How To Deal With Muslim Terrorists

"How To Deal With Muslim Terrorists"

The wrong way to deal with the stupidity, bigotry, and hate expressed in the thread premise is to ignore it, or hope it just goes away.

And I hope you don't ignore it. Also, you say "bigotry" like it was a bad thing. If it didn't serve some useful purpose from the time that humans were just protozoa swimming in the sea, it wouldn't exist. Even babies have been found to be "bigoted." How does it feel to know that you don't have the sense that a baby has.
Islamic terrorists kill in the name of religion....hint: Allah Akbar? When was the last time someone was screaming praise God while beheading someone or blowing themselves up with a suicide vest? Do you ever think before hitting "post reply"?

Are you suggesting that Christian terrorists must scream something when carrying out their terrorist acts in the name of the white Christian God? Funny...

You're over the top stupid, they would kill in the name of's not happening no matter how much you lie and say it is

Wow, you must be a registered genius.

AHAHAHAHA Salon, Alternet, Occupy Democrat, SPLC? Get serious and stop using loon sites, loon

Please tell me which sites I should use...

If that's where you get your info no wonder you're dumber than a sack of tomahawks
I don't know how the fantasy with a muslim afterlife is supposed to work. If they die killing infidels, they are supposed to go straight to heaven and be given 70 virgins or whatever. What if you took the remains of some blown up muslim, covered them in pigs blood and wrapped them up in a pig skin before burial. Would that make them unclean enough to be sucked out of "heaven" if their souls had gone there already? (That is, if muslims even have a soul) If to a muslim, this is something that can screw up their afterlife, then it is something that should and MUST be done. Maybe it will make them think twice about becoming a kamikaze.

As for muslims who are killed in combat, they should be injected with pigs blood. Maybe even some dog blood too. As for muslim fighters who are captured, I would feed them things that have some sort of pig in it. And that was cooked using pig fat. I would also tell thim that the food contains such things. And tell them that refusing to eat it will do no good. Because their corpses will be injected with pigs blood. And any who do starve to death will also have a dog's penis sewn into their mouths before burial. So anybody reading this, write your congressman and demand that this start being done.

As for the muslims in Europe, all European countries should pass a law that all food sold should have some portion of it that comes from pigs. If the muslims there don't like it, they can leave. As for vegetarians, they are just going to have to accept a little pig by product in their food for the cause.
I didn't read any of that. If they are terrorists. Kill them/try them then kill them.

Nothing else is necessary
Give them an extra ventilation hole, that's how to deal with them

Thinking that they will go straight to heaven and be given 70 virgins, I don't think that would bother them enough. But from what I hear, what I suggested would.

As long as they are dead I don't really care
Like the "Christians" who died fighting in the Crusades, they go straight to Heaven...
They did.

They did what.
Lakhota, tell me of one Christian that you ever heard of who committed a terrorist act to promote Christianity.
As for islam, mohammed himself is said to have personally cut off between 600 and 900 people's heads with a knife.
Just more nonsense lies.

There is nothing in the Quran or any other historic literature stating that Muhammad ever personally beheaded anyone. ..... :cool:

How about that pedophile thingy?

What about it?

What the Bible says about pedophilia

Let me guess. You also believe that 6 million Jews died in the holocaust. But mohammed was a bloodthirsty warlord What makes you think he wouldn't have beheaded anybody. As for the koran or any other islamic litrature, it came about after mohammed's death. So it should be taken with a grain of salt. Though it is known that the Arabic calander starts with mohammed. But it didn't start when he was born like Jesus. Neither did it start when allah supposedly first talked to him. It started when he first gained political power.

So it is hard for me to say that mohammed personally cut off between 600 and 900 peoples heads with a knife. Because I'm not a historian with expertise in islamic history. Where I got the information was from the documentaty, "Islam: What the west needs to know." (Which I would suggest you watch) I doubt very much if they pulled the idea out of their ass. They also showed an ancient mural that actually showed mohammed beheading people. I doubt if the ancient muslim who painted it pulled the idea out of his ass either.

As to the pedophile thing, all muslims are queers. In some muslim countries, pederasty still acceptable. Just as it was in ancient Rome and Greece. So it is highly likely that mohammed also engaged in pedophilia. It was just the way their culture worked in that part of the world. Also, if I remember right, mohammed married a 12 year old girl. Make of it what you will. You also say, "What about it?" What about what.
Give them an extra ventilation hole, that's how to deal with them

Yep, just like our homegrown Christian terrorists.

Being an Atheist, I hate to be put into a position of defending Christians. But I have never heard of a Christian terrorist. Now there are some christians who have committed terrorist acts. Just as the guy recently who attacked an abortion clinic. But his problem was with abortion. It had nothing to do with spreading Christianity. Neither has any Christian that I am aware of committed a terrorist act or martyred themselves to spread Christianity. Such as the firebombing of a mosque recently. That wasn't done to help turn the muslims to Christians. In part, it was done to show muslims that they weren't welcomed or wanted.

There has been violence, rape, torture, destruction, murder, and genocide all in the name of Christianity... much of which could be considered "terrorism".

Give them an extra ventilation hole, that's how to deal with them

Yep, just like our homegrown Christian terrorists.

Being an Atheist, I hate to be put into a position of defending Christians. But I have never heard of a Christian terrorist. Now there are some christians who have committed terrorist acts. Just as the guy recently who attacked an abortion clinic. But his problem was with abortion. It had nothing to do with spreading Christianity. Neither has any Christian that I am aware of committed a terrorist act or martyred themselves to spread Christianity. Such as the firebombing of a mosque recently. That wasn't done to help turn the muslims to Christians. In part, it was done to show muslims that they weren't welcomed or wanted.

There has been violence, rape, torture, destruction, murder, and genocide all in the name of Christianity... much of which could be considered "terrorism".

What you say is true. In the past, violence was often used to promote Christianity. But we are talking about more modern times. Not ancient history. The point is the terrorism muslims use these days to promote islam. Christians don't do that. Have you ever heard of a Christian who wernt the kamikaze rout against muslims because muslims were drawing cartoons of Jesus?
I don't know how the fantasy with a muslim afterlife is supposed to work. If they die killing infidels, they are supposed to go straight to heaven and be given 70 virgins or whatever. What if you took the remains of some blown up muslim, covered them in pigs blood and wrapped them up in a pig skin before burial. Would that make them unclean enough to be sucked out of "heaven" if their souls had gone there already? (That is, if muslims even have a soul) If to a muslim, this is something that can screw up their afterlife, then it is something that should and MUST be done. Maybe it will make them think twice about becoming a kamikaze.

As for muslims who are killed in combat, they should be injected with pigs blood. Maybe even some dog blood too. As for muslim fighters who are captured, I would feed them things that have some sort of pig in it. And that was cooked using pig fat. I would also tell thim that the food contains such things. And tell them that refusing to eat it will do no good. Because their corpses will be injected with pigs blood. And any who do starve to death will also have a dog's penis sewn into their mouths before burial. So anybody reading this, write your congressman and demand that this start being done.

As for the muslims in Europe, all European countries should pass a law that all food sold should have some portion of it that comes from pigs. If the muslims there don't like it, they can leave. As for vegetarians, they are just going to have to accept a little pig by product in their food for the cause.

Terrorism - at least Islamic terrorism - is not a significant threat in Europe or the USA. In the United States only 51 people have died in terrorist attack since 9/11, an almost negligible number. Islamism and jihad are the real issue; America has seen very little of that yet, but in Europe it's a big problem, violent crimes are being committed under the justification of Islamic law and tradition, and the authorities are turning a blind eye to it.

Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's not like they haven't been trying. Between our military, FBI, DHS, ect., they've managed to keep us relatively safe. That doesn't mean the threat isn't there. Also, the enemy knows how to adapt and to change tactics. They will just go after "soft" targets now because they are cowards and they know it's effective. It's time for us to adapt to their new tactics by banning all of them from our society. Shut down Muslim immigration, kick out all non-resident Muslims, and monitor mosques for domestic terrorists.
Being an Atheist, I hate to be put into a position of defending Christians. But I have never heard of a Christian terrorist. Now there are some christians who have committed terrorist acts. Just as the guy recently who attacked an abortion clinic. But his problem was with abortion. It had nothing to do with spreading Christianity. Neither has any Christian that I am aware of committed a terrorist act or martyred themselves to spread Christianity. Such as the firebombing of a mosque recently. That wasn't done to help turn the muslims to Christians. In part, it was done to show muslims that they weren't welcomed or wanted.

Are you suggesting that Christian terrorists aren't really Christians? Does that also apply to Muslims? NaziCon double standards are hard to keep up with.

Islamic terrorists kill in the name of religion....hint: Allah Akbar? When was the last time someone was screaming praise God while beheading someone or blowing themselves up with a suicide vest? Do you ever think before hitting "post reply"?

Are you suggesting that Christian terrorists must scream something when carrying out their terrorist acts in the name of the white Christian God? Funny...

You're over the top stupid, they would kill in the name of's not happening no matter how much you lie and say it is

Wow, you must be a registered genius.

What is it you don't get. To be a Christian terrorist, the terrorism you commit must be towards promoting Christianity. Not because you don't like abortions or some other thing. Muslims commit terrorists acts to spread islam. Christians don't commit terrorist acts to spread Christianity. As for the KKK thing, they were more about being White. So who could blame them for being against the deigo wop mafia Catholic thing. Also, they had a thing going on between Protostants and Catholics in northern Ireland. To call terrorists acts between different sects of Christianity Christian terrorism is splitting hairs. You should listen to what I say more than what somebody trying to sell newspapers has to say.
I don't know how the fantasy with a muslim afterlife is supposed to work. If they die killing infidels, they are supposed to go straight to heaven and be given 70 virgins or whatever. What if you took the remains of some blown up muslim, covered them in pigs blood and wrapped them up in a pig skin before burial. Would that make them unclean enough to be sucked out of "heaven" if their souls had gone there already? (That is, if muslims even have a soul) If to a muslim, this is something that can screw up their afterlife, then it is something that should and MUST be done. Maybe it will make them think twice about becoming a kamikaze.

As for muslims who are killed in combat, they should be injected with pigs blood. Maybe even some dog blood too. As for muslim fighters who are captured, I would feed them things that have some sort of pig in it. And that was cooked using pig fat. I would also tell thim that the food contains such things. And tell them that refusing to eat it will do no good. Because their corpses will be injected with pigs blood. And any who do starve to death will also have a dog's penis sewn into their mouths before burial. So anybody reading this, write your congressman and demand that this start being done.

As for the muslims in Europe, all European countries should pass a law that all food sold should have some portion of it that comes from pigs. If the muslims there don't like it, they can leave. As for vegetarians, they are just going to have to accept a little pig by product in their food for the cause.

Terrorism - at least Islamic terrorism - is not a significant threat in Europe or the USA. In the United States only 51 people have died in terrorist attack since 9/11, an almost negligible number. Islamism and jihad are the real issue; America has seen very little of that yet, but in Europe it's a big problem, violent crimes are being committed under the justification of Islamic law and tradition, and the authorities are turning a blind eye to it.

Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It's not like they haven't been trying. Between our military, FBI, DHS, ect., they've managed to keep us relatively safe. That doesn't mean the threat isn't there. Also, the enemy knows how to adapt and to change tactics. They will just go after "soft" targets now because they are cowards and they know it's effective. It's time for us to adapt to their new tactics by banning all of them from our society. Shut down Muslim immigration, kick out all non-resident Muslims, and monitor mosques for domestic terrorists.

"They" in the U.S. government haven't been trying hard enough. The only way to be safe from muslims is to be shed of all of them. Not just the ones who are non-residents. Also, if people's natural empathy is being used as a weapon to defeat them, (And it is) then it is time to dispense with it when it comes to muslims and all other non-whites.

But people are too addicted to the politically correct drugs their brains produce. Because of that, I doubt if the U.S. would get rid of all muslims even if one of them managed to set off a nuke in some major U.S. city. Just as a heroin addict might shove his mother down a flight of stairs to get the money for a heroin fix, most americans would probably want to keep muslims around even after a nuclear attack just so they could continue to get their politically correct, empathetic brain drug fix.
I don't know how the fantasy with a muslim afterlife is supposed to work. If they die killing infidels, they are supposed to go straight to heaven and be given 70 virgins or whatever. What if you took the remains of some blown up muslim, covered them in pigs blood and wrapped them up in a pig skin before burial. Would that make them unclean enough to be sucked out of "heaven" if their souls had gone there already? (That is, if muslims even have a soul) If to a muslim, this is something that can screw up their afterlife, then it is something that should and MUST be done. Maybe it will make them think twice about becoming a kamikaze.

As for muslims who are killed in combat, they should be injected with pigs blood. Maybe even some dog blood too. As for muslim fighters who are captured, I would feed them things that have some sort of pig in it. And that was cooked using pig fat. I would also tell thim that the food contains such things. And tell them that refusing to eat it will do no good. Because their corpses will be injected with pigs blood. And any who do starve to death will also have a dog's penis sewn into their mouths before burial. So anybody reading this, write your congressman and demand that this start being done.

As for the muslims in Europe, all European countries should pass a law that all food sold should have some portion of it that comes from pigs. If the muslims there don't like it, they can leave. As for vegetarians, they are just going to have to accept a little pig by product in their food for the cause.
I didn't read any of that. If they are terrorists. Kill them/try them then kill them.

Nothing else is necessary

The thing is that all muslims are terrorists. If they don't commit terrorist acts, (Yet) they still support terrorists. If they tell you any differently, they are lying. Lying just as their religion-political movement promotes them doing.

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