How Trump Cracked The Code To Penetrate The Blue Wall


Diamond Member
Jan 30, 2024

Trump shows respect to those ignored by the GOP for decades​

Published June 12, 2024 7:00am EDT

For the last three decades, I have been imploring Republican presidential candidates to take their message directly to America’s inner cities. Directly to the epicenters of "blueness."

As someone who grew up in abject poverty in some of those inner cities, I knew that most of those residents strongly believe in the rule of law, are faith-based and do support the police. But, for the last number of decades, they have also felt disrespected and abandoned by the GOP and Republican presidential candidates.

Former President Trump not only just flipped the script on that perceived disrespect with his rally last month in the deep blue Bronx – which brought out approximately 25,000 people – but demonstrated that there are potentially hundreds of thousands of untapped New York City voters who do believe in the rule of law, who do support the police, and who will come out in large numbers if they are recognized and respected.

Not only was the rally historic, but the anti-conventional-wisdom Trump also exposed a hidden and often censored truth. The Democrats don’t have a lock on the votes in our inner cities or within the minority community.
Fox News pimping for Trump. Imagine that.

Trump called these people SOB's but when the system they were complaining about bites him, he thinks it makes him one of them?

It does nothing of the sort.

Trump shows respect to those ignored by the GOP for decades​

Published June 12, 2024 7:00am EDT

For the last three decades, I have been imploring Republican presidential candidates to take their message directly to America’s inner cities. Directly to the epicenters of "blueness."

As someone who grew up in abject poverty in some of those inner cities, I knew that most of those residents strongly believe in the rule of law, are faith-based and do support the police. But, for the last number of decades, they have also felt disrespected and abandoned by the GOP and Republican presidential candidates.

Former President Trump not only just flipped the script on that perceived disrespect with his rally last month in the deep blue Bronx – which brought out approximately 25,000 people – but demonstrated that there are potentially hundreds of thousands of untapped New York City voters who do believe in the rule of law, who do support the police, and who will come out in large numbers if they are recognized and respected.

Not only was the rally historic, but the anti-conventional-wisdom Trump also exposed a hidden and often censored truth. The Democrats don’t have a lock on the votes in our inner cities or within the minority community.
LOL. That and still Trump doesn't stand a flicker of a chance in the Bronx...or New York State for that matter.

You do know that the lion share of Trump's "crowds" follow him from rally to rally...right? :)
your problem is...

No one's following Biden :boohoo:
No one has to follow Biden. He doesn't need to hold self affirming pep rallies. That's Trump's gig. And as you've seen no doubt, the ability to have large crowds at a Nuremberg rally doesn't translate into electoral popularity. :)
People just vote for Biden. No schtick necessary.....And that's what really burns you up, right? :)

Trump shows respect to those ignored by the GOP for decades​

Published June 12, 2024 7:00am EDT

For the last three decades, I have been imploring Republican presidential candidates to take their message directly to America’s inner cities. Directly to the epicenters of "blueness."

As someone who grew up in abject poverty in some of those inner cities, I knew that most of those residents strongly believe in the rule of law, are faith-based and do support the police. But, for the last number of decades, they have also felt disrespected and abandoned by the GOP and Republican presidential candidates.

Former President Trump not only just flipped the script on that perceived disrespect with his rally last month in the deep blue Bronx – which brought out approximately 25,000 people – but demonstrated that there are potentially hundreds of thousands of untapped New York City voters who do believe in the rule of law, who do support the police, and who will come out in large numbers if they are recognized and respected.

Not only was the rally historic, but the anti-conventional-wisdom Trump also exposed a hidden and often censored truth. The Democrats don’t have a lock on the votes in our inner cities or within the minority community.

25K people won't outnumber the other 8M people in NYC. I mean i get that most solid red or blue places are really violet places where one side or the other has ceded the ground, but your math isn't mathing if you think a rally in the Bronx has real political implications.
The GOP just underperformed in its own neighborhoods in the special elections. They cant convert the converted these days.

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