How will liberals blame conservatives, 10 - 20 years from now from the damage caused by the current trans fad??

What do you want to do with transgenders and gay people?

I'll answer that.
Use facts not feel good absurdity.

1) At the very least - acknowledge the fact the the majority of transgenders are not transgenders.
2) Understand that going along with the pretenders hurts the REAL transgenders. There are plenty of videos and blogs out there from REAL transgenders begging people to stop saying crossdressers are transgenders. Why do you think they don't like what is going on?
They want AND DESERVE to be treated like human beings. To be accepted. They deserve that.
But what are they getting from the left?? -- People equating sexually charged MEN, who get their dicks hard by wearing a dress as the same as them. How would you feel if you were an ACTUAL transgender and are lumped in with people who reduce them to making it all about sex?

If they say they are transgender, aren't they? If a man is aroused wearing women's clothing what is he called? Is that transexual?
In Islam they are hung or worse.

Nope.. In some countries the government pays for reassignment surgery. There's no death penalty for gays or transgenders in Islam.. but molesting children is a death penalty offence.

What is your experience in the Muslim world. Have you ever lived in an Arab country?

What do you want to do with transgenders and gay people?

I'll answer that.
Use facts not feel good absurdity.

1) At the very least - acknowledge the fact the the majority of transgenders are not transgenders.
2) Understand that going along with the pretenders hurts the REAL transgenders. There are plenty of videos and blogs out there from REAL transgenders begging people to stop saying crossdressers are transgenders. Why do you think they don't like what is going on?
They want AND DESERVE to be treated like human beings. To be accepted. They deserve that.
But what are they getting from the left?? -- People equating sexually charged MEN, who get their dicks hard by wearing a dress as the same as them. How would you feel if you were an ACTUAL transgender and are lumped in with people who reduce them to making it all about sex?

If they say they are transgender, aren't they? If a man is aroused wearing women's clothing what is he called? Is that transexual?
In Islam they are hung or worse.

Nope.. In some countries the government pays for reassignment surgery. There's no death penalty for gays or transgenders in Islam.. but molesting children is a death penalty offence.

What is your experience in the Muslim world. Have you ever lived in an Arab country?
Ha ha ha you are such a liar. This is most amusing. Find one mostly Muslim country that does gender reassignment surgery. Go ahead.

What do you want to do with transgenders and gay people?

I'll answer that.
Use facts not feel good absurdity.

1) At the very least - acknowledge the fact the the majority of transgenders are not transgenders.
2) Understand that going along with the pretenders hurts the REAL transgenders. There are plenty of videos and blogs out there from REAL transgenders begging people to stop saying crossdressers are transgenders. Why do you think they don't like what is going on?
They want AND DESERVE to be treated like human beings. To be accepted. They deserve that.
But what are they getting from the left?? -- People equating sexually charged MEN, who get their dicks hard by wearing a dress as the same as them. How would you feel if you were an ACTUAL transgender and are lumped in with people who reduce them to making it all about sex?

If they say they are transgender, aren't they? If a man is aroused wearing women's clothing what is he called? Is that transexual?
What are you 12?
They are called cross dressers. They have been around, but in secret, since the dawn of mankind.
If a dude wants to dress up in women's underwear and jerk off - why would I care? I can acknowledge for sure that throughout my lifetime friends and coworkers I like and respect - some of those have that fetish. I don't care. If I found out somehow... I wouldn't stop being their friend. I am not a jerk.
But if a fetish drive MAN wants - no - DEMANDS I go along with his fantasy, and if I don't - something is wrong with me?? Fuck that!
But as for REAL - ACTUAL - Transgenders, I feel for them. They were dealt a really sucky hand in life. They deserve to be treated and respected as equals among us. But I won't treat the pretenders the same as them.
Some guy who likes to jerk off in a wig is NOT a transgender. And lumping in ACTUAL transgenders in with them is unfair and uncaring.
But I understand why the left does that. They only care to make themselves feel good. It isn't about what is real or not real to them. At all.
It is only about virtue signaling, attempting to grab the moral high ground. To give themselves, and each other a gold star.
Similar to the much quicker playout of "defund the police" - and the national damage created by that - and instead of owning the problem - the left actually tried to say it was conservatives, not them, that cried to defund the police"
[despite the literal 100,000's of videos/photos of leftist carrying the banners all over the net)... not to mention painted signs on buildings/t shirts/memes facebook/instagram badges etc. etc. etc.

So, once the trans fad has wrecked this generation's understanding of human biology, correction, biology period, and fucked up their minds - how will the Democrats manage to blame it on Republicans.
Because - you know they will.
The GOP legislature members are not allowing increased funding for the Capitol police
Similar to the much quicker playout of "defund the police" - and the national damage created by that - and instead of owning the problem - the left actually tried to say it was conservatives, not them, that cried to defund the police"
[despite the literal 100,000's of videos/photos of leftist carrying the banners all over the net)... not to mention painted signs on buildings/t shirts/memes facebook/instagram badges etc. etc. etc.

So, once the trans fad has wrecked this generation's understanding of human biology, correction, biology period, and fucked up their minds - how will the Democrats manage to blame it on Republicans.
Because - you know they will.
The GOP legislature members are not allowing increased funding for the Capitol police
Similar to the much quicker playout of "defund the police" - and the national damage created by that - and instead of owning the problem - the left actually tried to say it was conservatives, not them, that cried to defund the police"
[despite the literal 100,000's of videos/photos of leftist carrying the banners all over the net)... not to mention painted signs on buildings/t shirts/memes facebook/instagram badges etc. etc. etc.

So, once the trans fad has wrecked this generation's understanding of human biology, correction, biology period, and fucked up their minds - how will the Democrats manage to blame it on Republicans.
Because - you know they will.
The GOP legislature members are not allowing increased funding for the Capitol police

The Capitol Police would get $603.9 million, an $88.4 million boost over the previous year. Acting Chief Yogananda Pittman in April requested $619.2 million, over $100 million above the previous year’s budget of $515.5 million. The House draft bill comes in $15.3 million short of what Pittman asked for.
Similar to the much quicker playout of "defund the police" - and the national damage created by that - and instead of owning the problem - the left actually tried to say it was conservatives, not them, that cried to defund the police"
[despite the literal 100,000's of videos/photos of leftist carrying the banners all over the net)... not to mention painted signs on buildings/t shirts/memes facebook/instagram badges etc. etc. etc.

So, once the trans fad has wrecked this generation's understanding of human biology, correction, biology period, and fucked up their minds - how will the Democrats manage to blame it on Republicans.
Because - you know they will.
The GOP legislature members are not allowing increased funding for the Capitol police

The Capitol Police would get $603.9 million, an $88.4 million boost over the previous year. Acting Chief Yogananda Pittman in April requested $619.2 million, over $100 million above the previous year’s budget of $515.5 million. The House draft bill comes in $15.3 million short of what Pittman asked for.
You failed to mention the DACA piece. Leftists always try to throw leftist shit into bills.
Similar to the much quicker playout of "defund the police" - and the national damage created by that - and instead of owning the problem - the left actually tried to say it was conservatives, not them, that cried to defund the police"
[despite the literal 100,000's of videos/photos of leftist carrying the banners all over the net)... not to mention painted signs on buildings/t shirts/memes facebook/instagram badges etc. etc. etc.

So, once the trans fad has wrecked this generation's understanding of human biology, correction, biology period, and fucked up their minds - how will the Democrats manage to blame it on Republicans.
Because - you know they will.
Normal people are sick of abnormal people fucking up normal things. Yes. I said normal. It's a thing, and this bullshit about being told to celebrate and force participation from shit three standard deviations out is ridiculous. The vast majority of people don't give two shits if John wants to wear a dress, they just don't want that fucking up normal shit.
You seem upset. Please calm down, take a deep breath, and explain to us how the existence of trans people are fucking things up, and what it is that you would like them to do differently
Bathrooms, the Olympics, Victoria's Secret, just for starters. And it isn't their existence, it's the idea that normalizing the abnormal is virtuous. Useful idiots all around and you don't even realize it.
You don't explain yourself very well. Victoria's Secret?? What?? abnormal is virtuous?? WTF !? Virtuous?? How is virtuous the opposite of abnormal?
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Similar to the much quicker playout of "defund the police" - and the national damage created by that - and instead of owning the problem - the left actually tried to say it was conservatives, not them, that cried to defund the police"
[despite the literal 100,000's of videos/photos of leftist carrying the banners all over the net)... not to mention painted signs on buildings/t shirts/memes facebook/instagram badges etc. etc. etc.

So, once the trans fad has wrecked this generation's understanding of human biology, correction, biology period, and fucked up their minds - how will the Democrats manage to blame it on Republicans.
Because - you know they will.
Oh puhleese. You drama queens were hanging crepe over this in the 70s when Renee Richards was allowed to compete in the U.S. Open. Nothing happened then, chicken littles, and nothing will happen now.


Transgender rights in Iran are limited, with a narrow degree of official recognition of transgender identities by the government, but with trans individuals facing very high levels of discrimination, from the law, the state, and from the wider society.

Oh and being gay is punishable by death. Nice try though

Transgender rights in Iran are limited, with a narrow degree of official recognition of transgender identities by the government, but with trans individuals facing very high levels of discrimination, from the law, the state, and from the wider society.

Oh and being gay is punishable by death. Nice try though
You asked for a Muslim country that performs gender reassignment surgery. Iran does, and even pays for it. Don't shift the goalposts because you missed the ball.
I'm a white male too and I don't see any of this war on white males stuff. Where is this happening? Big cities?
Apparently if you suggest transgender people be treated like any other people you are virtue signaling and conducting a war on white men. It is hard to keep track of.
What are you 12?
They are called cross dressers. They have been around, but in secret, since the dawn of mankind.
If a dude wants to dress up in women's underwear and jerk off - why would I care? I can acknowledge for sure that throughout my lifetime friends and coworkers I like and respect - some of those have that fetish. I don't care. If I found out somehow... I wouldn't stop being their friend. I am not a jerk.
But if a fetish drive MAN wants - no - DEMANDS I go along with his fantasy, and if I don't - something is wrong with me?? Fuck that!
But as for REAL - ACTUAL - Transgenders, I feel for them. They were dealt a really sucky hand in life. They deserve to be treated and respected as equals among us. But I won't treat the pretenders the same as them.
Some guy who likes to jerk off in a wig is NOT a transgender. And lumping in ACTUAL transgenders in with them is unfair and uncaring.
But I understand why the left does that. They only care to make themselves feel good. It isn't about what is real or not real to them. At all.
It is only about virtue signaling, attempting to grab the moral high ground. To give themselves, and each other a gold star.
Why do you keep assuming when we are talking transgender we are lumping in cross dressers when, as you point out, that is a very different thing though there can be overlap?
Apparently if you suggest transgender people be treated like any other people you are virtue signaling and conducting a war on white men. It is hard to keep track of.

Why do you keep assuming when we are talking transgender we are lumping in cross dressers when, as you point out, that is a very different thing though there can be overlap?
A trans person explained it to me thusly..

If you put on women's clothing and get sexually aroused, you're probably a cross dresser.

If you put on women's clothing and think "I look F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S in this", you're probably a drag queen.

If you put on women's clothing and think "this is who I have always been meant to be", you're probably transgender.
How has it wrecked anyone’s understanding biology? If anything it’s expanded that understanding...I.e. that biology alone is not responsible for who we are.

Time for the right to put on their big boy pants, quit trying to dehumanize them and stick to where inborn biological differences may cause issues, such as in sports. I suspect most on the conservatives realize that sex is more than having a penis or not and that SEX has to do with the hormones and the brain which starts in the womb. Think the conservatives realize where the lower left doesn't that you can't just decide you are a boy or girl and that those claiming such nonsense are mentally ill and not suffering from a "bad body."

Think only the left leaders from the left realize that those with these messed up brain chemistries (not bad bodies like they want to falsely claim) are easier to manipulate and easier to corrupt making them the perfect USEFUL IDIOTS to push CHANGE that will destroy the country. Like those men and likely women who rode the Epstein express------it was to test character and develop dirt to used against them later. Trannies, pedos, other sexual deviants, race hos <----------not political correct, but correct are just silly nitwitted easily bribed TOOLS. Like with the nazies, once the useful idiots are no longer useful or for fucks sake don't understand that they are only temporary tools not meant to rule when all is said and done---they will be removed as well just as the (GAY---VERY GAY) SA was for the nazies. The Gay community especially in the cross sexing never seems to understand historic basics.
Apparently if you suggest transgender people be treated like any other people you are virtue signaling and conducting a war on white men. It is hard to keep track of.

Why do you keep assuming when we are talking transgender we are lumping in cross dressers when, as you point out, that is a very different thing though there can be overlap?
Do you know a Tranny who doesn't cross dress?
You asked for a Muslim country that performs gender reassignment surgery. Iran does, and even pays for it. Don't shift the goalposts because you missed the ball.
Didn’t miss anything. Pretty sure Iran is not on the list of human rights plus countries but you do you.
As far as civil rights there is no civil right for me to identify as a black man. That also applies to a guy who insists nature got it wrong and he is really a she because he chooses to feel so.

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