How we see each other

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Social Experiment: Man Falls Down And Cries For Help Dressed 2 Different Ways, The Results Are Shocking *

Watch this short video to see how people have become so de-sensitized to others, even to those in obvious distress…….would YOU have helped the first guy?

It is often said that we are becoming a more selfish and self centred society.
In France a recent experiment put this to the test. They filmed two identical scenarios where a guy falls down in a crowded street, in broad daylight, in pain and in obvious distress. He lies on the floor crying for help.
In the first case the guy is dressed shabbily and obviously gives people the impression that he is nothing more than a drunken bum.
The second video is the same guy, but this time dressed in a sharp suit and looking professional. Shockingly the outcomes were entirely different and show how quickly we judge others purely on appearance. This video can really make you think and possibly save your life. Just think, you could be having an off day, you throw on whatever’s close to the door and pop to the shop only to have a health problem along the way and passout. But, you didn’t dress in a suit and tie, so anything else people could just think you are a drunk bum? It’s pretty scary really. I mean, I know there are a lot of scary drunks out there rolling around in the parks of cities worldwide, but even so, these people are sick and need help. It’s not going to hurt to simply stop and ask if they are ok. Even if you have to get the attention of others before approaching them, at least then you are doing something.

Video at the link.

The comments are interesting as well.
And this one -

I tend to skip over many posts here if they poster is foul mouthed but very interesting reactions here.

This Guy Hung An Offensive Sign Around His Neck To Make A Solid Point. Guess What... It Worked | The Mind Unleashed

You may find it offensive at first but once you watch it, you will realize that we can all be guilty of this. At 0:47 seconds in, it all becomes clear..

Wouldn’t it be great if people responded to the actual problem the same way they do to his sign?
Social Experiment: Man Falls Down And Cries For Help Dressed 2 Different Ways, The Results Are Shocking *

Watch this short video to see how people have become so de-sensitized to others, even to those in obvious distress…….would YOU have helped the first guy?

It is often said that we are becoming a more selfish and self centred society.
In France a recent experiment put this to the test. They filmed two identical scenarios where a guy falls down in a crowded street, in broad daylight, in pain and in obvious distress. He lies on the floor crying for help.
In the first case the guy is dressed shabbily and obviously gives people the impression that he is nothing more than a drunken bum.
The second video is the same guy, but this time dressed in a sharp suit and looking professional. Shockingly the outcomes were entirely different and show how quickly we judge others purely on appearance. This video can really make you think and possibly save your life. Just think, you could be having an off day, you throw on whatever’s close to the door and pop to the shop only to have a health problem along the way and passout. But, you didn’t dress in a suit and tie, so anything else people could just think you are a drunk bum? It’s pretty scary really. I mean, I know there are a lot of scary drunks out there rolling around in the parks of cities worldwide, but even so, these people are sick and need help. It’s not going to hurt to simply stop and ask if they are ok. Even if you have to get the attention of others before approaching them, at least then you are doing something.

Video at the link.

The comments are interesting as well.

I have before. I found a homeless guy sleeping under an after hours bar overpass with his german shepard on Lee Rd in Winter Park while visiting. We went and bought him a McDonalds breakfast and gave him seventy dollars which what we had on us. His name was Alex. He was a nice guy. It takes very little to check and see if someone is alright.
I have too and surely will again.

They're fellow human beings and really, we're all in this world together.

Thanks Jeri.
People are rightly afraid sometimes. Appearances are not meaningless, they can be a measure who they represent.

On the other hand, some people simply don't care.

I've "helped" hobos and other street vermin in my life, but I am a big strong man with physical skills that can help me in the event I meet a dangerous person. Not everyone can say the same, so it can be unwise to get involved.
^^^ That right there is the reason why this kind of thing doesn't happen as much as it should. It can be hard to know who is really in need of help and those who try to look like someone who is. :( :( :(

God bless you always!!!

And this one -

I tend to skip over many posts here if they poster is foul mouthed but very interesting reactions here.

This Guy Hung An Offensive Sign Around His Neck To Make A Solid Point. Guess What... It Worked | The Mind Unleashed

You may find it offensive at first but once you watch it, you will realize that we can all be guilty of this. At 0:47 seconds in, it all becomes clear..

Wouldn’t it be great if people responded to the actual problem the same way they do to his sign?

You skip over the people you consider to be foul mouthed because you are a self righteous prick, and I refuse to modify my posting style because, as you just pointed out, being offensive is the only way to get self righteous pricks to pay attention to the real world.
I have too and surely will again.

They're fellow human beings and really, we're all in this world together.

Thanks Jeri.

We are. I have another story that will surely freak a few people out. I was at a christian fellowship gathering and a homeless man came in asking for food. The hosting pastor seemed very preterbed about the mans presence and I was thinking what's the problem? Give the man some food! He then took me aside and said he is a bum. He can't be trusted and you don't need to be giving him any money. ( that pastor was a Methodist who started his fellowship to get rich - he didn't care about the poor- the huckster )

I said, you're right. I need to take him out to breakfast and give him a proper meal. Well, I asked my friend Rebecca did she want to go. She said, yes! We went to I hop and the three of us had a big time! It was probably about 11 p.m. by then... Then the pastor called her on her cell phone and said what is Karen doing? She said she's sitting here eating and after that she is taking him home with her so he can go to sleep. He said, Tell her do not put that man in her car - don't let that man in her house! He could steal something! I told her to tell him I'll tell my husband on the way home. I'm taking him home. It was 20 degrees outside! Someone stole the poor mans sleeping bag. It was an awful mess he was in.

So I drove him to my house after breakfast - he looked like Wesley Snipes - good looking guy - he just needed a minute to get his head on straight. The Holy Ghost told me he was alright, I wasn't in any danger. So we sat up half the night with my husband talking about how his mother was gunned down in a driveby and how he later learned one of the guys was a neighborhood kid and how he had never forgiven him even though he got sent to prison. So I told him the only way you'll be free of it is to forgive him. Just be willing. He said alright. Then we all prayed together over it. Then he went upstairs and slept in our log room! It's very nice. God touched that mans heart that night because he got a job detailing cars the next day and by the end of the week he was invited to live with his daughter until he could get his own place. He's not a homeless person anymore so far as I know. Last I heard he no longer drank either. How about that? Ihop and a bed. Some listening carefully to what troubled him, a prayer and he was on to a new life.

p.s. he told us that he saw his mother getting gunned down in that driveby as she was on the porch and he was standing in the living room which had a window looking out on the porch. So he saw his own mother get gunned down. That was when he started drinking. It turns out his mother was a saint in the neighborhood who ministered to all the troubled teens. I got the chills realizing God trusted me with this guy because he was the son of a very godly woman. She must have asked God to send someone to him once she was in heaven and saw what was happening to her precious son down here. God picked me because I was available and would say yes. That is the only reason he picked me. All we have to do is say yes. That is all it takes. A yes.
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