How will liberals blame conservatives, 10 - 20 years from now from the damage caused by the current trans fad??

Didn’t miss anything. Pretty sure Iran is not on the list of human rights plus countries but you do you.
You asked for a Muslim country that allows for transition surgery. Iran not only allows it, but subsidizes the cost. You were flat out wrong and the other poster was right.
You asked for a Muslim country that allows for transition surgery. Iran not only allows it, but subsidizes the cost. You were flat out wrong and the other poster was right.
OK, I was wrong. Iran is the pillar of human rights and understanding. LOL
I just can't believe that feminists are okay with having their entire womanhood erased for the sake of a very, very few not having their feelings hurt. Women are no longer mothers; we are "birthing people". We are no longer women; we are "people with vaginas".


As if our entire womanhood is reduced to our birth canal.

Way to go, 21st century!!
The human race has worked for centuries to accept woman as people.

Now the left insists women are nothing more than their genitals.

Congratulations, leftists. You're insisting misogyny is a good thing.
The claim is also is not “medical care” it is essentially counseling for mental health and substance abuse where the risk is the child may feel unable to talk with parents get help through parents.
But the parents' insurance has to pay for it regardless if the parents have consented.

I'll ask you, since ProgPatriot will not answer:

Why do leftists want the State to raise everyone's children?
Uh huh. She's a leftist. You can't blame conservatives for her idiocy.
Really? Then why is she publishing in a etreame right with rag that has no credibility?

But that is not even the point. I am not blaming the right or the left You yourself agree that she is an idiot and one idiot saying something stupid proves nothing.

American Thinker - Media Bias/Fact Check
  • Jul 09, 2021 · Overall, we rate the American Thinker, Questionable based on extreme right-wing bias, promotion of conspiracy theories/pseudoscience, use of poor sources, and several failed fact checks. (7/18/2016) (M. Huitsing 03/20/2021) This poll is for entertainment purposes and does not change our overall rating. Left vs.
Speaking of histrionics, there's some now.

Why do leftists insist the State should raise everyone's children?
What the hell are you talking about. Thsi is just one more example of how you say shit that you think sounds good but you can't actually explain
Post #88. You can stop pretending it doesn't exist now.
Yes I saw it .The problem is that it does not say what you claim it says or what you want it to say. It does not say that they "were faking it" It does not say that they were not experiencing gender dysphoria at some point. What you are probably incapable of grasping is that comming to grips with one's gender identity is a complex psychological process. People change through counselling. .

I said before that the transgender thing is not well understood, and that in many cases there is a biological basis for it but not always. And even where there is a biological component , some may choose not to transition and live according to the gender assigned at birth. Others choose to be non binary. That STILL does not mean anyone was faking it for attention. You sure have a way of dumbing shit down to a sound bit instead of actually trying to understand it.

Interesting that you do not provide I link so I have to wonder what you're trying to hide. I am not familiar with that publication, but one thing jumped out at me that gives me reason to question the verasity of the source. I am referring to the part where it said that most just go on to be regular gay or lesbian people. The problem is, that people who identify as trans may identify as straight or gay. So it follows that these kids that decided not to transition may also be straight or gay .

Your grade Dave is :FAIL
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You don't explain yourself very well. Victoria's Secret?? What?? abnormal is virtuous?? WTF !? Virtuous?? How is virtuous the opposite of abnormal?
It isn’t. Typical liberal confused logic. Do you all do that on purpose or is your circuitry just fucked?
It isn’t. Typical liberal confused logic. Do you all do that on purpose or is your circuitry just fucked?
You're just dancing around your bullshit. Say something that makes sense and stop throwing barbs. You might actually get some respect but you will have to earn it and right now you are running a deficit

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