how to choose. Marines or Army

So this is my first post here and I have been checking out this site for a while and love it, Very informed people, some not so much, But for the most part you get a straight answer.

I have wanted to join the military all of my life, its kinda a family thing. but i have family in every branch and doing everything imaginable.

Heres my question,
It seems that the marines and army are very similar, of course i know the armys bigger and that the marines are a more amphibous infantry but how does one choose between the two. whats the big factor that sets the marines apart from the infantry, to me they seem so similar

Part two,
I have always been kinda a rough guy, i dont mind a fight and i certainly hold my own.
how do i know weather the army or the marines are better for ME... not in general

Thanks to everyone

Marines get the girls. A small, but significant point.

Yup, and a bunch of real cuties too.......



I dont know, I suffered no shortage of ass when I was in. I was married for part of it, but for the part I was not the booty was there. One observation though, the young ladies around the Navy base were always skittish. Wonder why ?
Marines get the girls. A small, but significant point.

Yup, and a bunch of real cuties too.......



I dont know, I suffered no shortage of ass when I was in. I was married for part of it, but for the part I was not the booty was there. One observation though, the young ladies around the Navy base were always skittish. Wonder why ?

Now you know why they call us sailors "squids".......... :D
(Have tentacles will grope..........)
Do you wanna be called a jarhead or a dough boy?

dough boy comes from getting dirty

jar head come from being dumb.

And always remember; Squids eat all Marine life.
Publius1787, so much stupid shit has come from the keyboard that you type from that it's hard to even address it all. Please remember that you're talking to a young man who wants correct information, not slanted and sometimes completely erroneous information trying to convince him that the decision you made is the right decision.

Eh, I'll attempt to address them all.

There are no female drill sergeants in the infantry training brigade. Infantrymen train infantrymen, period. Ft. Benning also consist of BCT.

Generally speaking only Marines within the recon field will have an opportunity at Ranger School. And they are typically outstanding and very motivated as it's considered a very high reward to outstanding Marines not given to many. The thought that it's a 'vacation' done for shits and giggles is laughable. Its even known Navy SEALs are generally sent there who are having disciplinary problems and need a gut check as a punishment. Generally people lose about 30 lbs and their muscles atrophy to nothing. I've seen guys come back looking like concentration camp victims having a hard time benching 135. It's no vacation no matter how tough you are because it will takes it's toll on you, and you will come back a pile of turds.

And just in case you think I'm biased on the subjects, here's what a Marine has to say on the subject: forum.militaryltd(dot)com/training-schools/m394-ranger-school-marines
As far as Ranger School, the Army gives the Corps a certain number of slots per year to send Marines through. Force Recon and Recon Battalion get first priority on these slots, and most of their Marines have had the option to attend Ranger School. A handful of slots also get passed on to other parts of the MEF (ANGLICO for example) and Division – particularly the infantry regiments. This usually means that 3 or 4 Marines per regiment get the opportunity to go. Generally the battalions just back from deployment will select one or two Marines (top shelf guys who will be around for the next deployment) and there will be some kind of competition at the regimental level to see who gets the slots. When these guys come back from Ranger School, it is anticipated that they will impart the knowledge gained to their squads, platoons, and companies. Ranger School is without a doubt, the best school out there for patrolling and small unit tactics… it is also a hell of a gut check. Participants learn more about themselves and the others in the class than they do tactics. Frequently, those Marines who complete Ranger School then get a slot to Jump School, but not always. Sometimes those slots are passed out separately.

Ranger School is not a prerequisite to get into Recon or Force Recon… they have their own criteria. Also, if your infantry battalion sends you to Ranger School, they are going to want to keep you and have you use those skills and pass them on to the battalion, not send you off so that someone else can reap the benefits of your training. Think of it as an investment.

Marines do not get sent to more dangerous areas. Take for example the Korengal Valley, known as the deadliest valley in Afghanistan, was tasked out to the paratroopers of 173rd as documented in Restrepo. Fact is commanders don't differentiate Army and Marine infantry on land.

The Army never held Mogadishu. That entire MEU was replaced with one company of Rangers and handful of other SOF to do precision attacks on key personnel. 10th MTN was holed up in another area as strictly a QRF. MEUs are a quick reactionary force forward deployed to sea, and if that's something that appeals to you, Marines are for you. But this does not make Marines more elite, it makes them quickly available.

Force Recon Marines are not under SOCOM and never have been. Nor would that be unfortunate. The MSOBs are not Force Recon Marines. Force Recon Marines made up the original cadre of the MSOBs, but the Force Recon Companies have since returned and MEF commander's have retained that ability.

Oh and as a small note, when I was deployed to Camp Al-Ramadi, Marines guarded our gates.

Anyways, I think addressed most of your statements.

As for wickedjester, I'm curious if he's actually a Batt Boy or not. Most Battboys could give a fuck about AAST or Pathfinder. Especially AAST. Pathfinder at least has it's uses for a DZ NCO. He also refers to RIP having phases, which up until RASP started, did not. It was one 3 then later 4 week selection process. Ranger School on the other hand has 3 phases, 4 if you want to count PRC(Pre-Ranger Course) now called SURT or Small Unit Ranger Tactics.
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So this is my first post here and I have been checking out this site for a while and love it, Very informed people, some not so much, But for the most part you get a straight answer.

I have wanted to join the military all of my life, its kinda a family thing. but i have family in every branch and doing everything imaginable.

Heres my question,
It seems that the marines and army are very similar, of course i know the armys bigger and that the marines are a more amphibous infantry but how does one choose between the two. whats the big factor that sets the marines apart from the infantry, to me they seem so similar

Part two,
I have always been kinda a rough guy, i dont mind a fight and i certainly hold my own.
how do i know weather the army or the marines are better for ME... not in general

Thanks to everyone

Marines - Ampib dirt/desert, getting shot at daily, etc.
Army - Amphib dirt/desert, getting shot at daily, etc.

Tough choice.

Navy - 200 miles off coast, air conditioned space, closed circuit TV, steak, lobster, BBQ's on the flight deck.

Go Coast Guard or Air Force. Not quite sure what they do.
I always enjoy the bickering about which branch is best. I always give the same advice to someone wanting to join up. Talk to all the recruiters, Ask them all your questions. They are the only people who have the current up to the minute information.

As far as who's best?

Different Uniforms
Different Missions
Same Flag.
So this is my first post here and I have been checking out this site for a while and love it, Very informed people, some not so much, But for the most part you get a straight answer.

I have wanted to join the military all of my life, its kinda a family thing. but i have family in every branch and doing everything imaginable.

Heres my question,
It seems that the marines and army are very similar, of course i know the armys bigger and that the marines are a more amphibous infantry but how does one choose between the two. whats the big factor that sets the marines apart from the infantry, to me they seem so similar

Part two,
I have always been kinda a rough guy, i dont mind a fight and i certainly hold my own.
how do i know weather the army or the marines are better for ME... not in general

Thanks to everyone

Marines - Ampib dirt/desert, getting shot at daily, etc.
Army - Amphib dirt/desert, getting shot at daily, etc.

Tough choice.

Navy - 200 miles off coast, air conditioned space, closed circuit TV, steak, lobster, BBQ's on the flight deck.

Go Coast Guard or Air Force. Not quite sure what they do.
In the Air Force, we send our officers off to fight. :lol:
I always enjoy the bickering about which branch is best. I always give the same advice to someone wanting to join up. Talk to all the recruiters, Ask them all your questions. They are the only people who have the current up to the minute information.

As far as who's best?

Different Uniforms
Different Missions
Same Flag.

I agree Ollie. Same flag.

My first room mate - Ft. Ben Harrison, Ind. 1976 - Army PFC. I was Navy.
Same mission/MOS. It was a matter of choice as to which branch was best for us. We both got there after boot camp together.
My advice to the OP - pick your job / pick your branch.
They're all good.
There are no female drill sergeants in the infantry training brigade. Infantrymen train infantrymen, period. Ft. Benning also consist of BCT.

Female drill sergeants walk same path to respect | Article | The United States Army

As I said, there are no female DSs part of ITB. They are part of the BCT on Ft.Benning that I previously mentioned.
Okay dokey. I know next to nothing about Army organization.
Female drill sergeants walk same path to respect | Article | The United States Army

As I said, there are no female DSs part of ITB. They are part of the BCT on Ft.Benning that I previously mentioned.
Okay dokey. I know next to nothing about Army organization.

No worries. Infantrymen go through OSUT or one station unit training. It's 14 weeks long and combines BCT and AIT. BCT is just that, Basic. They are soft skills awaiting AIT. ITB compromises strictly infantry OSUT. Publius implied woman train infantrymen at Ft.Benning in one of his previous post.
As I said, there are no female DSs part of ITB. They are part of the BCT on Ft.Benning that I previously mentioned.
Okay dokey. I know next to nothing about Army organization.

No worries. Infantrymen go through OSUT or one station unit training. It's 14 weeks long and combines BCT and AIT. BCT is just that, Basic. They are soft skills awaiting AIT. ITB compromises strictly infantry OSUT. Publius implied woman train infantrymen at Ft.Benning in one of his previous post.


Dammit. The Air Force doesn't have an all-purpose interjection. :doubt:
If you do not have mind to fight then nothing is good for you neither army nor marine.You should go and join whatever you want to do.Listen carefully ask two questions from your self that what can you think and what can you do and what should you do.The true answer will lead you towards your future.

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