How to identify a racist...........

By defending communism, you mean "don't swallow outdated, historically debunked Cold War Bullshit"
No, I mean "defending Communism". You're awfully quick to condemn capitalism, but you're never in a hurry to acknowledge the oceans of blood spilled by your dear Uncle Joe and pals. It's always someone else's fault, isn't it?

How many people did Stalin kill, personally? Besides the fact the number throw out there are dubious - they usually rely on throwing in anything bad that happened - the Civil War, WWII, the Ukrainian Famine, etc. in that time period.

Again, the US Had no problem with Stalin when he was our ally.... until he wasn't anymore.

That happens to be your opinion... which is uniformed. People who actually know better concede that Obama (and Bush's) actions when this thing started with TARP and the Auto-Bailouts prevented a Second Great Depression.


We need a Cave-man to English dictionary.
You know how you like to say you used to be a Republican?

You flat-out lied.

Not at all, guy.

You just live in a world where people can't change their minds.

I've changed my mind based on the evidence. That's what rational people do.

Now, I was really, really willing to give the GOP one last chance, and they blew it by nominating Romney. I was very upfront. Stated I would support any GOP nominee who wasn't Romney.

What did you think I didn't mean it when I said it?

Yes, I think you lied. Along with the rest of your post.
You have it exactly backwards as usual :)

Bammy is going to come screaming every stupid fuck Dem talking point...and screaming that Romney/Ryan want to "kill" children, "kill" women, take everybody'spension and medicare yada yada yada.....same shit different day.

The White President Obama is done.

We are coiming again in 2012, it isn't going to be pretty for people like you....and you will scream that we are "racist" because we threw the "white" prez Obama out of office.

Obama will probably win by about four points and take every state he did in 2008 except IN and NC.

The thing is, people aren't sold on Romney. They don't like him as a person. And you can't beat somebody with nobody.

If this were a referendum on Obama, he'd probably lose. No doubt.

But an election is a choice, not a referendum. And even Republicans don't really like Romney.
Black Liberation Theology is what Wright espouses....the tell is Joe's ignorance concerning that...

Tell me Joe, what is Collevtive Salvation as Wright and Obama believe it to be?

Is there a reason I should give a fuck... I'm not even wasting my time googling that shit.

Believe me, whatever crazy is in Wright's beliefs, they are probably sane compared to the nutty shit Mormons believe about ruling their own planets in the afterlife.

Meaning you don't care what Obama believes, you'd swallow him anyway.

I get it.

Quite the contrary. What I know of Obama's history is that he wasn't brought up by religious people, neither his mother or grandparents. He got involved with Wright's church as political expediency and threw Wright under the bus at the first oppurtunity.

Which I have no problem using religious fools and throwing them away...

If I really thought he believed in some variation of the Talking Snake story, I'd be more worried.
Black Liberation Theology is what Wright espouses....the tell is Joe's ignorance concerning that...

Tell me Joe, what is Collevtive Salvation as Wright and Obama believe it to be?

Is there a reason I should give a fuck... I'm not even wasting my time googling that shit.

Believe me, whatever crazy is in Wright's beliefs, they are probably sane compared to the nutty shit Mormons believe about ruling their own planets in the afterlife.
Pointing to your irrational hatred as proof of a claim proves only that you're an irrational hater.
Black Liberation Theology is what Wright espouses....the tell is Joe's ignorance concerning that...

Tell me Joe, what is Collevtive Salvation as Wright and Obama believe it to be?

Is there a reason I should give a fuck... I'm not even wasting my time googling that shit.

Believe me, whatever crazy is in Wright's beliefs, they are probably sane compared to the nutty shit Mormons believe about ruling their own planets in the afterlife.
Pointing to your irrational hatred as proof of a claim proves only that you're an irrational hater.

I think it's a pretty rational criticism.

Unless you are going down to the nearest Mormon Temple and signing up for your own set of magic underwear so you can learn the secret handshake and get to rule your own planet in the Celestial Heaven, you don't buy that shit any more than I do.
You have it exactly backwards as usual :)

Bammy is going to come screaming every stupid fuck Dem talking point...and screaming that Romney/Ryan want to "kill" children, "kill" women, take everybody'spension and medicare yada yada yada.....same shit different day.

The White President Obama is done.

We are coiming again in 2012, it isn't going to be pretty for people like you....and you will scream that we are "racist" because we threw the "white" prez Obama out of office.

Obama will probably win by about four points and take every state he did in 2008 except IN and NC.

The thing is, people aren't sold on Romney. They don't like him as a person. And you can't beat somebody with nobody.

If this were a referendum on Obama, he'd probably lose. No doubt.

But an election is a choice, not a referendum. And even Republicans don't really like Romney.

This is mere delusion on your part :)

It shouldn't be close in WI, MI, or Ohio...but it is.

Obama the great is gone as is your delusions of the great socialist state......2012 will be worse for you than 2010 was.

Get used to it.
Is there a reason I should give a fuck... I'm not even wasting my time googling that shit.

Believe me, whatever crazy is in Wright's beliefs, they are probably sane compared to the nutty shit Mormons believe about ruling their own planets in the afterlife.

Meaning you don't care what Obama believes, you'd swallow him anyway.

I get it.

Quite the contrary. What I know of Obama's history is that he wasn't brought up by religious people, neither his mother or grandparents. He got involved with Wright's church as political expediency and threw Wright under the bus at the first oppurtunity.

Which I have no problem using religious fools and throwing them away...

If I really thought he believed in some variation of the Talking Snake story, I'd be more worried.

Self delusion is the worst kind, it means you choose to be be lied to.

Nobody sits in a pew for 20 years out of ain't my first rodeo won't be easy to distract me.
This is mere delusion on your part :)

It shouldn't be close in WI, MI, or Ohio...but it is.

Obama the great is gone as is your delusions of the great socialist state......2012 will be worse for you than 2010 was.

Get used to it.

Intrade has an Obama victory at 57.7 to 42.3.

The RCP Electoral Map has Obama winning 332 to 206

Nate Silver's 538 blog has Obama with a 73.1% chance of winning.
This is mere delusion on your part :)

It shouldn't be close in WI, MI, or Ohio...but it is.

Obama the great is gone as is your delusions of the great socialist state......2012 will be worse for you than 2010 was.

Get used to it.

Intrade has an Obama victory at 57.7 to 42.3.

The RCP Electoral Map has Obama winning 332 to 206

Nate Silver's 538 blog has Obama with a 73.1% chance of winning.

Thanks for that spot of hackery.

Amazingly, Intrade is the most credible. That's at least people putting there money where their mouth is. But not all investors are well informed investors (far from it); so it only means so much still and it matches recent gallup/rassmussen polls about the majority believing Obama will win.

It'll be Romney though. He's cleaning up the swing states; especially after he pounds Obama into pudding during the debates.
This is mere delusion on your part :)

It shouldn't be close in WI, MI, or Ohio...but it is.

Obama the great is gone as is your delusions of the great socialist state......2012 will be worse for you than 2010 was.

Get used to it.

Intrade has an Obama victory at 57.7 to 42.3.

The RCP Electoral Map has Obama winning 332 to 206

Nate Silver's 538 blog has Obama with a 73.1% chance of winning.

Stop with that stoooopid shit, you are quoting the EC map that has NO toss are a very poor liar Joe and you are going to find me a pain in your ass...and not in a way you will like.

There are a shit load of toss ups you tosser.

I hate liars like you.
Last edited:
Well, given your limited thinking skills, I can imagine that it was probably too high a hurdle for you.

People who can't think for themselves probably shouldn't try to be condescending.

Why, you try it all the time, and you usually fail...

Hey, still waiting for that proof Hillary started birtherism...
You want proof that you have no reason to be condescending?

Except even the article you cited- from the British Press, where they don't exactly have standards or anything - even admits that it was "supporters" of Hillary, not Hillary herself. Except the supporter was a guy named Phil Berg who had nothing to do with Hillary's campaign.

Kind of a big difference between a fringe character four years ago and a party stoking this bullshit for four years...

But are you willing to admit the birther stuff was all bullshit and apologize for wasting everyone's time by bringing it up, then?

Didn't think so.
I looked for a connection between Berg and Clinton and couldn't find one.

So, I retract.

I retracted the claim that you're currently asking me to prove.

Dumbass. :lol:
Is there a reason I should give a fuck... I'm not even wasting my time googling that shit.

Believe me, whatever crazy is in Wright's beliefs, they are probably sane compared to the nutty shit Mormons believe about ruling their own planets in the afterlife.
Pointing to your irrational hatred as proof of a claim proves only that you're an irrational hater.

I think it's a pretty rational criticism.
Of course you do. So do skinheads. So do Klansmen. So do neo-Nazis.

You're in good company, aren't you?
Unless you are going down to the nearest Mormon Temple and signing up for your own set of magic underwear so you can learn the secret handshake and get to rule your own planet in the Celestial Heaven, you don't buy that shit any more than I do.
Like any typical leftist, you believe disagreement = hate.

I disagree with Mormons. I don't hate them like you do.

You really are driven by nothing but emotion.
This is mere delusion on your part :)

It shouldn't be close in WI, MI, or Ohio...but it is.

Obama the great is gone as is your delusions of the great socialist state......2012 will be worse for you than 2010 was.

Get used to it.

Intrade has an Obama victory at 57.7 to 42.3.

The RCP Electoral Map has Obama winning 332 to 206

Nate Silver's 538 blog has Obama with a 73.1% chance of winning.

CU forecasters predict a Romney presidency - The Denver Post
DENVER—Two University of Colorado professors have devised a model to predict who will win the presidential election under current economic circumstances. The victor, they say, will be Republican Mitt Romney.
The model uses economic indicators from all 50 states to predict the race's outcome. The forecast calls for Romney to win 320 electoral votes out of 538. It says Romney will also win virtually every state currently considered a swing state, including Colorado.
The professors who created the model, Ken Bickers from CU-Boulder and Michael Berry from CU-Denver, say it correctly forecast every winner of the electoral since 1980.

Read more: CU forecasters predict a Romney presidency - The Denver Post CU forecasters predict a Romney presidency - The Denver Post
Read The Denver Post's Terms of Use of its content: Terms of Use - The Denver Post

And twisting the knife:
Michael Moore Predicts ‘President Romney’ In November « CBS DC

He'd better hope so. He'll make more money under a Romney presidency. :lol:
The only point the video had was to make bigots feel more comfortable with their bigotry...

So you're comfy with your hatred of Mormons now, huh?

I've always been comfortable with it, just as soon as I realized just how crazy their beliefs were.

you see, my dislike of them is based on substance.

Every fucking bigot like you thinks their irrational hatred is justified, you idiot.

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