How to provide health insurance for the 4 million that truly want and need!!!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
First recognize there ARE only 4 million that truly want and need health insurance!

Since 10 million of the supposedly 46 million Obama states are NOT citizens why are they counted?
14 million don't know it and say they are but Medicaid already covers them... they just need to enroll!
Finally 18 million under 34 make over $50k DON'T WANT TO buy health insurance because they pay out of their own pocket the $1,000/ year average.
So that leaves 4 million not 46 million.

Obama taxed 10% on tanning salons because tanning may cause cancer!
So why not tax lawyers 10%?
They make $200 billion a year and as a result they are the direct cause according to 90% of doctors for duplicate tests,etc.. about $850 billion a year
of unnecessary expenses!
With the $20 billion tax pay a $5,000/year premium per each of those uninsured.
At the time the uninsured goes to the emergency room, they are registered and all the claims are sent to the insurance company managing the uninsured coverage!
Hospitals won't be allowed to pad and pass on to cover those uninsured because they will be paid!

Watch then the cost of health care drop easily $100 billion a year as lawyers will be less prone to sue.
Physicians less prone to do duplicate tests.
Hospitals not allowed to pad and pass claims to Medicare/insurance...
and all that will drop the health care costs!

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