How to identify a racist...........

So of course the Democratic tactic is: "Make it even worse!!"

I don't know man, I would LOVE To have Bill Clinton's economy back.

George W. Bush's... not so much.
I notice you're not mooning over Obama's. :lol:

You mean the wrecked economy Bush left him, no.

Usually, it takes a decade to recover from that kind of mess... Japan had this kind of crash in the 1990's and they still haven't recovered.


Spend a day or two hear and see the hateful stuff said about the President, which goes far beyond his policies.

The fastest way to get a REpublican to hate a position is to get Obama to support it... even it's a position they previously held.

Remember when that Romney staffer tried to say something nice about RomneyCare. The right was ready to lynch her.

Thanks for proving the video's point. :clap2:

The only point the video had was to make bigots feel more comfortable with their bigotry...
:lmao: Just as I thought: "You don't like Obama, so you're RACIST!!!"

You got nothin'. Moron.

No, it's more like, "I'm willing to support a man I don't like, who belongs to a weird cult, because the Black guy did things I used to support."

Frankly, if Obama were white and Republican, you'd be for carving him on Mount Rushmore right now.... and you know it.

Frankly, if Obama were white, idiots like you never would have put him in office; but to reply specifically to your farce; we detest what Obama has done; not his skin color and you damn well know it. Your argument is as phony as your lie that we wouldn't accept Reagan if he were alive today. Dude__ he is the exact antithesis of Obama.

Actually is as much white as he is Black, so whats your point?
So.... ummmm... Pink Floyd is now racist?

No, you are a bigot and when I see your avatar, I don't associate it with Floyd, I associate with a bigoted scumbag. Are we clear?

Whatever, guy... you do seem pretty obsessed with me for some reason... which is kind of, well, gay.

LMAO, you are as Left as they get.

Just because you scream nuh-uh when its pointed out doesn't mean you aren't.
No, you are a bigot and when I see your avatar, I don't associate it with Floyd, I associate with a bigoted scumbag. Are we clear?

Whatever, guy... you do seem pretty obsessed with me for some reason... which is kind of, well, gay.

LMAO, you are as Left as they get.

Just because you scream nuh-uh when its pointed out doesn't mean you aren't.

Guy, Reagan would be to the left of you... This is how nuts you TEAbaggers have taken the party.
Whatever, guy... you do seem pretty obsessed with me for some reason... which is kind of, well, gay.

LMAO, you are as Left as they get.

Just because you scream nuh-uh when its pointed out doesn't mean you aren't.

Guy, Reagan would be to the left of you... This is how nuts you TEAbaggers have taken the party.

Poor kid, you are as left as it gets.

If you want to label me the best definition would be Classical Liberal...which is in truth distressing to me...but it most accurately describes me.

But enough about me....I am guessing you didn't enjoy the nuns jerking you off?

Spend a day or two hear and see the hateful stuff said about the President, which goes far beyond his policies.

The fastest way to get a REpublican to hate a position is to get Obama to support it... even it's a position they previously held.

Remember when that Romney staffer tried to say something nice about RomneyCare. The right was ready to lynch her.

Thanks for proving the video's point. :clap2:

The only point the video had was to make bigots feel more comfortable with their bigotry...

So you're comfy with your hatred of Mormons now, huh?
Thanks for proving the video's point. :clap2:

The only point the video had was to make bigots feel more comfortable with their bigotry...

So you're comfy with your hatred of Mormons now, huh?

I've always been comfortable with it, just as soon as I realized just how crazy their beliefs were.

you see, my dislike of them is based on substance. They are lying about God. They are lying to innocent people and luring them into a cult

Since you aren't signing up for your own set of Magic Underpants, you've rejected their beliefs as much as I have.
No, you are a bigot and when I see your avatar, I don't associate it with Floyd, I associate with a bigoted scumbag. Are we clear?

Whatever, guy... you do seem pretty obsessed with me for some reason... which is kind of, well, gay.

Obsessed? No, but I do enjoy pointing out the hypocrisy of bigots like you.

No hypocrisy at all.

There are only TWO intellectually honest positions you can take towards Mormon beliefs.

1) Joseph Smith was really talking to God. Therefore I need to sign up, convert to Mormonism, tithe a tenth of my earnings and get my own set of Magic Underwear and hopefully they will teach me the secret handshake to get into heaven.

2) Joseph Smith was a two bit con man who lied about meeting God, and found a bunch of less smart people to follow him and scam them out of their money and the hymens of their daughters.

Now, I've evaluted the evidence, and came to the obvious conclusion that #2) is the the truth. And probably at some point, you did, too.

If Mitt Romney thinks #1 is true, then he can't be trusted with things like nuclear weapons.
Um, not a leftie...

Oh, that's why you don't kiss Obama's ass and defend Communism.

Oh, wait...

By defending communism, you mean "don't swallow outdated, historically debunked Cold War Bullshit"
No, I mean "defending Communism". You're awfully quick to condemn capitalism, but you're never in a hurry to acknowledge the oceans of blood spilled by your dear Uncle Joe and pals. It's always someone else's fault, isn't it?
by kissing Obama's ass , you mean, "Pointing out he really has done an okay job",
When he hasn't. Period.

We need a Cave-man to English dictionary.
You know how you like to say you used to be a Republican?

You flat-out lied.
I don't know man, I would LOVE To have Bill Clinton's economy back.

George W. Bush's... not so much.
I notice you're not mooning over Obama's. :lol:

You mean the wrecked economy Bush left him, no.

Usually, it takes a decade to recover from that kind of mess... Japan had this kind of crash in the 1990's and they still haven't recovered.

"Bush!! BOOOOSH!!!"

Good lefty robot.
Whatever, guy... you do seem pretty obsessed with me for some reason... which is kind of, well, gay.

Obsessed? No, but I do enjoy pointing out the hypocrisy of bigots like you.

No hypocrisy at all.

There are only TWO intellectually honest positions you can take towards Mormon beliefs.

1) Joseph Smith was really talking to God. Therefore I need to sign up, convert to Mormonism, tithe a tenth of my earnings and get my own set of Magic Underwear and hopefully they will teach me the secret handshake to get into heaven.

2) Joseph Smith was a two bit con man who lied about meeting God, and found a bunch of less smart people to follow him and scam them out of their money and the hymens of their daughters.

Now, I've evaluted the evidence, and came to the obvious conclusion that #2) is the the truth. And probably at some point, you did, too.

If Mitt Romney thinks #1 is true, then he can't be trusted with things like nuclear weapons.
All bigots think they have good reasons for their hatred. You're no different from a skinhead or a Klansman.
If the health market was "free market", only the rich would be able to afford cancer treatment or other really high end operations

You should look up the phrase "risk pooling," it's how insurance works.

Can you name a SINGLE country that has tried the "Free Market Medicine" you advocate and got the results you claim?

Capitalism always works, socialism never does. Your story about how government screwed your employer and how your employer shit canned you is a pretty good example of that.
By defending communism, you mean "don't swallow outdated, historically debunked Cold War Bullshit"
No, I mean "defending Communism". You're awfully quick to condemn capitalism, but you're never in a hurry to acknowledge the oceans of blood spilled by your dear Uncle Joe and pals. It's always someone else's fault, isn't it?

How many people did Stalin kill, personally? Besides the fact the number throw out there are dubious - they usually rely on throwing in anything bad that happened - the Civil War, WWII, the Ukrainian Famine, etc. in that time period.

Again, the US Had no problem with Stalin when he was our ally.... until he wasn't anymore.

by kissing Obama's ass , you mean, "Pointing out he really has done an okay job",
When he hasn't. Period.

That happens to be your opinion... which is uniformed. People who actually know better concede that Obama (and Bush's) actions when this thing started with TARP and the Auto-Bailouts prevented a Second Great Depression.


We need a Cave-man to English dictionary.
You know how you like to say you used to be a Republican?

You flat-out lied.

Not at all, guy.

You just live in a world where people can't change their minds.

I've changed my mind based on the evidence. That's what rational people do.

Now, I was really, really willing to give the GOP one last chance, and they blew it by nominating Romney. I was very upfront. Stated I would support any GOP nominee who wasn't Romney.

What did you think I didn't mean it when I said it?
Now, I was really, really willing to give the GOP one last chance, and they blew it by nominating Romney. I was very upfront. Stated I would support any GOP nominee who wasn't Romney.

What did you think I didn't mean it when I said it?

The doubt over you being a Republican isn't that you aren't voting for Romney, it's that you spend all day on the site advocating the Democratic Party and their policies and repeating every talking point attack on Republicans. I mean duh. You didn't get that?
If the health market was "free market", only the rich would be able to afford cancer treatment or other really high end operations

You should look up the phrase "risk pooling," it's how insurance works.

Can you name a SINGLE country that has tried the "Free Market Medicine" you advocate and got the results you claim?

Capitalism always works, socialism never does. Your story about how government screwed your employer and how your employer shit canned you is a pretty good example of that.

The government didn't screw my employer... I'm sorry your reading comprehension was so poor. The short version of it is that I required a couple of major operations in 2007, which the insruance company fought me tooth and nail on. I finally won and got the operations, but then a funny thing happened. Eeryone at that company that ran up a lot of medical bills the year previous were downsized. (They eventually downsized 70% of their employees, but they shot the sick and wounded first.)

That's why I don't take the market fixes everything shit seriously. Having been "fixed" by the market once, I really don't trust it.

the problem with "risk pooling" is that you would want to throw out of the risk pool anyone who has a higher risk. If we sold health insurance the way we sell car insurance, sick people would be the equivlent to folks with DUI's on their records. And it will only get worse in the future when we have genetic screening and shit like that.
Now, I was really, really willing to give the GOP one last chance, and they blew it by nominating Romney. I was very upfront. Stated I would support any GOP nominee who wasn't Romney.

What did you think I didn't mean it when I said it?

The doubt over you being a Republican isn't that you aren't voting for Romney, it's that you spend all day on the site advocating the Democratic Party and their policies and repeating every talking point attack on Republicans. I mean duh. You didn't get that?

First, I only critizie the GOP on things where they've gone completely over the edge on.. like wanting to ban abortions for "legitimate rape" whatever the fuck that is.

Frankly, you are the ones who say that even George W. Bush and John McCain were "RINO's".

Well, I voted for both of those guys at various points...

I haven't moved, you have..
That happens to be your opinion... which is uniformed. People who actually know better concede that Obama (and Bush's) actions when this thing started with TARP and the Auto-Bailouts prevented a Second Great Depression.

No poor kid....nobody but assinine Lefties say that because they need to defend our White President Obama.

How many Nuns did you do?

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