How to lower gun crime...very easy step....10-20-life.....boom....drops the mic.

Good grief I'm so sick of ppl who claim there is no point in fixing things, that it can't be done so we just have to put up with the status quo.
I agree. The problem is that "fixing things" would take a hell of a lot more effort and commitment than a simple "lock them up and throw away the key approach".

A social reformation would require major heavy lifting and many mirrors for people to look at to accept blame. Accountability is in short supply across the world really, especially from those in positions of leadership.
Republicans control the House ... will we get yet another pork-barrel CR from them? ... MAGA Mike Johnson is Speaker now ... what's the problem? ...

Maybe cut out the IRS ... we can trust folks to pay their taxes ... not a problem ...

Dept. of Education, Energy too.

Let's go!

Have to watch those *bidens though, I hear they may be behind on their taxes.
I agree. The problem is that "fixing things" would take a hell of a lot more effort and commitment than a simple "lock them up and throw away the key approach".

A social reformation would require major heavy lifting and many mirrors for people to look at to accept blame. Accountability is in short supply across the world really, especially from those in positions of leadership.
Accountability starts with applying the law equally and removing violent offenders and all proven criminals from our midst.
Has anyone who indicted the wrong person, with held evidence from the courts or framed a person for murder ever gone to prison for it let alone themselves faced the same fate?

I'm not going to try to look it up now, but I think I remember that there was a provision in the Mosaic law that called for anyone who knowingly bore false witness in accusing someone else of a crime that he didn't commit, to suffer the same penalty that the one accused would have suffered if he were determined to be guilty of that crime.

I also recall hearing of a formal form of stoning someone to death, where the condemned was first thrown off of a tall cliff or building. Afterward, the two witnesses to his crime were to carry a large enough rock that it took both of them to carry it, and throw it off the cliff/building, to land on the condemned. If the condemned was still alive after that, then everyone else present was invited to finish the job by throwing rocks at the condemned, of whatever sizes suited them, among what was at hand.

The point of the two witnesses and the large rock was that the witnesses had not only killed the condemned indirectly, by their accusation, but also had a direct hand in the death as well. So, if their witness was false, then the blood was truly on their hands for the innocent prisoner that was put to death. They didn't just lie in a manner that led to someone unjustly being killed; they directly murdered someone that they knew was innocent.
The way you drop gun crime? You lock up the criminals who commit gun crime...for really long periods of time....

Agree. Every hillbilly that pills a gun to threaten his wife/girlfriend should do a mandatory 5 years.
That should clean things up as this is the #1 use of guns.
We lock up 2 million people, we have another 7 million on probation or parole, and we have 70 million Americans with a police record.

We don't have enough prison space to lock people up for merely committing a crime with a gun.

Then kindly tell your ilk not to come after lawful gun-owners for merely owing a weapon or magazine you are skeered of.
If their crime involved murder or attempted murder, and is proven to some extraordinary degree, and if there are no significant mitigating factors, then put them to death.

I would want to be absolutely sure, of course. Probably some higher standard of proof than what it would take to lock them up in prison for a very long time. But once that standard is met, put a bullet in the back of his head, and dump the body in a landfill, and be done with it.
We Don't Need More Prisons; We Need More Morgues
We lock up 2 million people, we have another 7 million on probation or parole, and we have 70 million Americans with a police record.

We don't have enough prison space to lock people up for merely committing a crime with a gun.
You always dredge up that same bullcrap. For every crime that a criminal gets arrested for, he commits ten to a hundred more. Taking a criminal, especially a violent criminal, off the streets cuts crime by preventing him from committing other crimes. It actually saves society money.
I'm not going to try to look it up now, but I think I remember that there was a provision in the Mosaic law that called for anyone who knowingly bore false witness in accusing someone else of a crime that he didn't commit, to suffer the same penalty that the one accused would have suffered if he were determined to be guilty of that crime.

The Mosaic law also called for stoning women who didn't have intact hymens and people who worked on Sunday. It says that a rapist could marry his victim if he paid her father 30 shekels. It also called for the burning of witches and heretics (look out, Joseph Smith) and endorsed slavery.

God didn't change his mind. We changed ours.

I also recall hearing of a formal form of stoning someone to death, where the condemned was first thrown off of a tall cliff or building. Afterward, the two witnesses to his crime were to carry a large enough rock that it took both of them to carry it, and throw it off the cliff/building, to land on the condemned. If the condemned was still alive after that, then everyone else present was invited to finish the job by throwing rocks at the condemned, of whatever sizes suited them, among what was at hand.

Bob, maybe you should move to Iran, it seems you'd be much happier there.

The point of the two witnesses and the large rock was that the witnesses had not only killed the condemned indirectly, by their accusation, but also had a direct hand in the death as well. So, if their witness was false, then the blood was truly on their hands for the innocent prisoner that was put to death. They didn't just lie in a manner that led to someone unjustly being killed; they directly murdered someone that they knew was innocent.

How do you determine what is in someone's heart? As I stated, we've had 195 people exonerated from Death Row who were later determined to be innocent. Should we now execute the juries, prosecutors, judges and all the witnesses against them, by your logic?

Or should we just accept that our justice system is too imperfect to have a penalty that can't be reversed?
You always dredge up that same bullcrap. For every crime that a criminal gets arrested for, he commits ten to a hundred more. Taking a criminal, especially a violent criminal, off the streets cuts crime by preventing him from committing other crimes. It actually saves society money.

We lock up 2 million people, compared to other G-7 countries that lock up less than 100,000. We have vastly higher rates of violent crime. Countries like Japan have to publish books for the tourists on "How to not get killed while visiting America".

So what are these other countries doing right?

They don't let average citizens own guns, obviously.
They treat addiction like a medical issue.
They have fairly extensive poverty relief programs.
They have programs for treating the mentally ill.

Now, obviously, some of them are monocultures and don't have the racism we have. But that's a ding on us, not them. (And some of them are diverse, such as the UK and France, who have large minority populations as a result of their former empires.)

Then kindly tell your ilk not to come after lawful gun-owners for merely owing a weapon or magazine you are skeered of.

Oh, I wouldn't put you gun nuts in jail for having guns that you have no business having.

We just send someone out to confiscate the guns.

If you are stupid enough to commit suicide by cop, that's on you.
Good grief I'm so sick of ppl who claim there is no point in fixing things, that it can't be done so we just have to put up with the status quo.

ROFL ... how you gonna fund the OP without tax payer dollars? ...

Math is hard for liberals ... apparently impossible for conservatives ... if you want more people in prison, then you will need more prisons ... and here's no fixing the 2nd Amendment ... it's there for a reason ...
We just send someone out to confiscate the guns.

Why don't you volunteer to be that person going to people's homes to rob law-abiding citizens of their rightful property? It wouldn't take very many such attempts, before one of your intended victims would make the world a much better place, by removing you from it.
Oh, I wouldn't put you gun nuts in jail for having guns that you have no business having.

We just send someone out to confiscate the guns.

If you are stupid enough to commit suicide by cop, that's on you.
You should join the dem's Confiscation Corps then.
Why don't you volunteer to be that person going to people's homes to rob law-abiding citizens of their rightful property? It wouldn't take very many such attempts, before one of your intended victims would make the world a much better place, by removing you from it.
I'm not a law enforcement officer.

If taking guns becomes the law, are you advocating killing law enforcement officers, Bob?

There's a shitload of laws I think are stupid, but I still obey them.
I'm not a law enforcement officer.

If taking guns becomes the law, are you advocating killing law enforcement officers, Bob?

There's a shitload of laws I think are stupid, but I still obey them.
Seems to me you would be happier as a subject than as a citizen.

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