How to identify a racist...........

The government didn't screw my employer... I'm sorry your reading comprehension was so poor

Is it?

The short version of it is that I required a couple of major operations in 2007, which the insruance company fought me tooth and nail on. I finally won and got the operations, but then a funny thing happened. Eeryone at that company that ran up a lot of medical bills the year previous were downsized

Oy Vey. That's Jewish BTW, just to annoy you. I don't know the Mormon term.

Now riddle me this batman, what does medical insurance ... have to do with your employer ... other than government making it so ... ?

Why does your employer ... care ... that you fought a war and your rates were raised? If you're still stumped, ask yourself why if you get your own policy, you can't deduct it on your taxes.
Whatever, guy... you do seem pretty obsessed with me for some reason... which is kind of, well, gay.

Obsessed? No, but I do enjoy pointing out the hypocrisy of bigots like you.

No hypocrisy at all.

There are only TWO intellectually honest positions you can take towards Mormon beliefs.

1) Joseph Smith was really talking to God. Therefore I need to sign up, convert to Mormonism, tithe a tenth of my earnings and get my own set of Magic Underwear and hopefully they will teach me the secret handshake to get into heaven.

2) Joseph Smith was a two bit con man who lied about meeting God, and found a bunch of less smart people to follow him and scam them out of their money and the hymens of their daughters.

Now, I've evaluted the evidence, and came to the obvious conclusion that #2) is the the truth. And probably at some point, you did, too.

If Mitt Romney thinks #1 is true, then he can't be trusted with things like nuclear weapons.

Look asshole! I have a problem with a man who sat in a pew for 20 years listening to a pastor who shouted "God damn America" just like you have a problem with Mitt Romney's religion. The difference is I allow both of them the freedom to worship as they please.
Do you really think someone who believes in "magic underwear" would make a worse President than someone who believes in the Black Liberation Theology of Jeremiah Wright?
That happens to be your opinion... which is uniformed. People who actually know better concede that Obama (and Bush's) actions when this thing started with TARP and the Auto-Bailouts prevented a Second Great Depression.

No poor kid....nobody but assinine Lefties say that because they need to defend our White President Obama.

How many Nuns did you do?

Naw, the nuns weren't into guys... they'd have all been happier with some scented candles and Indigo Girl albums...

Now that it's kind of hip to be a lesbian, enrollments in the Holy Orders have dropped. I tell my neices Nun horror stories, and they have no frame of reference.
Look asshole! I have a problem with a man who sat in a pew for 20 years listening to a pastor who shouted "God damn America" just like you have a problem with Mitt Romney's religion. The difference is I allow both of them the freedom to worship as they please.
Do you really think someone who believes in "magic underwear" would make a worse President than someone who believes in the Black Liberation Theology of Jeremiah Wright?

Joe says all religions are the same, then he only advocates hatred of Mormons and Jews. He hasn't explained why the others are the same, but they get a pass
Look asshole! I have a problem with a man who sat in a pew for 20 years listening to a pastor who shouted "God damn America" just like you have a problem with Mitt Romney's religion. The difference is I allow both of them the freedom to worship as they please.
Do you really think someone who believes in "magic underwear" would make a worse President than someone who believes in the Black Liberation Theology of Jeremiah Wright?

A couple of points.

Did Reverend Wright say "God Damned America" every week for 20 years. Or did he just say it that one time after 9/11 when a lot of people in and outside the clergy were saying batshit crazy stuff? I mean, if you want to make an argument like that, you should really back it up.

I live in Chicago. Wright's Church has an excellent reputation for it's AIDS outreach programs, for the charities it's involved in, etc.

And yes, he said some truly awful things after 9/11 And so did Pat Robertson when he spewed out how it was God's judgement. Religious people have a bad habit of saying crazy shit... which is why we shouldn't ever elect a Clergyman.

Oh, did I mention Romney was a "Bishop" in the Mormon Church...

Oh, I do think the comment of "Black Liberation Theology" is a tell.
Look asshole! I have a problem with a man who sat in a pew for 20 years listening to a pastor who shouted "God damn America" just like you have a problem with Mitt Romney's religion. The difference is I allow both of them the freedom to worship as they please.
Do you really think someone who believes in "magic underwear" would make a worse President than someone who believes in the Black Liberation Theology of Jeremiah Wright?

Joe says all religions are the same, then he only advocates hatred of Mormons and Jews. He hasn't explained why the others are the same, but they get a pass

See, there goes the poor reading comprehensions.

Please point out ONE POST where I have ever criticized Judiasm as a faith or a creed.

Come one, we know you can do it. Or have the decency to admit you lied.

I criticize ZIONISM as a political movement, because I think living in a place where your neighbors all want to kill you is a little stupid... now, wait, it's a lot of stupid. It's Darwin Award level stupid.

I would never say, "all religions are the same". Some clearly ARE crazier than others. I lump Mormons up there with Moonies, Scientologists, Branch Davidians and other crazy nutbags who let other people do their thinking for them.
That happens to be your opinion... which is uniformed. People who actually know better concede that Obama (and Bush's) actions when this thing started with TARP and the Auto-Bailouts prevented a Second Great Depression.

No poor kid....nobody but assinine Lefties say that because they need to defend our White President Obama.

How many Nuns did you do?

Naw, the nuns weren't into guys... they'd have all been happier with some scented candles and Indigo Girl albums...

Now that it's kind of hip to be a lesbian, enrollments in the Holy Orders have dropped. I tell my neices Nun horror stories, and they have no frame of reference. you don't like Gays either, imagine that.
Look asshole! I have a problem with a man who sat in a pew for 20 years listening to a pastor who shouted "God damn America" just like you have a problem with Mitt Romney's religion. The difference is I allow both of them the freedom to worship as they please.
Do you really think someone who believes in "magic underwear" would make a worse President than someone who believes in the Black Liberation Theology of Jeremiah Wright?

A couple of points.

Did Reverend Wright say "God Damned America" every week for 20 years. Or did he just say it that one time after 9/11 when a lot of people in and outside the clergy were saying batshit crazy stuff? I mean, if you want to make an argument like that, you should really back it up.

I live in Chicago. Wright's Church has an excellent reputation for it's AIDS outreach programs, for the charities it's involved in, etc.

And yes, he said some truly awful things after 9/11 And so did Pat Robertson when he spewed out how it was God's judgement. Religious people have a bad habit of saying crazy shit... which is why we shouldn't ever elect a Clergyman.

Oh, did I mention Romney was a "Bishop" in the Mormon Church...

Oh, I do think the comment of "Black Liberation Theology" is a tell.
I called it Black Liberation Theology because that is what Wright calls it. What would you have me call it?
That happens to be your opinion... which is uniformed. People who actually know better concede that Obama (and Bush's) actions when this thing started with TARP and the Auto-Bailouts prevented a Second Great Depression.

No poor kid....nobody but assinine Lefties say that because they need to defend our White President Obama.

How many Nuns did you do?

Naw, the nuns weren't into guys... they'd have all been happier with some scented candles and Indigo Girl albums...

Now that it's kind of hip to be a lesbian, enrollments in the Holy Orders have dropped. I tell my neices Nun horror stories, and they have no frame of reference. you don't like Gays either, imagine that.

Where do you get that? I'm totally good with them.

My problem is taking a sexual confused woman, battering her with a lot of religous nonsense, and then unleashing her on unsuspecting children...

Every person I know my age has at least one "nun horror story".
Black Liberation Theology is what Wright espouses....the tell is Joe's ignorance concerning that...

Tell me Joe, what is Collevtive Salvation as Wright and Obama believe it to be?
Bammy's lead is down to .5 nation wide ;)

Fl, Oh, WI, Michigan, Virginia are all under 2 pts.

Again, if Romney isn't leading by 5 points the week of his convention, he's lost.

Dukakis was up by 16 points in 1988 after his convention. McCain was up by 5.

Romney is running...well, just a bit behind. And Obama hasn't even had his convention yet.
Black Liberation Theology is what Wright espouses....the tell is Joe's ignorance concerning that...

Tell me Joe, what is Collevtive Salvation as Wright and Obama believe it to be?

Is there a reason I should give a fuck... I'm not even wasting my time googling that shit.

Believe me, whatever crazy is in Wright's beliefs, they are probably sane compared to the nutty shit Mormons believe about ruling their own planets in the afterlife.

As I recall, Wright was not saying "God damn America" in the way it's usually used, like "God damn you". He was saying that God will damn America for her actions.

Just sayin'.


Exactly, and it was still a pretty stupid thing to say.

But no stupider than Robertson saying that we got hit on 9/11 because of gays and witches...
Bammy's lead is down to .5 nation wide ;)

Fl, Oh, WI, Michigan, Virginia are all under 2 pts.

Again, if Romney isn't leading by 5 points the week of his convention, he's lost.

Dukakis was up by 16 points in 1988 after his convention. McCain was up by 5.

Romney is running...well, just a bit behind. And Obama hasn't even had his convention yet.

You have it exactly backwards as usual :)

Bammy is going to come screaming every stupid fuck Dem talking point...and screaming that Romney/Ryan want to "kill" children, "kill" women, take everybody'spension and medicare yada yada yada.....same shit different day.

The White President Obama is done.

We are coiming again in 2012, it isn't going to be pretty for people like you....and you will scream that we are "racist" because we threw the "white" prez Obama out of office.
Black Liberation Theology is what Wright espouses....the tell is Joe's ignorance concerning that...

Tell me Joe, what is Collevtive Salvation as Wright and Obama believe it to be?

Is there a reason I should give a fuck... I'm not even wasting my time googling that shit.

Believe me, whatever crazy is in Wright's beliefs, they are probably sane compared to the nutty shit Mormons believe about ruling their own planets in the afterlife.

Meaning you don't care what Obama believes, you'd swallow him anyway.

I get it.

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