Bank, Jordan controlled that land and there was no Palestine. That land has been Jewish for 2,000 years, ya' dope.
Was there any legal way of registering private property in Palestine before Jews drove 700,000 non-Jews from their homes, businesses, and farms in 1948?

Yeah, there was, in spite of what your King tells you.
The U.S military has morphed into a private mercenary army which is engaged in dismantling the Middle East to further the zionist agenda of creating a Greater Israel. ... :cool:

Huh? What does any of what was in that post, have to do with Israel?

Here's a hint. Just because you don't like Israel, doesn't mean that every two Muslims in the middle east that argue with each other, is magically do to the jooooooos.

Grow up.
Was there any legal way of registering private property in Palestine before Jews drove 700,000 non-Jews from their homes, businesses, and farms in 1948?

I am not having this argument with an obvious Jew-hating, pro-terrorist asswipe like you.

I REPEAT: There never was a Palestine. It is a fiction. Before the Jews went into the West Bank, Jordan controlled that land and there was no Palestine. That land has been Jewish for 2,000 years!!

Non-Jews today in Israel have rights that no Jew has in Arab countries. And the Palestinian terrorist pigs can go rot in hell, or find a home in some Arab land.

There is no Palestine and there never was, and after them killing Jews for decades I would not blame the Jews if they threw every one of the pieces of shit out.

Now fuck off, Jew-hater
Was there any legal way of registering private property in Palestine before Jews drove 700,000 non-Jews from their homes, businesses, and farms in 1948?

I am not having this argument with an obvious Jew-hating, pro-terrorist asswipe like you.

I REPEAT: There never was a Palestine. It is a fiction. Before the Jews went into the West Bank, Jordan controlled that land and there was no Palestine. That land has been Jewish for 2,000 years!!

Non-Jews today in Israel have rights that no Jew has in Arab countries. And the Palestinian terrorist pigs can go rot in hell, or find a home in some Arab land.

There is no Palestine and there never was, and after them killing Jews for decades I would not blame the Jews if they threw every one of the pieces of shit out.

Now fuck off, Jew-hater

What's the difference between anti-Semitism and anti-Zionism?
Who says the US has shattered the Middle East?........

Oh please. As people on both sides of the aisle always say, those people have been fighting and making war forever. Their sectarianism is the real cause of their strife.

But if you want to focus on actions of the West, look at how fake countries were created out of whole cloth. The country today known as Iraq was a region of the Ottoman Empire until the partition of the Ottoman Empire in the 20th century by the British, who then administered the area. And Iran? Iran's history is so chaotic that its almost too hard to follow.

And don't get me started on Palestinians. They are a fiction.There is no Palestine and never was, and we did not create those terrorists.

The poor Kurds have been in their terrible fix long before we came on the scene.

NOPE, sorry, there is no way that America is responsible for their mess.
And don't get me started on Palestinians. They are a fiction.There is no Palestine and never was, and we did not create those terrorists.

"The 1948 Palestinian exodus, also known as the Nakba (Arabic... al-Nakbah, literally 'disaster', 'catastrophe', or 'cataclysm'),[1] occurred when more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs — about half of prewar Palestine's Arab population — fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1948 Palestine war.[2]

"Between 400 and 600 Palestinian villages were sacked during the war, while urban Palestine was almost entirely extinguished."

What makes you think Jews were entitled to steal the homes, businesses, and bank accounts of more than 700,000 non-Jews in PALESTINE?

1948 Palestinian exodus - Wikipedia
Personal responsibility- good for people, good for countries
Not to worry...

We're most of the way to Eretz Yisrael, already...


But it ends at the limits of the 1922 vision...

Muslim-Arabs already have their slice of the former Roman and Turkish province of Palestine...

Their slice is called "Jordan"...

As (what little is left of) the West Bank and Gaza continue to shrink, it won't be long now, until the old League of Nations partition plan of 1922 becomes reality.

The Arabs have shot themselves in the foot time and again and again...

The Palestinian-Arabs should have come to terms with Israel while they still could; until the 1967-1973 time frame...

But... given that the Muslims attacked (or were mustering on the borders to attack) Israel three times... 1948... 1967... 1973...

Well... three strikes and you're out...

If there was a snowball's chance in hell that a deal could still be pulled off, the idiot Palestinians' Intifadas 1 and 2 finished that off...

"The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity." - accepted nowadays as a truism.

Now, there's nothing more to do but sit back and watch Israel complete its finalizing of the 1922 partition...

Oh, and, by the way, America did not lend substantive support to Israel until after the 1967 War, and that was largely to offset Soviet supply of the Arabs...

But it was the Israelis themselves who kicked Muslim-Arab ass time and again, held back only by the prospect of American disapproval and a drying-up of supplies...

America didn't tear-apart the Middle East...

Those Arab camel- and goat-buggerers managed most of that on their own...

It's just more convenient to blame America than it is to look long and hard and honestly in the mirror for the true cause of their problems.
So why does the US have invaded, regime changed.and bomb multiple countries in the middle east ?
Helped Israel with weapons, logistics, intelligence, money, shooting down UN resolutions and even condemnations against israel.
Got involved in Lebanon in the 50's and then the 80s
Invaded Iraq
Weakened Syria
Bombed Sudan
Bombed lybia
Involved in Yemen
Had dozens of military bases in the region And backs dictators in most Arab countries.
Georgie wants to complete the mission of the Holocaust and kill us all. He is just too chicken to come out and state as such.
Have you ever asked yourself why evangelicals want Israel to prevail ? And what will happen to the Jews when the messiah comes back if they dont convert ?
Also please tell US what the jews think of jesus or Christianity?

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