How TV murderer was reprimanded for wearing an Obama badge to report on elections

actually to scum sucking gun banners like you they are a nightmare.

No, buddy, they are a joke.

You'd have to believe that you gun nutters, who just PINE for the day you can take your little penis compensator and plug yourself some Darkie, but that happy day comes and 99.99% of the time, you don't.

It's just not believable that there are 3 million DGU's but only 200 justifiable homicides.

Especially since there aren't anywhere near 3 million realized crimes in this country. We only have 15,000 homicides, 80,000 rapes, 345,000 robberies.

You'd have to buy that there are 10 times as many DGU's as there are actual violent crimes. That's just sort of laughable on its face.
Because they are a police state. Japanese citizens have no rights against the police.

And American Citizens do?


I was going to print another image, one of a toddler who had been burned badly when police officers delivering a "no knock" warrant dropped a stun grenade into his playpen where he was sleeping. However, I decided THAT image was too graphic and the mods would rightfully delete it.

But if you want to read about the story and educate yourself about how we have so many more freedoms than those Japanese people... here it is.

No indictment for Ga. cops who burned baby with grenade -

oh, yeah, no one was held accountable for this MAJOR violation of rights of not white people.

And here's the thing. The reason why the police act like this, besides the fact that they are generally unwilling to purge the racists and bad actors from their ranks, is that the National Rampage Association and the gun industry have flooded our streets with so many guns that they feel the need to act not like "Peace Officers", but like soldiers fighting a war.
Because they are a police state. Japanese citizens have no rights against the police.

And American Citizens do?


I was going to print another image, one of a toddler who had been burned badly when police officers delivering a "no knock" warrant dropped a stun grenade into his playpen where he was sleeping. However, I decided THAT image was too graphic and the mods would rightfully delete it.

But if you want to read about the story and educate yourself about how we have so many more freedoms than those Japanese people... here it is.

No indictment for Ga. cops who burned baby with grenade -

oh, yeah, no one was held accountable for this MAJOR violation of rights of not white people.

And here's the thing. The reason why the police act like this, besides the fact that they are generally unwilling to purge the racists and bad actors from their ranks, is that the National Rampage Association and the gun industry have flooded our streets with so many guns that they feel the need to act not like "Peace Officers", but like soldiers fighting a war.

Yeah.....try living in Japan....there wouldn't be these problems because the police must be obeyed and if you resist you are not going to be the one winning a law suit in court. The Japanese have a reverence for authority that borders on the Borg.....
Yeah.....try living in Japan....there wouldn't be these problems because the police must be obeyed and if you resist you are not going to be the one winning a law suit in court. The Japanese have a reverence for authority that borders on the Borg.....
JoeB whines about the police and yet wants a society where gun owners are harassed, persecuted and killed by the cops which of course means we'd have a civil war. If he thought things are bad now, just wait to see what would happen if his fascist anti gun wet dream was implemented
Yeah.....try living in Japan....there wouldn't be these problems because the police must be obeyed and if you resist you are not going to be the one winning a law suit in court. The Japanese have a reverence for authority that borders on the Borg.....

Guy, I worked for a Japanese company for two years. they really aren't that different than us, other than they are a lot smarter about stuff than we are.

Americans are the retards of the industrialized world.

remind me do they have a press as free as ours?

Uh, yeah, they do. Next question. You think a media owned by a bunch of big corporations is really "Free"?

JoeB whines about the police and yet wants a society where gun owners are harassed, persecuted and killed by the cops which of course means we'd have a civil war. If he thought things are bad now, just wait to see what would happen if his fascist anti gun wet dream was implemented

The cops putting people like you out of the Gene Pool wouldn't bother me that much. I have a problem with them shooting unarmed children.

Here's the thing. Japan, the Toyko Police Department only draw their guns about five times a year. the Thing is, with 32,000 gun deaths and policemen armed like soldiers, we are ALREADY at the point where we've lost our freedoms.

But you hold on to your little penis compensator and still think you are free... It's kind of adorable.
Send some of our blacks and mexicans to Japan. See what happens to their rate of violence.
Yeah.....try living in Japan....there wouldn't be these problems because the police must be obeyed and if you resist you are not going to be the one winning a law suit in court. The Japanese have a reverence for authority that borders on the Borg.....

Guy, I worked for a Japanese company for two years. they really aren't that different than us, other than they are a lot smarter about stuff than we are.

Americans are the retards of the industrialized world.

remind me do they have a press as free as ours?

Uh, yeah, they do. Next question. You think a media owned by a bunch of big corporations is really "Free"?

JoeB whines about the police and yet wants a society where gun owners are harassed, persecuted and killed by the cops which of course means we'd have a civil war. If he thought things are bad now, just wait to see what would happen if his fascist anti gun wet dream was implemented

The cops putting people like you out of the Gene Pool wouldn't bother me that much. I have a problem with them shooting unarmed children.

Here's the thing. Japan, the Toyko Police Department only draw their guns about five times a year. the Thing is, with 32,000 gun deaths and policemen armed like soldiers, we are ALREADY at the point where we've lost our freedoms.

But you hold on to your little penis compensator and still think you are free... It's kind of adorable.

Did you live in Japan? Police in Japan can search anyone they want whenever they want and visit homes in their jurisdiction 2 times a year for life safety inspections. Prosecuters coerce confessions from suspects and the judges don't care.......that is how they keep gun crime low....and they still have gun crime.
Did you live in Japan? Police in Japan can search anyone they want whenever they want and visit homes in their jurisdiction 2 times a year for life safety inspections. Prosecuters coerce confessions from suspects and the judges don't care.......that is how they keep gun crime low....and they still have gun crime.

Ohhhhhhhhnnoes "Safety Inspections!!!!!"

If Japan is such a police state, how is it that they only have to lock up 69,000 out of a population of 110 million and we have to lock up 2,000,000 out of a population of 300 million? On top of that, we have another 7 million people on probation or parole.

Point is, you eliminate gun ownership, you have a more orderly society.

You have less crime

Also, if you think police and prosecutors don't coerce confessions out of people here, you are deluded. In IL we had to shut down Death Row because police misconduct was so rampant we couldn't tell if we were executing the right people.
Well Japan doesn't have all the "illegal" shit we do, they're pretty lax on what's a "crime" really. Murder get's you 10 years, rape is like 3 years or some shit - although you could also be executed so it's a risk. They tend to hang violent criminals with a fast rope rather than lock them up for very long, a bit of a deterrent.

Most of the crime they have is white collar simply because of their society - they're "traditional" and have only recently stopped the practice of charging the family (or even neighbors) for a criminals crimes. Takes a pretty fucked up person to say "fuck you mom and dad" I'm robbing this store and you can serve time with me for it, ya know? In any event, personal honor is a /big/ thing in their culture, it's how they're raised, how they've always been raised; the goal for most Japanese is to succeed, to be the best at everything, unlike in America where it's presently frowned upon to be successful. The Japanese have the right culture under it all, America doesn't so really comparing the two just doesn't work.

The system's aren't really comparable so much either. Like in Japan, a lot of the justice system is based on the persons character - shit like community status, how the victim died, etc. If the judge (there is no jury in Japan) thinks you'll walk the straight and narrow after, then they let you go with w/e light sentence for "rehabilitation" and/or a fine. So basically if you're a good actor, pretty much anyone in Japan could get a free pass - even for rape, murder, etc. heh

They also drop something like 99% of charges that aren't a "sure fire guilty verdict" because it's not worth the hassle to bother the judge with I guess, which is why their prosecution rate is so high (like 89% or some shit. o.o) Of course, they can "detain" your ass up for a year without even charging you with anything, then just shrug and give up and throw you out the door. You don't get to talk to your family or attorney while being "detained" and they pretty much interrogate you the whole time to get a confession - it's reported that torture isn't used "very often" anymore because of the UN. I think the confession thing is a game the police folks play because even with a confession the prosecutor still has to prove to the judge the suspect is guilty anyway, the confession is like separate evidence. Which may be another reason they drop so many charges, like the actor I mentioned above might not be worth taking to court because the judge would just let them go anyway kind of thing. I'm presuming that the lawyers have the same "ego" thing as American lawyers and in Japan I would presume that losing a case is even worse for their reputation.

On a related note; there's a playground game/prank in Japan where the object is to catch someone and stick your figure up their ass - Kanchō (its apparently slang for an enema lol)
Well Japan doesn't have all the "illegal" shit we do, they're pretty lax on what's a "crime" really. Murder get's you 10 years, rape is like 3 years or some shit - although you could also be executed so it's a risk. They tend to hang violent criminals with a fast rope rather than lock them up for very long, a bit of a deterrent.

We execute 40 people a year, the Japanese only execute a handful. They also have a much lower rate of recidivism than we do.

The system's aren't really comparable so much either. Like in Japan, a lot of the justice system is based on the persons character - shit like community status, how the victim died, etc. If the judge (there is no jury in Japan) thinks you'll walk the straight and narrow after, then they let you go with w/e light sentence for "rehabilitation" and/or a fine. So basically if you're a good actor, pretty much anyone in Japan could get a free pass - even for rape, murder, etc. heh

Wow, you are right. It's not like America does that by giving black folks much harsher sentences than white folks... oh, wait, we totally do that.

I do notice that whenever I bring up a comparison ot any other country that has the good sense to ban or limit private gun ownership and point out that they don't have a fraction of our crime rate, there is ALWAYS something else the gun nuts will claim is the cause other than the obvious.
It's not a claim rebuttal, it's just the reality of it. Japan is not only mostly Japanese, but they have lived under strict imperial rule damn near their entire existence as a civilization, it's probably in their DNA anymore. Their culture is completely different than ours. It's like comparing murder rates in a war torn country with those in America. There's not a "fair" comparison because the cultures not the same, the law system isn't the same, the rights aren't the same, nothing really is the same. America is "unique" and we have "unique" problems, like "gang culture" where murder and crime is "cool." Where as in Japan being a master chess player is "cool." The mind set of the people is totally different.

If you want to get into it, citizens can, and do, have guns in Japan. They just have to register them, also have to register swords. Have to take a firearms class and have firearms training, and you have to register your gun with the police. There's annual inspections of the gun to ensure it's in working order/wasn't stolen and you "retest" the class and training every 3 years. It's /not/ that hard, but most Japanese don't want a gun, they don't care because it's not in their culture. They're culture is just more about peace than ours and it kind of has been for hundreds of years; after generations of being torn apart by feuding Warlords, it's really not a surprise they are fine to have one ruler and peace.

American's on the other hand have spent our entire existence as a country fighting, be it the Mexico, the British, or ourselves. We're more like ancient Japan /was/, constantly warring and fighting to see who's going to "win" - except there's not a "winner" really, never will be, but American's aren't going to stop anytime soon. It is what it is, we are who we are.

What needs to be done is to stop coddling criminals when they do bad things, stop excusing them, stop treating them like kids and making it "okay" to do that shit, and mostly stop blaming guns for what bad people do with them. A good person with a gun isn't on the streets shooting anyone and you're stupid if you think they are. It's the bad people who steal or obtain guns and do bad shit.

Japan might be just fine with giving up their freedoms for peace, but American's quite simply won't be, at least not for a very long time, certainly not until we've settled shit in our own cities, between our peoples. Japanese are "united" they are "one" - America is not and folks have zero interest in being "united" they want to fight. So we fight, and /that/ is why we have higher crime rates, not gun laws, not even guns, but a desire to fight.

It's not a claim rebuttal, it's just the reality of it. Japan is not only mostly Japanese, but they have lived under strict imperial rule damn near their entire existence as a civilization, it's probably in their DNA anymore.

Okay, you see, you are going to make statements like this, and they aren't really true.

For most of Japan's history the "Tenyo" (or Emperor) was a spiritual figure, not a political one. From 1603 to 1870 or so, the real power was held by a Shogun. Before that it was a largely fuedal place with local lords holding power.

The interesting thing about Japan's gun ban was the reason WHY it was put into place was because after the Shogun was toppled, a lot of local lords challenged imperial authority, and the result was to not only ban the private ownership of guns but of swords. In short, they found violence intolerable and they did something about it.

What needs to be done is to stop coddling criminals when they do bad things, stop excusing them, stop treating them like kids and making it "okay" to do that shit, and mostly stop blaming guns for what bad people do with them.

Guy, we are one of the last industrialized countries that still executes people. While Japan only locks up 69,000 and Germany only locks up 78,000, we lock up an astounding TWO MILLION people. Oh, yeah, and when cops shoot black people for minor offenses, there are usually very little consequences. The notion that we have a high crime rate because we are not being brutal enough to lawbreakers is just fucking absurd.

Japan might be just fine with giving up their freedoms for peace, but American's quite simply won't be, at least not for a very long time, certainly not until we've settled shit in our own cities, between our peoples. Japanese are "united" they are "one" - America is not and folks have zero interest in being "united" they want to fight. So we fight, and /that/ is why we have higher crime rates, not gun laws, not even guns, but a desire to fight.

Again, guy, this is utter horseshit. Most Americans want what most Japanese want. They want to be able to pay the bills and take care of their families without having to worry some fucking crazy person is going to shoot up their schools or their churches.

The problem is, Japan doesn't have an organization like the National Rampage Association fighting even the most common sense gun laws.
Okay I'll give that "Imperial rule" in the literal term, isn't a good way to put it - but the people were under the full control of their feudal lords, their daimyo, and other terms, from almost the beginning. One of them won and became the Emperor, thus "uniting" them and ruling over all the daimyo's somewhere around the 1600's yea, but my point was not the term, but rather how they've lived - being under "Feudal" rule has no more "rights" and "freedoms" than being under "Imperial" rule. For the average person nothing changed between the rule of a diamyo and having an emperor, they still lived under their diamyo's thumb; they submitted to someone being in power. And even in their home lives, the entire family was kind of subordinate to the father and mother, and they to theirs, and on and on until there was a "tradition" of respect for elders that still exists today. As a person, pretty much no matter who you are in Japan, you honor your parents and your family name, you honor your history, your "goodness" - which is also part of their religion as well - Shinto (like 80%) which is very much like Buddism (which is pretty much what the rest of them follow,) both are religions that teach inner peace as a path to "salvation" as it is.

You're incorrect on the latter though; the sword, and later, gun control measures came into being because the Emperor wasn't happy with his underlings rebelling against him/her and thus disarmed their warriors, the samuri, in an effort to prevent being overthrown (again) - the /people/ had absolutely nothing to do with that decision at all. Not that they would care, because as I noted, and as was my point, they've been under the thumb of someone pretty much since they came into being as a civilization - and before they were "Japanese" they were "Chinese," not exactly known for their "freedom" either. Quite simply put, Asian's are, in general, a less "independent" sort, they don't mind being told what to do. Their traditions, religion(s), and over-all culture teaches them that they follow instruction, follow ritual, etc., and so they do. Not having to make such political decisions frees them up to find their "inner peace" or whatever, which I suppose is what you seek as well (Seriously maybe you should move to Japan, I have friends there and they love it. Of course they're uber capitalist over there so bring some cash.)

Anyway, my bottom line was that being "violent" or even "free" isn't really a part of their ideology, it's not socially acceptable to be violent, it's not socially acceptable to do crimes, it's not socially acceptable to step out of line, its not socially acceptable to fail either. That is /not/ the US in any way shape or form, we're damn near polar opposites culturally/societally. So to compare the violence here with the violence there, while completely ignoring the cultural, and even religious, differences is quite frankly, stupid.

As for executions in "industrialized nations", uhm... So what about Japan? They have over a hundred people on death row right now and not two months ago dropped the floor boards out from under some guy. Like 150,000 people signed a petition to have these guy's hung - because a single so-called "accidental murder" (aka one that takes place during a robbery) isn't usually given the noose. Was three guys, the one guy surrendered because if you surrender you don't get executed, so he ratted the other two out saying he'd just planned to rob her and the other two decided to try to rape and murder her. (She wasn't raped, the other two stopped that.) Anyway, the third one is also serving life because the people didn't push for his execution, which I find a bit odd because those two admitted they were hanging on either end of a rope around the poor gals neck trying to strangle her, but the one who executed had beat her head with a hammer, "at minimum 30 times" according to the police, trying /unsuccessfully/ to kill her before they found the rope, so I guess that's the line for the people's outrage. But I digress.

Singapore and South Korea are the other two "industrialized nations" who have executions. We could also debate that China should be included in the list of "industrialized nations" that still practice execution (like a lot, over 550 last year.) For perspective, Texas has put a grand total of 528 to death since 1976 and the total for all of the US since then is like 1,400...

Execution is only legal in 19 states, it was abolished in mine before we even became a state because the people felt it was being used racially. A friend of the family wrote a paper on modern diversity in Alaska and found the racism/capital punishment link during his research; really interesting/sad stuff, back in the 1930's the people of one of our larger cities today, lead by a US marshal, petitioned President Roosevelt to pardon a Native who'd been sentenced to hanging for killing his mother-in-law, but the president denied it. This poor guy was represented by the mayor of the city the crime occurred in and by all accounts the mayor just kind of blew off the case. The marshal I mentioned above wanted to witness for the guy, basically that the guy and his mother-in-law had been drunk for like four days straight celebrating a great fishing season and were both totally off their rockers the night she died, but the Mayor didn't even present the marshal's statement to the court/jury, much less put the Marshal on the witness stand; the marshal went to the mayor to press to go on the stand in the natives defense but it was too late, the jury had given their sentence. The Mayor didn't even show up to present closing arguments for the poor guy; just sickening >.< There's also report that the marshals had never, and had no idea how to, build a scaffold to hang someone so they had to call down to the lower 48 for instructions and check out library books, but they didn't want to know "who did it" so they fanagaled in extra dummy pull's so they wouldn't have to know who actually killed the poor guy, because not one of them felt he should be put to death. The native wrote a farewell letter to the marshal that basically said, I know you tried, it's not your fault. A young reporter who was invited to witness the execution wrote a heart-wrenching piece about it, but he refused to publish it because he felt the whole thing was horrible; his piece was found after he passed away and given to a local museum. We Alaskan's were keenly aware of a racial issue with death penalties up here by the early 1940's; one of our senior judges on our Ninth was a big voice for eliminating capital punishment because of the racism connection. Thus we said, nope, not going to play that game anymore. We became a state in '59.

Anyway, Alaska isn't alone in it's stance on execution, like Michigan's constitution actually forbids executions, and I'm pretty sure Hawaii never had legal executions either. In more "modern" times, SCOTUS ruled that execution was only allowed for murder back in the 70's (at least in the civil arena, the Feds can execute for certain crimes. There's also some kind of loop hole around raping a kid so you could possibly get executed for that if you were in one of the capital offense states.) The US also expressly forbids executing anyone with mental deficiencies (I think it's IQ70?,) no one under the age of 18 at the time of the crime. There's a bunch of other qualifiers on it being sentenced too. Texas is the big one for capital punishment, they don't like to fuck around down there, they do like three times as many executions as the next highest number of executions state (don't remember which sorry.) California has the most on death row, but does the least executions (I believe.)

So I mean looking at the country as a whole, that variety of opinion and who has capital punishment and just about anything else you can form an opinion on, it's kind of a reflection of who American's are. We're a diverse and independent people with a lot of differing opinions and "morals" across the country. Which was my point in your comparing the crime rates - we are nothing like Japan, our people are not like the Japanese. We are /different/ and that's part of why our crime stats are /different/ from theirs.

If you want to talk about getting our crime rates under control, then lets talk about all the stupid shit we lock people up for. If you want to talk about gun crime, then lets look at /who/ is committing gun crimes and /why/ they are doing it. If you want to talk about gun control, then say /that/ and put it in the context of /reality/, not some fantasy world where Americans and Japanese are cut from the same cloth and culture.

Though I might suggest a new thread for that discussion, because we're terribly OT here :p
Okay I'll give that "Imperial rule" in the literal term, isn't a good way to put it - but the people were under the full control of their feudal lords, their daimyo, and other terms, from almost the beginning. One of them won and became the Emperor, thus "uniting" them and ruling over all the daimyo's somewhere around the 1600's yea, but my point was not the term, but rather how they've lived - being under "Feudal" rule has no more "rights" and "freedoms" than being under "Imperial" rule. For the average person nothing changed between the rule of a diamyo and having an emperor, they still lived under their diamyo's thumb; they submitted to someone being in power.

I'm going to cut you off here because you are just massacring Japanese history. Next you'll be telling me Godzilla movies are documentaries.

IN short, Japan has always had an Emperor (Tenyo) who held spiritual power and was held to be the descendent of the Sun Goddess, Amaterasu. The real power was held by first Daimyo and then by a Shogun.

Nothing of which has all that much to do with why they don't have our crime rates. They don't have our crime rates because they don't let every asshole who wants one have a gun. It's really, really, really that fucking simple.

Seriously, every other industrialized country has figured this out. Citizens don't need guns. You take them away from citizens, criminals can't get them, either.
Okay I'll give that "Imperial rule" in the literal term, isn't a good way to put it - but the people were under the full control of their feudal lords, their daimyo, and other terms, from almost the beginning. One of them won and became the Emperor, thus "uniting" them and ruling over all the daimyo's somewhere around the 1600's yea, but my point was not the term, but rather how they've lived - being under "Feudal" rule has no more "rights" and "freedoms" than being under "Imperial" rule. For the average person nothing changed between the rule of a diamyo and having an emperor, they still lived under their diamyo's thumb; they submitted to someone being in power.

I'm going to cut you off here because you are just massacring Japanese history. Next you'll be telling me Godzilla movies are documentaries.

IN short, Japan has always had an Emperor (Tenyo) who held spiritual power and was held to be the descendent of the Sun Goddess, Amaterasu. The real power was held by first Daimyo and then by a Shogun.

Nothing of which has all that much to do with why they don't have our crime rates. They don't have our crime rates because they don't let every asshole who wants one have a gun. It's really, really, really that fucking simple.

Seriously, every other industrialized country has figured this out. Citizens don't need guns. You take them away from citizens, criminals can't get them, either.

Citizens don't need guns.

Yes...the Jews didn't need guns, and 6 million died in the death camps.

Other European citizens didn't need guns, another 6 million, were also sent to the death camps.

The Armenians...didn't need guns either.....and they had the Armenian genocide.

The Rwandan's didn't need guns....and 800,000 were butchered with machets by their government and their rival tribes...while soldiers from the Western powers stood and watched and did nothing.

The Mexicans across our border, they don't need guns, as they are murdered in their thousands by the government and drug cartels working together.....

So many law abiding people didn't need guns....and were're right joe...the people who slaughtered them didn't think they needed guns......

The Russians didn't need guns, and Stalin murdered 25 million of them.

The Chinese didn't need guns, and Mao murdered 70 million of them.

The Cambodians didn't need guns and 1/3 of their population was slaughtered by pol pot.

The Okinawans, Phillipinos, and Chinese, and all the other people invaded and conquered by Imperial Japan didn't need guns....and they were also slaughtered......

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