How To Exploit Isis' Biggest Fear


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
I don't know if these men are right -- using the Free Syrian Army and Sunni Arab tribes to defeat ISIS. What are your thoughts.

How to exploit ISIS' biggest fear
By Oubai Shahbandar and Michael Pregent
updated 4:40 PM EDT, Fri October 3, 2014

ISIS militants enter key border city

  • Oubai Shahbandar and Michael Pregent: To beat ISIS, U.S. must work with groups it fears
  • Effectiveness of air campaign hinges on exploiting local vulnerabilities, writers say
  • U.S. should accelerate transfer of excess military equipment to anti-ISIS forces, they argue
Editor's note: Oubai Shahbandar is a former Pentagon analyst and an adviser to the Syrian Opposition Coalition. Michael Pregent is an adjunct lecturer at National Defense University. The views expressed are their own.

(CNN) -- The U.S. and Arab allies' campaign of airstrikes against al Qaeda and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria is a necessary step, but airpower on its own won't be enough to ensure a military victory. To beat ISIS and extremist affiliates, the United States and its allies must work more closely with the groups that these terrorists most fear: the Free Syrian Army and Sunni Arab tribes.

The effectiveness of the air campaign will hinge on how well the United States can exploit the local vulnerabilities of the asymmetric threat it faces in ISIS. With this in mind, it makes sense to coordinate with Free Syrian Army commanders, who have on-the-ground experience identifying ISIS' weak points and can ensure that airstrikes hit the right targets. Indeed, unless the U.S.-led coalition moves fast to better integrate the Free Syrian Army into military operations, it will simply be hacking at ISIS' branches rather than getting down to its roots.

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ISIS' concern was evident in a sleek, hourlong documentary the group produced, called "Flames of War." After touting a series of victories in Syria and Iraq, ISIS lamented its "temporary withdrawal" from large swaths of northern Syria, which was forced by the Free Syrian Army (which ISIS derisively describes as the "awakening forces"). The setback referred to was the surprise counterattack launched by the Free Syrian Army in January against ISIS positions in three provinces in northern and eastern Syria. At the height of the fighting, ISIS was forced to defend its headquarters in heavy street fighting in the eastern city of Raqqa.

The extremists were taken by surprise, and the Free Syrian Army and tribal backers' assault offers a useful primer on how to beat al Qaeda and its offspring.

For a start, a joint operations center should be established to serve as a clearinghouse for targeting data and intelligence sharing with Syrian opposition and tribal forces fighting ISIS. Jordanian and United Arab Emirates special forces, both of whom have worked with U.S. special forces in other theaters of war, could be deployed in very limited numbers to provide forward air support to guide pinpoint airstrikes. Meanwhile, American Joint Tactical Air Controllers, who have played a key role in supporting Kurdish security forces in Iraq against ISIS, should be deployed to the border regions so that they can support Free Syrian Army ground operations.

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How to exploit ISIS s biggest fear Opinion -
Hopefully Assad will overtake the FSA which is a rebel group funded and backed by the US, SA, and Israel, all to overtake Assad, which has been planned for years. We have no right to take over Syria's government.

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