How would you like to support protecting the borders of the USA?

Robert W

Platinum Member
Gold Supporting Member
Sep 9, 2022
Unite with Governor Abbott of TX. Follow his lead. We all owe our children the duty we have to protect our own borders.

So help out.

Earlier (June 2023) What Can The States Do At The Border?

American news, social media, and the political class have been ablaze for weeks with the continually developing story of Texas’ Governor Greg Abbott’s stand against the Federal government in Eagle Pass. But this is just the beginning. Americans are well aware of the far-reaching powers of the Federal government. Many, however, don’t realize just how powerful state governments really are—if they decide to act.

The story in Texas began with the Biden administration’s treasonous refusal to actually secure the border. In response, the state government’s aptly named Operation Lone Star, originally only a support mission to assist the Department of Homeland Security in its purported goal to secure the U.S. frontier with Mexico, evolved into a standalone operation to secure the Texan border with Mexico.

After the Texas Department of Public Safety took control of a park in the city [Texas officers take “full control” of Eagle Pass park against city’s wishes, Texas Tribune, January 11, 2024] the number of illegal migrant crossings in the Eagle Pass region has declined from some 2,400 illegals a day to just 750 per day [Texas authorities arrest group of 10 migrants at southern border, video shows, ABC7 Chicago, January 21, 2024]. Additionally, most of those illegals that do make it across are arrested by the Texas Department of Public Safety, and many are subsequently pushed back over the border into Mexico. Texas claims to have returned more than 80,000 illegal immigrants to Mexico, and arrested tens of thousands more for various crimes including drug trafficking [Operation Lone Star Ramps Up Historic Response To Biden’s Border Crisis,, January 5, 2024]. The operation has been an unmitigated success, and as a result the Federal government has continually sought to interfere with Texas’ constitutional right to defend its inherent sovereignty.

As Texas put up more barriers and barred the Federal agents from accessing a public park, both the state and the Federal government made emergency appeals to the nation’s highest court. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 vote to allow the Department of Homeland Security to cut the razor wire fencing installed by the State of Texas along the border with Mexico [Supreme Court allows Border Patrol agents to remove razor wire Texas installed at Mexico border, by Lawrence Hurley, NBCNews, January 22, 2024].

In spite of this, Governor Abbott has announced construction of Forward Operating Base, a (National Guard) military base costing $131 million in the Del Rio Sector [Texas Takes Bold Stand: New Military Base to Secure the Border, The Conservative Fix, February 19, 2024]
There are laws in force that are more than adequate to "defend our borders." Every human who presents himself at the border must provide some justification to get in. If not, they cannot come in. Period. If they claim to be refugees seeking asylum, there are criteria that must be met. The Biden Administration PRESUMES that every single one of the bastards has a legitimate claim, knowing that only a small percentage of them meet the international criteria. This is insane. They should be kept out until there is a hearing to evaluate their claim, then if it is valid let them in. This is what Trump was doing.

No person can be legally hired in the U.S. without filling out an I-9 form, which is impossible for someone who is not legally here. "We" need to start enforcing that vigorously, using police agents from all levels of government. If ineligible people are hired, THROW THE SUPERVISORS IN JAIL! The problem will stop, immediately.

We need to aggressively deport everyone found to be in the country illegally. Put them on a bus, a plane, an SUV or an ox-cart; makes no difference, but get them the fuck out of the country.
Unite with Governor Abbott of TX. Follow his lead. We all owe our children the duty we have to protect our own borders.

So help out.

Earlier (June 2023) What Can The States Do At The Border?

American news, social media, and the political class have been ablaze for weeks with the continually developing story of Texas’ Governor Greg Abbott’s stand against the Federal government in Eagle Pass. But this is just the beginning. Americans are well aware of the far-reaching powers of the Federal government. Many, however, don’t realize just how powerful state governments really are—if they decide to act.

The story in Texas began with the Biden administration’s treasonous refusal to actually secure the border. In response, the state government’s aptly named Operation Lone Star, originally only a support mission to assist the Department of Homeland Security in its purported goal to secure the U.S. frontier with Mexico, evolved into a standalone operation to secure the Texan border with Mexico.

After the Texas Department of Public Safety took control of a park in the city [Texas officers take “full control” of Eagle Pass park against city’s wishes, Texas Tribune, January 11, 2024] the number of illegal migrant crossings in the Eagle Pass region has declined from some 2,400 illegals a day to just 750 per day [Texas authorities arrest group of 10 migrants at southern border, video shows, ABC7 Chicago, January 21, 2024]. Additionally, most of those illegals that do make it across are arrested by the Texas Department of Public Safety, and many are subsequently pushed back over the border into Mexico. Texas claims to have returned more than 80,000 illegal immigrants to Mexico, and arrested tens of thousands more for various crimes including drug trafficking [Operation Lone Star Ramps Up Historic Response To Biden’s Border Crisis,, January 5, 2024]. The operation has been an unmitigated success, and as a result the Federal government has continually sought to interfere with Texas’ constitutional right to defend its inherent sovereignty.

As Texas put up more barriers and barred the Federal agents from accessing a public park, both the state and the Federal government made emergency appeals to the nation’s highest court. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 vote to allow the Department of Homeland Security to cut the razor wire fencing installed by the State of Texas along the border with Mexico [Supreme Court allows Border Patrol agents to remove razor wire Texas installed at Mexico border, by Lawrence Hurley, NBCNews, January 22, 2024].

In spite of this, Governor Abbott has announced construction of Forward Operating Base, a (National Guard) military base costing $131 million in the Del Rio Sector [Texas Takes Bold Stand: New Military Base to Secure the Border, The Conservative Fix, February 19, 2024]
Ukraine protects its borders with tanks, missiles, fully automatic weapons that kill people. The US gives them billions so they can repel the you get the hint?
There are laws in force that are more than adequate to "defend our borders." Every human who presents himself at the border must provide some justification to get in. If not, they cannot come in. Period. If they claim to be refugees seeking asylum, there are criteria that must be met. The Biden Administration PRESUMES that every single one of the bastards has a legitimate claim, knowing that only a small percentage of them meet the international criteria. This is insane. They should be kept out until there is a hearing to evaluate their claim, then if it is valid let them in. This is what Trump was doing.

No person can be legally hired in the U.S. without filling out an I-9 form, which is impossible for someone who is not legally here. "We" need to start enforcing that vigorously, using police agents from all levels of government. If ineligible people are hired, THROW THE SUPERVISORS IN JAIL! The problem will stop, immediately.

We need to aggressively deport everyone found to be in the country illegally. Put them on a bus, a plane, an SUV or an ox-cart; makes no difference, but get them the fuck out of the country.
best way to get rid of the vermin crossing our southern border. Not by Trains, Planes or automobiles. Send them one way, so they cant come back.

Unite with Governor Abbott of TX. Follow his lead. We all owe our children the duty we have to protect our own borders.

So help out.

Earlier (June 2023) What Can The States Do At The Border?

American news, social media, and the political class have been ablaze for weeks with the continually developing story of Texas’ Governor Greg Abbott’s stand against the Federal government in Eagle Pass. But this is just the beginning. Americans are well aware of the far-reaching powers of the Federal government. Many, however, don’t realize just how powerful state governments really are—if they decide to act.

The story in Texas began with the Biden administration’s treasonous refusal to actually secure the border. In response, the state government’s aptly named Operation Lone Star, originally only a support mission to assist the Department of Homeland Security in its purported goal to secure the U.S. frontier with Mexico, evolved into a standalone operation to secure the Texan border with Mexico.

After the Texas Department of Public Safety took control of a park in the city [Texas officers take “full control” of Eagle Pass park against city’s wishes, Texas Tribune, January 11, 2024] the number of illegal migrant crossings in the Eagle Pass region has declined from some 2,400 illegals a day to just 750 per day [Texas authorities arrest group of 10 migrants at southern border, video shows, ABC7 Chicago, January 21, 2024]. Additionally, most of those illegals that do make it across are arrested by the Texas Department of Public Safety, and many are subsequently pushed back over the border into Mexico. Texas claims to have returned more than 80,000 illegal immigrants to Mexico, and arrested tens of thousands more for various crimes including drug trafficking [Operation Lone Star Ramps Up Historic Response To Biden’s Border Crisis,, January 5, 2024]. The operation has been an unmitigated success, and as a result the Federal government has continually sought to interfere with Texas’ constitutional right to defend its inherent sovereignty.

As Texas put up more barriers and barred the Federal agents from accessing a public park, both the state and the Federal government made emergency appeals to the nation’s highest court. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 vote to allow the Department of Homeland Security to cut the razor wire fencing installed by the State of Texas along the border with Mexico [Supreme Court allows Border Patrol agents to remove razor wire Texas installed at Mexico border, by Lawrence Hurley, NBCNews, January 22, 2024].

In spite of this, Governor Abbott has announced construction of Forward Operating Base, a (National Guard) military base costing $131 million in the Del Rio Sector [Texas Takes Bold Stand: New Military Base to Secure the Border, The Conservative Fix, February 19, 2024]

Expand E verify and fine employers who hire illegals. They will self deport within six months.
Ukraine protects its borders with tanks, missiles, fully automatic weapons that kill people. The US gives them billions so they can repel the you get the hint?

What country has invaded the US with their military?
Expand E verify and fine employers who hire illegals. They will self deport within six months.
Many employers are not subject to E Verify. It is a crappy law.

What states require E-Verify 2024?

E-Verify is voluntary except for federal contractors and in certain states which require all employers to use it, including Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Utah.
DEPORT every last illegal and arm the border with tanks and machine guns to keep them out!
It's very simple. Other countries have been successful.

Expand E-verify and fine employers who hire illegals. They will self deport in six months.
Many employers are not subject to E Verify. It is a crappy law.

What states require E-Verify 2024?

E-Verify is voluntary except for federal contractors and in certain states which require all employers to use it, including Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Utah.
Make it mandatory.
It's very simple. Other countries have been successful.

Expand E-verify and fine employers who hire illegals. They will self deport in six months.
Republicans tried to do what you say you want. But Democrats blocked them.

Accountability Through Electronic Verification ActSummary (118th Congress)This legislation permanently reauthorizes and expands the E-Verify program.The bill requires: (1) federal agencies, contractors, and critical employers to participate in E-Verify; (2) allU.S. employers to participate in E-Verify within one year of enactment and; (3) employers using a contract,subcontract, or exchange to obtain labor to certify that they utilize E-Verify.The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) can require E-Verify participation of an employer prior to oneyear after enactment if DHS has reasonable cause to believe that the employer is or has been engaged in theunlawful employment of unauthorized aliens.An employer’s failure to use E-Verify shall be treated as a violation of the Immigration and Nationality Act(INA) requirement to verify employment eligibility, and also creates a rebuttable presumption that theemployer knowingly hired, recruited, or referred an illegal alien.The bill also increases civil and criminal penalties for specified hiring-related violations, and establishes agood faith civil penalty exemption/reduction for certain hiring-related violations.Employers who are convicted of specified hiring related crimes or who have repeatedly committed specifiedhiring-related violations shall be disbarred from federal contract, grant, or cooperative agreement participation.State and local governments may not prohibit employers from using E-Verify to determine the employmenteligibility of new hires or current employees.The bill authorizes the verification of individuals before they are hired, recruited, or referred if the individualso consents.Employers are required to: (1) use E-Verify to verify the identity and employment eligibility of any individualwho has not been previously verified through E-Verify not later than one year after enactment; (2) re-verify thework authorization of individuals not later than three days after their employment authorization is due toexpire, and (3) terminate an employee following receipt of a final E-Verify non-confirmation and submitinformation DHS determines would assist it in enforcing or administering U.S. immigration laws.U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) must submit a weekly report to Immigration and CustomsEnforcement (ICE) regarding each person receiving a final E-Verify non-confirmation. USCIS is required toestablish a demonstration program to assist small businesses in rural areas or areas without Internet capabilitiesin verifying employment eligibility through the use of publicly accessible Internet terminals.The Social Security Administration, DHS, and the Department of the Treasury shall establish an informationsharing program to share information that could help lead to the identification of unauthorized aliens.The federal criminal code is amended to: (1) provide that illegal aliens possessing or otherwise using falseidentification information not their own can be punished for identity fraud, and (2) subject a person who usesfalse identity information in furtherance of harboring or hiring illegal aliens to a fine and/or penalty of up to 20years in prison.The bill establishes the Employer Compliance Inspection Center (ECIC) within ICE Homeland SecurityInvestigations to consolidate and streamline the process for conducting 1-9 audits, employment eligibilityverification, and related worksite enforcement investigations.
It's very simple. Other countries have been successful.

Expand E-verify and fine employers who hire illegals. They will self deport in six months.
Come on, if illegals are coming here for jobs why are we providing hundreds of billions in free money, travel, housing, food, healthcare? Seems like they are broke ass bitches with no job.
There are laws in force that are more than adequate to "defend our borders." Every human who presents himself at the border must provide some justification to get in. If not, they cannot come in. Period. If they claim to be refugees seeking asylum, there are criteria that must be met. The Biden Administration PRESUMES that every single one of the bastards has a legitimate claim, knowing that only a small percentage of them meet the international criteria. This is insane. They should be kept out until there is a hearing to evaluate their claim, then if it is valid let them in. This is what Trump was doing.

No person can be legally hired in the U.S. without filling out an I-9 form, which is impossible for someone who is not legally here. "We" need to start enforcing that vigorously, using police agents from all levels of government. If ineligible people are hired, THROW THE SUPERVISORS IN JAIL! The problem will stop, immediately.

Simplistic nonsense from a simpleton.
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Expand E verify and fine employers who hire illegals. They will self deport within six months.
I support E-Verify with some reservations

ICE must not be allowed to cherry pick republican owned businesses to raid while ignoring similar companies owned by democrat donars

Enforcement must be broad based and non political

Also illegal workers employed there must be taken into custody and deported immediately

Catch and release must not be an option

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