How to identify a racist...........

Yes, mentioning the truth about welfare is killing him. And he never questioned about where Obama was born, he merely said that noone has ever asked about where he "Romney" was born. You lefties are in for a big surprise come November.

Um, not a leftie, I voted for McCain in 2008.

But when you guys nominated this Weird Mormon Robot, you lost my vote.

Using Mcain as an example of you not being a leftie is not a very good idea, given that Mcain himself is a lefty.

BUt that's the point, isn't it?

John Mccain is a lefty, Dick Lugar is a leftie, Arlen specter is a lefty, anyone who strays from the party line is a "lefty". And the Democrats are just as bad.

But adult governmetn works that when the campaigns are over, people sit down and work out middle of the road comprimises were everyone gives a bit.
I wouldn't. The "Recoveries" you talked about were great for the rich, but middle class salaries either declined or remained flat after them.

The only progress the middle class made was salaries did go up in teh Clinton years.

You're in the ignorant group.

Oh, I'll gladly compare Reagan's "recovery" after Democrap Jimmy Carter to Obamination's limp dick recovery.

Also, George W Bush will gladly compare the unemployment rate under him with your black messiah.

White liberals that vote for Obamination do it for various reasons:

1) They actually support his socialist plan. (the evil voters)


2) They want to be cool, hip....not be called a racist. (the dumb voters)

Or 3) they realize after FOUR recessions in the last 30 years under republican watches, the REpublicans don't really know what the fuck they are doing on the economy.
You should buy a dictionary and look up the word "Federalism." I oppose all government healthcare, but to say it's the same is just a Joe thing to do.

Again, Supreme Court ruled it constitutional.

And given that "private" insurance couldn't exist without massive government subsidy, being against "Gummit" Health care is a bit silly.

The question is, Is health care a right or a consumer commodity?

We've already decided it was the former.

Romney/ObamaCare simply builds on the private/public infrastructure that already exists as opposed to just creating a single payer system like nearly every other country in the world has.

For myself, if you want to talk about why I have little patience for the GOP these days, I had a wonderful 3 year fight with an insurance company over treatment at my last job that eventually ended with me getting the treatment but losing the job. Seriously, fuck private insurance and fuck the insurance companies.

Once again the "Republican" speaks directly from Harry Reid's mouth

Once again, the "libertarian" is unable to process a rational point.

Was this you?

You're a non-stop repetitive idiot.

Oh, Bill Clinton only left 9-11 and the bubble for Bush.:eusa_whistle:

Fuck off.

I wouldn't. The "Recoveries" you talked about were great for the rich, but middle class salaries either declined or remained flat after them.

The only progress the middle class made was salaries did go up in teh Clinton years.

You're in the ignorant group.

Oh, I'll gladly compare Reagan's "recovery" after Democrap Jimmy Carter to Obamination's limp dick recovery.

Also, George W Bush will gladly compare the unemployment rate under him with your black messiah.

Or 3) they realize after FOUR recessions in the last 30 years under republican watches, the REpublicans don't really know what the fuck they are doing on the economy.
Not a liberal, guy.... Just a conservative before that came to mean "Crazy Person"

I don't get liberal Democrats who say they are conservative and yet just continue to blindly advocate the Democratic party line. I don't think it would have any effect, but if you said some things that are conservative and then used that credibility to criticize the Republican party on others then I would at least get what you are thinking. But what point is served by saying you're a Republican/Conservative and then just advocating the Democratic Party? Why would anyone say anything other then if you advocate every Democratic position, why don't you just call yourself what you are, a Democrat?

Well, because the Republicans have abandoned every prinicple.

You can't call yourself the party of "Fiscal responsibility" and then run up 10 trillion in debt and suggest adding another 10 trillion to give tax cuts to rich folks.
Letting people keep more of the money that they themselves earned is a bad thing? Oh, and dont forget about the 6 trillion in 3-1/2 years spent by the democrats. At least when Bush spent 4 trillion in 8 years it took 8 years. Hypocrite much?

You can't call yourself the "Party of Small Government" and then insist on government regulation of women's lady-parts.
SO, allowing unborn children to be born is bad? Or making someone be responsible for their own birth control is a bad thing? You people really are fucked up priority wise.

You can't call yourself pro-America and then give away the store to multi-national coporations looting our industrial base.
Noones doing that, if anything the high capital gains taxes levied on businesses are running business out of the country, so if anybody is giving away anything it is the democrat party, not the GOP.

To Paraphrase Reagan, I didn't leave the GOP, the GOP left me.

Nominating the WMR was just the last straw.
You where not a conservative to begin with, so why would it bother anybody of you vote otherwise now?
If RomneyCare really sucked, why did you all nominate Romney?

You should buy a dictionary and look up the word "Federalism." I oppose all government healthcare, but to say it's the same is just a Joe thing to do.

Again, Supreme Court ruled it constitutional.

And given that "private" insurance couldn't exist without massive government subsidy, being against "Gummit" Health care is a bit silly.

The question is, Is health care a right or a consumer commodity?

We've already decided it was the former.

Romney/ObamaCare simply builds on the private/public infrastructure that already exists as opposed to just creating a single payer system like nearly every other country in the world has.

For myself, if you want to talk about why I have little patience for the GOP these days, I had a wonderful 3 year fight with an insurance company over treatment at my last job that eventually ended with me getting the treatment but losing the job. Seriously, fuck private insurance and fuck the insurance companies.

When you force someone to buy something for the betterment of someone else, that is not a commodity, that is communism. And as far as your issues with your own insurance, the rest of us should not have to pick up the slack because you had shitty insurance. I rather enjoy mine, so why should I pay for yours?
Um, not a leftie, I voted for McCain in 2008.

But when you guys nominated this Weird Mormon Robot, you lost my vote.

Using Mcain as an example of you not being a leftie is not a very good idea, given that Mcain himself is a lefty.

BUt that's the point, isn't it?

John Mccain is a lefty, Dick Lugar is a leftie, Arlen specter is a lefty, anyone who strays from the party line is a "lefty". And the Democrats are just as bad.

But adult governmetn works that when the campaigns are over, people sit down and work out middle of the road comprimises were everyone gives a bit.

There should be no compromise, if it is not listed in the constitution then it should never become law, period. Compromise is what got us into a 16 trillion debt and has us on the path to Greece.
I wouldn't. The "Recoveries" you talked about were great for the rich, but middle class salaries either declined or remained flat after them.

The only progress the middle class made was salaries did go up in teh Clinton years.

You're in the ignorant group.

Oh, I'll gladly compare Reagan's "recovery" after Democrap Jimmy Carter to Obamination's limp dick recovery.

Also, George W Bush will gladly compare the unemployment rate under him with your black messiah.

Or 3) they realize after FOUR recessions in the last 30 years under republican watches, the REpublicans don't really know what the fuck they are doing on the economy.

Class warfare, without it what would the left have? Nothing. Well......there is also gender warfare and race warfare...wait a minute...they are doing that too!!
When you force someone to buy something for the betterment of someone else, that is not a commodity, that is communism. And as far as your issues with your own insurance, the rest of us should not have to pick up the slack because you had shitty insurance. I rather enjoy mine, so why should I pay for yours?

Get back to me when you have a serious issue, and the company thinks they can either outwait your or grind you down...

Fact is, whether it's a governmetn program or a private insurance plan, it's all socialism, guy...
I wouldn't. The "Recoveries" you talked about were great for the rich, but middle class salaries either declined or remained flat after them.

The only progress the middle class made was salaries did go up in teh Clinton years.

You're in the ignorant group.

Oh, I'll gladly compare Reagan's "recovery" after Democrap Jimmy Carter to Obamination's limp dick recovery.

Also, George W Bush will gladly compare the unemployment rate under him with your black messiah.

Class warfare, without it what would the left have? Nothing. Well......there is also gender warfare and race warfare...wait a minute...they are doing that too!!

As far as I'm concerned, the class war started when my boss decided to try to get me to quit after I ran up too many medical bills, then changed my job description to make it easier to fire me.

My only regret is I didn't sue his ass at the time, because my lawyer said I had a great case.
Letting people keep more of the money that they themselves earned is a bad thing? Oh, and dont forget about the 6 trillion in 3-1/2 years spent by the democrats. At least when Bush spent 4 trillion in 8 years it took 8 years. Hypocrite much?

SO, allowing unborn children to be born is bad? Or making someone be responsible for their own birth control is a bad thing? You people really are fucked up priority wise.

Noones doing that, if anything the high capital gains taxes levied on businesses are running business out of the country, so if anybody is giving away anything it is the democrat party, not the GOP.

You where not a conservative to begin with, so why would it bother anybody of you vote otherwise now?

Point 1- The money they earn themselves was only possible because government provides infrastructure to make that possible. They have the kind of "libertarian" paradises you talk about, and they are third world countries....

Point 2- Fetuses aren't babies. If you don't like abortion don't have one, but don't try to regulate someone else's behavior.

Point 3 - We have pretty low corporate taxes, 55% of corporations paid no taxes at all. Companies are leaving because the labor is cheap and they want to break the m iddle class politically.

Now Conservatives and Republicans USED TO UNDERSTAND that a strong middle class making a good wage was good for America. And then the Romney philosophy took over, and we are at where we are at.
An excellent find! I have my doubts that many of the Obama-worshiping race-card players will actually watch it all the way to the end, but that won't change their posture one bit.


Spend a day or two hear and see the hateful stuff said about the President, which goes far beyond his policies.

The fastest way to get a REpublican to hate a position is to get Obama to support it... even it's a position they previously held.

Remember when that Romney staffer tried to say something nice about RomneyCare. The right was ready to lynch her.

Ah___ having yourself a good cry joeb. That video T'd you up like a bitch.....

Like a bitch. T'd up.

You don't like it when he calls you a racist? You should stop being a racist.
You Obama worshipers need to learn that criticism of policy does not translate to racism. Your definition of racism is beyond far reaching.

I am NOT being racist at all when I say Obama is a goddamned Marxist asshole.
As far as I'm concerned, the class war started when my boss decided to try to get me to quit after I ran up too many medical bills, then changed my job description to make it easier to fire me

None of that would have happened if healthcare were free market. Your solution to the results of endless government interference was more government. Harry Reids words again straight from your lips.
As far as I'm concerned, the class war started when my boss decided to try to get me to quit after I ran up too many medical bills, then changed my job description to make it easier to fire me

None of that would have happened if healthcare were free market. Your solution to the results of endless government interference was more government. Harry Reids words again straight from your lips.

Uh, no, guy,

If the health market was "free market", only the rich would be able to afford cancer treatment or other really high end operations.

The poor would just die, because, hey, the "market" wasn't going to make anything on them, anyway.

the solution to every problem does not always involve an asshole getting rich.

We have the lowest life expectency and highest infant mortality rate in the industrialized world, we spend more per capita than any other nation and 62% of bankruptcies are linked to medical crisis.

Can you name a SINGLE country that has tried the "Free Market Medicine" you advocate and got the results you claim?

It would seem that if this was such a good idea, someone somewhere would have tried it.


Spend a day or two hear and see the hateful stuff said about the President, which goes far beyond his policies.

The fastest way to get a REpublican to hate a position is to get Obama to support it... even it's a position they previously held.

Remember when that Romney staffer tried to say something nice about RomneyCare. The right was ready to lynch her.

Thanks for proving the video's point. :clap2:
Or 3) they realize after FOUR recessions in the last 30 years under republican watches, the REpublicans don't really know what the fuck they are doing on the economy.

So of course the Democratic tactic is: "Make it even worse!!"

I don't know man, I would LOVE To have Bill Clinton's economy back.

George W. Bush's... not so much.
I notice you're not mooning over Obama's. :lol:
Not sure if I can reliably detect a racist just by looking at him, but I can easily detect a bigot just from his avatar.


So.... ummmm... Pink Floyd is now racist?

No, you are a bigot and when I see your avatar, I don't associate it with Floyd, I associate with a bigoted scumbag. Are we clear?

Whatever, guy... you do seem pretty obsessed with me for some reason... which is kind of, well, gay.
Um, not a leftie...

Oh, that's why you don't kiss Obama's ass and defend Communism.

Oh, wait...

By defending communism, you mean "don't swallow outdated, historically debunked Cold War Bullshit"

by kissing Obama's ass , you mean, "Pointing out he really has done an okay job",


We need a Cave-man to English dictionary.

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