How would religions react to a direct message/encounter with aliens?

Blessed are the poor of spirit. We have chosen the better portion and it will not be taken away.
Mexicans already have the southwest. :D
Good for them. They are good people.
Ya, they did a super job with Mexico. :lmao:
What? You never been to Cabo?
I don't go to failed countries with bean eating sweaty midgets.
You should write a book on how to win friends and influence people.
My hope is that a direct encounter with ET's will be the intervention that religions need, to stop killing each other and start working together. And understand new truths, and come to mutual understanding of the universe. After being taught by an alien race that is far ahead of us in knowledge and intelligence.

But It possibly already happened a long time ago, before religions existed. And once gone, religions based on greed proliferated.

So any new alien encounter, has to convince the billions of brainwashed masses that the aliens know better and can show them a more fruitful way to "salvation"...

That'll never happen because they won't let go. So we'll end up as a society where people believe in crazy radical supernatural thoughts, or accept science.

Kind of like where we are now... minus the aliens...
How would religions react to a direct message/encounter with aliens?
So let's just say that an alien spaceship came down and visited Earth. The event was broadcasted all over the media. The aliens were friendly and had about 24th century Technology. They offered to give us their space travel technology in exchange for all the information we know about everything. How would religions react to such an encounter? Would the pope give up?

We are ALL God's children .... is that a difficult position to understand? Some of us are more developed than others (you know, conservatives over liberals, Republicans over Democrats - man over monkey --- you know, that kind of stuff). But that doesn't mean that they aren't God's children.

I wonder how atheists - with their inherent egocentric position of being the highest life form in the world would react.
How would religions react to a direct message/encounter with aliens?
So let's just say that an alien spaceship came down and visited Earth. The event was broadcasted all over the media. The aliens were friendly and had about 24th century Technology. They offered to give us their space travel technology in exchange for all the information we know about everything. How would religions react to such an encounter? Would the pope give up?

Probably say hello and offer donuts, like everyone else. Why would it make a difference to the religious?
Man, some people are so dense as to be totally unreachable. Because the bible states that we are created in the image of God, and if little green men from Zork come down with three heads four eyes and who knows what else, what's that gonna do to the concept of being made in the image of our creator? Now, spin and deflect!

But they already got that wrong, because they never read it in the Hebrew or ask a Rabbi.
The word translated as "Image" in Genesis means nature type image not physical type.
They are forbidden to make a physical image but because they do they are anthropromorphizing the word "image" out of full context and thus confuse themselves and others who get these precepts from them instead of the source or keepers of that commentary.
In essence they are already stumped and contradicting at assuming any figure or form whether man or other species, because the Essence of life created them, they have a further process in creating them, thus
can't be the finite Creator.
That's why only an Essence (non tangible) makes sense in describing the power and source of life.

Isaiah 42:8 we can't pray to any image of anything physical- Exodus 20:3-7 and Deuteronomy 5:8-10
God is not a man nor form-(Isaiah 2:22, 14:13, I Samuel 15:29, Numbers 23:19, and Hosea 11:9, Deuteronomy 4:11-12 and the 13 major principles of the Jewish faith based on the Rambam's teaching of "ain lo demus haguf ve'ayno guf" -- that Hashem has no physical form.)

The Gemarah (Baba Batra 75) Tells us YeruShalem is named after the Hebrew concept of G0D and is the place commemorating his name(description)& essence. Shalem means stability completeness & wholeness=Essence to be all we could and should be.

What makes this difficult to understand is the translations and losing context that physical words like "HE" are mistakingly used & defined in assumptions
literally, instead of keeping non anthropromorphic context whereby such words are poorly labeled to a non tangible Essence.

When God is referred to as "He", it is a term of 3rd person reverence.
Pretty much any statement where God's Kingship is mentioned will be followed by references to God in 3rd person.
That's why blessings that begin with "Blessed are YOU", and then you encounter God's Kingship, as in "Our God, KING of the universe", continue to reference God as "He" rather than "You".

I guess it's sort of like calling nature a she, a car a she, & referencing non living items by gender, which in context of knowing the teaching of non form is ok, but once out of context like the surrounding Helenized culture or Babylonian influences of figures and deities distort and distract from the context thus the physical wording on non physical concepts or names that are actually descriptions, become problematic especially in an archaic age with poor
This is one of the reasons you constantly see my posts become long winded with an overly use of parenthesis in my attempt to overly explain and be more concise to what I'm intending to convey. A central source of teaching (a Mikdash),clears up assumptions, mistakes, transliteration errors etc, but for some reason the world refuses equal rights to Jews to have what they have, a main central spiritually authoratative Temple.
So the Virtual Temple will have to suffice until the VALIDATING physical platform is built.
A central source of teaching (a Mikdash),clears up assumptions, mistakes, transliteration errors etc, but for some reason the world refuses equal rights to Jews to have what they have, a main central spiritually authoratative Temple.
So the Virtual Temple will have to suffice until the VALIDATING physical platform is built.

The term 'Sanctuary of God', the place where the messiah will lead people to, is not a Temple or any made made building on a certain piece of real estate.

The sanctuary of God simply means divine providence, something that cannot be made by man...

You want to lead the Jewish people to defile themselves with the work of human hands so you can be the head butcher in a glorified slaughterhouse....

You are no messiah. You are a bad actor with delusions of grandeur.
A central source of teaching (a Mikdash),clears up assumptions, mistakes, transliteration errors etc, but for some reason the world refuses equal rights to Jews to have what they have, a main central spiritually authoratative Temple.
So the Virtual Temple will have to suffice until the VALIDATING physical platform is built.

The term 'Sanctuary of God', the place where the messiah will lead people to, is not a Temple or any made made building on a certain piece of real estate.

The sanctuary of God simply means divine providence, something that cannot be made by man...

You want to lead the Jewish people to defile themselves with the work of human hands so you can be the head butcher in a glorified slaughterhouse....

You are no messiah. You are a bad actor with delusions of grandeur.
Says the guy who thinks he's going to live with his invisible superhero when he dies. :D
A central source of teaching (a Mikdash),clears up assumptions, mistakes, transliteration errors etc, but for some reason the world refuses equal rights to Jews to have what they have, a main central spiritually authoratative Temple.
So the Virtual Temple will have to suffice until the VALIDATING physical platform is built.

The term 'Sanctuary of God', the place where the messiah will lead people to, is not a Temple or any made made building on a certain piece of real estate.

The sanctuary of God simply means divine providence, something that cannot be made by man...

You want to lead the Jewish people to defile themselves with the work of human hands so you can be the head butcher in a glorified slaughterhouse....

You are no messiah. You are a bad actor with delusions of grandeur.
Says the guy who thinks he's going to live with his invisible superhero when he dies. :D

No, I am never going to know what it is to die and by the look of things you may very well never know what it is to become a living being.

Seriously, you say you are open to evidence of God but you haven't done a thing to prepare yourself for such an encounter, you haven't done a thing to save your soul from the deeper implications of present events.

If you were invited to a black tie event where the King of the universe was in attendance and you showed up dressed in filthy rags and reeking of vomit, you wouldn't get pass the doorman who would throw you out into the darkness where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth.

The thoughts in your mind come across like a steaming pile of stir fried shit.

Is it any wonder why you see no evidence of God or that if he does exist he doesn't seem to give a shit about you?
Last edited:
A central source of teaching (a Mikdash),clears up assumptions, mistakes, transliteration errors etc, but for some reason the world refuses equal rights to Jews to have what they have, a main central spiritually authoratative Temple.
So the Virtual Temple will have to suffice until the VALIDATING physical platform is built.

The term 'Sanctuary of God', the place where the messiah will lead people to, is not a Temple or any made made building on a certain piece of real estate.

The sanctuary of God simply means divine providence, something that cannot be made by man...

You want to lead the Jewish people to defile themselves with the work of human hands so you can be the head butcher in a glorified slaughterhouse....

You are no messiah. You are a bad actor with delusions of grandeur.
Says the guy who thinks he's going to live with his invisible superhero when he dies. :D

No, I am never going to know what it is to die and by the look of things you may very well never know what it is to become a living being.

Seriously, you say you are open to evidence of God but you haven't done a thing to prepare yourself for such an encounter, you haven't done a thing to save your soul from the deeper implications of present events.

If you were invited to a black tie event where the King of the universe was in attendance and you showed up dressed in filthy rags and reeking of vomit, you wouldn't get pass the doorman who would throw you out into the darkness where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth.

The thoughts in your mind come across like a steaming pile of stir fried shit.

Is it any wonder why you see no evidence of God or that if he does exist he doesn't seem to give a shit about you?
Do you have any actual evidence of god? C'mon, let's hear it. :popcorn:
A central source of teaching (a Mikdash),clears up assumptions, mistakes, transliteration errors etc, but for some reason the world refuses equal rights to Jews to have what they have, a main central spiritually authoratative Temple.
So the Virtual Temple will have to suffice until the VALIDATING physical platform is built.

The term 'Sanctuary of God', the place where the messiah will lead people to, is not a Temple or any made made building on a certain piece of real estate.

The sanctuary of God simply means divine providence, something that cannot be made by man...

You want to lead the Jewish people to defile themselves with the work of human hands so you can be the head butcher in a glorified slaughterhouse....

You are no messiah. You are a bad actor with delusions of grandeur.
Says the guy who thinks he's going to live with his invisible superhero when he dies. :D

No, I am never going to know what it is to die and by the look of things you may very well never know what it is to become a living being.

Seriously, you say you are open to evidence of God but you haven't done a thing to prepare yourself for such an encounter, you haven't done a thing to save your soul from the deeper implications of present events.

If you were invited to a black tie event where the King of the universe was in attendance and you showed up dressed in filthy rags and reeking of vomit, you wouldn't get pass the doorman who would throw you out into the darkness where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth.

The thoughts in your mind come across like a steaming pile of stir fried shit.

Is it any wonder why you see no evidence of God or that if he does exist he doesn't seem to give a shit about you?
Do you have any actual evidence of god? C'mon, let's hear it. :popcorn:
If you do not see evidence of God provided by the throngs of the resurrected dead standing all around you, watching, you wouldn't see any other evidence of God even if manna suddenly came down from heaven like rain in a desert...
A central source of teaching (a Mikdash),clears up assumptions, mistakes, transliteration errors etc, but for some reason the world refuses equal rights to Jews to have what they have, a main central spiritually authoratative Temple.
So the Virtual Temple will have to suffice until the VALIDATING physical platform is built.

The term 'Sanctuary of God', the place where the messiah will lead people to, is not a Temple or any made made building on a certain piece of real estate.

The sanctuary of God simply means divine providence, something that cannot be made by man...

You want to lead the Jewish people to defile themselves with the work of human hands so you can be the head butcher in a glorified slaughterhouse....

You are no messiah. You are a bad actor with delusions of grandeur.
Says the guy who thinks he's going to live with his invisible superhero when he dies. :D

No, I am never going to know what it is to die and by the look of things you may very well never know what it is to become a living being.

Seriously, you say you are open to evidence of God but you haven't done a thing to prepare yourself for such an encounter, you haven't done a thing to save your soul from the deeper implications of present events.

If you were invited to a black tie event where the King of the universe was in attendance and you showed up dressed in filthy rags and reeking of vomit, you wouldn't get pass the doorman who would throw you out into the darkness where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth.

The thoughts in your mind come across like a steaming pile of stir fried shit.

Is it any wonder why you see no evidence of God or that if he does exist he doesn't seem to give a shit about you?
Do you have any actual evidence of god? C'mon, let's hear it. :popcorn:
If you do not see evidence of God provided by the throngs of the resurrected dead standing all around you, watching, you wouldn't see any other evidence of God even if manna suddenly came down from heaven like rain in a desert...
There's zombies all around me? :cuckoo:
The term 'Sanctuary of God', the place where the messiah will lead people to, is not a Temple or any made made building on a certain piece of real estate.

The sanctuary of God simply means divine providence, something that cannot be made by man...

You want to lead the Jewish people to defile themselves with the work of human hands so you can be the head butcher in a glorified slaughterhouse....

You are no messiah. You are a bad actor with delusions of grandeur.
Says the guy who thinks he's going to live with his invisible superhero when he dies. :D

No, I am never going to know what it is to die and by the look of things you may very well never know what it is to become a living being.

Seriously, you say you are open to evidence of God but you haven't done a thing to prepare yourself for such an encounter, you haven't done a thing to save your soul from the deeper implications of present events.

If you were invited to a black tie event where the King of the universe was in attendance and you showed up dressed in filthy rags and reeking of vomit, you wouldn't get pass the doorman who would throw you out into the darkness where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth.

The thoughts in your mind come across like a steaming pile of stir fried shit.

Is it any wonder why you see no evidence of God or that if he does exist he doesn't seem to give a shit about you?
Do you have any actual evidence of god? C'mon, let's hear it. :popcorn:
If you do not see evidence of God provided by the throngs of the resurrected dead standing all around you, watching, you wouldn't see any other evidence of God even if manna suddenly came down from heaven like rain in a desert...
There's zombies all around me? :cuckoo:

No, there are the living and the dead. There is no in between. The resurrected dead are living beings, not zombies.

Dead people are everywhere walking around like regular people. They don't see each other, they see only what they want to see.

They don't know that they are dead.

You would be the zombie.
Says the guy who thinks he's going to live with his invisible superhero when he dies. :D

No, I am never going to know what it is to die and by the look of things you may very well never know what it is to become a living being.

Seriously, you say you are open to evidence of God but you haven't done a thing to prepare yourself for such an encounter, you haven't done a thing to save your soul from the deeper implications of present events.

If you were invited to a black tie event where the King of the universe was in attendance and you showed up dressed in filthy rags and reeking of vomit, you wouldn't get pass the doorman who would throw you out into the darkness where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth.

The thoughts in your mind come across like a steaming pile of stir fried shit.

Is it any wonder why you see no evidence of God or that if he does exist he doesn't seem to give a shit about you?
Do you have any actual evidence of god? C'mon, let's hear it. :popcorn:
If you do not see evidence of God provided by the throngs of the resurrected dead standing all around you, watching, you wouldn't see any other evidence of God even if manna suddenly came down from heaven like rain in a desert...
There's zombies all around me? :cuckoo:

No, there are the living and the dead. There is no in between. The resurrected dead are living beings, not zombies.

Dead people are everywhere walking around like regular people. They don't see each other, they see only what they want to see.

They don't know that they are dead.

You would be the zombie.
Ok, so you have nothing except fantasies. Got it.
No, I am never going to know what it is to die and by the look of things you may very well never know what it is to become a living being.

Seriously, you say you are open to evidence of God but you haven't done a thing to prepare yourself for such an encounter, you haven't done a thing to save your soul from the deeper implications of present events.

If you were invited to a black tie event where the King of the universe was in attendance and you showed up dressed in filthy rags and reeking of vomit, you wouldn't get pass the doorman who would throw you out into the darkness where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth.

The thoughts in your mind come across like a steaming pile of stir fried shit.

Is it any wonder why you see no evidence of God or that if he does exist he doesn't seem to give a shit about you?
Do you have any actual evidence of god? C'mon, let's hear it. :popcorn:
If you do not see evidence of God provided by the throngs of the resurrected dead standing all around you, watching, you wouldn't see any other evidence of God even if manna suddenly came down from heaven like rain in a desert...
There's zombies all around me? :cuckoo:

No, there are the living and the dead. There is no in between. The resurrected dead are living beings, not zombies.

Dead people are everywhere walking around like regular people. They don't see each other, they see only what they want to see.

They don't know that they are dead.

You would be the zombie.
Ok, so you have nothing except fantasies. Got it.
No, your inability to see evidence of God is real. You inability to tell the difference between the living and the dead is real.

...and no one know better than you that there is no life in you.
Do you have any actual evidence of god? C'mon, let's hear it. :popcorn:
If you do not see evidence of God provided by the throngs of the resurrected dead standing all around you, watching, you wouldn't see any other evidence of God even if manna suddenly came down from heaven like rain in a desert...
There's zombies all around me? :cuckoo:

No, there are the living and the dead. There is no in between. The resurrected dead are living beings, not zombies.

Dead people are everywhere walking around like regular people. They don't see each other, they see only what they want to see.

They don't know that they are dead.

You would be the zombie.
Ok, so you have nothing except fantasies. Got it.
No, your inability to see evidence of God is real. You inability to tell the difference between the living and the dead is real.

...and no one know better than you that there is no life in you.
So anyone who doesn't agree with you is actually a dead person walking around? Buddy, I think you watch too much TV. :D
If you do not see evidence of God provided by the throngs of the resurrected dead standing all around you, watching, you wouldn't see any other evidence of God even if manna suddenly came down from heaven like rain in a desert...
There's zombies all around me? :cuckoo:

No, there are the living and the dead. There is no in between. The resurrected dead are living beings, not zombies.

Dead people are everywhere walking around like regular people. They don't see each other, they see only what they want to see.

They don't know that they are dead.

You would be the zombie.
Ok, so you have nothing except fantasies. Got it.
No, your inability to see evidence of God is real. You inability to tell the difference between the living and the dead is real.

...and no one know better than you that there is no life in you.
So anyone who doesn't agree with you is actually a dead person walking around? Buddy, I think you watch too much TV. :D

No, its not about agreeing with me.

The openly revealed contents of your addled mind show that there is no light or life in you.

What does come out of your mind suggests that you died and descended into the netherworld, pal, when you were prepubescent.
There's zombies all around me? :cuckoo:

No, there are the living and the dead. There is no in between. The resurrected dead are living beings, not zombies.

Dead people are everywhere walking around like regular people. They don't see each other, they see only what they want to see.

They don't know that they are dead.

You would be the zombie.
Ok, so you have nothing except fantasies. Got it.
No, your inability to see evidence of God is real. You inability to tell the difference between the living and the dead is real.

...and no one know better than you that there is no life in you.
So anyone who doesn't agree with you is actually a dead person walking around? Buddy, I think you watch too much TV. :D

No, its not about agreeing with me.

The openly revealed contents of your addled mind show that there is no light or life in you.

What does come out of your mind suggests that you died and descended into the netherworld, pal, when you were prepubescent.
So I'm a vampire. Cool.
No, there are the living and the dead. There is no in between. The resurrected dead are living beings, not zombies.

Dead people are everywhere walking around like regular people. They don't see each other, they see only what they want to see.

They don't know that they are dead.

You would be the zombie.
Ok, so you have nothing except fantasies. Got it.
No, your inability to see evidence of God is real. You inability to tell the difference between the living and the dead is real.

...and no one know better than you that there is no life in you.
So anyone who doesn't agree with you is actually a dead person walking around? Buddy, I think you watch too much TV. :D

No, its not about agreeing with me.

The openly revealed contents of your addled mind show that there is no light or life in you.

What does come out of your mind suggests that you died and descended into the netherworld, pal, when you were prepubescent.
So I'm a vampire. Cool.
I think he's right. You're dead. There is no life in you.
My hope is that a direct encounter with ET's will be the intervention that religions need, to stop killing each other and start working together. And understand new truths, and come to mutual understanding of the universe. After being taught by an alien race that is far ahead of us in knowledge and intelligence.

But It possibly already happened a long time ago, before religions existed. And once gone, religions based on greed proliferated.

So any new alien encounter, has to convince the billions of brainwashed masses that the aliens know better and can show them a more fruitful way to "salvation"...

That'll never happen because they won't let go. So we'll end up as a society where people believe in crazy radical supernatural thoughts, or accept science.

Kind of like where we are now... minus the aliens...
You should start a movement to ban religion. If only there was a historical precedence for doing so, right?
No, there are the living and the dead. There is no in between. The resurrected dead are living beings, not zombies.

Dead people are everywhere walking around like regular people. They don't see each other, they see only what they want to see.

They don't know that they are dead.

You would be the zombie.
Ok, so you have nothing except fantasies. Got it.
No, your inability to see evidence of God is real. You inability to tell the difference between the living and the dead is real.

...and no one know better than you that there is no life in you.
So anyone who doesn't agree with you is actually a dead person walking around? Buddy, I think you watch too much TV. :D

No, its not about agreeing with me.

The openly revealed contents of your addled mind show that there is no light or life in you.

What does come out of your mind suggests that you died and descended into the netherworld, pal, when you were prepubescent.
So I'm a vampire. Cool.

Nah, you are not that advanced...

In the hierarchy of Gehenna, you are just a relatively harmless middle aged ghoul.
If you do not see evidence of God provided by the throngs of the resurrected dead standing all around you, watching, you wouldn't see any other evidence of God even if manna suddenly came down from heaven like rain in a desert...
There's zombies all around me? :cuckoo:

No, there are the living and the dead. There is no in between. The resurrected dead are living beings, not zombies.

Dead people are everywhere walking around like regular people. They don't see each other, they see only what they want to see.

They don't know that they are dead.

You would be the zombie.
Ok, so you have nothing except fantasies. Got it.
No, your inability to see evidence of God is real. You inability to tell the difference between the living and the dead is real.

...and no one know better than you that there is no life in you.
So anyone who doesn't agree with you is actually a dead person walking around? Buddy, I think you watch too much TV. :D

That is definitely a new and creative
ad hominem by them. They went from calling their critics "on drugs", "insane", "retarded", and now Zombies.
Leah Remini is describing Scientologists methods of handling critics called
"Bull Baiting" and basically she is describing the exact tactics Christians use.
Cults need to use ad hominem responses to protect itself from unpopular truth they can't answer to-refute or address.
That's why it's addressed in the very first chapter of my book, because cultist can't deprogram if they don't notice the defense mechanisms they use to block out good sound logic and unpopular truths, so they end up accepting known lies as their
reality, even after they've been proven lies.
(like a child holding their fingers in their ears proclaiming "lalalalala I don't hear you")

©2001 Keepers of the Unpopular Truth
from Chapter 1
The Basic 10 Tactics Used in Arguments to Avoid Unpopular Truth:

1) The ad hominem argument. Seen too often when someone is attacking the arguer with personal rants, often mixed with false testimony. This never addresses the argument itself; it is only a smokescreen and avoidance technique to avoid unpopular truth.

2) The argument from authority. Though there must be independent confirmation of the facts, they seek to avoid unpopular truth by citing a favorite authority.

3) The argument from adverse consequences. Pointing out dire consequences of an "unfavorable" decision, like going to hell, needing to be saved, and other condemning and degrading commentary, all used to avoid unpopular truth.

4) The argument from absence of evidence. Merely stating their opinion, which is unfounded in substance and not backed by any reality, reason, or proof, relying on the bare false claim or observation per se to avoid unpopular truth. Obviously they have no foot to stand on, nor any substance to offer.

5) The smokescreening attempt. A drawing away from the attention of the original point or argument by putting up a smokescreen between them and the unpopular truth.

6) The blatant denial. Displacing everything; always refusing to admit to anything, sometimes in the form of accusing others instead, in order to displace the blame and guilt they associate with acceptance of the unpopular truth.

7) Making it disappear by not wanting to address it; in other words running away or trying to hide or censor the unpopular truth by flooding posts or banning the messenger of the unpopular truth.

8) The selective observation. Picking and choosing small portions sometimes even outside the context to avoid the main or whole issue addressed. Often used as part of the smokescreen and avoidance tactic.

9) The drawing of conclusions from inadequate sample sizes. Forgetting the many times something never occurred while dwelling on the few times or one time it did occur, thus being selective in what they want to see.

10) The inconsistency factor. Contradicting themselves and/or their own scriptures and/or icons, sometimes playing both sides of the field switching back and forth to whichever fits their arguments in a misguided need to save face when confronted with the unpopular truth. So there you have the ten basic mental scapegoats used to avoid unpopular truth. Accordingly we will never get to where we want and need to be, until we learn to face the unpopular truth head on without these excuses.

The first step is to actually hear what the speaker is saying. The problem is that, when you hear or see something that's unpopular but true, you start evaluating and conceptualizing it as it gets amplified through emotions in a quick short stage of processing in which you are compelled to make a hasty decision. This decision is filtered by prior experiences, fears, and even pride, which in the end changes the perception or the input to what you are willing to accept of it and not what that input was intended to be viewed or understood. These extraneous outside factors affect your honesty within your own belief system as well as subject to simple errors distorting ones outlook on the subject.

That is why there is always a problem being a real honest teacher in a world that seeks displacement and excuses rather then insightful solutions. It seems it is always the teachers of the unpopular truth throughout the ages who have been persecuted, not for who they were and what they offered, but because they hit the raw nerve of the ego of man or were a threat to the status quo.

Ever hear of the good teacher is unpopular syndrome? Students hate the teacher who tries to get them to do work and stay straight in their path in order to grow in intellect and purpose. However, they love the teacher who lets them get away with everything. So to them the good teacher is evil, but the failed teacher is nice, even though in reality the poor teacher is not leading them to be all they could and should be. It's like the gentiles who have love for Paul the apostate Pharisee who removes all homework (deeds and commands), but have dislike for the true Jews who tried to teach these proper values that brought civility.

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