How To Define "Evolution"?

Care to provide actual links to this "research literature" rather than just idle gossip because I would hate to see you falling into the same lack of specificity problem that you went to so much trouble to "expose", sweet-Pc.

It would be great to see the peer reviewed research in biology that Berlinski has performed and submitted. Too bad there isn't any.

It's always comical to see the discredited and laughable creationist hacks that PC finds to cut and paste from.

Encyclopedia of American Loons: #24: David Berlinski

As we see with regularity, PC is simply a cut and paster. She scours such locations as Harun Yahya for fraudulent "quotes" and references creationist hacks such as Berlinski who shills for the charlatans at the Disco' tute.

So we're clear, Berlinski is not a biologist. Anyone is free to question the validity of the biological sciences. However, if one does not have a degree in biology, has never studied biology and knows nothing about biology, then they really have no business critiquing biological sciences. Berlinski just has no authority or valid position from which to criticize such subject matter. He’s free to make the criticism, but it would be foolish for anyone to think that Berlinski is in any position to offer a comprehensive refutation of evolutionary theory.

Do I have to keep reminding you?

You can prove that the OP is in error simply by providing proof of the transitional fossil that lead to the 'age of the trilobites,'...the Cambrian.

But you can't...'cause I'm correct.....

....and you are....and will always be.....a dunce.

[ame=]Nature Sounds - Sound of Crickets at Night - Meditation Sleep Relaxing Sounds - YouTube[/ame]

You should try out for the Olympic swim team -- the backstroke for your failure to defend Berlinski.

What's that sound I hear? it's bibles thumping.
You know....your lacunae often give me an idea for an on noted scientists who eviscerate Darwin's ideas.

Is that what you're looking for....another spanking?

Should you really be revealing your kinky proclivities in this forum, PC? :D

How did I know you'd go for the low hanging fruit?

And how come you left out the part about your bonehead claim?

When dealing with a fruit like you, PC, how can one resist?
You know....your lacunae often give me an idea for an on noted scientists who eviscerate Darwin's ideas.

Is that what you're looking for....another spanking?

As your ideas are whatever you can cut and paste from Harun Yahya, how about a nice hot cup of tea and lay down on the couch to resume your coma.

I whipped you good.....didn't I.

I am so looking forward to your add on Craig's List: For Sale: Parachute. Only used once, never opened, small stain.

LOL. When someone makes statements like this, you know they were on the losing end of the debate.

PC, you are such a wonderfully ignorant flap yap.

The Bard said it best.

That struts and frets his hour upon the stage
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury
Signifying nothing
You know....your lacunae often give me an idea for an on noted scientists who eviscerate Darwin's ideas.

Is that what you're looking for....another spanking?

Should you really be revealing your kinky proclivities in this forum, PC? :D

How did I know you'd go for the low hanging fruit?

And how come you left out the part about your bonehead claim?

I was feeling generous and didn't want to point out that you just admitted that your ideas often come from vacuum of your inability to stay focused. :D
Newton wasn't proven wrong by Einstein. Einstein's theory stands on Newton's shoulders. His work extended Newton's work to areas Newton never conceived was possible. That didn't negate Newton's work. Most of it is just as valid today as it was when he wrote the principia.

As for the theory of evolution. You are correct that it is currently the best available paradigm for explaining biologic diversity. And if one comes along that is better at explaining the data we possess, I will be the first to sing its praises. So I eagerly await publication of your treatise. You are working on it, right? :eusa_angel:

What cave did you just crawl out of?? As I said to Hollie above, when you do move on from the incomplete and simplistic views of evolution that you've insisted on for your life -- aren't ya gonna have to admit that the creationists were correct about some of their "weaknesses" in your theory?

Ever hear of creating 100 new species in 10 days in the lab?

What's the implication of that?

Jumping genes helped evolution - Joshua Rampling - Science Alert -

Local research theory gives further proof to evolution and may help explain big evolutionary jumps in species.

Murdoch Univeristy Professor Wayne Greene and PhD student Keith Oliver have posited that transposons —also known as jumping genes—have had a larger role in primate and human evolution than is traditionally thought.

Prof Greene says the theory will help strengthen the argument for evolution and may be useful in explaining and understanding the large-scale changes that occur in a species, known as macroevolution.

“You can understand microevolution, small scale changes with a few little mutations here and there, but to make the big jumps in evolution it is really hard to understand without major changes to genomes which jumping genes can facilitate,” he says.

And then there is plenty of work on how periods of great stress from disasters and climate can fuel acceleration of mutation and adaptation. THere is a mountain of non-Darwinian science out there. All pointing toward evidence of MASSIVE LEAPS in evolution rather than random slower adaptations.

As I have said a half a dozen times, dufus, Darwin was not the end of the story. Secondly, since you have apparently admitted that evolution occurs based on the above citations, what is your point about creationism? Do you believe that it supplants evolution, and if so, how so?

Why do I have to be either a Creationist or an Evolutionist? Is that the only debate you want to have?

When you bring in rapid changes in evolution, the game changes greatly.. In fact -- the more RAPID we discover the process can be --- the more it MIGHT look like acts of God to some.

Bolts of lightning from above in the form of Cosmic Ray Storms? Casting Fire and Brimstone to induce stress? THOSE could be the major movers of evolution...

Like I said --- State Farm would consider those "acts of God"...
What cave did you just crawl out of?? As I said to Hollie above, when you do move on from the incomplete and simplistic views of evolution that you've insisted on for your life -- aren't ya gonna have to admit that the creationists were correct about some of their "weaknesses" in your theory?

Ever hear of creating 100 new species in 10 days in the lab?

What's the implication of that?

Jumping genes helped evolution - Joshua Rampling - Science Alert -

And then there is plenty of work on how periods of great stress from disasters and climate can fuel acceleration of mutation and adaptation. THere is a mountain of non-Darwinian science out there. All pointing toward evidence of MASSIVE LEAPS in evolution rather than random slower adaptations.

As I have said a half a dozen times, dufus, Darwin was not the end of the story. Secondly, since you have apparently admitted that evolution occurs based on the above citations, what is your point about creationism? Do you believe that it supplants evolution, and if so, how so?

Why do I have to be either a Creationist or an Evolutionist? Is that the only debate you want to have?

Earth to flacaltenn! Did you forget what thread in which you were posting?

When you bring in rapid changes in evolution, the game changes greatly.. In fact -- the more RAPID we discover the process can be --- the more it MIGHT look like acts of God to some.

God of the gaps fallacy.

Bolts of lightning from above in the form of Cosmic Ray Storms? Casting Fire and Brimstone to induce stress? THOSE could be the major movers of evolution...

Like I said --- State Farm would consider those "acts of God"...

State Farm believes in "acts of God" so that proves god exists? :cuckoo:
PC Chic, you didn't get back to me with regard to my questions:

Now, my questions to you are do you believe that no plants or animals existed prior to earliest Cambrian? Where do you think the Cambrian flora and fauna originated?

Oh, and how is that bunny rabbit in the Cambrian search going?


Ahem. PC Chic??? Are you just going to ignore me?
PC Chic, you didn't get back to me with regard to my questions:

Now, my questions to you are do you believe that no plants or animals existed prior to earliest Cambrian? Where do you think the Cambrian flora and fauna originated?

Oh, and how is that bunny rabbit in the Cambrian search going?


Ahem. PC Chic??? Are you just going to ignore me?

"PC Chic??? Are you just going to ignore me?"

Doesn't everyone?

This is so very sad. Sometimes honesty overcomes expediency, so....

First, you attempted to come on as though you were some sort of expert in science, so expert that your immediate tone could afford to be obnoxious. It would seem that you haven't been on message boards before, or you would probably have seen other lonely, unattractive, unaccomplished individuals who hope to establish that type of persona, behave in the same way.

Unfortunately for you, your 'expertise' proved diaphanous.

You misspoke, you contradicted yourself, you were proven wrong by several individuals.....

...and gave away your needy nature by your returning, over and over, with posts that boiled down to "Oh, yeah.....well....."

As you did here.

I'd be dishonest if I didn't admit to a certain tart enjoyment your immolation.

But you've become boring.
And this is probably the very same cycle of events that happens to you in your real life, and has left you no venue but here.

I'm sure I don't have to say 'come again.'
PC Chic, you didn't get back to me with regard to my questions:

Oh, and how is that bunny rabbit in the Cambrian search going?


Ahem. PC Chic??? Are you just going to ignore me?

"PC Chic??? Are you just going to ignore me?"

Doesn't everyone?

No, they really don't.

This is so very sad. Sometimes honesty overcomes expediency, so....

First, you attempted to come on as though you were some sort of expert in science, so expert that your immediate tone could afford to be obnoxious. It would seem that you haven't been on message boards before, or you would probably have seen other lonely, unattractive, unaccomplished individuals who hope to establish that type of persona, behave in the same way.

Unfortunately for you, your 'expertise' proved diaphanous.

You misspoke, you contradicted yourself, you were proven wrong by several individuals.....

...and gave away your needy nature by your returning, over and over, with posts that boiled down to "Oh, yeah.....well....."

As you did here.

I'd be dishonest if I didn't admit to a certain tart enjoyment your immolation.

But you've become boring.
And this is probably the very same cycle of events that happens to you in your real life, and has left you no venue but here.

I'm sure I don't have to say 'come again.'

This is where I am supposed to apologize for having a formal education, as opposed to being homeschooled like you were. Sorry, that isn't going to happen. By the way, nice dodge. You still didn't answer my questions. Gee, I wonder why that is? :cool:

Questions: Do you believe that no plants or animals existed prior to earliest Cambrian? Where do you think the Cambrian flora and fauna originated?

Ahem. PC Chic??? Are you just going to ignore me?

"PC Chic??? Are you just going to ignore me?"

Doesn't everyone?

No, they really don't.

This is so very sad. Sometimes honesty overcomes expediency, so....

First, you attempted to come on as though you were some sort of expert in science, so expert that your immediate tone could afford to be obnoxious. It would seem that you haven't been on message boards before, or you would probably have seen other lonely, unattractive, unaccomplished individuals who hope to establish that type of persona, behave in the same way.

Unfortunately for you, your 'expertise' proved diaphanous.

You misspoke, you contradicted yourself, you were proven wrong by several individuals.....

...and gave away your needy nature by your returning, over and over, with posts that boiled down to "Oh, yeah.....well....."

As you did here.

I'd be dishonest if I didn't admit to a certain tart enjoyment your immolation.

But you've become boring.
And this is probably the very same cycle of events that happens to you in your real life, and has left you no venue but here.

I'm sure I don't have to say 'come again.'

This is where I am supposed to apologize for having a formal education, as opposed to being homeschooled like you were. Sorry, that isn't going to happen. By the way, nice dodge. You still didn't answer my questions. Gee, I wonder why that is? :cool:

Questions: Do you believe that no plants or animals existed prior to earliest Cambrian? Where do you think the Cambrian flora and fauna originated?

"This is where I am supposed to apologize for having a formal education, as opposed to being homeschooled like you were."

No....of course not.

If you had the self-awareness to consider a change such as that, you wouldn't have the lack of personality that produced the sad-sack that you are.

BTW....I wasn't homeschooled.
I don't know where you got that idea....

Actually I went to a pretty good school, one with the best fight song in the nation.

Maybe that's why I was able to slap you around as well as I did.

No doubt, you'll be back.
"PC Chic??? Are you just going to ignore me?"

Doesn't everyone?

No, they really don't.

This is so very sad. Sometimes honesty overcomes expediency, so....

First, you attempted to come on as though you were some sort of expert in science, so expert that your immediate tone could afford to be obnoxious. It would seem that you haven't been on message boards before, or you would probably have seen other lonely, unattractive, unaccomplished individuals who hope to establish that type of persona, behave in the same way.

Unfortunately for you, your 'expertise' proved diaphanous.

You misspoke, you contradicted yourself, you were proven wrong by several individuals.....

...and gave away your needy nature by your returning, over and over, with posts that boiled down to "Oh, yeah.....well....."

As you did here.

I'd be dishonest if I didn't admit to a certain tart enjoyment your immolation.

But you've become boring.
And this is probably the very same cycle of events that happens to you in your real life, and has left you no venue but here.

I'm sure I don't have to say 'come again.'

This is where I am supposed to apologize for having a formal education, as opposed to being homeschooled like you were. Sorry, that isn't going to happen. By the way, nice dodge. You still didn't answer my questions. Gee, I wonder why that is? :cool:

Questions: Do you believe that no plants or animals existed prior to earliest Cambrian? Where do you think the Cambrian flora and fauna originated?

"This is where I am supposed to apologize for having a formal education, as opposed to being homeschooled like you were."

No....of course not.

If you had the self-awareness to consider a change such as that, you wouldn't have the lack of personality that produced the sad-sack that you are.

BTW....I wasn't homeschooled.
I don't know where you got that idea....

Actually I went to a pretty good school, one with the best fight song in the nation.

Maybe that's why I was able to slap you around as well as I did.

No doubt, you'll be back.

Because, no doubt, fight songs are the most important thing one can learn in school. :cuckoo:

You still haven't answered my questions. I will be back until you do so you might as well give it a go.
"PC Chic??? Are you just going to ignore me?"

Doesn't everyone?

No, they really don't.

This is so very sad. Sometimes honesty overcomes expediency, so....

First, you attempted to come on as though you were some sort of expert in science, so expert that your immediate tone could afford to be obnoxious. It would seem that you haven't been on message boards before, or you would probably have seen other lonely, unattractive, unaccomplished individuals who hope to establish that type of persona, behave in the same way.

Unfortunately for you, your 'expertise' proved diaphanous.

You misspoke, you contradicted yourself, you were proven wrong by several individuals.....

...and gave away your needy nature by your returning, over and over, with posts that boiled down to "Oh, yeah.....well....."

As you did here.

I'd be dishonest if I didn't admit to a certain tart enjoyment your immolation.

But you've become boring.
And this is probably the very same cycle of events that happens to you in your real life, and has left you no venue but here.

I'm sure I don't have to say 'come again.'

This is where I am supposed to apologize for having a formal education, as opposed to being homeschooled like you were. Sorry, that isn't going to happen. By the way, nice dodge. You still didn't answer my questions. Gee, I wonder why that is? :cool:

Questions: Do you believe that no plants or animals existed prior to earliest Cambrian? Where do you think the Cambrian flora and fauna originated?

"This is where I am supposed to apologize for having a formal education, as opposed to being homeschooled like you were."

No....of course not.

If you had the self-awareness to consider a change such as that, you wouldn't have the lack of personality that produced the sad-sack that you are.

BTW....I wasn't homeschooled.
I don't know where you got that idea....

Actually I went to a pretty good school, one with the best fight song in the nation.

Maybe that's why I was able to slap you around as well as I did.

No doubt, you'll be back.

Most people learn to stop fighting when they leave the playground and become adults, PC dearest.
No, they really don't.

This is where I am supposed to apologize for having a formal education, as opposed to being homeschooled like you were. Sorry, that isn't going to happen. By the way, nice dodge. You still didn't answer my questions. Gee, I wonder why that is? :cool:

Questions: Do you believe that no plants or animals existed prior to earliest Cambrian? Where do you think the Cambrian flora and fauna originated?

"This is where I am supposed to apologize for having a formal education, as opposed to being homeschooled like you were."

No....of course not.

If you had the self-awareness to consider a change such as that, you wouldn't have the lack of personality that produced the sad-sack that you are.

BTW....I wasn't homeschooled.
I don't know where you got that idea....

Actually I went to a pretty good school, one with the best fight song in the nation.

Maybe that's why I was able to slap you around as well as I did.

No doubt, you'll be back.

Because, no doubt, fight songs are the most important thing one can learn in school. :cuckoo:

You still haven't answered my questions. I will be back until you do so you might as well give it a go.

" I will be back until you do..."


That says it all.
No, they really don't.

This is where I am supposed to apologize for having a formal education, as opposed to being homeschooled like you were. Sorry, that isn't going to happen. By the way, nice dodge. You still didn't answer my questions. Gee, I wonder why that is? :cool:

Questions: Do you believe that no plants or animals existed prior to earliest Cambrian? Where do you think the Cambrian flora and fauna originated?

"This is where I am supposed to apologize for having a formal education, as opposed to being homeschooled like you were."

No....of course not.

If you had the self-awareness to consider a change such as that, you wouldn't have the lack of personality that produced the sad-sack that you are.

BTW....I wasn't homeschooled.
I don't know where you got that idea....

Actually I went to a pretty good school, one with the best fight song in the nation.

Maybe that's why I was able to slap you around as well as I did.

No doubt, you'll be back.

Most people learn to stop fighting when they leave the playground and become adults, PC dearest.

Some people grow out of childish shenanigans. Some people master them.

Excellent series of posts. The question arises, how does one explain science to someone who does not accept the basic principles of science -- especially the epistemology of the scientific method?

Even an "expert" in the religion of Intelligent Design, Dr. Behe, had to admit that his definition of ID would have to include astrology, for example.

Astrology is scientific theory, courtroom told - science-in-society - 19 October 2005 - New Scientist

Honestly, I don't know that there is a best way to deal with these people. They obviously aren't going to simply disappear. As a geologist, I've been most successful when I can get them out in the field, which I have managed to do on occasion. There is nothing like hands on activity and one to one contact with people in a learning environment to affect change. The problem is getting them in the field. It is very difficult when they are so defensive about what they think they know.
"This is where I am supposed to apologize for having a formal education, as opposed to being homeschooled like you were."

No....of course not.

If you had the self-awareness to consider a change such as that, you wouldn't have the lack of personality that produced the sad-sack that you are.

BTW....I wasn't homeschooled.
I don't know where you got that idea....

Actually I went to a pretty good school, one with the best fight song in the nation.

Maybe that's why I was able to slap you around as well as I did.

No doubt, you'll be back.

Because, no doubt, fight songs are the most important thing one can learn in school. :cuckoo:

You still haven't answered my questions. I will be back until you do so you might as well give it a go.

" I will be back until you do..."


That says it all.

To the forum members: Don't you love questions that leave these people speechless? :cool:

Questions: Do you believe that no plants or animals existed prior to earliest Cambrian? Where do you think the Cambrian flora and fauna originated?
It would be great to see the peer reviewed research in biology that Berlinski has performed and submitted. Too bad there isn't any.

It's always comical to see the discredited and laughable creationist hacks that PC finds to cut and paste from.

Encyclopedia of American Loons: #24: David Berlinski

As we see with regularity, PC is simply a cut and paster. She scours such locations as Harun Yahya for fraudulent "quotes" and references creationist hacks such as Berlinski who shills for the charlatans at the Disco' tute.

So we're clear, Berlinski is not a biologist. Anyone is free to question the validity of the biological sciences. However, if one does not have a degree in biology, has never studied biology and knows nothing about biology, then they really have no business critiquing biological sciences. Berlinski just has no authority or valid position from which to criticize such subject matter. He’s free to make the criticism, but it would be foolish for anyone to think that Berlinski is in any position to offer a comprehensive refutation of evolutionary theory.

Do I have to keep reminding you?

You can prove that the OP is in error simply by providing proof of the transitional fossil that lead to the 'age of the trilobites,'...the Cambrian.

But you can't...'cause I'm correct.....

....and you are....and will always be.....a dunce.

[ame=]Nature Sounds - Sound of Crickets at Night - Meditation Sleep Relaxing Sounds - YouTube[/ame]

You should try out for the Olympic swim team -- the backstroke for your failure to defend Berlinski.

What's that sound I hear? it's bibles thumping. can't provide that 'proof' as outlined in the OP?

Your attempt to change the subject pretty much means that you accept the lack of support for Darwin's theory.

My work here is done.
"This is where I am supposed to apologize for having a formal education, as opposed to being homeschooled like you were."

No....of course not.

If you had the self-awareness to consider a change such as that, you wouldn't have the lack of personality that produced the sad-sack that you are.

BTW....I wasn't homeschooled.
I don't know where you got that idea....

Actually I went to a pretty good school, one with the best fight song in the nation.

Maybe that's why I was able to slap you around as well as I did.

No doubt, you'll be back.

Most people learn to stop fighting when they leave the playground and become adults, PC dearest.

Some people grow out of childish shenanigans. Some people master them.

I would suggest that you are, indeed, a master of shenanigans, except that you aren't too good at that, either.
Do I have to keep reminding you?

You can prove that the OP is in error simply by providing proof of the transitional fossil that lead to the 'age of the trilobites,'...the Cambrian.

But you can't...'cause I'm correct.....

....and you are....and will always be.....a dunce.

Nature Sounds - Sound of Crickets at Night - Meditation Sleep Relaxing Sounds - YouTube

You should try out for the Olympic swim team -- the backstroke for your failure to defend Berlinski.

What's that sound I hear? it's bibles thumping. can't provide that 'proof' as outlined in the OP?

Your attempt to change the subject pretty much means that you accept the lack of support for Darwin's theory.

My work here is done.
That's so silly. The entirety of your posts amounts to cutting and pasting from creationist charlatans.

In the relevant world, evolutionary science is among the best documented and supported sciences.

Now would be a good time to point out another total failure in the creationist argument for supernaturalism. Let’s pretend just for the sake of argument that the asserter of an uncaused supernatural entity had not directly contradicted him/herself. Let’s pretend that we somehow did reach the conclusion that at the end of this eternal chain of causation, there was an “unlimited cause” that started the whole thing.

What does this argument tell us about the nature and character of that “unlimited cause?”

Not a doggone thing. It could be Allah, Yahweh, Krishna, Zeus, Quetzalcoatl, or some as yet undiscovered and unnamed cosmic entity or entities. Even were this argument correct (which it is not) it offers no evidence for the existence of your gods. Your gods are but one particular version of “gods” unique to one particular religious group. And there is no basis for connecting your sectarian deity with any of the arguments we have been offered to this point.

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