How will liberals blame conservatives, 10 - 20 years from now from the damage caused by the current trans fad??

The cruelty continues:

From the linked article…

“Denying me an accurate birth certificate places me at risk of embarrassment or even violence every time I am required to present my birth certificate, because it incorrectly identifies me as male,” said Amelia Marquez, one of the plaintiffs and a trans woman, in a statement.

As a matter of undeniable, immutable scientific fact, a “trans woman” is male. His birth certificate identifying him as such is correct.

This freak is suing because he wants his birth certificate to reflect an insane lie.
Similar to the much quicker playout of "defund the police" - and the national damage created by that - and instead of owning the problem - the left actually tried to say it was conservatives, not them, that cried to defund the police"
[despite the literal 100,000's of videos/photos of leftist carrying the banners all over the net)... not to mention painted signs on buildings/t shirts/memes facebook/instagram badges etc. etc. etc.

So, once the trans fad has wrecked this generation's understanding of human biology, correction, biology period, and fucked up their minds - how will the Democrats manage to blame it on Republicans.
Because - you know they will.

As you pointed out, we've got the White House now putting out official statements trying to claim that it was Republicans/conservatives who were behind the calls and efforts to “defund the police”.

If nothing else, I think it can be expected that when the tragic consequences of the “transgender” bullshit become so obvious that even those on the left wrong can no longer deny them, that they will simply lie, as they are now about “defunding the police”, and try to claim that it was conservatives/Republicans who promoted this “transgender” bullshit.
It’s not exactly a left right thing, it is about rights and in this case, rights of biological females and rights of transgender females that need to be sorted out in a way that is fair.

It's very simple.

Those who are so severely fucked-up in their heads that they are confused about the difference between boys and girls belong in mental hospitals; not in free society.

It is totally unjustifiable and unacceptable to expect or demand that sane people sacrifice any measure of our safety, privacy, modesty, or comfort, to pander to the insane delusions of mentally-fucked-up freaks.

Especially when you have fucked-up male perverts demanding, and being granted, the “right” to intrude into women's restrooms, dressing rooms, locker rooms, communal showers, and such, any sane, decent person has to know that we've gone way past a line that should never have been allowed to be approached in the first place.

Then what the hell are you talking about by sayingwe are not taking responsibility for our actions.?

You won't even take responsibility for your unwillingness to take responsibility.

The wreckage of your side's insane, destructive, and outright evil policies is scattered around for everyone to see, and for everyone to know who created it.
By insisting transmen be allowed to compete with women, the left is fucking up sports, too.
You know sports is a global pursuit... Are you saying Democrats are in charge of the whole planet now...

Are we getting a bit demented about democrats control...

Democrats are just saying to respect people. As Jesus said treat others how you would like to be treated...
For letting them think it's possible to change their sex/gender.
But it is possable [sic]. Or, they were misgendered at birth. .Either way it is real and its happening


No amount of quasi-medical Frankensteinery can ever genuinely turn a man into a woman, or vice versa.

Only those whose minds and souls are seriously fucked-up believe that it is possible. Sane people know better.
No there aren't more, they are just becoming more recognized and out of the closet.

If you think it is fantasy, show me a study that proves it wrong.

Extraordinary claims require e4xtraordinary proof.

Science is very clear about the biological differences between male and female in humans.

You fucked-up left wrong-wing degenerates cannot produce even ordinary proof to dispute the science, much less the extraordinary level of proof that would be required in order to even make it worth listening to your insane bullshit.
It has nothing to do with political parties other than insuring their rights.


I sure do not see any prominent Republicans promoting or supporting this destructive madness. Only Democraps.

It sure looks to me like it is one side, one party that totally owns this insanity, and all of the tragic consequences thereof.
Extraordinary claims require e4xtraordinary proof.

Science is very clear about the biological differences between male and female in humans.

You fucked-up left wrong-wing degenerates cannot produce even ordinary proof to dispute the science, much less the extraordinary level of proof that would be required in order to even make it worth listening to your insane bullshit.
We’ve produced scientific proof that gender identity is defined by more than chromosomes and gonads. I notice when it is brought dodge directly addressing that science by pretending you know what science when your knowledge of how science works seems stuck in the flat earth age.
We’ve produced scientific proof that gender identity is defined by more than chromosomes and gonads. I notice when it is brought dodge directly addressing that science by pretending you know what science when your knowledge of how science works seems stuck in the flat earth age.

The science is tainted by politics. If not completely driven by them. It cannot be trusted anymore.
You know sports is a global pursuit... Are you saying Democrats are in charge of the whole planet now...

Are we getting a bit demented about democrats control...

Democrats are just saying to respect people. As Jesus said treat others how you would like to be treated...

He clearly used the phrase, "the left".

You had to play dumb to create a strawman for you to address, so that you could dodge his ACTUAL point.

That you choose to be evasive, is an admission that you know he is right.

daveman said:
By insisting transmen be allowed to compete with women, the left is fucki

I sure do not see any prominent Republicans promoting or supporting this destructive madness. Only Democraps.

It sure looks to me like it is one side, one party that totally owns this insanity, and all of the tragic consequences thereof.
What tragic consequence? It is a complex issue. Which part of it is tragic?

1. Respecting the rights of people to be who they are with fear of discrimination or violence?

2. Respecting personal medical treatments between a person and a doctor, or a parent, teen, and doctor? And before you yell...they do not perform sexual reassignment surgeries on minors.

3. Sports, an issue yet to be resolved, where I DO see an issue but not yet a fair and just solution.

4. Restroom silliness. I don’t know what you do in the men’s room, but in the ladies room we have privacy and stalls. There is nothing stopping a man from going in, so the issue of trans people coming in to use a stall is not that big an issue.
The science is tainted by politics. If not completely driven by them. It cannot be trusted anymore.
That has always been there to some degree, Lysenko, eugenics etc. It can be trusted if you are knowledgeable in how it is supposed to work and have trustworthy sources.

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