How to identify a racist...........

I have Joe dipshit on ignore, but I noticed that there is an African-American woman named Mia Love running for the House of Representatives in Utah who is a conservative Republican and a Mormon. She is leading her Democrat opponent. Someone needs to tell Joe that the Mormons are in the 21st Century while he and Joe Biden are still stuck in the 20th century.

So they found themselves a self-loathing HAITIAN-American woman who was willing to marry a white guy, and join a cult that calls her "cursed by God" beause of her skin color. All it took was a little cult brainwashing, but listening to Mia Love speak, it was probably a light rinse in her case.

Oh, TT, I really don't care if you have me on ignore or not... just tells me it's more truth than you can handle.
In this post, we see a white liberal dictating what a minority woman's proper response SHOULD be -- and when she doesn't bow and scrape and perform as ordered, she's called "self-loathing".

You really are a racist scumbag.

Not a liberal, guy.... Just a conservative before that came to mean "Crazy Person".

And, yeah, I think a black woman joining a cult that wouldn't have let her join a mere 30 years ago and calls dark skin a curse from God probably has a few screws loose.
White liberals that vote for Obamination do it for various reasons:

1) They actually support his socialist plan. (the evil voters)


2) They want to be cool, hip....not be called a racist. (the dumb voters)

Or 3) they realize after FOUR recessions in the last 30 years under republican watches, the REpublicans don't really know what the fuck they are doing on the economy.

So of course the Democratic tactic is: "Make it even worse!!"
I don't practice any Religion....but I served to protect it.

JoeBigot has demonstrated many, many times that he is too stupid and morally bankrupt to understand theology or recognize faith. In fact, he is such a stupid, fearful, empty shell of a human being that such things terrify him.

He is one of the three POS that I have put on ignore. Nothing he posts should be of any interest to anyone.

He's fun to neg and call "Bigot", so no. I don't have him on ignore.
White liberals that vote for Obamination do it for various reasons:

1) They actually support his socialist plan. (the evil voters)


2) They want to be cool, hip....not be called a racist. (the dumb voters)

Or 3) they realize after FOUR recessions in the last 30 years under republican watches, the REpublicans don't really know what the fuck they are doing on the economy.

So of course the Democratic tactic is: "Make it even worse!!"

I don't know man, I would LOVE To have Bill Clinton's economy back.

George W. Bush's... not so much.
Actually, your statements about "defense of communism" are about as credible as your statements about "Hillary started birtherism" or "fifth generation on welfare"... both of which I've debunked.

If anything wastes time, it's having to debunk your ignorance.
Well, since I'm not ignorant, it looks like you're wasting your own time.

I will not join you in your delusions.

You're simple and ignorant and proud of it... that's why I mock you.

Not very effectively, I might add.

The end of the usefulness of the Race Card is nigh!

You're right. Romney is playing the shit out of it with his birther and welfare comments, and it's already backfiring on him.

Yes, mentioning the truth about welfare is killing him. And he never questioned about where Obama was born, he merely said that noone has ever asked about where he "Romney" was born. You lefties are in for a big surprise come November.


Spend a day or two hear and see the hateful stuff said about the President, which goes far beyond his policies.

The fastest way to get a REpublican to hate a position is to get Obama to support it... even it's a position they previously held.

Remember when that Romney staffer tried to say something nice about RomneyCare. The right was ready to lynch her.

That's because romneycare sucked just as bad, but the only difference is the states have a right to implement such a plan, unlike the federal government.
Not sure if I can reliably detect a racist just by looking at him, but I can easily detect a bigot just from his avatar.


The end of the usefulness of the Race Card is nigh!

You're right. Romney is playing the shit out of it with his birther and welfare comments, and it's already backfiring on him.

Yes, mentioning the truth about welfare is killing him. And he never questioned about where Obama was born, he merely said that noone has ever asked about where he "Romney" was born. You lefties are in for a big surprise come November.

Um, not a leftie, I voted for McCain in 2008.

But when you guys nominated this Weird Mormon Robot, you lost my vote.
Not a liberal, guy.... Just a conservative before that came to mean "Crazy Person"

I don't get liberal Democrats who say they are conservative and yet just continue to blindly advocate the Democratic party line. I don't think it would have any effect, but if you said some things that are conservative and then used that credibility to criticize the Republican party on others then I would at least get what you are thinking. But what point is served by saying you're a Republican/Conservative and then just advocating the Democratic Party? Why would anyone say anything other then if you advocate every Democratic position, why don't you just call yourself what you are, a Democrat?


Spend a day or two hear and see the hateful stuff said about the President, which goes far beyond his policies.

The fastest way to get a REpublican to hate a position is to get Obama to support it... even it's a position they previously held.

Remember when that Romney staffer tried to say something nice about RomneyCare. The right was ready to lynch her.

That's because romneycare sucked just as bad, but the only difference is the states have a right to implement such a plan, unlike the federal government.

If RomneyCare really sucked, why did you all nominate Romney?

Second, the Supreme Court has ruled that the Federal Government CAN implement such a plan.
If RomneyCare really sucked, why did you all nominate Romney?

You should buy a dictionary and look up the word "Federalism." I oppose all government healthcare, but to say it's the same is just a Joe thing to do.
Not a liberal, guy.... Just a conservative before that came to mean "Crazy Person"

I don't get liberal Democrats who say they are conservative and yet just continue to blindly advocate the Democratic party line. I don't think it would have any effect, but if you said some things that are conservative and then used that credibility to criticize the Republican party on others then I would at least get what you are thinking. But what point is served by saying you're a Republican/Conservative and then just advocating the Democratic Party? Why would anyone say anything other then if you advocate every Democratic position, why don't you just call yourself what you are, a Democrat?

Well, because the Republicans have abandoned every prinicple.

You can't call yourself the party of "Fiscal responsibility" and then run up 10 trillion in debt and suggest adding another 10 trillion to give tax cuts to rich folks.

You can't call yourself the "Party of Small Government" and then insist on government regulation of women's lady-parts.

You can't call yourself pro-America and then give away the store to multi-national coporations looting our industrial base.

To Paraphrase Reagan, I didn't leave the GOP, the GOP left me.

Nominating the WMR was just the last straw.
You're right. Romney is playing the shit out of it with his birther and welfare comments, and it's already backfiring on him.

Yes, mentioning the truth about welfare is killing him. And he never questioned about where Obama was born, he merely said that noone has ever asked about where he "Romney" was born. You lefties are in for a big surprise come November.

Um, not a leftie, I voted for McCain in 2008.

But when you guys nominated this Weird Mormon Robot, you lost my vote.

Using Mcain as an example of you not being a leftie is not a very good idea, given that Mcain himself is a lefty.
If RomneyCare really sucked, why did you all nominate Romney?

You should buy a dictionary and look up the word "Federalism." I oppose all government healthcare, but to say it's the same is just a Joe thing to do.

Again, Supreme Court ruled it constitutional.

And given that "private" insurance couldn't exist without massive government subsidy, being against "Gummit" Health care is a bit silly.

The question is, Is health care a right or a consumer commodity?

We've already decided it was the former.

Romney/ObamaCare simply builds on the private/public infrastructure that already exists as opposed to just creating a single payer system like nearly every other country in the world has.

For myself, if you want to talk about why I have little patience for the GOP these days, I had a wonderful 3 year fight with an insurance company over treatment at my last job that eventually ended with me getting the treatment but losing the job. Seriously, fuck private insurance and fuck the insurance companies.
Not a liberal, guy.... Just a conservative before that came to mean "Crazy Person"

I don't get liberal Democrats who say they are conservative and yet just continue to blindly advocate the Democratic party line. I don't think it would have any effect, but if you said some things that are conservative and then used that credibility to criticize the Republican party on others then I would at least get what you are thinking. But what point is served by saying you're a Republican/Conservative and then just advocating the Democratic Party? Why would anyone say anything other then if you advocate every Democratic position, why don't you just call yourself what you are, a Democrat?

Well, because the Republicans have abandoned every prinicple.

You can't call yourself the party of "Fiscal responsibility" and then run up 10 trillion in debt and suggest adding another 10 trillion to give tax cuts to rich folks.

You can't call yourself the "Party of Small Government" and then insist on government regulation of women's lady-parts.

You can't call yourself pro-America and then give away the store to multi-national coporations looting our industrial base.

To Paraphrase Reagan, I didn't leave the GOP, the GOP left me.

Nominating the WMR was just the last straw.

Repeating the reasons you aren't a Republican and none of those reasons explain your support of the Democratic party clarifies nothing.

Spend a day or two hear and see the hateful stuff said about the President, which goes far beyond his policies.

The fastest way to get a REpublican to hate a position is to get Obama to support it... even it's a position they previously held.

Remember when that Romney staffer tried to say something nice about RomneyCare. The right was ready to lynch her.

That's because romneycare sucked just as bad, but the only difference is the states have a right to implement such a plan, unlike the federal government.

If RomneyCare really sucked, why did you all nominate Romney?

Second, the Supreme Court has ruled that the Federal Government CAN implement such a plan.

First of all, I didn't. I wanted Herman Cain. Secondly, the states can implement health care, we recognize that much, but the federal government has no such authority and they over stepped their bounds in doing so. Which is why the democrats took an ass whoopen in 2010 and are due another one in November.
You're in the ignorant group.

Oh, I'll gladly compare Reagan's "recovery" after Democrap Jimmy Carter to Obamination's limp dick recovery.

Also, George W Bush will gladly compare the unemployment rate under him with your black messiah.

White liberals that vote for Obamination do it for various reasons:

1) They actually support his socialist plan. (the evil voters)


2) They want to be cool, hip....not be called a racist. (the dumb voters)

Or 3) they realize after FOUR recessions in the last 30 years under republican watches, the REpublicans don't really know what the fuck they are doing on the economy.
If RomneyCare really sucked, why did you all nominate Romney?

You should buy a dictionary and look up the word "Federalism." I oppose all government healthcare, but to say it's the same is just a Joe thing to do.

Again, Supreme Court ruled it constitutional.

And given that "private" insurance couldn't exist without massive government subsidy, being against "Gummit" Health care is a bit silly.

The question is, Is health care a right or a consumer commodity?

We've already decided it was the former.

Romney/ObamaCare simply builds on the private/public infrastructure that already exists as opposed to just creating a single payer system like nearly every other country in the world has.

For myself, if you want to talk about why I have little patience for the GOP these days, I had a wonderful 3 year fight with an insurance company over treatment at my last job that eventually ended with me getting the treatment but losing the job. Seriously, fuck private insurance and fuck the insurance companies.

Once again the "Republican" speaks directly from Harry Reid's mouth

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