How to identify a racist...........

Human beings are evil. Belief systems just give us permission to do so.

LOL. You are too stupid to realize what you just said. What a pathetic, ignorant fool.

No, the point just went over your head.

The funny part is that the real point is so far over your head that you'll never even develop enough to consider it. LOL.

What have I told you about trying to discuss things you are too thick, slow, weak, and ignorant to understand? You never learn.
I can't speak for all liberals but the only ones I call racists are the birthers because it is all about race.

You didn't answer the question t-bitch. You just let your broken record play.

And thank you for letting us know that you think Hillary Clinton is a racist.

I don't think she's a racist; but I know you are. If you're uncomfortable with that; well thats your cross to burn...err I mean your cross to bear.
How do you know he's a racist? And are you using the standard dictionary definition of the word, or the leftist version: "Someone who disagrees with Obama"?
Thanks to men like Ronald Reagan, no, Communists aren't the threat they used to be.

But a leftist would rather die than admit that. He'd rather die than admit that Communism was a murderous, corrupt system.

You just make sure you don't let a post go by without blaming America, Comrade.

I think Communism is murderous corrupt system...

And so is Corporatism.

The Corportists just have nicer suits.

But Reagan had little to do with bringing down the USSR. Sorry. Have this discussion with a Russian some time.
:lol: So you're saying if I disagree with your altered history, I should talk to someone indoctrinated with altered history.

You didn't answer the question t-bitch. You just let your broken record play.

And thank you for letting us know that you think Hillary Clinton is a racist.

I don't think she's a racist; but I know you are. If you're uncomfortable with that; well thats your cross to burn...err I mean your cross to bear.
How do you know he's a racist? And are you using the standard dictionary definition of the word, or the leftist version: "Someone who disagrees with Obama"?

T-bitch's standard is the same one in the OP. But I'm holding him to a higher standard. It says anyone that is a so-called birther is racist so Hillary, Barry and I are all racists and we need Mitt to save us from ourselves.
And in the Great Gasbag's fantasy world, Hillary totally had the goods on Obama not being born here, but didn't say anything about it, giving up her life-long dream to be president, ummmm, why again?

Hillary Clinton = godhag of the so-called birtherism. Again, thank you for letting me know that she's a racist t-bitches.

I think you're avoiding the question. Besides being unable to find one link where Hillary talked about his place of birth, what you are trying to claim is that she had the goods on him, and didn't bring it up, even though he would have almost certainly withdrew if you guys ever had this thing called "evidence".
Birther row began with Hillary Clinton - Telegraph


Spend a day or two hear and see the hateful stuff said about the President, which goes far beyond his policies.

The fastest way to get a REpublican to hate a position is to get Obama to support it... even it's a position they previously held.

Remember when that Romney staffer tried to say something nice about RomneyCare. The right was ready to lynch her.

One of the biggest bigots on this board talking about bigotry, what a dupe.
I don't think she's a racist; but I know you are. If you're uncomfortable with that; well thats your cross to burn...err I mean your cross to bear.
How do you know he's a racist? And are you using the standard dictionary definition of the word, or the leftist version: "Someone who disagrees with Obama"?

T-bitch's standard is the same one in the OP. But I'm holding him to a higher standard. It says anyone that is a so-called birther is racist so Hillary, Barry and I are all racists and we need Mitt to save us from ourselves.

In that case, you're not going to be saved; The governor will not become President. Obviously. As obvious as your racism is of course.
How do you know he's a racist? And are you using the standard dictionary definition of the word, or the leftist version: "Someone who disagrees with Obama"?

T-bitch's standard is the same one in the OP. But I'm holding him to a higher standard. It says anyone that is a so-called birther is racist so Hillary, Barry and I are all racists and we need Mitt to save us from ourselves.

In that case, you're not going to be saved; The governor will not become President. Obviously. As obvious as your racism is of course.

The main thing is__ we know you'll be voting for Mitt b/c you wouldn't want to vote for a racist like Barry.
Nope__ I'm not claiming or denying any of those things t-bitch. I'm sorry you feel it's crazy to acknowledge common knowledge; but again thank you for letting me know the standard by which we know that Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama are hopeless racists.

Wow, you get into these talking points and just go on until the gas runs out...

Your logic was refuted. Hillary had nothing to do with "Birtherism"....

That's just a lot of Right Wing Racist crazy...
Hillary Clinton = godhag of the so-called birtherism. Again, thank you for letting me know that she's a racist t-bitches.

I think you're avoiding the question. Besides being unable to find one link where Hillary talked about his place of birth, what you are trying to claim is that she had the goods on him, and didn't bring it up, even though he would have almost certainly withdrew if you guys ever had this thing called "evidence".
Birther row began with Hillary Clinton - Telegraph

Except even the article you cited- from the British Press, where they don't exactly have standards or anything - even admits that it was "supporters" of Hillary, not Hillary herself. Except the supporter was a guy named Phil Berg who had nothing to do with Hillary's campaign.

Kind of a big difference between a fringe character four years ago and a party stoking this bullshit for four years...

But are you willing to admit the birther stuff was all bullshit and apologize for wasting everyone's time by bringing it up, then?

Didn't think so.
Funny how libs tell everyone if you didn't vote for Obama you're racist. How about the black folks who didn't vote for McCain because he is white? Would that make them racist? Or is it just the typical double standard the libs live by?

I can't speak for all liberals but the only ones I call racists are the birthers because it is all about race.

Asking to provide a birth certificate isn't racist. Nice try though.
Funny how libs tell everyone if you didn't vote for Obama you're racist. How about the black folks who didn't vote for McCain because he is white? Would that make them racist? Or is it just the typical double standard the libs live by?

I can't speak for all liberals but the only ones I call racists are the birthers because it is all about race.

Asking to provide a birth certificate isn't racist. Nice try though.

This is something you are 100% correct about. Did you ask for Romney's? He says you didn't. Why? What is the difference in the two men?
I can't speak for all liberals but the only ones I call racists are the birthers because it is all about race.

Asking to provide a birth certificate isn't racist. Nice try though.

This is something you are 100% correct about. Did you ask for Romney's? He says you didn't. Why? What is the difference in the two men?

Romney didn't live overseas under an assumed name. Neither did Romney's grandmother say he was born in Kenya. And as far as I can see no bio of Romney ever said he was born in Kenya like did Obama's.
asking to provide a birth certificate isn't racist. Nice try though.

this is something you are 100% correct about. Did you ask for romney's? He says you didn't. Why? What is the difference in the two men?

romney didn't live overseas under an assumed name. Neither did romney's grandmother say he was born in kenya. And as far as i can see no bio of romney ever said he was born in kenya like did obama's.

I think you're avoiding the question. Besides being unable to find one link where Hillary talked about his place of birth, what you are trying to claim is that she had the goods on him, and didn't bring it up, even though he would have almost certainly withdrew if you guys ever had this thing called "evidence".
Birther row began with Hillary Clinton - Telegraph

Except even the article you cited- from the British Press, where they don't exactly have standards or anything - even admits that it was "supporters" of Hillary, not Hillary herself. Except the supporter was a guy named Phil Berg who had nothing to do with Hillary's campaign.

Kind of a big difference between a fringe character four years ago and a party stoking this bullshit for four years...

But are you willing to admit the birther stuff was all bullshit and apologize for wasting everyone's time by bringing it up, then?

Didn't think so.
I looked for a connection between Berg and Clinton and couldn't find one.

So, I retract.

I have nothing to apologize for, though -- your passionate defense of Communism and your irrational bigotry against Mormons and Catholics has wasted far more time than I ever could.
Nope__ I'm not claiming or denying any of those things t-bitch. I'm sorry you feel it's crazy to acknowledge common knowledge; but again thank you for letting me know the standard by which we know that Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama are hopeless racists.

Wow, you get into these talking points and just go on until the gas runs out...

Your logic was refuted. Hillary had nothing to do with "Birtherism"....

That's just a lot of Right Wing Racist crazy...

Philip Berg (a huge Hillary Clinton supporter) filed a suit challenging Obama's birth status. All accounts are that Hilary was aware of it and she supported it. But yes, in true Clinton fashion she did not overtly challenge it and if you watched that video, you saw that the Hollywood producer said HC supporters fully expected Bill Clinton to eventually press the issue publicly. They were apparently silent after the Arkansas, Democratic chair, Bill Gwatney was murdered and after they received threats against their daughter, according to the Hollywood producer.
I would Vote Cain
I would vote Rice
I would vote West

I would vote for anyone of these conservatives before I would ever cast a vote for a white liberal. The race card is the final play of the loser in a failed campaign P A T H E T I C~
I can't speak for all liberals but the only ones I call racists are the birthers because it is all about race.

Asking to provide a birth certificate isn't racist. Nice try though.

This is something you are 100% correct about. Did you ask for Romney's? He says you didn't. Why? What is the difference in the two men?

One claims he was born in Kenya, and the other claims he was born in the USA.

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