How will liberals blame conservatives, 10 - 20 years from now from the damage caused by the current trans fad??

1. not sure what your point with this as a problem as long as it is age appropriate
2. why do you object to books normalizing an often persecuted and vilified minority?

It is •NEVER• age appropriate to allow sick, degenerate sexual perverts to indoctrinate young children into these perversions, nor to try to normalize this shit to children.

Pedophiles who do this, or even defend it, need to be permanently removed from free society, and under no circumstances ever be given any access to or influence over children.

That you would even think of defending such a thing only goes to show what a dangerous piece of shit you truly are.
We’ve produced scientific proof that gender identity is defined by more than chromosomes and gonads. I notice when it is brought dodge directly addressing that science by pretending you know what science when your knowledge of how science works seems stuck in the flat earth age.

You've produced pseudoscientific bullshit, to support that claim, nothing more.

Genuine science is absolutely clear about the distinction between men and women.

Genuine science absolutely refutes the bullshit that you're trying to sell.
What do YOU want to do with these people?

I'm sure they are not confused about biology.. This is a psychological matter after all.

What is YOUR solution? Can you force them to live out their lives in their birth gender roles?
These are kids and once they grow up they will realize their mistake, but it will be too late. You could tell them they shouldn't make adult decisions till they are at least 18. Instead of pumping 6 years olds up with puberty blockers. You people are sick.
That has always been there to some degree, Lysenko, eugenics etc. It can be trusted if you are knowledgeable in how it is supposed to work and have trustworthy sources.

The degree seems to have risen to very dangerous levels.

I have seen supposed biologists who deny that men are stronger than women.
Not all dressers are transgender.
I didn't say all cross dressers were Trannies===but that all trannies are cross dressers. There are guys who like to dress of women but that doesn't mean that all of them want to be women. Trannies on the other cross dress and want to be women
We’ve produced scientific proof that gender identity is defined by more than chromosomes and gonads. I notice when it is brought dodge directly addressing that science by pretending you know what science when your knowledge of how science works seems stuck in the flat earth age.
Gender identity is not GENDER. Gender Identity is all in one's head........and for those whose head doesn't match the reality of their bodies, it is simply a mental issue. Trans genders are mentally ill plain and simple. You can not just decide one day that you want to be a different sex, a different age, a different species or whatever else. You are what you really are. Expecting everyone else to lie and pretend it is otherwise is just as CRAZY and extremely offensive to people who dont share the mental issues.
1. Respecting the rights of people to be who they are with fear of discrimination or violence?

It's funny that you insane freaks speak of “…the rights of people to be who they are…” to defend the madness and delusions of those who deny who and what they are, and demand to be recognized and treated as what they are not.

This seems not far removed from Orwell's concept of doublethink.
These are kids and once they grow up they will realize their mistake, but it will be too late. You could tell them they shouldn't make adult decisions till they are at least 18. Instead of pumping 6 years olds up with puberty blockers. You people are sick.

You people????????????

I agree with you. However, I am talking about adults not children.
He clearly used the phrase, "the left".

You had to play dumb to create a strawman for you to address, so that you could dodge his ACTUAL point.

That you choose to be evasive, is an admission that you know he is right.

So everyone else in the world is wrong and you are right...

Science can't be right because politics, you are right and everyone else is wrong...

Calling the whole world left can be easily explained... The world is center and you are at least right if not far right... You are the extreme one, not the whole world...
You've produced pseudoscientific bullshit, to support that claim, nothing more.

Genuine science is absolutely clear about the distinction between men and women.

Genuine science absolutely refutes the bullshit that you're trying to sell.
"Genuine science " - seems like the Gestpo want to inject his politic in science...

Real Science refuted many thinks we presumed for years... Your "Genuine science" persecuted blacks, homosexuals, as not being real people, NAZIs used your "Genuine science " to execute these people...
So everyone else in the world is wrong and you are right...

Science can't be right because politics, you are right and everyone else is wrong...

Calling the whole world left can be easily explained... The world is center and you are at least right if not far right... You are the extreme one, not the whole world...

In the land of the blind, the one eyed man,

is feared and hated.
How has it wrecked anyone’s understanding biology? If anything it’s expanded that understanding...I.e. that biology alone is not responsible for who we are.

Time for the right to put on their big boy pants, quit trying to dehumanize them and stick to where inborn biological differences may cause issues, such as in sports.

You people????????????

I agree with you. However, I am talking about adults not children.
If you're an adult i have no problem with it either, but don't expect me to play the game. They can do as they please. But liberals are pushing this agenda on elementary kids and that is sick.
In the land of the blind, the one eyed man,

is feared and hated.


You are right and everyone else is wrong...

Do you have formal training in this scientific field?
What peer review papers have you released in this area?

I just want to know this as I not met such an expert in this area before...

You are right and everyone else is wrong...

Do you have formal training in this scientific field?
What peer review papers have you released in this area?

I just want to know this as I not met such an expert in this area before...

I don't need training to tell the difference between boys and girls.

You need special "training" to become so confused that you CAN'T tell the difference.

I resisted that training. Hence my rarity.

The mob has been wrong before. YOu do know that, right?

Just because you are in with the crowd, doesn't mean you are correct.

I'm talking about letting elementary aged kids taking puberty blockers supported by loons as yourself. You comparing blacks to a mental condition?
Supported by "loons" like the American Academy of Pediatrics

and the American Medical Association

Similar to the much quicker playout of "defund the police" - and the national damage created by that - and instead of owning the problem - the left actually tried to say it was conservatives, not them, that cried to defund the police"
[despite the literal 100,000's of videos/photos of leftist carrying the banners all over the net)... not to mention painted signs on buildings/t shirts/memes facebook/instagram badges etc. etc. etc.

So, once the trans fad has wrecked this generation's understanding of human biology, correction, biology period, and fucked up their minds - how will the Democrats manage to blame it on Republicans.
Because - you know they will.
/——/ They will say trans failed because Republicans refused to support it.
To your point, libtards blame the failure of communism and socialism by saying the wrong people are running it.
Supported by "loons" like the American Academy of Pediatrics

and the American Medical Association

Yes you are loons and when these kids reach the age of 18 I hope they sue everyone one of you out of existence for promoting them to alter their bodies before they were adults. The need to be told they need to wait till they are 18 before they make an adult decision.
Supported by "loons" like the American Academy of Pediatrics

and the American Medical Association

how long ago, did they "discover" that? 3 years? 5? Funny how fast the "science" is moving.

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