How U.s. Backed Banks Robbed Ex-slaves Of $66 Million

No, I think it needs to get shown to modern white racist excuse making scum such as yourself along with the other similar instances of things that went on after slavery and up to this very second.
How many white banks collapsed at the same time?
There is no black racist here. My life is better than yours. You can't face the truth and that's pathetic.

Whites did not lift themselves up without the help of the government. So end the sermons.
How do you know if your life is better than anyone on here? If your life is so great why are you complaining so much?
im sure he thinks everyone here not agreeing with him is a racist....
No, I think that the racists here who are not agreeing because they never agree even when facts are shown that their disagree,ent is without merit are racists.
100 banks failed so much for the claim of racism. Financial Panic of 1873
Wrong. The fact they had to create a separate bank for blacks is proof of racism. But the Freedmans Bank was done before the collapse due to theft by the whites who were in charge of the bank.



"Cooke was also involved in one of the scandals that plagued the Grant administration known as the Seneca Stone Ring Scandal. The owners of the Seneca Quarry, the Seneca Sandstone Company, had sold shares to senior Republican leaders in 1867 at half price, including Ulysses Grant a year before his election to the presidency, in the hopes of buying influence in the post-war building boom in Washington, D.C. This move undercapitalized the company, such that it took out several unsecured loans to fund its operations, notably from the Freedman's Savings Bank, which served freed African-American slaves and their descendants. Henry Cooke sat on the boards of both the Seneca Sandstone Company and the Freedman's Bank and facilitated the loans, though this was a clear conflict of interest. With the Panic of 1873, the indebted Seneca quarry could not pay its debts back, which in turn helped undermine the Freedman's Bank.

Congress investigated and recommended that Henry Cooke and others be indicted, but no one ever was."

he has to have something/someone to call racist.
I don't need that. But you have shown that you need to be a racist. Why do you never show up in the threads by whites racists if you are so non racist?

I know the answer. So quit pretending. Just be the racists you are and accept the consequences.
No, I think that the racists here who are not agreeing because they never agree even when facts are shown that their disagree,ent is without merit are racists.
you call people here racist all the time for shit that isnt racist just because you think its "implied".....which means everything said is racist to you....
you call people here racist all the time for shit that isnt racist just because you think its "implied".....which means everything said is racist to you....
I call people racists because they are racists. To you and other whites here nothing is racist except when blacks talk about racism. I don't think anything is implied. I am black, 60 and have faced racism from whites all my life. After 60 years of seeing something, you know it when you see it.
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I call people racists because they are racists. To you and other whites here nothing is racist except when blacks talk about racism. I don't think anything is implied. I am black, 60 and have faced racism from whites all my life. After 60 years of seeing something, you know it when you see it.
you dont think anything is implied?....lying said when i put that video of maxine waters commenting on pres. obama up.....that i was "implying" were wrong then just like you are so many times is something i am "implying" are a fucking jerk....
you dont think anything is implied?....lying said when i put that video of maxine waters commenting on pres. obama up.....that i was "implying" were wrong then just like you are so many times is something i am "implying" are a fucking jerk....

As I explained to you, you used the racist tactic of using the words of one black person against another for your justification of your bias against blacks. I'm not always right but I am mostly right. I support my conclusions often and you are practicing the laissez fare racism that is describes above. Your opinion of me is irrelevant and when you can show me laws and policies created by blacks that have denied whites of opportunity or anything like the many government programs white benefitted from over time that has helped them accumulate 15 times the wealth of everyone else, your punk ass can tell me how wrong I am.

Because if Obama would have tried to implement a series of programs benefitting blacks only, maggots like you would have whined like Paul Masson about him being a racist. So I'm not implying here, you are a disingenuous piece of shit.
As I explained to you, you used the racist tactic of using the words of one black person against another for your justification of your bias against blacks. I'm not always right but I am mostly right. I support my conclusions often and you are practicing the laissez fare racism that is describes above. Your opinion of me is irrelevant and when you can show me laws and policies created by blacks that have denied whites of opportunity or anything like the many government programs white benefitted from over time that has helped them accumulate 15 times the wealth of everyone else, your punk ass can tell me how wrong I am.

Because if Obama would have tried to implement a series of programs benefitting blacks only, maggots like you would have whined like Paul Masson about him being a racist. So I'm not implying here, you are a disingenuous piece of shit.
thats what you thought i meant asshole.....i have black blood in me and have 3 very black people married into my 1 am 2 you can stick your fucking racist bullshit up your big fat black ass......i am probably darker than you are asshole....
I call people racists because they are racists. To you and other whites here nothing is racist except when blacks talk about racism. I don't think anything is implied. I am black, 60 and have faced racism from whites all my life. After 60 years of seeing something, you know it when you see it.
Is that why we have numerous cases of blacks fabricating racist shit to blame whites for?

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