How to handle situation where a person refuses to listen.


Platinum Member
May 22, 2017
A man was pulled over for a minor traffic offense. The man is borderline mentally disabled, except functional enough to drive a car, work a job etc. He also has a disabled left arm with a limited range of motion. He repeatedly begs the police officer to let him call his friend. The police officer gets upset, drags him out of the car, and slams him to the ground face first and cuffs his right arm. The man is desperately trying to explain to the police officer that he can't put his left arm behind his back because of a disability, except the police officer keeps interrupting him. I myself was unaware of the man's disability in his left arm after watching the video until after I read more about the story because the police officer wouldn't let the man talk. The police officer tries to coerce him into putting his left arm behind his back, which he physically cannot do, by repeatedly tasering him in the back and slamming his face into the concrete. Eventually, the police officer gets frustrated, reaches around and starts tasering his genitals to try and get him to comply. By that point, the man is bawling, screaming, begging for his friend, and at times times struggling to complete a sentence. One thing I noticed is that there were a few times where the man wasted words by prefacing his attempt at a statement with "Please sir" before he started explaining why he could not put his left arm behind his back. For example, one time he started out with "Please sir, I have a dis" and then he was tasered and his face slammed into the concrete.

Unfortunately, the man lost most of what function he had in his left am from the police officer yanking on it repeatedly and he suffered nerve damage as well a loss of sensation and erectile function in his penis from the tasering. Additionally, the cop was forced to resign and I'm not sure if he was able to get into law enforcement again to restart his career. It looks like everyone was hurt here from a difficulty in communication.

suffered nerve damage as well a loss of sensation and erectile function in his penis from the tasering
"Please, sir!" That's it. Some dude's trying to pick up a whore, and he can't look at the watch on his left wrist and tell what time it is.

Actually nerves grow back after they are damaged, but they need general exercise, and healthy diet with adequate nutrition. Ordinary running and walking are more than sufficient to exercise the nerves of the groin.
Some people simply should not be cops. The question is, who hired him?

I believe he may be be back on the job.

Here is another video at the same department in Glendale, Arizona. Different cop, the first one was Joshua Carroll, the second is Matt Schneider. Two different police officers, to be clear.

In the following video, police allege that the driver did not properly use a turn signal. The passenger of the car was accused of having drugs. The police officer tasered him 11 times in front of his wife and kids, at one point pulling his shorts down so they could directly fire the taser into his testicles, as he was deemed to be insufficiently compliant. No drugs or weapons were found on the suspect or in the vehicle.

The disabled man in the first video is not doing so well. Before the video, he had been living on his own, working a job, enjoyed some independence, even had a girlfriend, and was functioning pretty well considering his disabilities. He has quit his job, lives with his parents, and broken up with his girlfriend. His parents when interviewed say that he has withdrawn and is afraid of people these days.
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^^^ I wonder who dumped who where him and his girlfriend are concerned. There is a chance that he broke up with her because he didn't want to be so much of a burden.

God bless you and him always!!!


P.S. As for the cop who treated him like a dog, that word that I can't stay should've been not only fired, but charged himself. How could he not see what kind of person it is that he was trying to arrest? To me, some paintings may not even need captions. In other words, saying anything may not even be necessary.

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