Hoyer 'Trumps' Pelosi, Tells President The House Is His For His SotU Address

The title of your thread is a lie. The House doesn't "want" Trump to give the address.

Ok, lil' Psycho - let's 'play'....

Here is the title of the thread:

"Hoyer 'Trumps' Pelosi, Tells President The House Is His For His SotU Address"

Please highlight the word 'WANT' in the title....


Easy - 1

Psycho - 0

Your title is a lie. From your own link, dipshit:

Asked by host Neil Cavuto whether Trump can legally request to deliver the State of the Union in the House over Pelosi's objection, Hoyer indicated that he could not.
Ronald McTrump can deliver his SOTU address from his favorite eatery.
My every thought is original.


yeah, that is why you mindlessly copied and pasted the amazing list of accomplishments. :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

The problem is that you are too stupid to even know that you are nothing but a sheep.

Those are facts and they weren't mindlessly copied. I took great care in copying down the accomplishments of the GOP and Trump thus far in his first term and I appreciate you acknowledging them.

All you have is mindless name calling with zero facts to back anything you say up.

So, you are telling me you personally fact checked each and everyone of them before copying and pasting.

lying bastard!

Why do you give Trump credit for the extend period of economic expansion when he has only been president for 20% of it?

I seemed to have missed your post praising Obama for the other 80%

It's your job to debunk the listed accomplishments. I'll be waiting! Good luck!!

First debunk...(more to follow)

your list gives credit to Trump for the extend period of economic expansion when he was only the POTUS for 20% of it. So, it is bullshit to give Trump credit.

Your flailing and failing. Which I can see you accustomed to.
Not his to give.
Not Pelosi's to deny/withhold ... especially after lying about the DHS and Secret Service.
Actually it is hers to deny, .Not sure what lies you think she told.
She declared the DHS and State Dept could not provide security purity during the speech due to the shutdown. They both immediately came out to say that was not true. It was a huge stir every one NOT living under a rock heard about.

Of course the DHS came out and denied it, she works for Trump and needs to keep her job.
It was a lie, dumbass...an easily proven lie. And afterwards Pelosi attempted to flee the country instead of do her job. Wha t a lying failed Speaker!
"fleeing the country" is a pretty "liberal" way to phrase it.

i see people get mad when what trump does is mischaracterized then i see those people do it. never ending battle, i suppose.
My every thought is original.


yeah, that is why you mindlessly copied and pasted the amazing list of accomplishments. :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

The problem is that you are too stupid to even know that you are nothing but a sheep.

Those are facts and they weren't mindlessly copied. I took great care in copying down the accomplishments of the GOP and Trump thus far in his first term and I appreciate you acknowledging them.

All you have is mindless name calling with zero facts to back anything you say up.

So, you are telling me you personally fact checked each and everyone of them before copying and pasting.

lying bastard!

Why do you give Trump credit for the extend period of economic expansion when he has only been president for 20% of it?

I seemed to have missed your post praising Obama for the other 80%

It's your job to debunk the listed accomplishments. I'll be waiting! Good luck!!

so, no matter what anyone post, it is not heir job to support it, it is on others to disprove everything posted? Is that your position?

My position is, if you want to challenge the facts posted, then the onus is on you to provide evidence to support it.
yeah, that is why you mindlessly copied and pasted the amazing list of accomplishments. :21::21::21::21::21::21::21:

The problem is that you are too stupid to even know that you are nothing but a sheep.

Those are facts and they weren't mindlessly copied. I took great care in copying down the accomplishments of the GOP and Trump thus far in his first term and I appreciate you acknowledging them.

All you have is mindless name calling with zero facts to back anything you say up.

So, you are telling me you personally fact checked each and everyone of them before copying and pasting.

lying bastard!

Why do you give Trump credit for the extend period of economic expansion when he has only been president for 20% of it?

I seemed to have missed your post praising Obama for the other 80%

It's your job to debunk the listed accomplishments. I'll be waiting! Good luck!!

First debunk...(more to follow)

your list gives credit to Trump for the extend period of economic expansion when he was only the POTUS for 20% of it. So, it is bullshit to give Trump credit.

Your flailing and failing. Which I can see you accustomed to.

Nothing will matter to you, you worship the man in the White House and as such you are the one he was talking about when he said he could shoot someone and you would still vote for him.

you are stupid enough to think he has been in office for more than 95 months...there is no help for you.

Does it matter at all to you that each month has been a new record for extended job gains since October of 2014? of course not, you give Trump the credit for something happening 21 months before he took office
Those are facts and they weren't mindlessly copied. I took great care in copying down the accomplishments of the GOP and Trump thus far in his first term and I appreciate you acknowledging them.

All you have is mindless name calling with zero facts to back anything you say up.

So, you are telling me you personally fact checked each and everyone of them before copying and pasting.

lying bastard!

Why do you give Trump credit for the extend period of economic expansion when he has only been president for 20% of it?

I seemed to have missed your post praising Obama for the other 80%

It's your job to debunk the listed accomplishments. I'll be waiting! Good luck!!

First debunk...(more to follow)

your list gives credit to Trump for the extend period of economic expansion when he was only the POTUS for 20% of it. So, it is bullshit to give Trump credit.

Your flailing and failing. Which I can see you accustomed to.

Nothing will matter to you, you worship the man in the White House and as such you are the one he was talking about when he said he could shoot someone and you would still vote for him.

you are stupid enough to think he has been in office for more than 95 months...there is no help for you.

Does it matter at all to you that each month has been a new record for extended job gains since October of 2014? of course not, you give Trump the credit for something happening 21 months before he took office

I don't worship any man. Please stop projecting!

Oh and if he shot someone and it violated the law, he should be punished accordingly.

95 months? No he won't accomplish that until near the end of his second term.
"fleeing the country" is a pretty "liberal" way to phrase it.
Well, it was a liberal doing it. If you would like, I myself like to consider it 'sneaking' out of the country.

Either way she tried to leave the country, shirking her responsibility / abdicating her role as Speaker during her shutdown.
So, you are telling me you personally fact checked each and everyone of them before copying and pasting.

lying bastard!

Why do you give Trump credit for the extend period of economic expansion when he has only been president for 20% of it?

I seemed to have missed your post praising Obama for the other 80%

It's your job to debunk the listed accomplishments. I'll be waiting! Good luck!!

First debunk...(more to follow)

your list gives credit to Trump for the extend period of economic expansion when he was only the POTUS for 20% of it. So, it is bullshit to give Trump credit.

Your flailing and failing. Which I can see you accustomed to.

Nothing will matter to you, you worship the man in the White House and as such you are the one he was talking about when he said he could shoot someone and you would still vote for him.

you are stupid enough to think he has been in office for more than 95 months...there is no help for you.

Does it matter at all to you that each month has been a new record for extended job gains since October of 2014? of course not, you give Trump the credit for something happening 21 months before he took office

I don't worship any man. Please stop projecting!

Oh and if he shot someone and it violated the law, he should be punished accordingly.

95 months? No he won't accomplish that until near the end of his second term.

And yet you gave him credit for something that has been going on for 93 (sorry for my error of typing 95) months.

Why are you giving him credit for something he has only been a part of for 24 out of 93 months?
It's your job to debunk the listed accomplishments. I'll be waiting! Good luck!!

First debunk...(more to follow)

your list gives credit to Trump for the extend period of economic expansion when he was only the POTUS for 20% of it. So, it is bullshit to give Trump credit.

Your flailing and failing. Which I can see you accustomed to.

Nothing will matter to you, you worship the man in the White House and as such you are the one he was talking about when he said he could shoot someone and you would still vote for him.

you are stupid enough to think he has been in office for more than 95 months...there is no help for you.

Does it matter at all to you that each month has been a new record for extended job gains since October of 2014? of course not, you give Trump the credit for something happening 21 months before he took office

I don't worship any man. Please stop projecting!

Oh and if he shot someone and it violated the law, he should be punished accordingly.

95 months? No he won't accomplish that until near the end of his second term.

And yet you gave him credit for something that has been going on for 93 (sorry for my error of typing 95) months.

Why are you giving him credit for something he has only been a part of for 24 out of 93 months?

I gave nothing but the facts, How you interpret them is up to you. Perhaps you have a ten year old around that can help you with that.
I gave nothing but the facts, How you interpret them is up to you. Perhaps you have a ten year old around that can help you with that.

You listed it as a Trump accomplishment...that is a lie.

but thanks for admitting your level of intellect is at the 10 year old level. that explains a lot about you.
I gave nothing but the facts, How you interpret them is up to you. Perhaps you have a ten year old around that can help you with that.

You listed it as a Trump accomplishment...that is a lie.

GOP and Trump.

I gave nothing but the facts, How you interpret them is up to you. Perhaps you have a ten year old around that can help you with that.

You listed it as a Trump accomplishment...that is a lie.

GOP and Trump.

View attachment 241671

Nothing has moved. Just keeping it real. Trump could not have made all those accomplishments alone.

You still haven't debunked any specific accomplishment listed.
Of course it is, and the people elected her to run it.
Which she refuses / refused to do, as evident by her recent attempt to sneak out of the country, abdicating her position / responsibilities during her shutdown.
Of course it is, and the people elected her to run it.
Which she refuses / refused to do, as evident by her recent attempt to sneak out of the country, abdicating her position / responsibilities during her shutdown.
Lol, she was going to "sneak out" on a pre scheduled trip using a military plane to do her job.

You people are nuts.
...Actually it is hers to deny, .Not sure what lies you think she told.
Stating that the Secret Service and DHS and Capitol Police could not provide security for the President for the SOTU?
Ok, let's assume those are actual lies and not those two organizations reacting to having their professional pride impinged.

In your minds how do Pelosi's 2 stand up against tRumps 6,000+?
Oh, hell, I routinely bash The Creature around here - and that damned hard - you won't catch me defending him.

However, there has to be an Adult In The Room in this context, and Ms. Bug-Eyes isn't the answer.

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