How to take down the your own country in under 2 years.

This is more than enuff bullshit to cover 40 acres at least 3x over!! :cow: :spinner:

Care to actually make any specific claims?
Are you claiming the US has significant oil/gas reserves compared to countries like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Venezuela, Russia, etc.?
Are you claiming we are not the greatest consumer of oil/gas in the world?
Are you claiming the US won't run out in about 30 years?
Retard. We have always bought oil. Even when your orange douchebag was in power. Prove me wrong. Go.

When Trump was president, we did increase domestic oil/gas production to the point was hardly imported much, but that was a bad idea because then instead of running out completely in 40 years, we will run out in 30 years instead. The US has lots of coal, but not much oil or gas.
Care to actually make any specific claims?
Are you claiming the US has significant oil/gas reserves compared to countries like Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Venezuela, Russia, etc.?
Are you claiming we are not the greatest consumer of oil/gas in the world?
Are you claiming the US won't run out in about 30 years?

We gotz plenty Bidenista.
I am not looking back to see that the "Obama spied" is all about, but clearly Fauci lied and then people died because of that.

When there is a pandemic, there are 2 possible main choices of strategies.

One is if the pandemic is very lethal, like Ebola, you do a full quarantine, with contract tracing, etc., and you stop it as quickly as possible, by starving it of ANY possible hosts.
That is very expensive however, so if not very lethal, you don't want to do that.

Instead, if it is not very lethal, you want to end it as quickly as possible, with herd immunity.
If you already have a vaccine, that can help create herd immunity.
But you NEVER want to just "flatten the curve", as that prevents herd immunity, and makes the epidemic last longer, killing the greatest number of people possible.
And you can NOT wait for a vaccine to be developed, 2 years later.
That also takes too long, allows too much spread, and kills way too many people.
The actual best strategy is to deliberately infect those who are most likely to survive, and quarantine those more likely to die.
We could have ended covid in 2 months that way.
It is how General Washington ended the smallpox threat in 1777, with the Continental Army.
It is called "variolation", deliberate infection, in order to achieve herd immunity as quickly as possible and put an end to the epidemic as quickly as possible.
That has the smallest death toll.
There is no way to have a smaller death toll.
Flattening the curve increases the death toll over time, not decrease it.
I disagree. When your hospital system is over run and you can’t provide adequate care for the sick then going for unfeathered herd immunity is a horrible and irresponsible idea
Why are you a freak that talks shit while praising the Lord?
Why do you care?
You believe in nothing but your deluded agendas to turn free human beings in to wards of a Globalist State.
They are just meaningless words on the screen, and you are just an animal with monkeys as ancestors.
Move along, apeman.

Save the planet and quit exhaling CO2!

Do your duty.

"The Planet has a Fever and Moonglow is The Virus"
Al Gore
Buying foreign oil is a good thing when prices are low, since they will eventually become much higher, world wide.
It was the bribing and arming of the Ukraine that doubled the world price of oil and gas, and that was deliberate and extra.
Biden should not have started the war in the Ukraine, and yet clearly he did.
Without those trillions in Javelin and Stinger missiles, Zelensky would never have tried to join NATO.
The war over Ukraine didn't start with Biden.
Let me guess you think under Trump-n-berry we didn't have to buy millions of barrels of oil every single day?

Wow you really are ignorant of what energy independence means aren't you?

Actually no nation is "energy independent".
All nations will soon run out because we are rapidly using up fossil energy that takes over 100 million years to create, and will be all gone is about 50 years.
The only thing any nation can do is decide whether to increase production for the short term, causing the resource to run out sooner in the long term.
I disagree. When your hospital system is over run and you can’t provide adequate care for the sick then going for unfeathered herd immunity is a horrible and irresponsible idea
It's a great idea if you believe in Global Warming, and believe in The UN's Sustainable Development Plan which includes massive depopulation.\

"The Planet has a Fever and People are The Virus."
Al Gore
The war over Ukraine didn't start with Biden.

The war in the Ukraine started by Zelensky deliberately cutting off negotiations with Moscow, over treaty violations, murder of ethnic Russians, oil thefts by Kyiv, and Zelensky trying to join NATO.
And Zelensky would not have done that if not for the massive bribes and weapons from Washington FIRST.
Zelensky did not start the war until the money and arms had arrived in Kyiv.
So the clearly it was Biden sending the money and arms that cause the start of the war.
The war over Ukraine didn't start with Biden.
The War in Ukraine soley is the responsibility of the weakest most corrupt president ever to be illegitimately installed into the once Sacred White House.

Biden told Pooty Poot Putin he'd shut down The XL pipeline in the good ole US, and help finish Putin's Nordstream Pipeline. Then he said, hey Pooty ole Buddy, remember when you gave Pelosi's son, John Kerry's son, Mitt Romeny's son and my son all of that Bribe money you laundered through Burisma?

Thanks for that. Bought me and Corp Pop a Corvette or two with that. BUT I need another favor. I really screwed up The Economy so I wanted to tell you, be a good fella, it's OK if you have a little incursion into The Ukraine, yah know, to stir things up and maybe get our War Machine and economy going again. I am sure the rest of Europe would appreciate it too.
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The war in the Ukraine started by Zelensky deliberately cutting off negotiations with Moscow, over treaty violations, murder of ethnic Russians, oil thefts by Kyiv, and Zelensky trying to join NATO.
And Zelensky would not have done that if not for the massive bribes and weapons from Washington FIRST.
Zelensky did not start the war until the money and arms had arrived in Kyiv.
So the clearly it was Biden sending the money and arms that cause the start of the war.

In February and March 2014, Russia invaded and subsequently annexed the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine.
We gotz plenty Bidenista.

The US has very little gas and oil.
Here is a world pie chart of reserves.
The US is the little sliver in red.


That says 1.39%.
We may discover some more, especially if we do more deep ocean drilling, but it still can't last more than 50 years at most.
In February and March 2014, Russia invaded and subsequently annexed the Crimean Peninsula from Ukraine.

In 2014 the US bribed the military in Kyiv to conduct a coup that put all the pro-Moscow representatives in prison.
The Crimea should never have been part of the Ukraine, and Khrushchev only gave it to the Ukraine in 1955 because he was Ukrainian secretly.
The ethnic Polish government in Kyiv always hated the ethnic Russian Tatars native the Crimea, so the Crimea rebelled from Kyiv in 2014, to escape continual abuse.
Anyone implying the Crimea or any ethnic Russian area should be under the rule of Kyiv, is ignorant of history and current abuses by Kyiv.
Believe what you want, Trumpster.
It's not about what we believe it's what we see happening right before our eyes that you're in total denial of.

What would you say if Trump's FBI had raided Obama's home ? Don't answer hypocrite.
All nations will soon run out because we are rapidly using up fossil energy that takes over 100 million years to create, and will be all gone is about 50 years.
Sure pal, and Peak Oil is right around the corner too, honest injun (ops is that racist now?) Followed closely by the legendary Climate tipping point.
It's not about what we believe it's what we see happening right before our eyes that you're in total denial of.

What would you say if Trump's FBI had raided Obama's home ? Don't answer hypocrite.
Happy to say it yet again. You will not understand this.
  • If you think something happened, investigate.
  • If investigation involves searches, then get a warrant and search.
  • If you find something, prosecute.
  • If they're found guilty, nail them good.
  • If anyone helped them, nail them too, including family.
I don't care about their party affiliation. Country over party or ideology or anything else.

Too bad Trumpsters won't agree with the above.
Happy to say it yet again. You will not understand this.
  • If you think something happened, investigate.
  • If investigation involves searches, then get a warrant and search.
  • If you find something, prosecute.
  • If they're found guilty, nail them good.
  • If anyone helped them, nail them too, including family.
I don't care about their party affiliation. Country over party or ideology or anything else.

Too bad Trumpsters won't agree with the above.

But, but, the politicized FBI and DOJ get in the way...:desk:.

You left this essential part out!!
And, on purpose.

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