How will liberals blame conservatives, 10 - 20 years from now from the damage caused by the current trans fad??

The safe spacers that can tolerate no ideas other than your feelings are the bubble livers.
My ideas are based on facts. They are based on research. They are based on rational thought process, logic and reason. Your ideas are not even your own, but rather regurgited from the bowels of far right religious and political kooks. I read and consider all points of view and apply critical thing to it. I seriously doubt that you can say the same.
Really? Then why is she publishing in a etreame right with rag that has no credibility?

But that is not even the point. I am not blaming the right or the left You yourself agree that she is an idiot and one idiot saying something stupid proves nothing.

American Thinker - Media Bias/Fact Check
She didn't publish in American Thinker, you moron. She published on Twitter. AT published her public Tweet.
Yes I saw it .The problem is that it does not say what you claim it says or what you want it to say. It does not say that they "were faking it" It does not say that they were not experiencing gender dysphoria at some point. What you are probably incapable of grasping is that comming to grips with one's gender identity is a complex psychological process. People change through counselling. .

I said before that the transgender thing is not well understood, and that in many cases there is a biological basis for it but not always. And even where there is a biological component , some may choose not to transition and live according to the gender assigned at birth. Others choose to be non binary. That STILL does not mean anyone was faking it for attention. You sure have a way of dumbing shit down to a sound bit instead of actually trying to understand it.

Interesting that you do not provide I link so I have to wonder what you're trying to hide. I am not familiar with that publication, but one thing jumped out at me that gives me reason to question the verasity of the source. I am referring to the part where it said that most just go on to be regular gay or lesbian people. The problem is, that people who identify as trans may identify as straight or gay. So it follows that these kids that decided not to transition may also be straight or gay .

Your grade Dave is :FAIL
You mean it's wrong because it doesn't agree with your propaganda.

Oh, well.
Answer: they don’t, that is strawman.

That is like asking why do rightists protect child abuse? When they make the parents rights inviolate.
Except I'm right, and you're wrong.

Your acknowledgement is neither sought nor required.
Except I'm right, and you're wrong.

Your acknowledgement is neither sought nor required.
You keep patting yourself on the head honey, far be it from any of us to disillusio you,
She didn't publish in American Thinker, you moron. She published on Twitter. AT published her public Tweet.
That changes nothing. The fact remains that it is one person saying something stupid . Regardless of her politics-it is meaninless and pointless and does not reflect a general view of the issue. Yet you cling to it as though it is scoring you a point. It is not. Speaking of stupid- you calling me a moron does not make you sound smart It makes you sound weak in insecure.

Interesting how you have yet to reply to my post #155 where I liad you out cold on your bullshit about how a lot of transpeople are "faking it for attention" after you posted an artice that does not say what you claimed that it said about that.
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That changes nothing. The fact remains that it is one person saying something stupid . Regardless of her politics-it is meaninless and pointless and does not reflect a general view of the issue. Yet you cling to it as though it is scoring you a point. It is not. Speaking of stupid- you calling me a moron does not make you sound smart It makes you sound weak in insecure.
You fucked up by claiming she published in AT. She did not. Now you claim it doesn't matter. LOL!

Speaking of weak and insecure...
You mean it's wrong because it doesn't agree with your propaganda.

Oh, well.
Dude!! It does not say what you claimed that it said. You made the claim that many transpeople are not really trans -that they are "faking it " You presented an artical to support that assertion while it clearly does not , It is not a matter of agreeing or disagreeing. It is a matter of reading comprehention which you seem to be deficient in. You are the one guilty of propaganda if you think that you can pass that bullshit off as fact. And I will remind you again that you failed to provide a link to the article causing me to suspect that there is other information that you do not want revealed. THAT is propaganda! I am getting sick of you
OK Chief. This is getting far afield of the topic at hand. I suggest that you start a new thread on this topic. Or maybe I will. But i will not suborn the derailment of a thread on the transgender issue. For now I will just say this. While I personally have respect for parental authority and autonomy, as a former protective services investigator, I know that goverment has a legitimate role in ensuring the well being of children in many ways from education to physical and mental health. Copy me on your post
Dude!! It does not say what you claimed that it said. You made the claim that many transpeople are not really trans -that they are "faking it " You presented an artical to support that assertion while it clearly does not , It is not a matter of agreeing or disagreeing. It is a matter of reading comprehention which you seem to be deficient in. You are the one guilty of propaganda if you think that you can pass that bullshit off as fact. And I will remind you again that you failed to provide a link to the article causing me to suspect that there is other information that you do not want revealed. THAT is propaganda! I am getting sick of you
oh no anyway.jpeg
OK Chief. This is getting far afield of the topic at hand. I suggest that you start a new thread on this topic. Or maybe I will. But i will not suborn the derailment of a thread on the transgender issue. For now I will just say this. While I personally have respect for parental authority and autonomy, as a former protective services investigator, I know that goverment has a legitimate role in ensuring the well being of children in many ways from education to physical and mental health. Copy me on your post
Only to have you screech NUH UH, like you've been doing?

Think I'll pass.

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