How To Go To Heaven?It is very simple to be saved and takes only a minute to explain.

Salvation is found by punishing an innocent in your place.
You can't get any more SATANIC than that!!!
Jesus did not give his life as punishment. He gave his life for a Covenant. (Blood is the sign of a covenant.)
A SATANIC Covenant!
(blood is the sign of a SATANIC covenant.)

Or a curse..,

"I have not come to bring peace but a sword."

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

"Take this cup of wine and drink it, all of you. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant."

"Just art thou, in these thy judgments, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink"
The person laying down their life for another is heroic, agreeing to having a hero punished in your place for YOUR evil deeds IS Satanic!!!
Again, Jesus was not being punished. Once more a wrong interpretation fifteen hundred years after the fact is sowing discord and disbelief today. Forget what Protestants began teaching five hundred years ago. Go back two thousand years and listen to Christ. It also helps to understand the history and the culture of Biblical times.
Again arguing with someone who knows NOTHING about Christianity.

Jesus was whipped, tortured, given a crown of thorns, spat on as he carried his own cross to his own crucifixion.

You are certainly SATANIC if you don't see that as punishment!!!
Salvation is found by punishing an innocent in your place.
You can't get any more SATANIC than that!!!
Jesus did not give his life as punishment. He gave his life for a Covenant. (Blood is the sign of a covenant.)
A SATANIC Covenant!
(blood is the sign of a SATANIC covenant.)

Or a curse..,

"I have not come to bring peace but a sword."

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

"Take this cup of wine and drink it, all of you. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant."

"Just art thou, in these thy judgments, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink"
Curses are also SATANIC.
Thank you!
Salvation is found by punishing an innocent in your place.
You can't get any more SATANIC than that!!!
Jesus did not give his life as punishment. He gave his life for a Covenant. (Blood is the sign of a covenant.)
A SATANIC Covenant!
(blood is the sign of a SATANIC covenant.)

Or a curse..,

"I have not come to bring peace but a sword."

"Take from my hand this cup of fiery wine and make all the nations to whom I send you drink it. When they have drunk it they will vomit and go mad; such is the sword that I am sending among them."

"Take this cup of wine and drink it, all of you. This is a cup of my blood, the blood of the covenant."

"Just art thou, in these thy judgments, thou Holy One who art and wast; for they shed the blood of thy people and of thy prophets and thou hast given them blood to drink"
Curses are also SATANIC.
Thank you!

Sure. you are right, but the people were given a choice between a blessing or a curse.

Maybe they can petition God to host a do over make up test in the middle of the desert with free fish sandwiches poofed out of thin air for everyone.....yippee! :happy-1: Oops, don't pay any attention to that.. I meant....:hands:

Wait a minute! You cannot petition the Lord with prayer!

So how should the accursed petition God? What is the right way to demonstrate contrition? Practice idolatry? Sacrifice a messiah? Light a candle? Build a temple? Bang a gong?
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Five hundred years ago Martin Luther decided the Catholic Church was largely a corrupt, almost irredeemably so at that time, organization. Is that what you mean?
Meanwhile, Catholics knew that some within the Church were off base, and were working for a reform from within. However, unrest was occurring in the political world where people who wanted power saw that they had to wrestle it from kings and the Church. A lot of the Reformation was about undermining the ruling power of Kings and Church that had been in play, and ceasing that power for themselves.

Like today, simply because some professed Catholics betray the faith, does not indicate the Church itself is "largely corrupt." That would be like saying Jesus' band of Apostles was "largely corrupt" based on the fact that one-twelfth of the Apostles betrayed Jesus. I doubt that number of betrayers ever changed, ever changes. There are about 1.2 billion Catholics in the world today. What is one-twelfth of 1.2 billion? Doesn't mean that the other eleven-twelfths will not eclipse the one-twelfth by remaining true. And, by the way, I suspect all other Christian denominations have the same stats. Something to think about.
You have repeatedly denied what I say without an explanation. "No, he didn´t" isn´t satisfying.
You have repeatedly denied what I say without an explanation. "No, he didn´t" isn´t satisfying.
Are you talking about your assertion that Jesus claimed to be king at his trial?

All you have to is go back and reread that passage. I don’t need to explain it to you. The passage itself is self explanatory.
What I'm saying is obvious, it is SATANIC to ACCEPT the sacrifice of an innocent in your place for YOUR evil deeds, no matter how willing the innocent is OR WAS, and no matter who ordered it.

Again, if you knew anything about Christianity, you would know you MUST ACCEPT the sacrifice of the innocent Jesus in your place to be saved, you can't accept your own punishment for your own sins.
You misunderstand not only scripture, but the history and culture of Biblical times. Jesus lived during a time where people made animal or cereal sacrifices for forgiveness of their sins. Temple revenue was dependent on this. Along comes Jesus (who seems to have been a huge fan of Isaiah) and teaches sins are forgiven. He is immediately challenged, where those in power demanded by whose authority he made such a ridiculous claim. Jesus said it was God Himself who had given him that mission. Those in power pointed to Abraham where an actual blood covenant had been made. There was no similar covenant for what Jesus was teaching.

Jesus would give his own blood as the sign of this New Covenant (Testament). He also rose from the dead. Thus the signs/authority of this New Testament (Covenant) that sins are forgiven. The sacrifice Jesus made is what we all point to and celebrate. Jesus offered a great sacrifice that the world might know sins are forgiven once we turn from them. The Good News is Repentance (turning away from) for forgiveness of sins.

So, no. Jesus was not punished. No, did not "Pay the Price for our misdeeds." On the other hand he did die for us and for this Covenant/Testament.

Isaiah: For I desire mercy, not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God rather than burnt offerings.

Jesus brought knowledge of God to the world, and without his death (the seed dying) we may not have the knowledge we have today. It does not bother me that many Protestants believe in Punishment rather than Covenant. They at least know and love God. But, it bothers me a lot that their teaching of Punishment rather than Covenant seems to have made it impossible for some to truly know Christ, to know God.
Again arguing with someone who knows NOTHING about Christianity.

Jesus was whipped, tortured, given a crown of thorns, spat on as he carried his own cross to his own crucifixion.

You are certainly SATANIC if you don't see that as punishment!!!
Punishment from whom? And for what?
Oh no, just the opposite. "Greater love hath no man than this: To lay down his life for his friends."--John 15:13

What is Satanic, however, is twisting the Word of God to make it say what it does not. Did God REALLY say...???

Do take care!
The person laying down their life for another is heroic, agreeing to having a hero punished in your place for YOUR evil deeds IS Satanic!!!
But you are too SATANIC to see that obvious truth!!!

What on earth are you talking about? Who "agreed" to it, other than the Sovereign God and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit? Are you saying that God needed or obtained permission from any human being? No one "agrees" to it. No one HAD to. It would have happened no matter what any human said or ever could have said. God is God. He is Sovereign. No one could forestall His plan...again, what are you talking about????
Sorry, I didn't realize you knew nothing about Christianity.

From the OP:
Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures

Of course Christ died for our sins and He is the ultimate Hero for doing it. We didn't "Agree" to any of that--it is already done. It was God's plan from the beginning. Nothing we could do or not do would change that. So how are WE Satanic for "agreeing" to it, supposedly...or what in tarnation are you trying to say?
What I'm saying is obvious, it is SATANIC to ACCEPT the sacrifice of an innocent in your place for YOUR evil deeds, no matter how willing the innocent is OR WAS, and no matter who ordered it.

Again, if you knew anything about Christianity, you would know you MUST ACCEPT the sacrifice of the innocent Jesus in your place to be saved, you can't accept your own punishment for your own sins.

How do you come to the conclusion that this is Satanic...just on your say-so? Because if you just say so, I reject it outright. And you are wrong.

You realize that when Jesus' own disciple Peter said he should not die for his beloved, Jesus said to Him "Get behind me Satan," (Matt 16:22) right? So you should consider that YOU saying the plan is Satanic is actually Satanic. In fact there's a lot of evidence for that....
You must know the answer to that
You obviously don't.

I do actually, and I assume you do too. How long have you been "debating" Christians? Do you really not know the answer?
God was just fucking with us because he was bored?

He's a Creator. He creates. We are His ultimate creation, so the Bible says. What of it, if He created us because He has the urge to create? How does that change your life?
Why would god make a rift to later want to heal that rift? Makes no sense.

Because it was worth it.

And it is worth it.
Five hundred years ago Martin Luther decided the Catholic Church was largely a corrupt, almost irredeemably so at that time, organization. Is that what you mean?
Meanwhile, Catholics knew that some within the Church were off base, and were working for a reform from within. However, unrest was occurring in the political world where people who wanted power saw that they had to wrestle it from kings and the Church. A lot of the Reformation was about undermining the ruling power of Kings and Church that had been in play, and ceasing that power for themselves.

Like today, simply because some professed Catholics betray the faith, does not indicate the Church itself is "largely corrupt." That would be like saying Jesus' band of Apostles was "largely corrupt" based on the fact that one-twelfth of the Apostles betrayed Jesus. I doubt that number of betrayers ever changed, ever changes. There are about 1.2 billion Catholics in the world today. What is one-twelfth of 1.2 billion? Doesn't mean that the other eleven-twelfths will not eclipse the one-twelfth by remaining true. And, by the way, I suspect all other Christian denominations have the same stats. Something to think about.

Before the Reformation the Church hierarchy was undeniably corrupt and kept the teachings of the faith from almost every one of their church members. So while Catholics were not corrupt by commission, they were certainly corrupt by omission. This is not the case today. While I think Catholic teachings are largely wrong and misguided, I am not in any position to judge the hearts of individual Catholics. I think it's certainly possible, even likely, that very many Catholics have faith in Christ that (thank God) supersedes the teachings of their church.

I cannot fathom what you believe however. It seems to be hodgepodge and is rather confused. Do you even believe in the Resurrected Christ?
Salvation is NOT found in a religion or good works, but in a Person... The LORD JESUS CHRIST!
Salvation is found by punishing an innocent in your place.
You can't get any more SATANIC than that!!!

Oh no, just the opposite. "Greater love hath no man than this: To lay down his life for his friends."--John 15:13

What is Satanic, however, is twisting the Word of God to make it say what it does not. Did God REALLY say...???

Do take care!
The person laying down their life for another is heroic, agreeing to having a hero punished in your place for YOUR evil deeds IS Satanic!!!
But you are too SATANIC to see that obvious truth!!!

What on earth are you talking about? Who "agreed" to it, other than the Sovereign God and Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit? Are you saying that God needed or obtained permission from any human being? No one "agrees" to it. No one HAD to. It would have happened no matter what any human said or ever could have said. God is God. He is Sovereign. No one could forestall His plan...again, what are you talking about????
Sorry, I didn't realize you knew nothing about Christianity.

From the OP:
Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures

Do you know the Holy Bible well?
Again arguing with someone who knows NOTHING about Christianity.

Jesus was whipped, tortured, given a crown of thorns, spat on as he carried his own cross to his own crucifixion.

You are certainly SATANIC if you don't see that as punishment!!!
Punishment from whom? And for what?
For YOUR evil deeds.

Jesus took the punishment we deserved for our sin. He did not deserve to die, but He willingly took our place and experienced death for us. Jesus’ death was a substitution, “the righteous for the unrighteous” the innocent for the guilty, the perfect for the corrupt.
1 Peter 3:18 For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring us to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit,
Before the Reformation the Church hierarchy was undeniably corrupt and kept the teachings of the faith from almost every one of their church members. So while Catholics were not corrupt by commission, they were certainly corrupt by omission. This is not the case today. While I think Catholic teachings are largely wrong and misguided, I am not in any position to judge the hearts of individual Catholics. I think it's certainly possible, even likely, that very many Catholics have faith in Christ that (thank God) supersedes the teachings of their church.

I cannot fathom what you believe however. It seems to be hodgepodge and is rather confused. Do you even believe in the Resurrected Christ?
How much have you studied the Reformation period? The fact that you can state that the Church kept the teachings from almost everyone is mind boggling. Your last question deserves no response.
Then giving his life was no sacrifice. A trick of SATAN!
If you have a point, then make it. If you just plan on continuing to be silly, I'll move on.

If being whipped then crucified is no sacrifice, how do you define it? A nice walk in fresh air?

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