How to Make Headlines ?


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Wonders Simon Says.Not so fast.It's easier than chewing
baseball bubble gum on a Bus.Merely Parse.Make headlines
by simply Simon Says from some leftist MSM Outlet.
Try ... Easy Breezie ... Lemon Squeezie.
A near effortless way to engage in Stalinism.
Constant Streaming of Headlines by Democrat Loving
" scumbags " who think it's cute.At Least Pulitzer Winner
Eugene Robinson { Regular on MSNBC's - Morning Joe - }
had to engage in some effort at being plausible in building up
Barack Obama in 2008 with constant streams of ONLY Positive
one-sided articles about how Great,even grandiose, the Junior Senator
from Illinois.Lest of which forgetting how Obama's handler { David Axelrod }
was out and about spinning.Directives as in what is Off Limits regarding his
boy Obama in 2008.First his ears.Then his religion and middle name.
Not one word about would be tolerated.
Plus the Maximum mandate ... Barack Obama is a MODERATE.
I kid you not.
Now take what Candidate Donald John Trump is facing.
Constant streaming of nothing but Negativity over every word
Trump said or may have said.Did or even came close to doing.If Trump
did not say or do anything ... Then find a way to have it supplanted.
Like the way Typewriters have been supplanted by Computers.
Ford long ... We will forget our past and what Great men like
*Henry Ford dreamed of ... That every working man should have a
Car.Unlike today where every Writer,Journalist and Democrat Hack
should have a voice over how much they Hate,Despise and loathe
a Former President.
I kid you not.

* Hardly a slouch when as a young man he walked each Sunday 4 miles
to hear the Sermon.As a kid of 12,he amazed his childhood buddies
by disassembling and reassembling pocket watches.So he was a
Man of the assembly line.And yes he did make Headlines.I guess
some back in the day who thought Woodrow Wilson was
marvy could have had written articles about the shortcomings of
Henry Ford.Like his Never attending High School.
But then I doubt any leftist hack writer today would waste
time plugging out words to describe how Donald Trump's Daddy
actually did his homework while at the Most Influential Business
College in America { Wharton Schoool of Business }.The drat left
already done tried that approach with Bush 43.Claiming his Pop
surely must have done his homework for him While at Yale.
Been there ... done that.Or should it read ... :
Done Did That!
As in ... Mommy,I already done did my homework.
Well goody two shoes for you ... Tommy.
But Mommy ... I haven't learn't how to tie my shoes yet ...
All in good time ... Tommy.
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