How will liberals blame conservatives, 10 - 20 years from now from the damage caused by the current trans fad??

Similar to the much quicker playout of "defund the police" - and the national damage created by that - and instead of owning the problem - the left actually tried to say it was conservatives, not them, that cried to defund the police"
[despite the literal 100,000's of videos/photos of leftist carrying the banners all over the net)... not to mention painted signs on buildings/t shirts/memes facebook/instagram badges etc. etc. etc.

So, once the trans fad has wrecked this generation's understanding of human biology, correction, biology period, and fucked up their minds - how will the Democrats manage to blame it on Republicans.
Because - you know they will.
The solution that heals wounds of abuses can be found in Christian spiritual healing and similar processes that work by forgiveness of the past to overcome problems.

By this very process, people learn forgiveness heals relations and restores normal health.

So by the time we apply it, there will be no more waste of time or energy and resources on blame and negative reactions.

All efforts will focus on corrections and prevention. Responsibility for the past will be shared. People will it comes out fairly even: for all the good things people contributed, equal abuses have happened as well. No person or group carries more blame or more credit than others.

We will see all our diverse contributions, for better or worse, balance out on the learning curve while we seek to collaborate on the best solutions from all sides and groups put together.
There are kids here in Greenville that are transgendered. So is there some in this town I would hate to see what it is in big cities.

That I just don't get. Children deciding to switcheroo and have it chopped up because the "feel like a girl"

When I was a kid, there were only a handful of ADULTS. If Christine Jorgensen and Flip Wilson wanted to change sex, they did it AFTER they grew up and gave their own gender a chance. Both men were military veterans, even, and transitioned on their own dime.

That's different entirely from forcing the taxpayer to pay to chop off some kid's junk, because some quack says he's a girl stuck in a boy's body or something.
Trans people know the difference between"boys and girls" too and they know they were born into the wrong body. The brain can't change, but thanks to science, the body can.

There is a difference between congenital exposure to estrogen levels versus genetic coding.

1. This science still relies on DISTINCTION between (a) physical biological sex/gender (b) internal psychologicak gender identity.

So this affirms the two are not interchangeable, and (b) is not a substitute for (a) but both remain distinct categories describing two separate levels or definitions

2. Spiritual Healing that has been used to change and heal unnaturally induced cases of abuse ALSO has been applied to reduce symptoms of GENETIC conditions such as Downs or some cases of cancer that were hereditary

So even if cases involved genetics (which studies on twins show is NOT correlated with cases of homosexuality) then there is still some room that this could change as well, similar to people overcoming alcoholic or depressive tendencies that were passed down in the family

More studies can be done, but in general I find each case is unique. Just because some people can change, or cannot but stay the same for life, doesn't mean other cases can't be completely different or the opposite!

No two people have the same personal or spiritual path, that is why I support keeping govt out of this and keeping this out of govt. Only where we agree can that be used to shape public policy, but until then, any and all faith based beliefs on these personal matters should be equally defended from discrimination and harassment.
That I just don't get. Children deciding to switcheroo and have it chopped up because the "feel like a girl"

When I was a kid, there were only a handful of ADULTS. If Christine Jorgensen and Flip Wilson wanted to change sex, they did it AFTER they grew up and gave their own gender a chance. Both men were military veterans, even, and transitioned on their own dime.

That's different entirely from forcing the taxpayer to pay to chop off some kid's junk, because some quack says he's a girl stuck in a boy's body or something.
I get it...
It is like this:
What kid doesn't want to be special? Especially kids who have problems at home, and/or doesn't quite fit in with others.
This is exactly why kids do crazy things to belong to a group they otherwise don't belong in. Thye may take drugs they don't want to take, steal - hurt others etc. - all in efforts to be accepted.
So they are bringing in LGBQT activist and plopping them down in front of very young children and promoting their lifestyle by providing examples of kids who were brave and "special" for "coming out" and saying "I am this". And in those stories those kids are made out to be heroes. Someone to admire and look up to.
So kids being kids start believing "me too" just so they can be special.
Go ahead... you can easily find literally 100s of stories of kids who did this very thing and tell their story of the nightmare of pretending to be what they are not, then when reality hits - the nightmare of telling everyone ... uh... oops!!...
seawytch posted a scientific study claiming to identify real biological markers that identified and explained transgenderism.

I asked a simple and honest question about it.

His answer demonstrated that for him at least, it is an ideological issue and his pretense of being about the science is just a joke, to be discarded the moment it doesn't work for him.

I note that you did not address the question either. And we all know why.
Seawytch posted a scientific study that actually does identify real biological markers that identified and explained transgenderism. You just can't accept the eveidence or are unable to comprehend it at all. There is nothing idiological in that answer and nothing here changes my assessment of your intelecual deficiencies
When I was a kid, there were only a handful of ADULTS. If Christine Jorgensen and Flip Wilson wanted to change sex, they did it AFTER they grew up and gave their own gender a chance. Both men were military veterans, even, and transitioned on their own dime.

You do understand, don't you, that “Geraldine” was a fictional comedic alter-ego of Flip Wilson; and that he never gave any indication that he thought he was, or wished to be an actual female; right?
You know sports is a global pursuit... Are you saying Democrats are in charge of the whole planet now...

Are we getting a bit demented about democrats control...

Democrats are just saying to respect people. As Jesus said treat others how you would like to be treated...
I said nothing about the global aspect of sports, although the Olympic trials are a perfect example.

NZ Tranny Weightlifter Knocked Real Woman Out of Olympics

Biology alone is responsible for our sex. It has. You got trannies out there DENYING biology.
Thats why its called a mental illness. Its a delusion.

So what is someone with Klinefelter’s syndrome?

Or some one e with Turner’s syndrome?

What about hermaphrodites?

What about someone who has a biological brain that scans as female but has an XY chromosome pattern?
:lol: You wanna brain scan everyone just so you can be a dick about what gender someone identifies with?

It’s a matter of who gives a shit? Why is it any skin off your vagina if someone wants to change their bodies to match what their brain feels?
seawytch posted a scientific study claiming to identify real biological markers that identified and explained transgenderism.

I asked a simple and honest question about it.

His answer demonstrated that for him at least, it is an ideological issue and his pretense of being about the science is just a joke, to be discarded the moment it doesn't work for him.

I note that you did not address the question either. And we all know why.
What did you think about the study itself?
Well, jeez Seawytch, the discussion is about how to treat them. If we have a sure fire method of identifying this rare issue, then finding out that someone who might have some issue, doesn't have THIS issue, and thus should not get treatment for THIS issue,

is just good medicine.

BUT, no surprise, your not interested in that. You want to point to the "science" and still let any man that says, "i'm a girl", have society play along, whether or not they really have the issue.

Thus, we see that all your talk of "science" is after the fact bs, that you cherry picked to support your ideological conclusion.
Isn’t “good medicine” butting out and letting the decision rest with the person and his doctor?
I do indeed. You being pathetic will not alter that impression.

give a fuck fall in lap.jpg
So what is someone with Klinefelter’s syndrome?
Klinefelter syndrome is a genetic condition that results when a boy is born with an extra copy of the X chromosome.

Or some one e with Turner’s syndrome?
A condition affecting female, due to partially or completely missing sex chromosome. Most of them can lead normal life with regular medical care.

What about hermaphrodites?
Different category altogether. Has nothing to do with biological boys and girls changing their identity.

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