How to deprogram America's extremists

Are you going to put up signs: Communists and Socialists Only

No, once we rehabilitate extremists (including left wing extremist ideologies such as AntiFa and Anarchists) - we'll have two basic groups remaining: Progressives and Responsible Conservatives. They won't agree on everything within these groups, but that is how you work things out and define parties. There is no place in this country for Q-Kooks, Neo-Nazis, Klansmen, anti-Semites or radical militias who disseminate dangerous falsehoods about say - elections. Help is on the way!

This guy is a "progressive" who you support, so I hope you sign yourself up for that deprogramming:

Of course you don't point out that an investigation showed there was no evidence that the picture was of Governor Northam. Try to stay away from lies and Q conspiracies. Dr. Northam has been a great Governor.

You mean other than he didn't say it wasn't him? You commies are pathetic.

There was in investigation by the state police. They did not find any proof that either of the images was Dr. Northam.

MAN! You really are as stupid as everyone says....from the link that I posted.

Kewl, why didn't he deny it or get it corrected when is was published?

He did deny can read...right?

Did I miss your nonexistent link?


And where would I find it? Not in this string.

Oh, thanks for proving you actually are as stupid as the OP.

From the link I posted here...

On a Friday evening in February, Gov. Ralph Northam of Virginia confessed that he was one of two men in a racist photograph that had been published in a medical school yearbook about 35 years earlier. In a subsequent video, he apologized and promised to do better.

The next afternoon, standing before a throng of reporters, the Democrat suddenly recanted, and insisted that neither man in the picture, which showed one in a Ku Klux Klan robe and another in blackface, was him.

On Wednesday, almost four months after the photograph surfaced and plunged Virginia’s government into turmoil, investigators said they had been unable to determine which of Mr. Northam’s accounts was true.

“No one we interviewed told us the governor was in the photograph, and no one could positively state who was in the photograph,” the investigators, hired by Eastern Virginia Medical School, which awarded Mr. Northam his medical degree in 1984 and had been aware of the image for years, wrote in a 55-page report.

You really are as stupid and everyone says.

So he admitted it before he denied it, got it. And when did a medical school become the State police?

Still waiting on that definition, any other commies brave enough to give it a try? This stupid commie and the OP don't seem to be up to the task.

Are you going to put up signs: Communists and Socialists Only

No, once we rehabilitate extremists (including left wing extremist ideologies such as AntiFa and Anarchists) - we'll have two basic groups remaining: Progressives and Responsible Conservatives. They won't agree on everything within these groups, but that is how you work things out and define parties. There is no place in this country for Q-Kooks, Neo-Nazis, Klansmen, anti-Semites or radical militias who disseminate dangerous falsehoods about say - elections. Help is on the way!

This guy is a "progressive" who you support, so I hope you sign yourself up for that deprogramming:

Of course you don't point out that an investigation showed there was no evidence that the picture was of Governor Northam. Try to stay away from lies and Q conspiracies. Dr. Northam has been a great Governor.

You mean other than he didn't say it wasn't him? You commies are pathetic.

There was in investigation by the state police. They did not find any proof that either of the images was Dr. Northam.

MAN! You really are as stupid as everyone says....from the link that I posted.

Kewl, why didn't he deny it or get it corrected when is was published?

He did deny can read...right?

Did I miss your nonexistent link?


And where would I find it? Not in this string.

Oh, thanks for proving you actually are as stupid as the OP.

From the link I posted here...

On a Friday evening in February, Gov. Ralph Northam of Virginia confessed that he was one of two men in a racist photograph that had been published in a medical school yearbook about 35 years earlier. In a subsequent video, he apologized and promised to do better.

The next afternoon, standing before a throng of reporters, the Democrat suddenly recanted, and insisted that neither man in the picture, which showed one in a Ku Klux Klan robe and another in blackface, was him.

On Wednesday, almost four months after the photograph surfaced and plunged Virginia’s government into turmoil, investigators said they had been unable to determine which of Mr. Northam’s accounts was true.

“No one we interviewed told us the governor was in the photograph, and no one could positively state who was in the photograph,” the investigators, hired by Eastern Virginia Medical School, which awarded Mr. Northam his medical degree in 1984 and had been aware of the image for years, wrote in a 55-page report.

You really are as stupid and everyone says.

So he admitted it before he denied it, got it. And when did a medical school become the State police?

Still waiting on that definition, any other commies brave enough to give it a try? This stupid commie and the OP don't seem to be up to the task.

You just became an Ignore Dick.....
Are you going to put up signs: Communists and Socialists Only

No, once we rehabilitate extremists (including left wing extremist ideologies such as AntiFa and Anarchists) - we'll have two basic groups remaining: Progressives and Responsible Conservatives. They won't agree on everything within these groups, but that is how you work things out and define parties. There is no place in this country for Q-Kooks, Neo-Nazis, Klansmen, anti-Semites or radical militias who disseminate dangerous falsehoods about say - elections. Help is on the way!

This guy is a "progressive" who you support, so I hope you sign yourself up for that deprogramming:

Of course you don't point out that an investigation showed there was no evidence that the picture was of Governor Northam. Try to stay away from lies and Q conspiracies. Dr. Northam has been a great Governor.

He admitted it, rube. But I will note your enthusiastic support for the guy wearing a KKK robe.
You are a Liar! But you are a that goes without saying.

Your beef is with The Washington Post, not me. Let me guess, CNN told you this story was "fake news", right, rube?

RICHMOND — Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam (D) on Friday acknowledged appearing in a “clearly racist and offensive” photograph in his 1984 medical school yearbook that shows a man in blackface and another in a Ku Klux Klan robe.

“I am deeply sorry for the decision I made to appear as I did in this photo and for the hurt that decision caused then and now,” he said. “This behavior is not in keeping with who I am today and the values I have fought for throughout my career in the military, in medicine, and in public service. But I want to be clear, I understand how this decision shakes Virginians’ faith in that commitment.”
If California is taken out by a nuke, God forbid, the extremists on the right would say: "GREAT, 50 LESS ELECTORAL VOTES FOR DEMS! WE WILL NEVER LOSE ANOTHER PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION!"

If Texas is taken out by a nuke, my friends, the extremists on the left would say: "GREAT, 30 LESS ELECTORAL VOTES FOR DEMS! WE WILL NEVER LOSE ANOTHER PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION!"

these are sick folks, folks!
We'd better get to work before we elect another Donald Trump. :confused:

It will take an all-out national effort to dismantle the radicalization pipeline that has planted conspiracy theories in the heads of millions of Americans and inspired last month's attack on the Capitol, experts tell Axios.​
Two key measures that could make a difference:​
  • Keeping extremists out of the institutions where they could do the greatest damage — like the military, police departments and legislatures.
    • Providing help for those who have embraced dangerous ideologies.
Online platforms, meanwhile, must be unwavering in their commitment to root out conspiracy theories and lies that undermine faith in democracy, according to experts interviewed by Axios.​
  • Radicalization and counterterrorism experts broadly applaud tech companies' efforts, now underway, to remove this material and the accounts that spread it off their platforms, despite heavy blowback from conservatives.
The U.S. needs a "Marshall Plan against domestic extremism," Daniel Koehler, director of the German Institute on Radicalization and De-radicalization Studies, told Axios.​
  • "The spread of extremist conspiracy theories in the United States is the second most dangerous pandemic the country faces right now," he said. "The damage that's been to the U.S. in terms of community and social cohesion will be immense and will be lasting."
    • The radicalization is happening in a multitude of online spaces and right-wing media channels, pulling people into an alternate reality that posits, among a growing swarm of other false ideas, that the 2020 election was stolen.
    • When it comes to coordinated deradicalization efforts, the U.S. is behind most European countries by 25–30 years, Koehler said.
Experts agree serious resources need to be mustered toward providing an offramp for people who have been drawn into extremist ideologies.​
  • New federal programs would likely be doomed to fail, experts say, because distrust and hatred of the government is already a core tenet of far-right extremism.
    • Instead, private and public-private programs are more likely to be effective, particularly if they're able to get endorsement and funding from federal and state governments.
    • Those could include anti-extremism counseling programs and support groups; education programs that work with schools to identify risks and signs of incipient radicalization; and rehabilitation organizations that work with the incarcerated and formerly incarcerated.
One idea, courtesy of Christian Picciolini, a former neo-Nazi leader who founded the Free Radicals Project, which works to help people leave violent extremist groups: a "single entry point" akin to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline "that people recognize, that people trust, that people understand."​
  • Something like a national hotline or online portal could steer people to local resources to help them or loved ones escape the radicalization pipeline, he said.

How to deprogram America's extremists?

Deplatform the America-hating, Marxist professors on our college campuses. Problem solved.
Are you going to put up signs: Communists and Socialists Only

No, once we rehabilitate extremists (including left wing extremist ideologies such as AntiFa and Anarchists) - we'll have two basic groups remaining: Progressives and Responsible Conservatives. They won't agree on everything within these groups, but that is how you work things out and define parties. There is no place in this country for Q-Kooks, Neo-Nazis, Klansmen, anti-Semites or radical militias who disseminate dangerous falsehoods about say - elections. Help is on the way!

This guy is a "progressive" who you support, so I hope you sign yourself up for that deprogramming:

Of course you don't point out that an investigation showed there was no evidence that the picture was of Governor Northam. Try to stay away from lies and Q conspiracies. Dr. Northam has been a great Governor.

You mean other than he didn't say it wasn't him? You commies are pathetic.

There was in investigation by the state police. They did not find any proof that either of the images was Dr. Northam.

MAN! You really are as stupid as everyone says....from the link that I posted.

Kewl, why didn't he deny it or get it corrected when is was published?

He did deny can read...right?

Did I miss your nonexistent link?


And where would I find it? Not in this string.

Oh, thanks for proving you actually are as stupid as the OP.

From the link I posted here...

On a Friday evening in February, Gov. Ralph Northam of Virginia confessed that he was one of two men in a racist photograph that had been published in a medical school yearbook about 35 years earlier. In a subsequent video, he apologized and promised to do better.

The next afternoon, standing before a throng of reporters, the Democrat suddenly recanted, and insisted that neither man in the picture, which showed one in a Ku Klux Klan robe and another in blackface, was him.

On Wednesday, almost four months after the photograph surfaced and plunged Virginia’s government into turmoil, investigators said they had been unable to determine which of Mr. Northam’s accounts was true.

“No one we interviewed told us the governor was in the photograph, and no one could positively state who was in the photograph,” the investigators, hired by Eastern Virginia Medical School, which awarded Mr. Northam his medical degree in 1984 and had been aware of the image for years, wrote in a 55-page report.

You really are as stupid and everyone says.

So he admitted it before he denied it, got it. And when did a medical school become the State police?

Still waiting on that definition, any other commies brave enough to give it a try? This stupid commie and the OP don't seem to be up to the task.

You just became an Ignore Dick.....

Only pussies use ignore, you pathetic little commie, can't answer a simple question.

We'd better get to work before we elect another Donald Trump. :confused:

It will take an all-out national effort to dismantle the radicalization pipeline that has planted conspiracy theories in the heads of millions of Americans and inspired last month's attack on the Capitol, experts tell Axios.​
Two key measures that could make a difference:​
  • Keeping extremists out of the institutions where they could do the greatest damage — like the military, police departments and legislatures.
    • Providing help for those who have embraced dangerous ideologies.
Online platforms, meanwhile, must be unwavering in their commitment to root out conspiracy theories and lies that undermine faith in democracy, according to experts interviewed by Axios.​
  • Radicalization and counterterrorism experts broadly applaud tech companies' efforts, now underway, to remove this material and the accounts that spread it off their platforms, despite heavy blowback from conservatives.
The U.S. needs a "Marshall Plan against domestic extremism," Daniel Koehler, director of the German Institute on Radicalization and De-radicalization Studies, told Axios.​
  • "The spread of extremist conspiracy theories in the United States is the second most dangerous pandemic the country faces right now," he said. "The damage that's been to the U.S. in terms of community and social cohesion will be immense and will be lasting."
    • The radicalization is happening in a multitude of online spaces and right-wing media channels, pulling people into an alternate reality that posits, among a growing swarm of other false ideas, that the 2020 election was stolen.
    • When it comes to coordinated deradicalization efforts, the U.S. is behind most European countries by 25–30 years, Koehler said.
Experts agree serious resources need to be mustered toward providing an offramp for people who have been drawn into extremist ideologies.​
  • New federal programs would likely be doomed to fail, experts say, because distrust and hatred of the government is already a core tenet of far-right extremism.
    • Instead, private and public-private programs are more likely to be effective, particularly if they're able to get endorsement and funding from federal and state governments.
    • Those could include anti-extremism counseling programs and support groups; education programs that work with schools to identify risks and signs of incipient radicalization; and rehabilitation organizations that work with the incarcerated and formerly incarcerated.
One idea, courtesy of Christian Picciolini, a former neo-Nazi leader who founded the Free Radicals Project, which works to help people leave violent extremist groups: a "single entry point" akin to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline "that people recognize, that people trust, that people understand."​
  • Something like a national hotline or online portal could steer people to local resources to help them or loved ones escape the radicalization pipeline, he said.

Another alien life form heard from. LOL
We'd better get to work before we elect another Donald Trump. :confused:

It will take an all-out national effort to dismantle the radicalization pipeline that has planted conspiracy theories in the heads of millions of Americans and inspired last month's attack on the Capitol, experts tell Axios.​
Two key measures that could make a difference:​
  • Keeping extremists out of the institutions where they could do the greatest damage — like the military, police departments and legislatures.
    • Providing help for those who have embraced dangerous ideologies.
Online platforms, meanwhile, must be unwavering in their commitment to root out conspiracy theories and lies that undermine faith in democracy, according to experts interviewed by Axios.​
  • Radicalization and counterterrorism experts broadly applaud tech companies' efforts, now underway, to remove this material and the accounts that spread it off their platforms, despite heavy blowback from conservatives.
The U.S. needs a "Marshall Plan against domestic extremism," Daniel Koehler, director of the German Institute on Radicalization and De-radicalization Studies, told Axios.​
  • "The spread of extremist conspiracy theories in the United States is the second most dangerous pandemic the country faces right now," he said. "The damage that's been to the U.S. in terms of community and social cohesion will be immense and will be lasting."
    • The radicalization is happening in a multitude of online spaces and right-wing media channels, pulling people into an alternate reality that posits, among a growing swarm of other false ideas, that the 2020 election was stolen.
    • When it comes to coordinated deradicalization efforts, the U.S. is behind most European countries by 25–30 years, Koehler said.
Experts agree serious resources need to be mustered toward providing an offramp for people who have been drawn into extremist ideologies.​
  • New federal programs would likely be doomed to fail, experts say, because distrust and hatred of the government is already a core tenet of far-right extremism.
    • Instead, private and public-private programs are more likely to be effective, particularly if they're able to get endorsement and funding from federal and state governments.
    • Those could include anti-extremism counseling programs and support groups; education programs that work with schools to identify risks and signs of incipient radicalization; and rehabilitation organizations that work with the incarcerated and formerly incarcerated.
One idea, courtesy of Christian Picciolini, a former neo-Nazi leader who founded the Free Radicals Project, which works to help people leave violent extremist groups: a "single entry point" akin to the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline "that people recognize, that people trust, that people understand."​
  • Something like a national hotline or online portal could steer people to local resources to help them or loved ones escape the radicalization pipeline, he said.

Straight out of the Third Reich playbook. You're a good DemoKKKrat.

I agree!

It doesn't get more wretched than this thread. :mad-61:

How to deprogram America's extremists

There is no remedy for all you TDS psycho anti-America crackheads,

other than to one day put you all down like rabid dogs.

You can't find ONE person on the right who acted like that when Biden was announced the next president

EVEN AFTER THE LEGIONS OF DOUBTS AND QUESTIONS about the illegality of his election.
I agree!

It doesn't get more wretched than this thread. :mad-61:


This is the true nature of the left, 100% intolerance and a diabolical desire to control others. Probably a result from getting stuffed into their school lockers on a daily basis.

Exactly right, and at the end of the day, every single one of those creatures on the Left is a pathetic loser!
The reason people are attracted to extremism is they and there issues they deal with are ignored by the powers that be. Along comes an individual who say's , You know that's not fair, vote for me and I will put you first. A study of history shows this. Trump saw a section of the working class that was being brushed off, told to shut up and get out of the way . These people were all ethnic groups and what they had in common was there wage earners and self employed who struggle, living with government policies that effect them in a negative way. They use to be the old Democrat party base. Trump represented them with the America first policy. The fringe radicle groups that attached them selves to this group came along to. If you want to fight and defeat extremism then make sure that all segments of society are represented and there issues are a priority of the government. Any group of people who are ignored and putdown by society after a time will rise .

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