Howard Stern: Blacks vote for Obama because he's black

That's what I meant.

yep, ewe nailed it,, they keep on voting democrat, and their lives never improve.. 72% un wed mother rate.. poverty stricken, food stamps, bla bla bla and they just keep on voting democrat.. maybe just maybe they should give the "personal responsibility" and "be your own person" party another looksee.

So poor blacks should vote for the party that wants to cut Medicaid and foodstamps and pass the savings along to the Rich?

I've never heard of such a party.

Yes, your claim is a lie. You're just a pathetic little hoodie wearer.


Is THAT Willow? Who knew, eh?

Tick? You're pathetic.
yep, ewe nailed it,, they keep on voting democrat, and their lives never improve.. 72% un wed mother rate.. poverty stricken, food stamps, bla bla bla and they just keep on voting democrat.. maybe just maybe they should give the "personal responsibility" and "be your own person" party another looksee.

So poor blacks should vote for the party that wants to cut Medicaid and foodstamps and pass the savings along to the Rich?

I've never heard of such a party.

Because you're ignorant. Both Romney and Ryan have economic plans that will cut Medicaid and foodstamps and give huge tax cuts to the Rich.
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then state the correct number and link it asswipe! you've had three chances.

You made the lying claim, moron. Back it up or shut up.

98%,, and that's no lie,, so now it's up to ewe to prove I'm lying.. game set match.

I've already found the correct number, and you're a liar. First off, 98% of blacks didn't vote. They were only 13% of those that did, which means about half of all African Americans didn't go to the polls. As for those who did go to the polls, 98% did not vote for Obama.

Why are you making up shit like this?
Because you're ignorant. Both Romney and Ryan have economic plans that will cut Medicaid and foodstamps and give huge tax cuts to the Rich.

link to these plans?

Why would you need a link to them? You jabber on and on about the GOP as if you know something about them.

Are you admitting you have no clue what Romney and Ryan want to do?

well, you democraps showed an ad with Congressman Ryan shoving grandma in a wheelchair over a cliff,, do ewe stand by that? yes or no?
You made the lying claim, moron. Back it up or shut up.

98%,, and that's no lie,, so now it's up to ewe to prove I'm lying.. game set match.

I've already found the correct number, and you're a liar. First off, 98% of blacks didn't vote. They were only 13% of those that did, which means about half of all African Americans didn't go to the polls. As for those who did go to the polls, 98% did not vote for Obama.

Why are you making up shit like this?

98% did not vote for brock? who did them vote for then? McCain?

98%,, and that's no lie,, so now it's up to ewe to prove I'm lying.. game set match.

I've already found the correct number, and you're a liar. First off, 98% of blacks didn't vote. They were only 13% of those that did, which means about half of all African Americans didn't go to the polls. As for those who did go to the polls, 98% did not vote for Obama.

Why are you making up shit like this?

98% did not vote for brock? who did them vote for then? McCain?


He means out of the total of people who voted, it was 13 percent blacks. And of course 95-98% of that segment went for Barrack. That's significant. It means he doesn't even have to get quite 4 of 10 of the remaining voters.
Blacks are the most racist group in America ( against whites anyway ) I grew up in chocolate city, and went to DC puplic schools - I know this to be true. They voted for Obama because he was the darkest one running! I asked a black friend of mine that very ?
He answered me like it was a foregone conclusion - " because he is black " When I challenged him further his explanation was that a black is going to look after his people. There are tons of ignorant blacks who think the same way. They do a 1, ply search, and are immune to any other considerations!
Howard Stern is an idiot.
And those who pay attention to what he says are worse.

I'm sure there's some truth there. Many blacks will vote for Obama because he's black.

But look at the other side.

Republicans will vote for and support a man who they believe is a member of a "cult". They deny the Christian President is a Christian because he is black. All evidence says he has spent his entire life going to a "Christian" Church, only it's not a REAL "Christian Church" because it's all "black". That's racism, pure and simple.

Republicans talk about having a Hispanic VP nominee to attract the "Hispanic" vote. Not because he's smart or good for the country, but because he's "Hispanic".

Republicans belong to a party that's 90% white. Every time one of these race threads come out, they crawl out from where it's damp and spew their vitriol. They just can't resist the racism. It's clear what they have against Obama and it's only skin deep.

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