How will liberals blame conservatives, 10 - 20 years from now from the damage caused by the current trans fad??

I don't need training to tell the difference between boys and girls.
Trans people know the difference between"boys and girls" too and they know they were born into the wrong body. The brain can't change, but thanks to science, the body can.

Trans people know the difference between"boys and girls" too and they know they were born into the wrong body. The brain can't change, but thanks to science, the body can.

Trans people know the difference between"boys and girls" too and they know they were born into the wrong body. The brain can't change, but thanks to science, the body can.

If the science gets to the point where we can easily check for that issue, will you tell those WITHOUT the biological issue to just shut up and let people use the normal pronouns for them?

Or is this a matter of ideology for you?
What tragic consequence? It is a complex issue. Which part of it is tragic?
The part where a high percentage of them commit or attempt suicide?!?

Study: Transgender Teens' Suicide Risk Higher Than ...

Transgender adolescents have higher odds of suicidality than cisgender adolescents. More specifically, about 85% of transgender adolescents reported “seriously considering suicide,” while over half of transgender adolescents attempted suicide, according to the study.

1. Respecting the rights of people to be who they are with fear of discrimination or violence?

That goes both ways. Why is it ok to call someone a bigot because they disagree with your beliefs?

2. Respecting personal medical treatments between a person and a doctor, or a parent, teen, and doctor? And before you yell...they do not perform sexual reassignment surgeries on minors.

Sex-change treatment for kids on the rise - CBS News

4. Restroom silliness. I don’t know what you do in the men’s room, but in the ladies room we have privacy and stalls. There is nothing stopping a man from going in, so the issue of trans people coming in to use a stall is not that big an issue.

The fact that this is being discussed years into it, prove that it is a big issue. When my kids were coming up the big issue was discipline and how cruel and wrong it was. Well now you're seeing the results of not disciplining children.

It's no wonder our children are having issues with their identity. The left have a huge problem being able to identify issues and children are suffering because of it.
How has it wrecked anyone’s understanding biology? If anything it’s expanded that understanding...I.e. that biology alone is not responsible for who we are.

Time for the right to put on their big boy pants, quit trying to dehumanize them and stick to where inborn biological differences may cause issues, such as in sports.
Biology alone is responsible for our sex. It has. You got trannies out there DENYING biology.
Thats why its called a mental illness. Its a delusion.
I'm talking about letting elementary aged kids taking puberty blockers supported by loons as yourself. You comparing blacks to a mental condition?
Please show where this happened... It needs permission from a Court at least and a judge is not letting that happen unless there is a very good case...
Please show where this happened... It needs permission from a Court at least and a judge is not letting that happen unless there is a very good case...
Oh my, it's happening. Just like you loons denied underaged girls weren't getting abortions without parental consent. Anyway it will be your party getting sued when these kids grow up and change their minds.
"defund the police"
I continually hear many right-wingers spouting this nonsense, but no Democratic presidents, vice presidents, attorneys generals, secretaries of state, governors, or mayors.

Maybe they are upset that Trump goons encountered too many of them on January 6, as Democrats seek to expand their ranks.

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Thanks to President Biden and Democratic leadership passing the American Rescue Plan, police departments across the county now have access to $350 billion in funding, despite congressional Republicans' universal opposition. The funding bill passed both the House and Senate with only Democratic votes. No Republicans voted for the police funding.
Similar to the much quicker playout of "defund the police" - and the national damage created by that - and instead of owning the problem - the left actually tried to say it was conservatives, not them, that cried to defund the police"
[despite the literal 100,000's of videos/photos of leftist carrying the banners all over the net)... not to mention painted signs on buildings/t shirts/memes facebook/instagram badges etc. etc. etc.

So, once the trans fad has wrecked this generation's understanding of human biology, correction, biology period, and fucked up their minds - how will the Democrats manage to blame it on Republicans.
Because - you know they will.
I thought we fixed that trans fat stuff? I'm still a tad annoyed that my food no longer has a shelf live of > five years.
Oh my, it's happening. Just like you loons denied underaged girls weren't getting abortions without parental consent. Anyway it will be your party getting sued when these kids grow up and change their minds.
Oh I know

"I knew I couldn't tell my mom or my immediate family members," she says, "because my pregnancy was the result of a sexual assault from a family friend." Her home, she adds, "wasn't necessarily a safe or healthy one at the time."

So the 15-year-old pursued her only legal alternative: obtaining permission for the procedure from a state judge. She remembers staring up at a man who never made eye contact with her during their short conversation about grades and whether she played sports. She says the judge never asked her about the assault or her planned abortion.

"And then, right before I was leaving, he just encouraged me to think harder next time, before I had sex," she recalls. "That was tough to hear."

Wasn't she a selfish girl.....
Read the article... It is what I would expect... It happens but is rare and done after many checks and consequences taken into account...

This is far from normal... They do it when the child is serious distress...
There are kids here in Greenville that are transgendered. So is there some in this town I would hate to see what it is in big cities.
If the science gets to the point where we can easily check for that issue, will you tell those WITHOUT the biological issue to just shut up and let people use the normal pronouns for them?

Or is this a matter of ideology for you?
:lol: You wanna brain scan everyone just so you can be a dick about what gender someone identifies with?

It’s a matter of who gives a shit? Why is it any skin off your vagina if someone wants to change their bodies to match what their brain feels?
:lol: You wanna brain scan everyone just so you can be a dick about what gender someone identifies with?

It’s a matter of who gives a shit? Why is it any skin off your vagina if someone wants to change their bodies to match what their brain feels?

Well, jeez Seawytch, the discussion is about how to treat them. If we have a sure fire method of identifying this rare issue, then finding out that someone who might have some issue, doesn't have THIS issue, and thus should not get treatment for THIS issue,

is just good medicine.

BUT, no surprise, your not interested in that. You want to point to the "science" and still let any man that says, "i'm a girl", have society play along, whether or not they really have the issue.

Thus, we see that all your talk of "science" is after the fact bs, that you cherry picked to support your ideological conclusion.
Americans experiencing the freedom of being who they are and still enjoying equality is an index of the nation's progress.

Race, gender, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation - throughout the nation's history, one after another, the pretexts for discrimination are being overcome, and there are always those who don't like it.

Screen Shot 2021-07-21 at 4.31.14 PM.png

"Back in my day,
the only folks who mattered were just like me,
and we liked it!"
Well, jeez Seawytch, the discussion is about how to treat them. If we have a sure fire method of identifying this rare issue, then finding out that someone who might have some issue, doesn't have THIS issue, and thus should not get treatment for THIS issue,

is just good medicine.

BUT, no surprise, your not interested in that. You want to point to the "science" and still let any man that says, "i'm a girl", have society play along, whether or not they really have the issue.

Thus, we see that all your talk of "science" is after the fact bs, that you cherry picked to support your ideological conclusion.
It is quite clear that your knowledge of human sexuality and more specifucally the transgender issue is juvenile and abysmal . Nor do you have any clue about how complicated and lengthy the transistion process. These are real people with real and complicatedfeelings about their gender identity and to ignor and trivialize those feeling often brings dire consequenses. But all that you can do is to say that it is idiological and that society just plays along with someonew who says I'm a girl. You ridicule and dismiss science but I am certain that you have never read a single scientifice publication on the issue. You should be ashamed of your self but you have no shame. All that you have is concervative sound bites and a closed mind.
It is quite clear that your knowledge of human sexuality and more specifucally the transgender issue is juvenile and abysmal . Nor do you have any clue about how complicated and lengthy the transistion process. These are real people with real and complicatedfeelings about their gender identity and to ignor and trivialize those feeling often brings dire consequenses. But all that you can do is to say that it is idiological and that society just plays along with someonew who says I'm a girl. You ridicule and dismiss science but I am certain that you have never read a single scientifice publication on the issue. You should be ashamed of your self but you have no shame. All that you have is concervative sound bites and a closed mind.

seawytch posted a scientific study claiming to identify real biological markers that identified and explained transgenderism.

I asked a simple and honest question about it.

His answer demonstrated that for him at least, it is an ideological issue and his pretense of being about the science is just a joke, to be discarded the moment it doesn't work for him.

I note that you did not address the question either. And we all know why.

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