How To Define "Evolution"?

1. How sad for you. Absent your need to drench this thread and other threads with a litany of fraudulent "quotes", you are unable to offer a single relevant comment. Did you somehow miss the earlier examples of the parsing, editing and lack of relevant citation of your quote mining?

2. It's obvious you have retreated from any effort at trying to support the thread topic.

3. When you open a thread that is propped up on the crooked timber of creationist lies and deceit, it is bound to fail (and come crashing to the ground in flames), as did this latest disaster of yours.

4. Those are just the rules of engagement.

"Your "quotes" were shown to lies and fraudulent."

I notice you didn't provide any examples.....
I notice you are confused and befuddled.

Creationism rests on circular logic: the thesis is true, therefore . . . . everything that supports it is true. All belief systems that eschew the evaluation of empirical data and the operations of critical thinking are at best mental flagellation, which, perhaps enjoyable, are always sterile.

PC on occasion has posted creative and thought provoking pieces: this OP is worthy of a 10th grade piece of C- journalism.


I believe you've given me an idea for the next thorn in your paw.

I'm just gonna have to show still another area in which being clueless doesn't prevent you from exhibiting strong opinions.

Just gonna have to rip you up again.
Now geology?

Oh my. It seems that with your earlier spamming of "quote mines" being exposed as fraudulent, you're goin to scour Harun Yahya's website for more stupidity.

Anyone who has ever weed whacked their way through the landscape of fundie / creationist "quote mining" has come across goofy cut and pasters such as PC.

"Quote mine" away, dear. Just remember that any new collection of lies and falsified "quotes" are subject to the same dismantling as your earlier lies.

I don't believe that here is any hope that you'll ever be other than an idiot....but, do try to use words correctly.

You regularly use the term 'quote mining,' with no understanding of the meaning.

It doesn't mean finding quotations that support a thesis....which is the correct means incorrectly using a in the following example:

Although you are clearly an idiot, you might try to hide same by writing "my friends don't think I'm an idiot.'

If one than were to quote you as having said "... I'm an idiot.'"...that would be quote mining.

So, you see, you have been using it incorrectly.

quote mining
Web definitions
The practice of quoting out of context, sometimes referred to as "contextomy" or "quote mining", is a logical fallacy and a type of false attribution in which a passage is removed from its surrounding matter in such a way as to distort its intended meaning.
Fallacy of quoting out of context - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, although my example could be shown to be incorrect.... actuality, you are an idiot.

Dear, you quote mine, you misdirect, you misinterpret, misconstrue, and mislead. ALL THE TIME. You're just full of misses, aren't you, Missy?
1. How sad for you. Absent your need to drench this thread and other threads with a litany of fraudulent "quotes", you are unable to offer a single relevant comment. Did you somehow miss the earlier examples of the parsing, editing and lack of relevant citation of your quote mining?

2. It's obvious you have retreated from any effort at trying to support the thread topic.

3. When you open a thread that is propped up on the crooked timber of creationist lies and deceit, it is bound to fail (and come crashing to the ground in flames), as did this latest disaster of yours.

4. Those are just the rules of engagement.

"Your "quotes" were shown to lies and fraudulent."

I notice you didn't provide any examples.....
I notice you are confused and befuddled.

Actually, you don't.

But you do prove that "idiot" and "liar" are not mutually exclusive.

"Your "quotes" were shown to lies and fraudulent."

I notice you didn't provide any examples.....

Still no examples?

Could that be because they don't exist?
"Your "quotes" were shown to lies and fraudulent."

I notice you didn't provide any examples.....
I notice you are confused and befuddled.

Actually, you don't.

But you do prove that "idiot" and "liar" are not mutually exclusive.

"Your "quotes" were shown to lies and fraudulent."

I notice you didn't provide any examples.....

Still no examples?

Could that be because they don't exist?

Could it be you're hoping to do some damage control regarding your thoroughly discredited cutting and pasting?

It's a shame that people like you will just mindlessly cut and paste from extremist websites in the hope that you won't be challenged regarding the authenticity or accuracy of your fraudulent, parsed "quotes".

That's obviously why you scurried away when your "quotes" were presented in fuller context or when you were tasked with identifying their source.
I notice you are confused and befuddled.

Actually, you don't.

But you do prove that "idiot" and "liar" are not mutually exclusive.

"Your "quotes" were shown to lies and fraudulent."

I notice you didn't provide any examples.....

Still no examples?

Could that be because they don't exist?

Could it be you're hoping to do some damage control regarding your thoroughly discredited cutting and pasting?

It's a shame that people like you will just mindlessly cut and paste from extremist websites in the hope that you won't be challenged regarding the authenticity or accuracy of your fraudulent, parsed "quotes".

That's obviously why you scurried away when your "quotes" were presented in fuller context or when you were tasked with identifying their source.

Still no examples? were lying?

Better wipe that egg off your face.
Actually, you don't.

But you do prove that "idiot" and "liar" are not mutually exclusive.

"Your "quotes" were shown to lies and fraudulent."

I notice you didn't provide any examples.....

Still no examples?

Could that be because they don't exist?

Could it be you're hoping to do some damage control regarding your thoroughly discredited cutting and pasting?

It's a shame that people like you will just mindlessly cut and paste from extremist websites in the hope that you won't be challenged regarding the authenticity or accuracy of your fraudulent, parsed "quotes".

That's obviously why you scurried away when your "quotes" were presented in fuller context or when you were tasked with identifying their source.

Still no examples? were lying?

Better wipe that egg off your face.

Still hoping to to sidestep your fraudulent cut and pasting?
PC is a mistress of the misrecognition: her cut and paste is her tool of choice.
Oh my. Princess is angry.

Aside from your usual slathering, you still haven't identified any academic background that would allow him to provide a comprehensive description of evolutionary biology.

Johnson is merely another creationist hack with some rather suspicious credentials.

Like here, for example:

Suspicious Creationist Credentials

Where are the fossils that identify the steps leading to the signature organisms of the Cambrian Explosion?

They don't they. accept Darwin's thesis on's your religion.

Admit it.

You've concentrated on Trilobites and brachiopods, and have intentionally ignored the evidence found in many other known Cambrian species. For instance:

The Origin of Animal Body Plans » American Scientist

The Cambrian Conundrum: Early Divergence and Later Ecological Success in the Early History of Animals

Fossils, molecules and embryos: new perspectives on the Cambrian explosion

Proterozoic and early Cambrian protists: evidence for accelerating evolutionary tempo

Now, my questions to you are do you believe that no plants or animals existed prior to earliest Cambrian? Where do you think the Cambrian flora and fauna originated?

'You've concentrated on Trilobites and brachiopods, and have intentionally ignored the evidence found in many other known Cambrian species.'

That's pretty funny.

It's like you disputing the word 'cars' is a history of automobiles.

"The "Age of Trilobites" and the Cambrian Fauna
The most abundant and diverse animals of Cambrian time were the trilobites....The Cambrian is sometimes called the "Age of Trilobites"...."
PC has not denied the charge "You've concentrated on Trilobites and brachiopods, and have intentionally ignored the evidence found in many other known Cambrian species."

Yes, she has ignored the other Cambrian species.
PC has not denied the charge "You've concentrated on Trilobites and brachiopods, and have intentionally ignored the evidence found in many other known Cambrian species."

Yes, she has ignored the other Cambrian species.

I did exactly what Charles Darwin did.

"The difficulty of understanding the absence of vast pile of fossiliferous strata, which on my theory were no doubt somewhere accumulated before the [Cambrian] epoch, is very great. I allude to the manner in which numbers of species of the same group suddenly appear in the lowest known fossiliferous rock."
Darwin, "On The Origin of Species," p. 306-307.

What you say now, boyyyyeeeeee??

More evidence?

Comin' right up:

Whipped you again, didn't I.
And PC continues to exhibit her confirmation bias: twist the evidence to a bias and ignore anything that contradicts said bias.
And PC continues to exhibit her confirmation bias: twist the evidence to a bias and ignore anything that contradicts said bias.

I just gave you a direct quote from Charles Darwin.

The quote supports my point exactly.

QED, your post is either a lie or abject ignorance.

So that I may address you correctly....would you identify which it is?

(You may choose 'Both' as an answer)
A quote by itself is suggestive but non conclusive, and I suspect that you are misusing Darwin's comment.

Show us a study that has factored in all Cambrian evidence.

We have to chuckle when you, of all people here, accuse others of lies or ignorance.
A quote by itself is suggestive but non conclusive, and I suspect that you are misusing Darwin's comment.

Show us a study that has factored in all Cambrian evidence.

We have to chuckle when you, of all people here, accuse others of lies or ignorance. don't want to answer the question?

Too embarrassing, huh?

Let me give it a try: you're a liar.
Right here:
"We have to chuckle when you, of all people here, accuse others of lies or ignorance."

Me of all people never lie.

But....if you can't come up with examples of me lying.....then you're....well, you know.
A quote by itself is suggestive but non conclusive, and I suspect that you are misusing Darwin's comment.

Show us a study that has factored in all Cambrian evidence.

We have to chuckle when you, of all people here, accuse others of lies or ignorance. don't want to answer the question? . . . .

It was answered appropriately.

Lying has been your problem from the get go, when you get caught it out.

You need to change your ethos, PC, not you words.
A quote by itself is suggestive but non conclusive, and I suspect that you are misusing Darwin's comment.

Show us a study that has factored in all Cambrian evidence.

We have to chuckle when you, of all people here, accuse others of lies or ignorance. don't want to answer the question? . . . .

It was answered appropriately.

Lying has been your problem from the get go, when you get caught it out.

You need to change your ethos, PC, not you words.

I never lie.

The proof?

You ignored the suggestion that you show where I've ever lied.

Nah...your annoyance is that I whip your butt you made up that fabrication.


Actually, there is no cure for your problem.
You lack character...or you wouldn't be a liar.'s some advice:
... the worst time to have a heart attack is during a game of charades. don't want to answer the question? . . . .

It was answered appropriately.

Lying has been your problem from the get go, when you get caught it out.

You need to change your ethos, PC, not you words.

I never lie. The proof? You ignored the suggestion that you show where I've ever lied. Nah...your annoyance is that I whip your butt you made up that fabrication. True? Actually, there is no cure for your problem. You lack character...or you wouldn't be a liar.'s some advice: .. the worst time to have a heart attack is during a game of charades.

Because you cannot critically research and think, you are guilty of misrecognition and bias confirmation.

I have shown it dozens of times.

I will do it the next time you pull it.

Liars like you love to deny they are liars. :lol:
It was answered appropriately.

Lying has been your problem from the get go, when you get caught it out.

You need to change your ethos, PC, not you words.

I never lie. The proof? You ignored the suggestion that you show where I've ever lied. Nah...your annoyance is that I whip your butt you made up that fabrication. True? Actually, there is no cure for your problem. You lack character...or you wouldn't be a liar.'s some advice: .. the worst time to have a heart attack is during a game of charades.

Because you cannot critically research and think, you are guilty of misrecognition and bias confirmation.

I have shown it dozens of times.

I will do it the next time you pull it.

Liars like you love to deny they are liars. :lol:

You could simply show a mistake I've made in an OP, or a post, or a 'lie'....but you haven't.

"I have shown it dozens of times.", there's a lie.

Said event has yet to occur.

Your post was such an opportunity....but you didn't do it.

Why is that?

Oh...right...because your are our best source of greenhouse gases.
You aren't very good at this, are you, PC?

Maybe practice will make perfect, but you have had a long time to get better and haven't.

Must have been a workload for your professors.

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